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  • Save EclesioMeloJunior/f2271f1bc70dbf84fe7b427c4a60500d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EclesioMeloJunior/f2271f1bc70dbf84fe7b427c4a60500d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
go build -trimpath -o ./bin/gossamer ./cmd/gossamer
❯ ./bin/gossamer --config ./chain/dev/config.toml --bootnodes /ip4/
2022-07-20T08:43:47-04:00 INFO loading toml configuration from ./chain/dev/config.toml... config.go:L50 pkg=cmd
2022-07-20T08:43:47-04:00 WARN overwriting default configuration with id with toml configuration values from ./chain/dev/config.toml config.go:L54 pkg=cmd
2022-07-20T08:43:47-04:00 INFO loaded package log configuration: core: INFO, digest: INFO, sync: INFO, network: INFO, rpc: INFO, state: INFO, runtime: INFO, block producer: INFO, finality gadget: DBUG config.go:L123 pkg=cmd
2022-07-20T08:43:47-04:00 INFO 🕸️ initialising node with name spin-tooth-53756, id gssmr, base path /Users/eclesiojunior/go/src/ and genesis ./chain/dev/genesis.json... node.go:L128 pkg=dot
2022-07-20T08:43:48-04:00 INFO block state hash genesis hash: 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 initialize.go:L108 pkg=state
2022-07-20T08:43:48-04:00 INFO node initialised with name spin-tooth-53756, id gssmr, base path /Users/eclesiojunior/go/src/, genesis ./chain/dev/genesis.json, block 0 and genesis hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 node.go:L188 pkg=dot
2022-07-20T08:43:48-04:00 INFO 🕸️ initialising node services with global configuration name spin-tooth-53756, id gssmr_test_dev and base path /Users/eclesiojunior/go/src/ node.go:L245 pkg=dot
2022-07-20T08:43:48-04:00 INFO created state service with head 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, highest number 0 and genesis hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 service.go:L164 pkg=state
2022-07-20T08:43:48-04:00 INFO Generating p2p identity with seed 0 and key file /Users/eclesiojunior/go/src/ config.go:L176 pkg=network
2022-07-20T08:43:54-04:00 INFO creating runtime with interpreter wasmer... services.go:L108 pkg=dot
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 DBUG creating service with authority=true, pub=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 and voter set [key=0x88dc3417d5058ec4b4503e0c12ea1a0a89be200fe98922423d4334014fa6b0ee id=1] [key=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 id=1] [key=0x439660b36c6c03afafca027b910b4fecf99801834c62a5e6006f27d978de234f id=1] grandpa.go:L121 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 INFO registered notifications sub-protocol /paritytech/grandpa/1 service.go:L538 pkg=network
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 INFO creating BABE service as authority... services.go:L182 pkg=dot
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 INFO keystore with keys [0xc001abe140] services.go:L190 pkg=dot
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 INFO creating rpc service with host localhost, external=false, port 8545, modules system,author,chain,state,rpc,grandpa,offchain,childstate,syncstate,payment, ws=true, ws port 8546 and ws external=false services.go:L313 pkg=dot
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 INFO starting node spin-tooth-53756... main.go:L291 pkg=cmd
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 INFO 🕸️ starting node services... node.go:L457 pkg=dot
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 INFO Starting services: [*pprof.Service *system.Service *network.Service *digest.Handler *core.Service *grandpa.Service *sync.Service *babe.Service *rpc.HTTPServer *state.Service] services.go:L57 pkg=dot,services
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 INFO pprof http server listening on run.go:L52 pkg=pprof
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 INFO registered notifications sub-protocol /gssmr_test/block-announces/1 service.go:L538 pkg=network
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 INFO registered notifications sub-protocol /gssmr_test/transactions/1 service.go:L538 pkg=network
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 INFO Started listening on /ip4/ service.go:L303 pkg=network
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 INFO Started listening on /ip4/ service.go:L303 pkg=network
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 WARN handlign GRANDPA message from 12D3KooWDpJ7As7BWAwRMfu1VU2WCqNjvq387JEYKDBj4kx6nXTN: (*network.ConsensusMessage) ConsensusMessage Data=02010100000000000000000000000000000000000000 network.go:L126 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 WARN handle grandpa message: (*grandpa.NeighbourMessage) &{1 1 0 0} message_handler.go:L44 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 INFO started network service with supported protocols /p2p/id/delta/1.0.0, /ipfs/id/1.0.0, /ipfs/id/push/1.0.0, /ipfs/ping/1.0.0, /paritytech/grandpa/1, /gssmr_test/sync/2, /gssmr_test/light/2, /gssmr_test/block-announces/1, /gssmr_test/transactions/1, /gssmr_test/kad service.go:L323 pkg=network
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 DBUG incrementing grandpa round, next round will be 1 grandpa.go:L339 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 WARN send neighbour message: &{1 1 0 0} network.go:L213 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 DBUG starting round 1 with set id 0 grandpa.go:L462 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 DBUG receiving pre-vote messages... grandpa.go:L474 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 INFO Starting HTTP Server on host localhost and port 8545... http.go:L146 pkg=rpc
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 INFO initiating epoch 0 with start slot 414580243 epoch.go:L59 pkg=babe
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 INFO Starting WebSocket Server on host localhost and port 8546... http.go:L167 pkg=rpc
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 DBUG receiving pre-commit messages... grandpa.go:L500 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:43:55-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage prevote: stage=prevote hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L585 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:43:56-04:00 DBUG sending pre-commit message stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69... grandpa.go:L538 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:43:56-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:43:57-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:43:59-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:00-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 1 peers connected, head block number 17 with hash 0xc36ab9e701db3eb30302b37f1e9d7afef9ce9b79e626a8eca12f5b3c5a27b59f, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:44:01-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:02-04:00 INFO built block 18 with hash 0x77a7778bf71a0ed8056f1e01d574b2e7397e7d0abf520a1efe374ae733f1d0ab, state root 0x33c06d109a1309db56f6ff699dae5dc8df5e84229f8566e4d1ec5d85dd3e336b, epoch 0 and slot 414580260 babe.go:L541 pkg=babe
2022-07-20T08:44:02-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:04-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:05-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 1 peers connected, head block number 18 with hash 0x77a7778bf71a0ed8056f1e01d574b2e7397e7d0abf520a1efe374ae733f1d0ab, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:44:06-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:06-04:00 INFO built block 19 with hash 0xff7c128dc0b429439bf09aef6c215d990aaafa9f07724d8d9974b4262fec5564, state root 0x960ebf2710bd062bda76d383889fa6e18d0726a22ce186f11b5ddff8138bab4a, epoch 0 and slot 414580261 babe.go:L541 pkg=babe
2022-07-20T08:44:07-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:09-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:10-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 1 peers connected, head block number 20 with hash 0x87d28196493c9e870684880dfbf8733524df7e3af175a4a8dade34a36dd01571, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:44:11-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:12-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:14-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:15-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 1 peers connected, head block number 21 with hash 0x002dfb0293b2e550bbe2ff66265f08b185bb73946bcb92c1d45820e7c80a43e1, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:44:16-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:17-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:18-04:00 INFO built block 22 with hash 0x4c06f77dcbd5c1dbbba24a8bc377d088af723c6ce30fbebf753f9e6f3aaa296d, state root 0x80ca5e292f2980f5dfe8bd3a69e28dad40cf90d74e46a32247d9014d70993952, epoch 0 and slot 414580264 babe.go:L541 pkg=babe
2022-07-20T08:44:19-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:20-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 1 peers connected, head block number 22 with hash 0x4c06f77dcbd5c1dbbba24a8bc377d088af723c6ce30fbebf753f9e6f3aaa296d, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:44:21-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:22-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:24-04:00 INFO target=runtime::staking message=[24] 💸 generated 3 npos voters, 3 from validators and 0 nominators imports.go:L144:ext_logging_log_version_1 pkg=runtime module=go-wasmer
2022-07-20T08:44:24-04:00 INFO target=runtime::election-provider message=[#24] 🗳 creating a snapshot with metadata SolutionOrSnapshotSize { voters: 3, targets: 3 } imports.go:L144:ext_logging_log_version_1 pkg=runtime module=go-wasmer
2022-07-20T08:44:24-04:00 INFO target=runtime::election-provider message=[#24] 🗳 Starting signed phase round 1. imports.go:L144:ext_logging_log_version_1 pkg=runtime module=go-wasmer
2022-07-20T08:44:24-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:25-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 1 peers connected, head block number 24 with hash 0x89476afd0f46c580b117599fce3b7913ad7526e9f38c36eeeaf938b31032ef8c, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:44:26-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:27-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:29-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:30-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 1 peers connected, head block number 24 with hash 0x89476afd0f46c580b117599fce3b7913ad7526e9f38c36eeeaf938b31032ef8c, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:44:30-04:00 INFO built block 25 with hash 0xb504e3909d8cbdbe2f8e9313a5db922e743ab76b7a88640c2de1cf41fbfab412, state root 0x4180a5a1dd4bf412552cd263e1a35512ac73f7056245bcf4aee252a706390e12, epoch 0 and slot 414580267 babe.go:L541 pkg=babe
2022-07-20T08:44:31-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:32-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:34-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:35-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 1 peers connected, head block number 26 with hash 0x47c928b9b7da9e4e66d66e35363227e052c2dd2d20410a5d6b0563e7679ebc7b, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:44:36-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:37-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:39-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:40-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 1 peers connected, head block number 27 with hash 0x4970034d81c5940b331437ad8f965e1d086af9a205bc9a3010af234c74e3d90d, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:44:41-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:42-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:44-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:45-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 1 peers connected, head block number 29 with hash 0xd2fb345be428721d7d27e18fca5b0871a879d9e12423d705888ca67d10c09fe2, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:44:46-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:47-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:49-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:50-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 1 peers connected, head block number 30 with hash 0x3448a90a48b521d9dbb2ec2277d8cb2769ff3a2889cb4f37a51c6a6357de01f0, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:44:51-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:52-04:00 WARN handlign GRANDPA message from 12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp: (*network.ConsensusMessage) ConsensusMessage Data=02010200000000000000000000000000000000000000 network.go:L126 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:52-04:00 WARN handle grandpa message: (*grandpa.NeighbourMessage) &{1 2 0 0} message_handler.go:L44 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:52-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:54-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:54-04:00 INFO built block 31 with hash 0xa2185376aff58a1bd93753f1ba4b54721e4bd97b2b2d8cb29f3d391ffd8362bf, state root 0xf644d3a75fc712d777bd10920edc3e92d3f9595eba99e85741f10ead4a42563f, epoch 0 and slot 414580273 babe.go:L541 pkg=babe
