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Created October 20, 2017 23:56
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* Paradigm Hyperloop Prototype Node Control Firmware
* This file defines the controls logic for a single Brake Node. A Brake Node
* is special from a generic node in that it is directly connected to all
* the required sensors and actuators to adequately control the brake Module
* in the event of an emergency, a crucial element to building a fail-safe
* vehicle.
* This module is designed to control Pod 2 Brakes, with a few changes. The
* following hardware is expected to be connected to this node:
* Actuators
* - 1 5/3 Solenoid (2 coils, 3 states - Engage, Closed, Release)
* Sensors
* - 2 Analog 5V press transducers (Honeywell 150PSI) 1 Tank, 1 Piston
* - 2 Analog 5V Sharp Distance Sensors (2-10cm)
* - 3 0-5V Cold Comp Thermocouple Amplifiers
* This module assumes an Arduino Compatible Ethernet IC is connected.
* This module acquires its MAC and IP at compile time.
* Defaults:
* - MAC_ADDRESS: 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED
* - IP_ADDRESS: 192, 168, 1, 177
* Note:
* Static Assignment of MAC and IP address should be investigated, there are
* Possibly better alternatives.
* - Determine if a MAC can be burned into the NIC once during assembly
* -> Then we could avoid compile time and use DHCP.
* - Determine if a default MAC is already burned into the NIC
* - Determine if we can generate a unique MAC based on the uC serial #
* See the infamous KeynoteCAD for design notes on the design of this Prototype
* controller.
/////////////////////// HEADERS /////////////////////
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <EthernetUdp.h> // UDP library from: 12/30/2008
#include <SPI.h> // needed for Arduino versions later than 0018
#include <assert.h>
#include <Adafruit_ASFcore.h>
#include <Adafruit_SleepyDog.h>
/////////////////////// CONFIG /////////////////////
#define MAC_ADDRESS 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED
#ifndef IP_ADDRESS
#define IP_ADDRESS 192, 168, 1, 177
#define LISTEN_PORT 8888 // UDP
#define MESSAGE_TIMEOUT 1000 // milliseconds
#define PISTON_AREA 40 // Square Inches
#define BRAKE_FLUTTER_TIME 100 // milliseconds
#define FORCE_SETPOINT_THRESH 100 // Newtons
/////////////////////// CONVERTIONS /////////////////////
#define POUND_FORCE_TO_NEWTONS(x) (445 * x) / 100
#define BIAS(old_val, new_val, bias, total) \
(((((old_val) * (bias) / (total)) + \
((new_val) * ((total) - (bias)) / (total)))) / \
/////////////////////// NETWORK SETUP /////////////////////
// Enter a MAC address and IP address for your controller below.
// The IP address will be dependent on your local network:
byte mac[6] = {MAC_ADDRESS};
IPAddress ip(IP_ADDRESS);
unsigned int localPort = LISTEN_PORT; // local port to listen on
// buffers for receiving and sending data
char packetBuffer[UDP_TX_PACKET_MAX_SIZE]; // buffer to hold incoming packet,
char ReplyBuffer[UDP_TX_PACKET_MAX_SIZE]; // buffer to build outgoing packet,
// An EthernetUDP instance to let us send and receive packets over UDP
EthernetUDP Udp;
/////////////////////// VALVE ABSTRACTIONS /////////////////////
// Generic 2/2 valve state enumeration
typedef enum valve_state {
kValveFault = 0, // Valve has faulted, unknown state
kValveOpen = 1, // Valve is open
kValveClosed = 2, // Valve is closed
kValveOpening = 3, // Valve is opening, not confirmed opened
kValveClosing = 4 // Valve is closing, not confirmed closed
} valve_state_t;
typedef struct valve {
valve_state_t state;
int pin;
uint32_t last_update;
} valve_t;
// A Brake valve is a standard 5/3 solenoid
typedef enum brake_valve_state {
kBrakeValveFault = 0, // Valve has faulted, unknown state
kBrakeValveEngaged = 1, // Valve is engaging air to brake
kBrakeValveClosed = 2, // Valve is closed
kBrakeValveReleased = 3, // Valve is releasing air from brake
kBrakeValveEngaging = 4, // Valve is traveling to engaged state
kBrakeValveClosing = 5, // Valve is traveling to closed state
kBrakeValveReleasing = 6, // Valve is traveling to released state
} brake_valve_state_t;
typedef struct brake_valve {
brake_valve_state_t state;
int engage_pin;
int release_pin;
uint32_t last_update;
} brake_valve_t;
