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Last active October 12, 2015 07:48
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configration for vrome
" "" .vromerc example file
" Change key mapping in normal mode, please check Vrome Features for available key mapping
" map j <C-f>
map j 10j
map k 10k
" traverse tabs
map <C-j> gt
map <C-k> gT
map h gT
map l gt
" Remove key mapping in normal mode, bring back normal search
unmap <C-f>
unmap <M-d>
" Pin item
map ! gp
" swap yank mappings
map y Y
map <C-c> y
map <M-x> :
map gL $
map gH 0
unmap <C-RET>
iunmap <C-RET>
map dd dc
" Change key mapping in insert mode
" imap <M-h> <M-w>
" Remove key mapping in insert mode
iunmap <M-w>
" Rule for next/prev page. (Should written in RegExp)
set nextpattern+=^NextPage|››$
set previouspattern+=^PrevPage|‹‹$
" Change external editor, default is GVim
set editor=gvim -f
" Disable Vrome in those sites, Multiple URLs can be separated with ','
set,, ,
""" """ .vromerc example file
""" " Note: sync with wiki
""" " Change key mapping in normal mode, please check Vrome Features for available key mapping
""" map j
""" map j 10j
""" " Remove key mapping in normal mode
""" unmap
""" " Change key mapping in insert mode
""" imap
""" " Remove key mapping in insert mode
""" iunmap
""" " Change hotkey for go next / previous / next 10 / previous 10 matched item in autocomplete
""" set autocomplete_prev=
""" set autocomplete_next=
""" set autocomplete_prev_10=
""" set autocomplete_next_10=
""" " Rule for next/prev page. (Should written in RegExp)
""" set nextpattern+=^NextPage|››$
""" set previouspattern+=^PrevPage|‹‹$
""" " set no status line — i.e keys don’t show as you type. enabled by default
""" set showstatus=0
""" " Change external editor, default is GVim
""" set editor=gvim -f
""" " Disable Vrome in those sites, Multiple URLs can be separated with ‘,’
""" set, // don’t run Vrome in those sites
""" " Define search engines. the value should be valid json looks like below.
""" " Please remember the first searchengine is the default one. in the below one, it is google
""" set searchengines={"google":“{{keyword}}”, “yahoo”:“{{keyword}}”,“wikipedia”:“{{keyword}}”,“answers”:“{{keyword}}”,“yubnub”:“{{keyword}}”}
""" " You could also add some new searchengines without overwrite build in.
""" set searchengines+={"baidu":“{{keyword}}”}
""" " Change default search engine, default is google.
""" set defaultsearch=yahoo
""" " Disable autocomplete
""" set noautocomplete
""" " Change enable vrome keybinding, default is
""" set enable_vrome_key=
""" " The server port is what external server running on
""" " The external server is used to support launch the external editor in insert mode.
""" " Please refer “Support External Editor” for more
""" set server_port=30000
""" " Set your hintkeys instead of the default 0123456789
""" set hintkeys=jlkhfsdagwerui
""" " Alternative: creates two sets of hint keys separated by a semicolon. First set uses keys close to the home row to create combinations, second set is used as a last resort
""" " Note: this trigger the smart sorting in multi mode. Matching elements by level of similarity
""" set hintkeys=dsafrewq,tgcx
""" " overwrites the sub actions by your own set of actions
""" set hint_actions={"`": “[”, “,”: "{"}
""" " by default, hints use numbers. You can have both numbers AND strings (view custom JS below). Or you can use strings only as hints and overwrite the number commands
""" set useletters=1
""" begin_custom_js
""" // in case you have a frontendExec in a remote file + a frontendExec in your local filesystem. This way, they don’t overwrite each other
""" var remoteExists = typeof frontendExec != “undefined”;
""" if(remoteExists)
""" oldexec = frontendExec;
""" // this function is called whenever you load a page
""" frontendExec = function() {
""" if(remoteExists)
""" oldexec();
""" // examples of overwrites with(KeyEvent) { add(“tcm”, Buffer.deleteMatch); add(“tcc”, Tab.closeOtherTabs); add(“tcq”, Tab.closeLeftTabs); add(“tce”, Tab.closeRightTabs); add(“tcp”, Tab.closeUnPinnedTabs); add(“yy”, Tab.copyUrl); add(“tw”, Tab.closeAndFoucsLeft); add(“f”, Hint.start_string); add(“c”, Hint.new_tab_start_string); add(“”, Hint.multi_mode_start_string); add(“”, Hint.start); }
""" }
""" end_custom_js
""" begin_custom_css
""" .__vim_hint_highlight_span {
""" text-transform: uppercase;
""" }
""" end_custom_css
""" " vim: set ft=vim:
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