2022-07-20T08:44:55-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 2 peers connected, head block number 31 with hash 0xa2185376aff58a1bd93753f1ba4b54721e4bd97b2b2d8cb29f3d391ffd8362bf, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:44:56-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:57-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:44:58-04:00 INFO built block 32 with hash 0x0a5853c190dc79e06487329f25f188792280c220497e313cdaeeb4aa45cf7349, state root 0xd6a0271889eed33ad17873b09b4a9e1b12850febaaa648843ad44ce0b64e05f3, epoch 0 and slot 414580274 babe.go:L541 pkg=babe
2022-07-20T08:44:59-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:00-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 2 peers connected, head block number 32 with hash 0x2bda10edb64b1c3f009791b1d29c7b6271c80abde9675fd1e52c99b626cc6107, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:45:01-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:02-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:04-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:05-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 2 peers connected, head block number 33 with hash 0xf7cf1b192c12db9ca8a339ff180dac47bdf7693f4dbd0208c21d56ef1c6a6b77, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:45:06-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:06-04:00 INFO built block 34 with hash 0x7907b25a5c0748b443164a5ecbeea8dbb2122ff8691fd307861547e82db15297, state root 0x16b63b9e14f1ee7a9f1d4d7fa9504458cfbb2b59d050f7b85337c7b8f470420f, epoch 0 and slot 414580276 babe.go:L541 pkg=babe
2022-07-20T08:45:07-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:08-04:00 INFO target=runtime::election-provider message=[#35] 🗳 Starting unsigned phase round 1 enabled true. imports.go:L144:ext_logging_log_version_1 pkg=runtime module=go-wasmer
2022-07-20T08:45:09-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:10-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 2 peers connected, head block number 34 with hash 0x7907b25a5c0748b443164a5ecbeea8dbb2122ff8691fd307861547e82db15297, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:45:10-04:00 INFO built block 35 with hash 0x8193c17e74198e97be154e7d684b402a09cf4a8d110f103f61a0de587dc0be60, state root 0x67b5d6b040866ad7943ba0b63ddef2d31b9799d011e28a5e1482627278ae41ad, epoch 0 and slot 414580277 babe.go:L541 pkg=babe
2022-07-20T08:45:11-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:12-04:00 INFO target=runtime::election-provider message=[#36] 🗳 queued unsigned solution with score ElectionScore { minimal_stake: 10000000000000000, sum_stake: 10000000000000000, sum_stake_squared: 100000000000000000000000000000000 } imports.go:L144:ext_logging_log_version_1 pkg=runtime module=go-wasmer
2022-07-20T08:45:12-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:14-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:15-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 2 peers connected, head block number 36 with hash 0x3f85cbc81ab08347d25e87cbb000098072ba2a566d01e20e376b6b60971dc2f0, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:45:16-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:17-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:18-04:00 INFO built block 37 with hash 0x3f11a9b827534623d668e362007906dc2e50372780b56497e3d55aa6643b8665, state root 0xc57ed6e6a03204b6e691ecdce367f3c56517327c1279e31303a4225259bf8278, epoch 0 and slot 414580279 babe.go:L541 pkg=babe
2022-07-20T08:45:19-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:20-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 2 peers connected, head block number 37 with hash 0x3f11a9b827534623d668e362007906dc2e50372780b56497e3d55aa6643b8665, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:45:21-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:22-04:00 INFO built block 38 with hash 0xc58ce7998a065f57bd8ac68a2126f14ca3e4e6a7707ba8d58e6b90f8aeeaf570, state root 0x084e50ea4f8ff5bc1b81b83b787f5b859ffffb4fed1c10bd18e3e9c59d4f0432, epoch 0 and slot 414580280 babe.go:L541 pkg=babe
2022-07-20T08:45:22-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:24-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:25-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 2 peers connected, head block number 38 with hash 0xc58ce7998a065f57bd8ac68a2126f14ca3e4e6a7707ba8d58e6b90f8aeeaf570, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:45:26-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:26-04:00 INFO built block 39 with hash 0xc353a8b8606aea037537494d7baa95e45ca8976658879dfd06e582cd84b4bfb3, state root 0x3ac5609dbc47c9641f73a2c4314ef41eccd55d43181f3e00eec6a4a4af5d7bc3, epoch 0 and slot 414580281 babe.go:L541 pkg=babe
2022-07-20T08:45:27-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:29-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:30-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 0 peers connected, head block number 39 with hash 0xc353a8b8606aea037537494d7baa95e45ca8976658879dfd06e582cd84b4bfb3, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
2022-07-20T08:45:31-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:32-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:34-04:00 WARN sent vote message for stage precommit: stage=precommit hash=0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de number=13 authorityID=0xd17c2d7823ebf260fd138f2d7e27d114c0145d968b5ff5006125f2414fadae69 grandpa.go:L553 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:35-04:00 INFO 💤 node waiting, 0 peers connected, head block number 39 with hash 0xc353a8b8606aea037537494d7baa95e45ca8976658879dfd06e582cd84b4bfb3, finalised block number 0 with hash 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 chain_sync.go:L393 pkg=sync
^C2022-07-20T08:45:35-04:00 INFO signal interrupt, shutting down... node.go:L468 pkg=dot
2022-07-20T08:45:35-04:00 INFO Stopping services: [*pprof.Service *system.Service *network.Service *digest.Handler *core.Service *grandpa.Service *sync.Service *babe.Service *rpc.HTTPServer *state.Service] services.go:L70 pkg=dot,services
2022-07-20T08:45:35-04:00 WARN pprof http server shutting down: context canceled run.go:L29 pkg=pprof
2022-07-20T08:45:35-04:00 EROR failed to finalise: context cancelled grandpa.go:L528 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:35-04:00 WARN failed to play grandpa round: context cancelled grandpa.go:L374 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:35-04:00 CRIT failed to get finalised header for round 0: Key not found grandpa.go:L322 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:35-04:00 WARN failed to initiate round for round 1: Key not found grandpa.go:L361 pkg=grandpa
2022-07-20T08:45:35-04:00 CRIT failed to initiate: Key not found grandpa.go:L196 pkg=grandpa
./target/release/gssmr-test-node --alice --chain ./genesis-raw.json --tmp --node-key 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -lafg=trace,gossip=trace
2022-07-20 08:42:46.901 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate_prometheus_endpoint: 〽️ Prometheus exporter started at
2022-07-20 08:42:46.905 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Start)
2022-07-20 08:42:46.905 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Last round estimate has been finalized, not sending primary block hint for round 1
2022-07-20 08:42:46.906 INFO tokio-runtime-worker libp2p_mdns::behaviour::iface: creating instance on iface
2022-07-20 08:42:46.906 INFO tokio-runtime-worker libp2p_mdns::behaviour::iface: creating instance on iface
2022-07-20 08:42:47.576 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Start)
2022-07-20 08:42:47.576 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Last round estimate has been finalized, not sending primary block hint for round 1
2022-07-20 08:42:47.576 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Constructing prevote for round 1
2022-07-20 08:42:47.577 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoting)
2022-07-20 08:42:47.577 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Finding best chain containing block 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 with number limit None
2022-07-20 08:42:47.577 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Casting prevote for round 1
2022-07-20 08:42:47.578 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Announcing block 0x588e…c005 to peers which we voted on in round 1 in set 0
2022-07-20 08:42:47.578 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Round 1: Got incoming message
2022-07-20 08:42:47.578 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:48.005 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:48.005 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 1 left (1 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:42:49.111 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:49.111 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 1 left (1 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:42:49.382 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:49.383 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:49.383 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:49.383 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Registering peer who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 role=Authority
2022-07-20 08:42:49.383 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:49.383 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Received messages from peer messages_num=1 who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:42:49.383 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Peer 12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp updated view. Now at Round(1), SetId(0)
2022-07-20 08:42:49.383 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Sending topic message to=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 entry.message=[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 88, 142, 157, 184, 153, 175, 190, 165, 100, 27, 54, 95, 199, 80, 188, 234, 144, 64, 53, 115, 145, 159, 133, 212, 251, 36, 116, 217, 5, 122, 192, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 196, 141, 53, 212, 48, 61, 178, 158, 36, 112, 70, 144, 246, 108, 219, 26, 170, 184, 188, 179, 50, 94, 51, 158, 168, 179, 240, 37, 108, 137, 131, 105, 195, 19, 82, 156, 69, 84, 18, 124, 123, 48, 134, 109, 58, 128, 73, 220, 161, 92, 170, 140, 148, 187, 112, 139, 137, 217, 77, 167, 16, 134, 8, 136, 220, 52, 23, 213, 5, 142, 196, 180, 80, 62, 12, 18, 234, 26, 10, 137, 190, 32, 15, 233, 137, 34, 66, 61, 67, 52, 1, 79, 166, 176, 238]
2022-07-20 08:42:49.383 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Discard message from peer who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:42:49.383 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:49.384 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:49.384 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Received messages from peer messages_num=1 who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:42:49.384 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Ignored already known message who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:42:50.053 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:50.053 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Received messages from peer messages_num=1 who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:42:50.053 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Propagating message to=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 88, 142, 157, 184, 153, 175, 190, 165, 100, 27, 54, 95, 199, 80, 188, 234, 144, 64, 53, 115, 145, 159, 133, 212, 251, 36, 116, 217, 5, 122, 192, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 136, 145, 157, 72, 234, 22, 118, 80, 106, 137, 222, 28, 199, 217, 188, 163, 11, 251, 52, 211, 135, 60, 63, 97, 72, 49, 184, 85, 169, 102, 230, 10, 199, 83, 223, 29, 38, 32, 219, 121, 127, 6, 138, 177, 97, 124, 5, 25, 237, 254, 84, 212, 74, 85, 232, 252, 50, 191, 239, 101, 209, 128, 37, 0, 67, 150, 96, 179, 108, 108, 3, 175, 175, 202, 2, 123, 145, 11, 79, 236, 249, 152, 1, 131, 76, 98, 165, 230, 0, 111, 39, 217, 120, 222, 35, 79]
2022-07-20 08:42:50.053 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Pushing consensus message to sinks for 0x9a77…d127.
