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Last active April 14, 2016 21:37
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# Estimating Weekly consumption from periodic purchasing data
# Day Purchase
nperiod <- c(1,2,3,5,6,7 ,8, 9, 10, 15, 20)
pperiod <- c(3,3,3,2,1,1,.5,.5, .2, .2, .1)
ndays <- 250
# Number of days observed
obsperiod <- 7
nsim <- 250
# Other Periods
op <- 5
mpurch <- cpurch <- matrix(0, nrow=ndays, ncol=length(nperiod))
# Mpurch is the quantity purchased
# Cpurch is the number of days that quantity is purchased for
for (i in 1:ndays) for (j in 1:length(nperiod)) if(sum(mpurch[1:i, j])<i) mpurch[i,j] <- nperiod[j]
# The number of days expected to consume is equal to quantity purchased
cpurch <- mpurch
#Imagine a random week selected from each purchasing pattern
#Method 1 & 2 empty matrices
m <- data.table(j=NA, op=NA, m=NA, x=NA)[-1,]
for (z in 0:op) {
mpurchz <- mpurch/(z+1)
for (i in 1:nsim) {
if (i/50==round(i/50)) print(i)
day <- sample(ndays-obsperiod-1,1)
msamp <- mpurchz[day:(day+obsperiod-1), ]
csamp <- cpurch[day:(day+obsperiod-1), ]
for (j in 1:length(nperiod)) {
draw <- NULL
# create a combined consumption combining the consumption from the z items.
# The first item is always for the j list while the remaining items are drawn randomly from the probility
# distribution pperiod
for (jj in 0:z) {
if (jj==0) y <- j
if (jj>0) y <- sample(length(nperiod),1,prob=pperiod)
draw <- rbind(draw,
draw <- draw %>%
# Calculate the probability adjusted consumption
draw[dur<=obsperiod, perday2 := quant/dur]
draw[dur>obsperiod, perday2 := quant/obsperiod]
# Expand the data so that consumption is spead over the next number of days
expanded <- untable(draw,num=draw$dur) %>%
# Increase the day counter
expanded[, day2 := day+seq(.N)-1, by=.(prod,day)]
# Method 1
summed <- draw[!] %>% group_by(day) %>% summarize(quant=sum(perday))
m <- data.table(j=nperiod[j], op=z, m=1, x=summed[,quant] %>% mean) %>% rbind(m)
# Method 2
summed <- draw[!] %>% group_by(day) %>% summarize(quant=sum(perday2))
m <- data.table(j=nperiod[j], op=z, m=2, x=summed[,quant] %>% mean) %>% rbind(m)
# Method 3
summed <- expanded[day2<=obsperiod & !] %>% group_by(day2) %>% summarize(quant=sum(perday))
m <- data.table(j=nperiod[j], op=z, m=3, x=summed[,quant] %>% mean) %>% rbind(m)
# Method 4
# Day 3 is starting the day counter at 1 even if the first observation is on day 2 or more
expanded[, day3 := day2-min(day2)+1]
summed <- expanded[day3<=obsperiod & !] %>% group_by(day2) %>% summarize(quant=sum(perday))
m <- data.table(j=nperiod[j], op=z, m=4, x=summed[,quant] %>% mean) %>% rbind(m)
# Method 5
summed <- expanded[day2<=obsperiod & !] %>% group_by(day2) %>% summarize(quant=sum(perday2))
m <- data.table(j=nperiod[j], op=z, m=5, x=summed[,quant] %>% mean) %>% rbind(m)
summed <- expanded[day3<=obsperiod & !] %>% group_by(day2) %>% summarize(quant=sum(perday2))
m <- data.table(j=nperiod[j], op=z, m=6, x=summed[,quant] %>% mean) %>% rbind(m)
options(dplyr.print_max = 1e9)
m %>% group_by(m,op,j) %>% summarise(mean=mean(x)) %>% arrange(m,op,j)
m %>% group_by(m,op,j) %>% summarise(mean=mean(x,na.rm=TRUE)) %>% arrange(m,op,j)
sub0 <- function(x, y=0) {x[, x := y] ; return(x)}
results <- m %>% sub0 %>% group_by(m,op,j) %>% summarise(mean=mean(x)) %>% arrange(m,op,j)
setwd('C:/Users/fsmar/Dropbox/Econometrics by Simulation/2016-04-April')
results %>% spread(m,mean) %>% write.csv("Consumption.csv")
# note in the write up method 4 is method 5 in the simulation
# Methods 4 and 6 are excluded from the write up
results <- results[m %in% c(1:3,5),]
png(file='ConsumptionSpread.png', width=1200, height=900)
results %>% ggplot(aes(y=mean, x=j, color=factor(m))) +
geom_smooth(lwd=3) +
theme_bw(base_size = 15) +
xlab('Good Consumption Period')
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