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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Save EconometricsBySimulation/3282defc1557fd0614f2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# adapted from John Fox's numbers2words function
require(magrittr); require(Rmpfr)
make.digits <- function(x) {
# This is a function breaks an input number x into the positive (left)
# and negative(right) elements and returns these as numbers
x <- toString(x)
negative <- substr(x,1,1)=="-"
if (negative) x <- substring(x,2)
if (length(grep('.',x, fixed=TRUE))==0) {
left <- x %>% strsplit("") %>% unlist
right <- NULL
else {
y <- x %>% strsplit(".", fixed=TRUE)
left <- y[[1]][1] %>% strsplit("") %>% unlist
right <- y[[1]][2] %>% strsplit("") %>% unlist
list(left,right, negative)
# Insert commas where needed in large numbers
make.proper <- function(x, sep=",") {
if (is.numeric(x)) x <- format(x, scientific=FALSE)
digits <- make.digits(x)
outlength <- ceiling(length(digits[[1]])/3)-1+length(digits[[1]])
right <- digits[[2]]
left <- rep("", outlength)
left[outlength:1 %% 4==0] <- sep
left[outlength:1 %% 4!=0] <- digits[[1]]
if (length(right>0)) paste(c(left, ".", right), collapse="")
else paste(left, collapse="")
# Text to vectors
ttv <- function(x, sep=" ")
x %>% gsub('\n', ' ', x=.) %>% strsplit(sep) %>% unlist
makeNumber <- function(x) as.numeric(paste(x, collapse=""))
ones <- ttv("zero one two three four five six seven eight nine")
teens <- ttv("ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen
sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen")
tens <- ttv("zero ten twenty thirty forty fifty
sixty seventy eighty ninety")
suffixes <- ttv("thousand million billion trillion quadrillion
quintillion sextillion septillion octillion nonillion
decillion undecillion duodecillion tredecillion
quattuordecillion quindecillion sexdecillion
septendecillion octodecillion novemdecillion
vigintillion centillion")
decimals <- ttv('ten hundred
thousand ten-thousand hundred-thousand
million ten-million hundred-million
billion ten-billion hundred-billion
trillion ten-trillion hundred-trillion
quadrillion ten-quadrillion hundred-quadrillion')
number2words <- function(x, proper=F){
if (is.numeric(x)) x <- format(x, scientific=FALSE)
tdigits <- make.digits(x)
ldigits <- tdigits[[1]]
rdigits <- tdigits[[2]]
negative <- tdigits[[3]]
ndigits <- length(ldigits)
result <-
if (ndigits == 1) ones[ldigits]
else if (ndigits == 2)
if (as.numeric(x) <= 19) teens[ldigits[2]]
else if (ldigits[2]=="0") tens[ldigits[1]]
else paste0(tens[ldigits[1]], "-", ones[ldigits[2]])
else if (ndigits == 3) {
tail <- makeNumber(ldigits[2:3])
if (tail == 0) paste(ones[ldigits[1]], "hundred")
else {
paste(ones[ldigits[1]], "hundred", number2words(tail))
else {
nSuffix <- ((ndigits + 2) %/% 3) - 1
if (nSuffix > length(suffixes) || ndigits > 63)
stop(paste(x, "is too large!"))
pick <- 1:(ndigits - 3*nSuffix)
number2words(makeNumber(ldigits[-pick]))) %>%
gsub(' ,', ',', x=.)
if (length(rdigits)>0) {
result <-
if (floor(as.numeric(x))==0) paste(
rdigits %>% makeNumber %>% number2words,
paste0(decimals[length(rdigits)], 'ths')
result <- paste(
result, "and",
rdigits %>% makeNumber %>% number2words,
paste0(decimals[length(rdigits)], 'ths')
if (negative) result <- paste("minus", result)
gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", result)
if (proper) c(paste(result), make.proper(x))
else paste(result)
number2words(-12187.1, proper=T)
number2words(pi^pi^pi, proper=TRUE)
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