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Last active November 22, 2022 09:12
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  • Save EconometricsBySimulation/6274532 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EconometricsBySimulation/6274532 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple command to grab coefficients, t-stats, p-values, f-stats, etc from a regression and export them as an easy to use spreadsheet.
lmOut <- function(res, file="test.csv", ndigit=3, writecsv=T) {
# If summary has not been run on the model then run summary
if (length(grep("summary", class(res)))==0) res <- summary(res)
co <- res$coefficients
nvar <- nrow(co)
ncol <- ncol(co)
f <- res$fstatistic
formatter <- function(x) format(round(x,ndigit),nsmall=ndigit)
# This sets the number of rows before we start recording the coefficients
nstats <- 4
# G matrix stores data for output
G <- matrix("", nrow=nvar+nstats, ncol=ncol+1)
G[1,1] <- toString(res$call)
# Save rownames and colnames
G[(nstats+1):(nvar+nstats),1] <- rownames(co)
G[nstats, 2:(ncoll+1)] <- colnames(co)
# Save Coefficients
G[(nstats+1):(nvar+nstats), 2:(ncol+1)] <- formatter(co)
# Save F-stat
G[1,2] <- paste0("F(",f[2],",",f[3],")")
G[2,2] <- formatter(f[1])
# Save F-p value
G[1,3] <- "Prob > P"
G[2,3] <- formatter(1-pf(f[1],f[2],f[3]))
# Save R2
G[1,4] <- "R-Squared"
G[2,4] <- formatter(res$r.squared)
# Save Adj-R2
G[1,5] <- "Adj-R2"
G[2,5] <- formatter(res$adj.r.squared)
if (writecsv) write.csv(G, file=file, row.names=F)
# First let's generate some fake binary response data (from yesterday's post).
Nobs <- 10^4
X <- cbind(cons=1, X1=rnorm(Nobs),X2=rnorm(Nobs),X3=rnorm(Nobs),u=rnorm(Nobs))
B <- c(B0=-.2, B1=-.1,B2=0,B3=-.2,u=5)
Y <- X%*%B
SData <-, X))
# Great, we have generated our data.
myres <- lm(Y ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data=SData)
lmOut(myres, file="my-results.csv")
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Hi, thanks for writing this helpful function. I'm curious that is there any way to use it when I do the regression under glm function?

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