2022-07-20 08:42:50.053 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:50.053 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Round 1: Got incoming message
2022-07-20 08:42:50.216 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:50.216 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:42:51.321 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:51.321 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:42:51.910 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:51.910 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #0 (0x588e…c005), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 1.0kiB/s ⬆ 1.0kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:42:52.024 INFO tokio-runtime-worker babe: 👶 New epoch 0 launching at block 0x931c…77ab (block slot 414580243 >= start slot 414580243).
2022-07-20 08:42:52.024 INFO tokio-runtime-worker babe: 👶 Next epoch starts at slot 414580288
2022-07-20 08:42:52.026 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:52.026 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #1 (0x931c…77ab)
2022-07-20 08:42:52.423 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:52.423 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:42:53.528 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:53.528 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:42:54.633 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:54.633 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:42:55.738 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:55.738 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:42:56.009 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:56.009 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #2 (0xd0f5…1f5b)
2022-07-20 08:42:56.843 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:56.843 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:42:56.911 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:56.911 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #2 (0xd0f5…1f5b), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.5kiB/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:42:57.947 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:57.947 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:42:59.052 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:42:59.052 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:00.015 INFO tokio-runtime-worker sc_basic_authorship::basic_authorship: 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0xd0f52ef625ee227cbf0ec4168bb4fb8964e3073bf1017d27412625df361d1f5b
2022-07-20 08:43:00.017 INFO tokio-runtime-worker sc_basic_authorship::basic_authorship: 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 3 (0 ms) [hash: 0x51c266c73c868a8e77405d719bf35a8e48085691ff514bbb40987a526ceb098d; parent_hash: 0xd0f5…1f5b; extrinsics (1): [0x0d72…012f]]
2022-07-20 08:43:00.021 INFO tokio-runtime-worker babe: 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 3. Hash now 0x597413da5b75c038576ae799c31411dc7090e72b58f92f2f68762b49bfb69dec, previously 0x51c266c73c868a8e77405d719bf35a8e48085691ff514bbb40987a526ceb098d.
2022-07-20 08:43:00.021 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:00.021 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #3 (0x5974…9dec)
2022-07-20 08:43:00.157 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:00.157 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:01.262 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:01.262 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:01.913 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:01.913 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #3 (0x5974…9dec), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 47 B/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:43:02.367 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:02.367 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:03.470 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:03.470 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:04.021 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:04.021 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #4 (0x8aa8…e2c6)
2022-07-20 08:43:04.575 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:04.575 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:05.679 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:05.679 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:06.784 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:06.784 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:06.918 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:06.918 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #4 (0x8aa8…e2c6), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.2kiB/s ⬆ 0.1kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:43:07.884 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:07.884 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:08.014 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:08.015 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #5 (0x9e90…c265)
2022-07-20 08:43:08.991 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:08.992 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:10.097 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:10.097 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:11.202 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:11.202 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:11.918 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:11.918 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #5 (0x9e90…c265), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.2kiB/s ⬆ 53 B/s
2022-07-20 08:43:12.009 INFO tokio-runtime-worker sc_basic_authorship::basic_authorship: 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x9e906c2f6a9be701f8ef1aea739921e1642045ce87e3dfcd4ff527b3ff10c265
2022-07-20 08:43:12.013 INFO tokio-runtime-worker sc_basic_authorship::basic_authorship: 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 6 (1 ms) [hash: 0xa002f8589970fc05000066d6f2a2c6c656c71a068fe3eae8027b65d163752301; parent_hash: 0x9e90…c265; extrinsics (1): [0xe307…b2fc]]
2022-07-20 08:43:12.016 INFO tokio-runtime-worker babe: 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 6. Hash now 0xb567b56927f9b687d371a74168aef134d9adc371cea7c6d55cccb1df46d8f2f2, previously 0xa002f8589970fc05000066d6f2a2c6c656c71a068fe3eae8027b65d163752301.
2022-07-20 08:43:12.016 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:12.017 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #6 (0xb567…f2f2)
2022-07-20 08:43:12.024 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #6 (0x4d54…6f90)
2022-07-20 08:43:12.024 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:12.307 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:12.307 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:13.407 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:13.407 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:14.509 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:14.509 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:15.614 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:15.614 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:16.012 INFO tokio-runtime-worker sc_basic_authorship::basic_authorship: 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0xb567b56927f9b687d371a74168aef134d9adc371cea7c6d55cccb1df46d8f2f2
2022-07-20 08:43:16.014 INFO tokio-runtime-worker sc_basic_authorship::basic_authorship: 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 7 (0 ms) [hash: 0xd80430c0cd4aeee3fa7ba94bcc097f940e41333989892911d92046290af274c2; parent_hash: 0xb567…f2f2; extrinsics (2): [0xaac7…dfbc, 0xe17b…6290]]
2022-07-20 08:43:16.017 INFO tokio-runtime-worker babe: 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 7. Hash now 0x890073c3aab6a03ad630f0375a96014496d1e5994868e0c400144e0eab17074c, previously 0xd80430c0cd4aeee3fa7ba94bcc097f940e41333989892911d92046290af274c2.
2022-07-20 08:43:16.018 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:16.018 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #7 (0x8900…074c)
2022-07-20 08:43:16.714 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:16.714 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:16.919 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:16.919 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #7 (0x8900…074c), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.3kiB/s ⬆ 0.4kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:43:17.819 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:17.819 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:18.921 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:18.921 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:20.018 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:20.018 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #8 (0x922b…2295)
2022-07-20 08:43:20.022 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:20.022 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:21.127 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:21.127 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:21.922 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:21.922 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #8 (0x922b…2295), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.2kiB/s ⬆ 0.1kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:43:22.232 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:22.232 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:23.337 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:23.338 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:24.023 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:24.023 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #9 (0xf541…5da7)
2022-07-20 08:43:24.442 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:24.442 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:25.547 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:25.547 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:26.652 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:26.652 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:26.927 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:26.927 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #9 (0xf541…5da7), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.2kiB/s ⬆ 47 B/s
2022-07-20 08:43:27.753 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:27.753 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:28.009 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #10 (0x5892…5ae7)
2022-07-20 08:43:28.009 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:28.855 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:28.855 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:29.960 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:29.960 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:31.065 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:31.065 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:31.932 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:31.932 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #10 (0x5892…5ae7), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.2kiB/s ⬆ 53 B/s
2022-07-20 08:43:32.016 INFO tokio-runtime-worker sc_basic_authorship::basic_authorship: 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x5892610b1131fd33bfe1ea49d34deeef312d0e9311536bcba2356cde36cc5ae7
2022-07-20 08:43:32.018 INFO tokio-runtime-worker sc_basic_authorship::basic_authorship: 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 11 (1 ms) [hash: 0xca12a01bacf17150d5544a4f2cf6277fd557c2ab39993630ab8f37fff35d7d99; parent_hash: 0x5892…5ae7; extrinsics (1): [0xb178…c930]]
2022-07-20 08:43:32.022 INFO tokio-runtime-worker babe: 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 11. Hash now 0xa165c0b4fe1aae22f1cba3c3643e89211b987a014094de8a6d9ecfd442732079, previously 0xca12a01bacf17150d5544a4f2cf6277fd557c2ab39993630ab8f37fff35d7d99.
2022-07-20 08:43:32.023 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:32.023 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #11 (0xa165…2079)
2022-07-20 08:43:32.170 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:32.170 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:33.275 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:33.275 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:34.378 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:34.379 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:35.479 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:35.479 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:36.023 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:36.023 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #12 (0x3568…6a74)
2022-07-20 08:43:36.584 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:36.584 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:36.933 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:36.933 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #12 (0x3568…6a74), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.3kiB/s ⬆ 0.3kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:43:37.688 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:37.688 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:38.793 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:38.793 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:39.898 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:39.898 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:40.010 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:40.010 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #13 (0xe934…98de)
2022-07-20 08:43:41.003 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:41.004 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:41.938 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:41.938 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #13 (0xe934…98de), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.2kiB/s ⬆ 47 B/s
2022-07-20 08:43:42.109 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:42.109 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:43.214 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:43.214 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:44.023 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #14 (0x35d6…ec40)
2022-07-20 08:43:44.022 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:44.319 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:44.319 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:45.424 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:45.424 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:46.526 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:46.526 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:46.939 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:46.939 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #14 (0x35d6…ec40), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.2kiB/s ⬆ 47 B/s
2022-07-20 08:43:47.631 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:47.631 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:48.015 INFO tokio-runtime-worker sc_basic_authorship::basic_authorship: 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x35d68ad0328bbbf92996061d849bcd0612ac68d44482efcbecb2c9ce8a1eec40
2022-07-20 08:43:48.023 INFO tokio-runtime-worker sc_basic_authorship::basic_authorship: 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 15 (0 ms) [hash: 0x08a14bb5dc2149df48d8e481b1d09de936e127cb5e0ef180f6274f4619a4f38c; parent_hash: 0x35d6…ec40; extrinsics (1): [0x5e45…e073]]
2022-07-20 08:43:48.027 INFO tokio-runtime-worker babe: 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 15. Hash now 0x8ae79f9bf5b1f8f789742e3cd725be853506677bad7b8fc66b9e058361335a24, previously 0x08a14bb5dc2149df48d8e481b1d09de936e127cb5e0ef180f6274f4619a4f38c.
