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Forked from wch/server.r
Created June 8, 2013 12:34
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shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$main_plot <- renderPlot(width = 400, height = 300, {
probability = TRUE,
breaks = as.numeric(input$n_breaks),
xlab = "Duration (minutes)",
main = "Geyser eruption duration")
if (input$individual_obs) {
if (input$density) {
dens <- density(faithful$eruptions, adjust = input$bw_adjust)
lines(dens, col = "blue")
selectInput(inputId = "n_breaks",
label = "Number of bins in histogram (approximate):",
choices = c(10, 20, 35, 50),
selected = 20),
checkboxInput(inputId = "individual_obs",
label = strong("Show individual observations"),
value = FALSE),
checkboxInput(inputId = "density",
label = strong("Show density estimate"),
value = FALSE),
plotOutput(outputId = "main_plot", height = "300px"),
# Display this only if the density is shown
conditionalPanel(condition = "input.density == true",
sliderInput(inputId = "bw_adjust",
label = "Bandwidth adjustment:",
min = 0.2, max = 2, value = 1, step = 0.2)
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