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Created November 13, 2020 13:11
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TOML config for (Theme Introduction)
baseURL = "" # Your domain name. Must end with "/"
theme = "hugo-theme-introduction"
DefaultContentLanguage = "es" # Default language for multilingual sites
disqusshortname = "Eclectikus" #
googleAnalytics = "UA-xxxxxxxx-xx" #
ignoreFiles = ["\\.Rmd$", "\\.Rmarkdown$", "_files$", "_cache$"]
themeStyle = "light" # Choose "light" or "dark"
favicon = "/img/favicon.ico" # Path to favicon file
showRSSButton = false # Show rss button in navigation
fadeIn = true # Turn on/off the fade-in effect
fadeInIndex = true # Turn on/off the fade-in effect on the index page even if fade-in was otherwise turned off
dateFormat = "Jan 2, 2006"
email = "" # E-mail address for contact section
customCSS = ["mystyle.css"] # Include custom css files placed under assets/
enableRobotsTXT = true # I think this does not work -Ec
# Configure the home page
introHeight = "medium" # Input either "medium" or "large" or "fullheight"
showLatest = true # Show latest blog post summary
showAllPosts = false # Set true to list all posts on home page, or set false to link to separate blog list page
numberOfProjectsToShow = 3 # Maximum number of projects to show on home page. Unset or comment out to show all projects
localTime = true # Show your current local time in contact section
timeZone = "Europe/Madrid" # Your timezone as in the TZ* column of this list:
timeFormat = "h:mm A" #
useTwoColumns = true # Use a layout with two columns instead of three
# Share buttons on blog post pages
twitter = true
facebook = true
# googlePlus = true
# pinterest = true
# Social icons appear in introduction and contact section. Add as many more as you like.
# Icon pack "fab" includes social network icons, see:
# Icon pack "fas" includes solid style icons, see:
url = ""
icon = "twitter" # icon name without the 'fa-'
icon_pack = "fab"
url = ""
icon = "tumblr"
icon_pack = "fab"
url = ""
icon = "github"
icon_pack = "fab"
# [[]]
# url = ""
# icon = "linkedin-in" # icon name without the 'fa-'
# icon_pack = "fab"
# [[]]
# url = "" # For a direct email link, use "".
# icon = "paper-plane" # icon name without the 'fa-'
# icon_pack = "fas"
# [[]]
# url = ""
# icon = "tumblr-square" # icon name without the 'fa-'
# icon_pack = "fab"
# html_attributes = "rel=\"me\"" # Add rel attribute for Mastodon profile link verification
# If you don't want to use the default menu, you can define one by yourself
name = "Inicio"
url = "/"
weight = 10
name = "WIPs"
url = "/#wip"
weight = 20
name = "Info"
url = "/#about"
weight = 30
name = "Blog"
url = "/blog"
weight = 40
name = "tags"
url = "/tags"
weight = 50
name = "Privacidad etc"
url = "/#teclegal"
weight = 60
name = "Contacto"
url = "/#contact"
weight = 70
# We only use tag as a taxonomies
# You can add more by yourself
tag = "tags"
languageName = "Español"
languageCode = "es"
contentDir = "content/es"
weight = 0
title = "noSoloDatos"
description = "Comentarios y opiniones sobre ciencia, tecnología y sociedad. Adquisición, tratamiento y análisis de datos, OSINT..."
footerText = "" # Text to override default footer text (markdown allowed)
languageName = "English"
languageCode = "en-us"
contentDir = "content/en"
weight = 1
title = "´noSoloDatos"
description = "If we have data, let’s look at data. If all we have are opinions, let’s go with mine." # Max 160 characters show in search results
footerText = "" # Text to override default footer text (markdown allowed)
# []
# languageName = "Deutsch"
# languageCode = "de"
# contentDir = "content/de"
# weight = 2
# title = "Vorstellung"
# []
# dateFormat = "2. January 2006"
# description = "Beschreibung der Webseite"
# # footerText = ""
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