2022-07-20 08:43:48.028 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:48.028 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #15 (0x8ae7…5a24)
2022-07-20 08:43:48.731 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:48.731 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:49.836 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:49.836 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:50.942 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:50.942 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:51.944 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:51.944 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #15 (0x8ae7…5a24), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 97 B/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:43:52.007 INFO tokio-runtime-worker sc_basic_authorship::basic_authorship: 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x8ae79f9bf5b1f8f789742e3cd725be853506677bad7b8fc66b9e058361335a24
2022-07-20 08:43:52.008 INFO tokio-runtime-worker sc_basic_authorship::basic_authorship: 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 16 (0 ms) [hash: 0x56a7cace35bac89483744d23f6dd1cdc7a7f0bb3361f48448cc2a0bfc4fca1e3; parent_hash: 0x8ae7…5a24; extrinsics (1): [0x32d7…1865]]
2022-07-20 08:43:52.010 INFO tokio-runtime-worker babe: 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 16. Hash now 0x7d037a0517cad8c6d6edf09ddb0c08d555f10090ed17253574112fad7f68c6d8, previously 0x56a7cace35bac89483744d23f6dd1cdc7a7f0bb3361f48448cc2a0bfc4fca1e3.
2022-07-20 08:43:52.010 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:52.011 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #16 (0x7d03…c6d8)
2022-07-20 08:43:52.047 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:52.047 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:53.147 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:53.147 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:54.252 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:54.252 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:55.048 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:55.049 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:55.049 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:55.049 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Registering peer who=12D3KooWJ9TpY3zFzm8TzHpDKAdL4BKQu8HuZgn1kp7aKiQyZeF8 protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 role=Authority
2022-07-20 08:43:55.357 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:55.357 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 2 left (2 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:55.357 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Propagating message to=12D3KooWJ9TpY3zFzm8TzHpDKAdL4BKQu8HuZgn1kp7aKiQyZeF8 protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 88, 142, 157, 184, 153, 175, 190, 165, 100, 27, 54, 95, 199, 80, 188, 234, 144, 64, 53, 115, 145, 159, 133, 212, 251, 36, 116, 217, 5, 122, 192, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 196, 141, 53, 212, 48, 61, 178, 158, 36, 112, 70, 144, 246, 108, 219, 26, 170, 184, 188, 179, 50, 94, 51, 158, 168, 179, 240, 37, 108, 137, 131, 105, 195, 19, 82, 156, 69, 84, 18, 124, 123, 48, 134, 109, 58, 128, 73, 220, 161, 92, 170, 140, 148, 187, 112, 139, 137, 217, 77, 167, 16, 134, 8, 136, 220, 52, 23, 213, 5, 142, 196, 180, 80, 62, 12, 18, 234, 26, 10, 137, 190, 32, 15, 233, 137, 34, 66, 61, 67, 52, 1, 79, 166, 176, 238]
2022-07-20 08:43:55.357 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Propagating message to=12D3KooWJ9TpY3zFzm8TzHpDKAdL4BKQu8HuZgn1kp7aKiQyZeF8 protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 88, 142, 157, 184, 153, 175, 190, 165, 100, 27, 54, 95, 199, 80, 188, 234, 144, 64, 53, 115, 145, 159, 133, 212, 251, 36, 116, 217, 5, 122, 192, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 136, 145, 157, 72, 234, 22, 118, 80, 106, 137, 222, 28, 199, 217, 188, 163, 11, 251, 52, 211, 135, 60, 63, 97, 72, 49, 184, 85, 169, 102, 230, 10, 199, 83, 223, 29, 38, 32, 219, 121, 127, 6, 138, 177, 97, 124, 5, 25, 237, 254, 84, 212, 74, 85, 232, 252, 50, 191, 239, 101, 209, 128, 37, 0, 67, 150, 96, 179, 108, 108, 3, 175, 175, 202, 2, 123, 145, 11, 79, 236, 249, 152, 1, 131, 76, 98, 165, 230, 0, 111, 39, 217, 120, 222, 35, 79]
2022-07-20 08:43:55.524 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:55.524 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Received messages from peer messages_num=1 who=12D3KooWJ9TpY3zFzm8TzHpDKAdL4BKQu8HuZgn1kp7aKiQyZeF8 protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:55.524 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Peer 12D3KooWJ9TpY3zFzm8TzHpDKAdL4BKQu8HuZgn1kp7aKiQyZeF8 updated view. Now at Round(1), SetId(0)
2022-07-20 08:43:55.524 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Discard message from peer who=12D3KooWJ9TpY3zFzm8TzHpDKAdL4BKQu8HuZgn1kp7aKiQyZeF8 protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:55.524 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:55.858 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:55.858 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Received messages from peer messages_num=1 who=12D3KooWJ9TpY3zFzm8TzHpDKAdL4BKQu8HuZgn1kp7aKiQyZeF8 protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:55.858 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Propagating message to=12D3KooWJ9TpY3zFzm8TzHpDKAdL4BKQu8HuZgn1kp7aKiQyZeF8 protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 233, 52, 214, 87, 222, 15, 77, 180, 130, 119, 86, 106, 167, 149, 201, 240, 63, 9, 226, 194, 101, 132, 61, 111, 143, 66, 0, 238, 158, 244, 152, 222, 13, 0, 0, 0, 65, 175, 79, 29, 132, 217, 35, 154, 35, 5, 246, 179, 7, 68, 6, 33, 203, 156, 50, 19, 9, 209, 25, 130, 77, 106, 25, 213, 101, 177, 0, 64, 240, 38, 40, 192, 244, 146, 71, 111, 17, 138, 162, 190, 39, 5, 12, 118, 185, 226, 150, 209, 195, 195, 169, 66, 175, 111, 71, 57, 70, 184, 53, 7, 209, 124, 45, 120, 35, 235, 242, 96, 253, 19, 143, 45, 126, 39, 209, 20, 192, 20, 93, 150, 139, 95, 245, 0, 97, 37, 242, 65, 79, 173, 174, 105]
2022-07-20 08:43:55.858 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Propagating message to=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 233, 52, 214, 87, 222, 15, 77, 180, 130, 119, 86, 106, 167, 149, 201, 240, 63, 9, 226, 194, 101, 132, 61, 111, 143, 66, 0, 238, 158, 244, 152, 222, 13, 0, 0, 0, 65, 175, 79, 29, 132, 217, 35, 154, 35, 5, 246, 179, 7, 68, 6, 33, 203, 156, 50, 19, 9, 209, 25, 130, 77, 106, 25, 213, 101, 177, 0, 64, 240, 38, 40, 192, 244, 146, 71, 111, 17, 138, 162, 190, 39, 5, 12, 118, 185, 226, 150, 209, 195, 195, 169, 66, 175, 111, 71, 57, 70, 184, 53, 7, 209, 124, 45, 120, 35, 235, 242, 96, 253, 19, 143, 45, 126, 39, 209, 20, 192, 20, 93, 150, 139, 95, 245, 0, 97, 37, 242, 65, 79, 173, 174, 105]
2022-07-20 08:43:55.858 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Pushing consensus message to sinks for 0x9a77…d127.
2022-07-20 08:43:55.858 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:55.858 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Round 1: Got incoming message
2022-07-20 08:43:55.858 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Casting precommit for round 1
2022-07-20 08:43:55.861 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Announcing block 0x588e…c005 to peers which we voted on in round 1 in set 0
2022-07-20 08:43:55.861 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Propagating message to=12D3KooWJ9TpY3zFzm8TzHpDKAdL4BKQu8HuZgn1kp7aKiQyZeF8 protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 88, 142, 157, 184, 153, 175, 190, 165, 100, 27, 54, 95, 199, 80, 188, 234, 144, 64, 53, 115, 145, 159, 133, 212, 251, 36, 116, 217, 5, 122, 192, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 51, 226, 85, 74, 51, 81, 94, 17, 5, 2, 206, 227, 45, 27, 228, 228, 41, 81, 125, 58, 92, 200, 222, 58, 237, 237, 247, 22, 97, 173, 64, 69, 226, 119, 13, 83, 171, 125, 50, 197, 174, 235, 140, 14, 112, 15, 1, 122, 115, 82, 89, 63, 13, 95, 222, 252, 85, 44, 153, 103, 29, 77, 13, 136, 220, 52, 23, 213, 5, 142, 196, 180, 80, 62, 12, 18, 234, 26, 10, 137, 190, 32, 15, 233, 137, 34, 66, 61, 67, 52, 1, 79, 166, 176, 238]
2022-07-20 08:43:55.861 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Propagating message to=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 88, 142, 157, 184, 153, 175, 190, 165, 100, 27, 54, 95, 199, 80, 188, 234, 144, 64, 53, 115, 145, 159, 133, 212, 251, 36, 116, 217, 5, 122, 192, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 51, 226, 85, 74, 51, 81, 94, 17, 5, 2, 206, 227, 45, 27, 228, 228, 41, 81, 125, 58, 92, 200, 222, 58, 237, 237, 247, 22, 97, 173, 64, 69, 226, 119, 13, 83, 171, 125, 50, 197, 174, 235, 140, 14, 112, 15, 1, 122, 115, 82, 89, 63, 13, 95, 222, 252, 85, 44, 153, 103, 29, 77, 13, 136, 220, 52, 23, 213, 5, 142, 196, 180, 80, 62, 12, 18, 234, 26, 10, 137, 190, 32, 15, 233, 137, 34, 66, 61, 67, 52, 1, 79, 166, 176, 238]
2022-07-20 08:43:55.861 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Round 1: Got incoming message
2022-07-20 08:43:55.861 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Received messages from peer messages_num=1 who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:55.861 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Ignored already known message who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:55.861 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Received messages from peer messages_num=1 who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:55.861 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Propagating message to=12D3KooWJ9TpY3zFzm8TzHpDKAdL4BKQu8HuZgn1kp7aKiQyZeF8 protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 88, 142, 157, 184, 153, 175, 190, 165, 100, 27, 54, 95, 199, 80, 188, 234, 144, 64, 53, 115, 145, 159, 133, 212, 251, 36, 116, 217, 5, 122, 192, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 123, 203, 90, 14, 80, 143, 90, 16, 245, 136, 94, 164, 209, 48, 9, 0, 0, 115, 233, 206, 219, 59, 135, 83, 190, 59, 251, 117, 223, 51, 118, 3, 236, 57, 76, 103, 16, 226, 249, 24, 24, 116, 217, 79, 138, 214, 34, 86, 254, 39, 101, 36, 93, 250, 163, 81, 65, 184, 30, 80, 144, 183, 85, 4, 67, 150, 96, 179, 108, 108, 3, 175, 175, 202, 2, 123, 145, 11, 79, 236, 249, 152, 1, 131, 76, 98, 165, 230, 0, 111, 39, 217, 120, 222, 35, 79]
2022-07-20 08:43:55.861 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Propagating message to=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 88, 142, 157, 184, 153, 175, 190, 165, 100, 27, 54, 95, 199, 80, 188, 234, 144, 64, 53, 115, 145, 159, 133, 212, 251, 36, 116, 217, 5, 122, 192, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 123, 203, 90, 14, 80, 143, 90, 16, 245, 136, 94, 164, 209, 48, 9, 0, 0, 115, 233, 206, 219, 59, 135, 83, 190, 59, 251, 117, 223, 51, 118, 3, 236, 57, 76, 103, 16, 226, 249, 24, 24, 116, 217, 79, 138, 214, 34, 86, 254, 39, 101, 36, 93, 250, 163, 81, 65, 184, 30, 80, 144, 183, 85, 4, 67, 150, 96, 179, 108, 108, 3, 175, 175, 202, 2, 123, 145, 11, 79, 236, 249, 152, 1, 131, 76, 98, 165, 230, 0, 111, 39, 217, 120, 222, 35, 79]
2022-07-20 08:43:55.862 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Pushing consensus message to sinks for 0x9a77…d127.
2022-07-20 08:43:55.862 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), finalized: None, estimate: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), completable: false }, step = Some(Precommitted)
2022-07-20 08:43:55.862 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Round 1: Got incoming message
2022-07-20 08:43:55.862 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), finalized: None, estimate: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), completable: false }, step = Some(Precommitted)
2022-07-20 08:43:55.862 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Received messages from peer messages_num=1 who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:55.862 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Ignored already known message who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:56.008 INFO tokio-runtime-worker sc_basic_authorship::basic_authorship: 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x7d037a0517cad8c6d6edf09ddb0c08d555f10090ed17253574112fad7f68c6d8
2022-07-20 08:43:56.012 INFO tokio-runtime-worker sc_basic_authorship::basic_authorship: 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 17 (0 ms) [hash: 0x59b8d5ed5e56ae9338b31a8cb81d2e0c69ae99d1d6e5df37d04dda17aa14be35; parent_hash: 0x7d03…c6d8; extrinsics (1): [0x7571…79c2]]
2022-07-20 08:43:56.013 INFO tokio-runtime-worker babe: 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 17. Hash now 0xc36ab9e701db3eb30302b37f1e9d7afef9ce9b79e626a8eca12f5b3c5a27b59f, previously 0x59b8d5ed5e56ae9338b31a8cb81d2e0c69ae99d1d6e5df37d04dda17aa14be35.
2022-07-20 08:43:56.013 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), finalized: None, estimate: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), completable: false }, step = Some(Precommitted)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.014 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: ✨ Imported #17 (0xc36a…b59f)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.193 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), finalized: None, estimate: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), completable: false }, step = Some(Precommitted)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.193 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Received messages from peer messages_num=1 who=12D3KooWJ9TpY3zFzm8TzHpDKAdL4BKQu8HuZgn1kp7aKiQyZeF8 protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:56.193 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Propagating message to=12D3KooWJ9TpY3zFzm8TzHpDKAdL4BKQu8HuZgn1kp7aKiQyZeF8 protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 233, 52, 214, 87, 222, 15, 77, 180, 130, 119, 86, 106, 167, 149, 201, 240, 63, 9, 226, 194, 101, 132, 61, 111, 143, 66, 0, 238, 158, 244, 152, 222, 13, 0, 0, 0, 23, 122, 168, 145, 196, 205, 229, 40, 208, 120, 123, 217, 6, 27, 72, 196, 223, 160, 85, 11, 110, 3, 132, 18, 143, 86, 6, 54, 233, 71, 87, 67, 26, 71, 95, 56, 85, 217, 49, 142, 2, 108, 34, 48, 104, 239, 13, 127, 165, 29, 249, 249, 223, 180, 54, 95, 27, 132, 37, 219, 18, 3, 173, 7, 209, 124, 45, 120, 35, 235, 242, 96, 253, 19, 143, 45, 126, 39, 209, 20, 192, 20, 93, 150, 139, 95, 245, 0, 97, 37, 242, 65, 79, 173, 174, 105]
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Propagating message to=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 233, 52, 214, 87, 222, 15, 77, 180, 130, 119, 86, 106, 167, 149, 201, 240, 63, 9, 226, 194, 101, 132, 61, 111, 143, 66, 0, 238, 158, 244, 152, 222, 13, 0, 0, 0, 23, 122, 168, 145, 196, 205, 229, 40, 208, 120, 123, 217, 6, 27, 72, 196, 223, 160, 85, 11, 110, 3, 132, 18, 143, 86, 6, 54, 233, 71, 87, 67, 26, 71, 95, 56, 85, 217, 49, 142, 2, 108, 34, 48, 104, 239, 13, 127, 165, 29, 249, 249, 223, 180, 54, 95, 27, 132, 37, 219, 18, 3, 173, 7, 209, 124, 45, 120, 35, 235, 242, 96, 253, 19, 143, 45, 126, 39, 209, 20, 192, 20, 93, 150, 139, 95, 245, 0, 97, 37, 242, 65, 79, 173, 174, 105]
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Pushing consensus message to sinks for 0x9a77…d127.
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), finalized: None, estimate: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), completable: false }, step = Some(Precommitted)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Round 1: Got incoming message
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Completed round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), finalized: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), estimate: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), completable: true }, step = Some(Precommitted)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Round 1: prevotes: 3/3/3 weight, 3/3 actual
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Round 1: precommits: 3/3/3 weight, 3/3 actual
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Best round at 1 has become completable. Starting new best round at 2
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Voter Alice completed round 1 in set 0. Estimate = Some(0), Finalized in round = Some(0)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Voter Alice noting beginning of round (Round(2), SetId(0)) to network.
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), finalized: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), estimate: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), completable: true }, step = Some(Precommitted)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Completed round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), finalized: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), estimate: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), completable: true }, step = Some(Precommitted)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Round 1: prevotes: 3/3/3 weight, 3/3 actual
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Round 1: precommits: 3/3/3 weight, 3/3 actual
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 2, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Start)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Sending direct message to=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Sending direct message to=12D3KooWJ9TpY3zFzm8TzHpDKAdL4BKQu8HuZgn1kp7aKiQyZeF8 protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 2, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Start)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 2, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Start)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Received messages from peer messages_num=1 who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Ignored already known message who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 2, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Start)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Received messages from peer messages_num=1 who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Peer 12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp updated view. Now at Round(2), SetId(0)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Discard message from peer who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:56.194 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 2, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Start)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.462 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 2, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Start)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.462 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Cleaned up 0 stale messages, 6 left (6 known) protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:56.730 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 2, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Start)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.730 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Received messages from peer messages_num=1 who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:56.730 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Peer 12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp updated view. Now at Round(2), SetId(0)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.730 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Discard message from peer who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:56.730 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 2, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Start)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.739 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), finalized: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), estimate: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), completable: true }, step = Some(Precommitted)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.739 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Completed round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), finalized: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), estimate: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), completable: true }, step = Some(Precommitted)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.739 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Round 1: prevotes: 3/3/3 weight, 3/3 actual
2022-07-20 08:43:56.739 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Round 1: precommits: 3/3/3 weight, 3/3 actual
2022-07-20 08:43:56.739 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Committing: round_number = 1, target_number = 0, target_hash = 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005
2022-07-20 08:43:56.739 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), finalized: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), estimate: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), completable: true }, step = Some(Precommitted)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.739 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Completed round 1, state = State { prevote_ghost: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), finalized: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), estimate: Some((0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005, 0)), completable: true }, step = Some(Precommitted)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.739 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Round 1: prevotes: 3/3/3 weight, 3/3 actual
2022-07-20 08:43:56.739 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Round 1: precommits: 3/3/3 weight, 3/3 actual
2022-07-20 08:43:56.739 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Voter Alice concluded round 1 in set 0. Estimate = Some(0), Finalized in round = Some(0)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.739 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 2, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Start)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.739 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Sending direct message to=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
2022-07-20 08:43:56.739 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Sending direct message to=12D3KooWJ9TpY3zFzm8TzHpDKAdL4BKQu8HuZgn1kp7aKiQyZeF8 protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
2022-07-20 08:43:56.739 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 2, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Start)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.861 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 2, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Start)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.861 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Constructing prevote for round 2
2022-07-20 08:43:56.861 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 2, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoting)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.861 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Finding best chain containing block 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005 with number limit None
2022-07-20 08:43:56.861 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Casting prevote for round 2
2022-07-20 08:43:56.863 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker afg: Announcing block 0xe934…98de to peers which we voted on in round 2 in set 0
2022-07-20 08:43:56.863 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Propagating message to=12D3KooWJ9TpY3zFzm8TzHpDKAdL4BKQu8HuZgn1kp7aKiQyZeF8 protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 233, 52, 214, 87, 222, 15, 77, 180, 130, 119, 86, 106, 167, 149, 201, 240, 63, 9, 226, 194, 101, 132, 61, 111, 143, 66, 0, 238, 158, 244, 152, 222, 13, 0, 0, 0, 248, 89, 19, 241, 192, 89, 3, 140, 6, 63, 1, 107, 175, 54, 109, 188, 218, 105, 208, 1, 216, 47, 185, 121, 75, 82, 8, 159, 207, 144, 223, 82, 255, 116, 26, 81, 141, 135, 210, 108, 96, 201, 16, 35, 87, 17, 194, 92, 62, 206, 212, 36, 179, 237, 216, 253, 225, 132, 45, 1, 75, 123, 107, 9, 136, 220, 52, 23, 213, 5, 142, 196, 180, 80, 62, 12, 18, 234, 26, 10, 137, 190, 32, 15, 233, 137, 34, 66, 61, 67, 52, 1, 79, 166, 176, 238]
2022-07-20 08:43:56.863 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Propagating message to=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 233, 52, 214, 87, 222, 15, 77, 180, 130, 119, 86, 106, 167, 149, 201, 240, 63, 9, 226, 194, 101, 132, 61, 111, 143, 66, 0, 238, 158, 244, 152, 222, 13, 0, 0, 0, 248, 89, 19, 241, 192, 89, 3, 140, 6, 63, 1, 107, 175, 54, 109, 188, 218, 105, 208, 1, 216, 47, 185, 121, 75, 82, 8, 159, 207, 144, 223, 82, 255, 116, 26, 81, 141, 135, 210, 108, 96, 201, 16, 35, 87, 17, 194, 92, 62, 206, 212, 36, 179, 237, 216, 253, 225, 132, 45, 1, 75, 123, 107, 9, 136, 220, 52, 23, 213, 5, 142, 196, 180, 80, 62, 12, 18, 234, 26, 10, 137, 190, 32, 15, 233, 137, 34, 66, 61, 67, 52, 1, 79, 166, 176, 238]
2022-07-20 08:43:56.863 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Round 2: Got incoming message
2022-07-20 08:43:56.863 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 2, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.863 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker afg: Polling round 2, state = State { prevote_ghost: None, finalized: None, estimate: None, completable: false }, step = Some(Prevoted)
2022-07-20 08:43:56.863 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Received messages from peer messages_num=1 who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
2022-07-20 08:43:56.863 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Propagating message to=12D3KooWJ9TpY3zFzm8TzHpDKAdL4BKQu8HuZgn1kp7aKiQyZeF8 protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 233, 52, 214, 87, 222, 15, 77, 180, 130, 119, 86, 106, 167, 149, 201, 240, 63, 9, 226, 194, 101, 132, 61, 111, 143, 66, 0, 238, 158, 244, 152, 222, 13, 0, 0, 0, 147, 78, 162, 14, 6, 249, 203, 232, 5, 209, 210, 223, 180, 197, 239, 93, 160, 57, 103, 86, 168, 28, 104, 117, 227, 147, 100, 73, 61, 56, 51, 111, 188, 98, 143, 225, 25, 216, 59, 111, 57, 247, 52, 117, 245, 201, 199, 159, 99, 143, 21, 237, 136, 99, 64, 148, 99, 204, 146, 227, 10, 141, 12, 10, 67, 150, 96, 179, 108, 108, 3, 175, 175, 202, 2, 123, 145, 11, 79, 236, 249, 152, 1, 131, 76, 98, 165, 230, 0, 111, 39, 217, 120, 222, 35, 79]
2022-07-20 08:43:56.863 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Propagating message to=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1 [0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 233, 52, 214, 87, 222, 15, 77, 180, 130, 119, 86, 106, 167, 149, 201, 240, 63, 9, 226, 194, 101, 132, 61, 111, 143, 66, 0, 238, 158, 244, 152, 222, 13, 0, 0, 0, 147, 78, 162, 14, 6, 249, 203, 232, 5, 209, 210, 223, 180, 197, 239, 93, 160, 57, 103, 86, 168, 28, 104, 117, 227, 147, 100, 73, 61, 56, 51, 111, 188, 98, 143, 225, 25, 216, 59, 111, 57, 247, 52, 117, 245, 201, 199, 159, 99, 143, 21, 237, 136, 99, 64, 148, 99, 204, 146, 227, 10, 141, 12, 10, 67, 150, 96, 179, 108, 108, 3, 175, 175, 202, 2, 123, 145, 11, 79, 236, 249, 152, 1, 131, 76, 98, 165, 230, 0, 111, 39, 217, 120, 222, 35, 79]
2022-07-20 08:43:56.863 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Pushing consensus message to sinks for 0xef02…66dc.
2022-07-20 08:43:56.863 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker gossip: Received messages from peer messages_num=1 who=12D3KooWFv664Y2BcR6J6eMdKuLsDGuZCFHVq6DT7mLyw6FFL4gp protocol=/588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005/grandpa/1
./target/release/gssmr-test-node --charlie --chain ./genesis-raw.json --tmp --bootnodes /ip4/
2022-07-20 08:42:49 creating instance on iface
2022-07-20 08:42:49 creating instance on iface
2022-07-20 08:42:49 discovered: 12D3KooWDpJ7As7BWAwRMfu1VU2WCqNjvq387JEYKDBj4kx6nXTN /ip4/
2022-07-20 08:42:49 discovered: 12D3KooWDpJ7As7BWAwRMfu1VU2WCqNjvq387JEYKDBj4kx6nXTN /ip4/
2022-07-20 08:42:49 discovered: 12D3KooWDpJ7As7BWAwRMfu1VU2WCqNjvq387JEYKDBj4kx6nXTN /ip4/
2022-07-20 08:42:49 discovered: 12D3KooWDpJ7As7BWAwRMfu1VU2WCqNjvq387JEYKDBj4kx6nXTN /ip6/::1/tcp/30333
2022-07-20 08:42:52 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x588e9db899afbea5641b365fc750bcea90403573919f85d4fb2474d9057ac005
2022-07-20 08:42:52 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 1 (2 ms) [hash: 0x93dea3a5e02521ee374c0d57fb5884d684765cff5dc672747d1c8952d8645488; parent_hash: 0x588e…c005; extrinsics (1): [0x7533…4e94]]
2022-07-20 08:42:52 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 1. Hash now 0x931ccdc95a20e78caba6e86ca92a7786ea2847913cf1bf3b248b611c7c9a77ab, previously 0x93dea3a5e02521ee374c0d57fb5884d684765cff5dc672747d1c8952d8645488.
2022-07-20 08:42:52 👶 New epoch 0 launching at block 0x931c…77ab (block slot 414580243 >= start slot 414580243).
2022-07-20 08:42:52 👶 Next epoch starts at slot 414580288
2022-07-20 08:42:52 ✨ Imported #1 (0x931c…77ab)
2022-07-20 08:42:54 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #1 (0x931c…77ab), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 1.0kiB/s ⬆ 1.2kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:42:56 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x931ccdc95a20e78caba6e86ca92a7786ea2847913cf1bf3b248b611c7c9a77ab
2022-07-20 08:42:56 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 2 (0 ms) [hash: 0x9e626b2d30e19afa84e0ed181518d4b235a2b396df0b1dcc7876bf2962d266b6; parent_hash: 0x931c…77ab; extrinsics (1): [0xdac9…f0bf]]
2022-07-20 08:42:56 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 2. Hash now 0xd0f52ef625ee227cbf0ec4168bb4fb8964e3073bf1017d27412625df361d1f5b, previously 0x9e626b2d30e19afa84e0ed181518d4b235a2b396df0b1dcc7876bf2962d266b6.
2022-07-20 08:42:56 ✨ Imported #2 (0xd0f5…1f5b)
2022-07-20 08:42:59 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #2 (0xd0f5…1f5b), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 79 B/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:43:00 ✨ Imported #3 (0x5974…9dec)
2022-07-20 08:43:04 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x597413da5b75c038576ae799c31411dc7090e72b58f92f2f68762b49bfb69dec
2022-07-20 08:43:04 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 4 (0 ms) [hash: 0x3ff563f89c623f0b275979d261b5ac44bc99b16eed33af48a76f85643c107da0; parent_hash: 0x5974…9dec; extrinsics (1): [0x05af…bcd1]]
2022-07-20 08:43:04 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 4. Hash now 0x8aa8d57969aafb246627e85ca27cf261edf1258756c2c807079199609490e2c6, previously 0x3ff563f89c623f0b275979d261b5ac44bc99b16eed33af48a76f85643c107da0.
2022-07-20 08:43:04 ✨ Imported #4 (0x8aa8…e2c6)
2022-07-20 08:43:04 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #4 (0x8aa8…e2c6), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.3kiB/s ⬆ 0.3kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:43:08 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x8aa8d57969aafb246627e85ca27cf261edf1258756c2c807079199609490e2c6
2022-07-20 08:43:08 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 5 (0 ms) [hash: 0xaf65d06191254be1b97efd2dc45cc1adc8da1dfc7ee43437a93808f35d2927ac; parent_hash: 0x8aa8…e2c6; extrinsics (1): [0x7afa…4440]]
2022-07-20 08:43:08 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 5. Hash now 0x9e906c2f6a9be701f8ef1aea739921e1642045ce87e3dfcd4ff527b3ff10c265, previously 0xaf65d06191254be1b97efd2dc45cc1adc8da1dfc7ee43437a93808f35d2927ac.
2022-07-20 08:43:08 ✨ Imported #5 (0x9e90…c265)
2022-07-20 08:43:09 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #5 (0x9e90…c265), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 53 B/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:43:12 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x9e906c2f6a9be701f8ef1aea739921e1642045ce87e3dfcd4ff527b3ff10c265
2022-07-20 08:43:12 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 6 (0 ms) [hash: 0xd81d0359567fdcefe7ef10dc58e4e49f2a88e608b754b946e328e9536e4f407d; parent_hash: 0x9e90…c265; extrinsics (1): [0xe307…b2fc]]
2022-07-20 08:43:12 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 6. Hash now 0x4d54a2e39078ea44b773d6e9a006cecb8b53ff0bd85ac55585b850b06efb6f90, previously 0xd81d0359567fdcefe7ef10dc58e4e49f2a88e608b754b946e328e9536e4f407d.
2022-07-20 08:43:12 ✨ Imported #6 (0x4d54…6f90)
2022-07-20 08:43:12 ♻️ Reorg on #6,0x4d54…6f90 to #6,0xb567…f2f2, common ancestor #5,0x9e90…c265
2022-07-20 08:43:12 ✨ Imported #6 (0xb567…f2f2)
2022-07-20 08:43:14 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #6 (0xb567…f2f2), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.2kiB/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:43:16 ✨ Imported #7 (0x8900…074c)
2022-07-20 08:43:19 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #7 (0x8900…074c), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.3kiB/s ⬆ 97 B/s
2022-07-20 08:43:20 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x890073c3aab6a03ad630f0375a96014496d1e5994868e0c400144e0eab17074c
2022-07-20 08:43:20 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 8 (0 ms) [hash: 0x1acca0c0abc595b6f6a23ed7219f29420f7db76c2c0b491d053a776dfcf05940; parent_hash: 0x8900…074c; extrinsics (1): [0x86c4…a6b0]]
2022-07-20 08:43:20 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 8. Hash now 0x922b6b32ed729575ad40be7471ccd6824a2f5644e36b3b34475ecd50b9222295, previously 0x1acca0c0abc595b6f6a23ed7219f29420f7db76c2c0b491d053a776dfcf05940.
2022-07-20 08:43:20 ✨ Imported #8 (0x922b…2295)
2022-07-20 08:43:24 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x922b6b32ed729575ad40be7471ccd6824a2f5644e36b3b34475ecd50b9222295
2022-07-20 08:43:24 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 9 (0 ms) [hash: 0x8ad10f8287cdd9ff0abd430ef9511dc03f38b94e74d2a513cd066befce2b8a14; parent_hash: 0x922b…2295; extrinsics (1): [0xbca8…7dba]]
2022-07-20 08:43:24 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 9. Hash now 0xf541f984be269c2c964fee158d4b566137b9425410fbf254efad1a19d5ef5da7, previously 0x8ad10f8287cdd9ff0abd430ef9511dc03f38b94e74d2a513cd066befce2b8a14.
2022-07-20 08:43:24 ✨ Imported #9 (0xf541…5da7)
2022-07-20 08:43:24 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #9 (0xf541…5da7), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.1kiB/s ⬆ 0.4kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:43:28 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0xf541f984be269c2c964fee158d4b566137b9425410fbf254efad1a19d5ef5da7
2022-07-20 08:43:28 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 10 (0 ms) [hash: 0x47b7ae2f8ebc316af62171eafcadc8403e4da5a1dc2669884173872849cde773; parent_hash: 0xf541…5da7; extrinsics (1): [0x8ac6…6693]]
2022-07-20 08:43:28 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 10. Hash now 0x5892610b1131fd33bfe1ea49d34deeef312d0e9311536bcba2356cde36cc5ae7, previously 0x47b7ae2f8ebc316af62171eafcadc8403e4da5a1dc2669884173872849cde773.
2022-07-20 08:43:28 ✨ Imported #10 (0x5892…5ae7)
2022-07-20 08:43:29 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #10 (0x5892…5ae7), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 53 B/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:43:32 ✨ Imported #11 (0xa165…2079)
2022-07-20 08:43:34 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #11 (0xa165…2079), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.2kiB/s ⬆ 97 B/s
2022-07-20 08:43:36 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0xa165c0b4fe1aae22f1cba3c3643e89211b987a014094de8a6d9ecfd442732079
2022-07-20 08:43:36 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 12 (0 ms) [hash: 0x456d7116aca385b0f4aeecf54cccbcab909b41a3006f6b4c48882eb55958e3d0; parent_hash: 0xa165…2079; extrinsics (1): [0xd66c…7941]]
2022-07-20 08:43:36 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 12. Hash now 0x35688c12fc489b6d9272f45c0842fb26edef860a0c83bbe008d7d70a6e3f6a74, previously 0x456d7116aca385b0f4aeecf54cccbcab909b41a3006f6b4c48882eb55958e3d0.
2022-07-20 08:43:36 ✨ Imported #12 (0x3568…6a74)
2022-07-20 08:43:39 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #12 (0x3568…6a74), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 47 B/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:43:40 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x35688c12fc489b6d9272f45c0842fb26edef860a0c83bbe008d7d70a6e3f6a74
2022-07-20 08:43:40 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 13 (0 ms) [hash: 0xc3c540689e2b0a324b1bea7390adf2c2ec57fd0ef63458235c84f89b8cf776f3; parent_hash: 0x3568…6a74; extrinsics (1): [0x1e92…05c6]]
2022-07-20 08:43:40 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 13. Hash now 0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de, previously 0xc3c540689e2b0a324b1bea7390adf2c2ec57fd0ef63458235c84f89b8cf776f3.
2022-07-20 08:43:40 ✨ Imported #13 (0xe934…98de)
2022-07-20 08:43:44 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0xe934d657de0f4db48277566aa795c9f03f09e2c265843d6f8f4200ee9ef498de
2022-07-20 08:43:44 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 14 (0 ms) [hash: 0x3de0416760c1b8edd34e3865ab4a6913048d8bc91a8460cd1f21c7b4b340193e; parent_hash: 0xe934…98de; extrinsics (1): [0x438a…f0fe]]
2022-07-20 08:43:44 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 14. Hash now 0x35d68ad0328bbbf92996061d849bcd0612ac68d44482efcbecb2c9ce8a1eec40, previously 0x3de0416760c1b8edd34e3865ab4a6913048d8bc91a8460cd1f21c7b4b340193e.
2022-07-20 08:43:44 ✨ Imported #14 (0x35d6…ec40)
2022-07-20 08:43:44 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #14 (0x35d6…ec40), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 94 B/s ⬆ 0.3kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:43:48 ✨ Imported #15 (0x8ae7…5a24)
2022-07-20 08:43:49 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #15 (0x8ae7…5a24), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.2kiB/s ⬆ 97 B/s
2022-07-20 08:43:52 ✨ Imported #16 (0x7d03…c6d8)
2022-07-20 08:43:54 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #16 (0x7d03…c6d8), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.2kiB/s ⬆ 81 B/s
2022-07-20 08:43:56 ✨ Imported #17 (0xc36a…b59f)
2022-07-20 08:43:59 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #17 (0xc36a…b59f), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.4kiB/s ⬆ 0.3kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:44:02 ✨ Imported #18 (0x77a7…d0ab)
2022-07-20 08:44:04 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #18 (0x77a7…d0ab), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.2kiB/s ⬆ 97 B/s
2022-07-20 08:44:06 ✨ Imported #19 (0xff7c…5564)
2022-07-20 08:44:08 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0xff7c128dc0b429439bf09aef6c215d990aaafa9f07724d8d9974b4262fec5564
2022-07-20 08:44:08 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 20 (0 ms) [hash: 0xd3e32c601ddb428842f95a9959c1b5ba6f311215cda91761c2e65c4b0aa76fa3; parent_hash: 0xff7c…5564; extrinsics (1): [0x4c95…1715]]
2022-07-20 08:44:08 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 20. Hash now 0x87d28196493c9e870684880dfbf8733524df7e3af175a4a8dade34a36dd01571, previously 0xd3e32c601ddb428842f95a9959c1b5ba6f311215cda91761c2e65c4b0aa76fa3.
2022-07-20 08:44:08 ✨ Imported #20 (0x87d2…1571)
2022-07-20 08:44:08 ✨ Imported #20 (0x4160…77c7)
2022-07-20 08:44:09 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #20 (0x87d2…1571), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.4kiB/s ⬆ 0.3kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:44:12 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x87d28196493c9e870684880dfbf8733524df7e3af175a4a8dade34a36dd01571
2022-07-20 08:44:12 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 21 (0 ms) [hash: 0x4139c1a32dad72f30bd15881c9da868bd1b31da032304fe91baed9da982a24ab; parent_hash: 0x87d2…1571; extrinsics (2): [0xfdff…c9f5, 0xb0ba…e511]]
2022-07-20 08:44:12 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 21. Hash now 0x002dfb0293b2e550bbe2ff66265f08b185bb73946bcb92c1d45820e7c80a43e1, previously 0x4139c1a32dad72f30bd15881c9da868bd1b31da032304fe91baed9da982a24ab.
2022-07-20 08:44:12 ✨ Imported #21 (0x002d…43e1)
2022-07-20 08:44:14 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #21 (0x002d…43e1), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 47 B/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:44:18 ✨ Imported #22 (0x4c06…296d)
2022-07-20 08:44:19 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #22 (0x4c06…296d), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.2kiB/s ⬆ 97 B/s
2022-07-20 08:44:20 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x4c06f77dcbd5c1dbbba24a8bc377d088af723c6ce30fbebf753f9e6f3aaa296d
2022-07-20 08:44:20 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 23 (1 ms) [hash: 0x8446c1e777dccdce8a2472c0533f4600a562957e15385340e8164716e7e3bd17; parent_hash: 0x4c06…296d; extrinsics (1): [0xf8b4…9db3]]
2022-07-20 08:44:20 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 23. Hash now 0x07e735f213037fe457f19cbbd8fa02f66baaeec72ede27e5aa568430fa1ea229, previously 0x8446c1e777dccdce8a2472c0533f4600a562957e15385340e8164716e7e3bd17.
2022-07-20 08:44:20 ✨ Imported #23 (0x07e7…a229)
2022-07-20 08:44:20 ✨ Imported #23 (0x824a…8558)
2022-07-20 08:44:24 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x07e735f213037fe457f19cbbd8fa02f66baaeec72ede27e5aa568430fa1ea229
2022-07-20 08:44:24 [24] 💸 generated 3 npos voters, 3 from validators and 0 nominators
2022-07-20 08:44:24 [#24] 🗳 creating a snapshot with metadata SolutionOrSnapshotSize { voters: 3, targets: 3 }
2022-07-20 08:44:24 [#24] 🗳 Starting signed phase round 1.
2022-07-20 08:44:24 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 24 (0 ms) [hash: 0x2d84df1df39c3383e64c3d82160894cd8290c401429732b557535763d4ccda2e; parent_hash: 0x07e7…a229; extrinsics (2): [0xd009…0a79, 0x63b7…c8eb]]
2022-07-20 08:44:24 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 24. Hash now 0x89476afd0f46c580b117599fce3b7913ad7526e9f38c36eeeaf938b31032ef8c, previously 0x2d84df1df39c3383e64c3d82160894cd8290c401429732b557535763d4ccda2e.
2022-07-20 08:44:24 ✨ Imported #24 (0x8947…ef8c)
2022-07-20 08:44:24 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #24 (0x8947…ef8c), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.3kiB/s ⬆ 0.4kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:44:28 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x89476afd0f46c580b117599fce3b7913ad7526e9f38c36eeeaf938b31032ef8c
2022-07-20 08:44:28 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 25 (1 ms) [hash: 0xaf5db62882f1bb133572a44a0e328d410c11be6aeef0fad11eeee2f3636b49c8; parent_hash: 0x8947…ef8c; extrinsics (1): [0x04e6…9693]]
2022-07-20 08:44:28 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 25. Hash now 0x4e9bc8eaf9957d1dc926f3789d828b4c715f0f895690e086b33e92a4dce9a0df, previously 0xaf5db62882f1bb133572a44a0e328d410c11be6aeef0fad11eeee2f3636b49c8.
2022-07-20 08:44:28 ✨ Imported #25 (0x4e9b…a0df)
2022-07-20 08:44:29 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #25 (0x4e9b…a0df), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 47 B/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:44:30 ♻️ Reorg on #25,0x4e9b…a0df to #25,0xb504…b412, common ancestor #24,0x8947…ef8c
2022-07-20 08:44:30 ✨ Imported #25 (0xb504…b412)
2022-07-20 08:44:32 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0xb504e3909d8cbdbe2f8e9313a5db922e743ab76b7a88640c2de1cf41fbfab412
2022-07-20 08:44:32 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 26 (0 ms) [hash: 0xf1bc1d23b6b14b8df54612a22a3ddc72606005e4ced0bd909bbf90924547e9b7; parent_hash: 0xb504…b412; extrinsics (2): [0x480b…ddd6, 0x700f…18dc]]
2022-07-20 08:44:32 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 26. Hash now 0x47c928b9b7da9e4e66d66e35363227e052c2dd2d20410a5d6b0563e7679ebc7b, previously 0xf1bc1d23b6b14b8df54612a22a3ddc72606005e4ced0bd909bbf90924547e9b7.
2022-07-20 08:44:32 ✨ Imported #26 (0x47c9…bc7b)
2022-07-20 08:44:34 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #26 (0x47c9…bc7b), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.3kiB/s ⬆ 0.3kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:44:36 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x47c928b9b7da9e4e66d66e35363227e052c2dd2d20410a5d6b0563e7679ebc7b
2022-07-20 08:44:36 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 27 (0 ms) [hash: 0x246e84790ce66af364ff78acee58ada36ead3c32f9c342d6b4238316167167b1; parent_hash: 0x47c9…bc7b; extrinsics (1): [0x42ed…2624]]
2022-07-20 08:44:36 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 27. Hash now 0x4970034d81c5940b331437ad8f965e1d086af9a205bc9a3010af234c74e3d90d, previously 0x246e84790ce66af364ff78acee58ada36ead3c32f9c342d6b4238316167167b1.
2022-07-20 08:44:36 ✨ Imported #27 (0x4970…d90d)
2022-07-20 08:44:39 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #27 (0x4970…d90d), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 47 B/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:44:40 ✨ Imported #28 (0x8b5f…dbec)
2022-07-20 08:44:44 ✨ Imported #29 (0xd2fb…9fe2)
2022-07-20 08:44:44 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #29 (0xd2fb…9fe2), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.3kiB/s ⬆ 94 B/s
2022-07-20 08:44:48 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0xd2fb345be428721d7d27e18fca5b0871a879d9e12423d705888ca67d10c09fe2
2022-07-20 08:44:48 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 30 (1 ms) [hash: 0x0aba77f1dac4fd5427926d8e41a281ebb3233d190c1d20f434445220dcdbe7af; parent_hash: 0xd2fb…9fe2; extrinsics (1): [0x8cae…9486]]
2022-07-20 08:44:48 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 30. Hash now 0x3448a90a48b521d9dbb2ec2277d8cb2769ff3a2889cb4f37a51c6a6357de01f0, previously 0x0aba77f1dac4fd5427926d8e41a281ebb3233d190c1d20f434445220dcdbe7af.
2022-07-20 08:44:48 ✨ Imported #30 (0x3448…01f0)
2022-07-20 08:44:49 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #30 (0x3448…01f0), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 97 B/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:44:52 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x3448a90a48b521d9dbb2ec2277d8cb2769ff3a2889cb4f37a51c6a6357de01f0
2022-07-20 08:44:52 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 31 (1 ms) [hash: 0xbe6cb745adaa4fb099eb92fa4a0dca87a37c6006ca0108520f84dc9018c516c4; parent_hash: 0x3448…01f0; extrinsics (1): [0x4677…cb93]]
2022-07-20 08:44:52 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 31. Hash now 0xdd3d5d322e8c7e263630ec30003772c734d830e1e659481a15b112fea8e3b817, previously 0xbe6cb745adaa4fb099eb92fa4a0dca87a37c6006ca0108520f84dc9018c516c4.
2022-07-20 08:44:52 ✨ Imported #31 (0xdd3d…b817)
2022-07-20 08:44:54 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #31 (0xdd3d…b817), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.7kiB/s ⬆ 1.1kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:44:54 ♻️ Reorg on #31,0xdd3d…b817 to #31,0xa218…62bf, common ancestor #30,0x3448…01f0
2022-07-20 08:44:54 ✨ Imported #31 (0xa218…62bf)
2022-07-20 08:44:56 ✨ Imported #32 (0x2bda…6107)
2022-07-20 08:44:58 ✨ Imported #32 (0x0a58…7349)
2022-07-20 08:44:59 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #32 (0x2bda…6107), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.8kiB/s ⬆ 0.3kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:45:00 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x2bda10edb64b1c3f009791b1d29c7b6271c80abde9675fd1e52c99b626cc6107
2022-07-20 08:45:00 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 33 (0 ms) [hash: 0x65420245481c0f93b3c4370701af71c7ef29bedf340e28a1329f3652762979e1; parent_hash: 0x2bda…6107; extrinsics (2): [0xd0a8…4252, 0xf9bb…0bed]]
2022-07-20 08:45:00 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 33. Hash now 0xf7cf1b192c12db9ca8a339ff180dac47bdf7693f4dbd0208c21d56ef1c6a6b77, previously 0x65420245481c0f93b3c4370701af71c7ef29bedf340e28a1329f3652762979e1.
2022-07-20 08:45:00 ✨ Imported #33 (0xf7cf…6b77)
2022-07-20 08:45:04 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #33 (0xf7cf…6b77), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.3kiB/s ⬆ 0.8kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:45:06 ✨ Imported #34 (0x7907…5297)
2022-07-20 08:45:09 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #34 (0x7907…5297), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.3kiB/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:45:10 [#35] 🗳 Starting unsigned phase round 1 enabled true.
2022-07-20 08:45:10 ✨ Imported #35 (0x8193…be60)
2022-07-20 08:45:12 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x8193c17e74198e97be154e7d684b402a09cf4a8d110f103f61a0de587dc0be60
2022-07-20 08:45:12 [#36] 🗳 queued unsigned solution with score ElectionScore { minimal_stake: 10000000000000000, sum_stake: 10000000000000000, sum_stake_squared: 100000000000000000000000000000000 }
2022-07-20 08:45:12 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 36 (0 ms) [hash: 0x68f9a08fd1acf43a0b6b23702f05f6b532f4a53eb23cce9be6720b478deeadaa; parent_hash: 0x8193…be60; extrinsics (2): [0x1b88…4c60, 0x9d59…1a87]]
2022-07-20 08:45:12 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 36. Hash now 0x3f85cbc81ab08347d25e87cbb000098072ba2a566d01e20e376b6b60971dc2f0, previously 0x68f9a08fd1acf43a0b6b23702f05f6b532f4a53eb23cce9be6720b478deeadaa.
2022-07-20 08:45:12 ✨ Imported #36 (0x3f85…c2f0)
2022-07-20 08:45:14 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #36 (0x3f85…c2f0), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.3kiB/s ⬆ 0.5kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:45:18 ✨ Imported #37 (0x3f11…8665)
2022-07-20 08:45:19 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #37 (0x3f11…8665), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.3kiB/s ⬆ 0.3kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:45:22 ✨ Imported #38 (0xc58c…f570)
2022-07-20 08:45:24 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #38 (0xc58c…f570), finalized #0 (0x588e…c005), ⬇ 0.2kiB/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s
2022-07-20 08:45:26 ✨ Imported #39 (0xc353…bfb3)
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