/////////////////////// SENSOR ABSTRACTIONS /////////////////////
struct sensor;
typedef int (*processor)(struct sensor *sensor);
typedef struct sensor {
char name[16];
uint8_t channel;
int32_t raw;
int32_t val;
processor process;
} sensor_t;
/////////////////////// NODE STATE /////////////////////
typedef enum node_mode {
kModeInit = 0,
kModeStandard = 1,
kModeReset = 2,
kModeProgram = 3,
kModeManual = 4,
kModeInhibit = 5,
kModeEmergency = 6
} node_mode_t;
typedef struct node {
uint8_t mode;
sensor_t dist_rear;
sensor_t dist_front;
sensor_t temp_rear;
sensor_t temp_front;
sensor_t tank_press;
sensor_t piston_press;
sensor_t *sensors[16]; // Array of pointers to sensors in channel order
int32_t last_message;
int32_t force_setpoint;
int32_t ref_press;
brake_valve_t valve;
} node_t;
/////////////////////// NETWORK PACKETS /////////////////////
typedef struct req_packet {
uint8_t mode;
int32_t arg0;
int32_t arg1;
} req_packet_t;
typedef struct resp_packet {
uint8_t mode;
int32_t tank_press;
int32_t piston_press;
int32_t dist_front;
int32_t dist_rear;
int32_t valve_state;
int32_t temp_front;
int32_t temp_rear;
int32_t force_setpoint;
} resp_packet_t;
/////////////////////// GLOBAL STATE STORAGE /////////////////////
node_t BRAKE = {0};
/////////////////////// SENSOR HELPERS /////////////////////
void sensor_init(sensor_t *s, char *name, uint8_t channel, processor p) {
int i = 0;
while (name[i] != '\0' && i < 15) {
s->name[i] = name[i];
s->name[i] = '\0';
s->channel = channel;
s->raw = 0;
s->process = p;
assert(BRAKE.sensors[channel] == NULL);
BRAKE.sensors[channel] = s;
void sensor_destroy(sensor_t *s) {
assert(BRAKE.sensors[s->channel] == s);
BRAKE.sensors[s->channel] = NULL;
int _dist_sensor(sensor_t *s) {
uint32_t new_val = map(s->raw, 0, 4095, 220, 10); // Bullshit
s->val = BIAS(s->val, new_val, 0, 255);
return 0;
int _temp_sensor(sensor_t *s) {
uint32_t new_val = map(s->raw, 0, 4095, 220, 10); // Bullshit
s->val = BIAS(s->val, new_val, 0, 255);
return 0;
int _press_sensor(sensor_t *s) {
uint32_t new_val = map(s->raw, 0, 4095, 220, 10); // Bullshit
s->val = BIAS(s->val, new_val, 0, 255);
return 0;
/////////////////////// GENERIC UTILITIES /////////////////////
void print_ip(IPAddress ip) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Serial.print(ip[i], DEC);
if (i < 3) {
/////////////////////// CONTROLLER UTILITIES /////////////////////
int32_t calculate_current_force() {
int32_t relative_100s_psi = BRAKE.piston_press.val - BRAKE.ref_press;
int32_t force_pounds = (relative_100s_psi * PISTON_AREA) / 100;
return POUND_FORCE_TO_NEWTONS(force_pounds);
void read_sensor(sensor_t *s) {
s->raw = analogRead(s->channel);
void set_brake_valve(brake_valve_t *b, brake_valve_state new_state) {
int engage_val = (new_state == kBrakeValveEngaged ? HIGH : LOW);
digitalWrite(b->engage_pin, engage_val);
int release_val = (new_state == kBrakeValveReleased ? HIGH : LOW);
digitalWrite(b->release_pin, release_val);
b->state = new_state;
/////////////////////// CORE CONTROLLER STEPS /////////////////////
/* Do: Network, Sensors, State, then Outputs */
void handle_network() {
int packetSize = Udp.parsePacket();
if (packetSize) {
Serial.print("Received packet of size ");
Serial.print("From ");
IPAddress remote = Udp.remoteIP();
Serial.print(", port ");
// read the packet into packetBufffer
req_packet_t pkt; *)&pkt, sizeof(req_packet_t));
Serial.println((char *)&pkt);
if (packetSize == sizeof(req_packet_t)) {
BRAKE.mode = pkt.mode;
if (BRAKE.mode == kModeStandard) {
BRAKE.force_setpoint = pkt.arg0;
BRAKE.ref_press = pkt.arg1;
} else if (BRAKE.mode == kModeManual) {
BRAKE.valve.state = (brake_valve_state_t)pkt.arg0;
resp_packet_t response;
response.mode = BRAKE.mode;
response.tank_press = BRAKE.tank_press.val;
response.piston_press = BRAKE.piston_press.val;
response.dist_front = BRAKE.dist_front.val;
response.dist_rear = BRAKE.dist_rear.val;
response.valve_state = BRAKE.valve.state;
response.temp_front = BRAKE.temp_front.val;
response.temp_rear = BRAKE.temp_rear.val;
response.force_setpoint = BRAKE.force_setpoint;
// send a reply to the IP address and port that sent us the packet we
// received
Udp.beginPacket(Udp.remoteIP(), Udp.remotePort());
Udp.write((uint8_t *)&response, sizeof(resp_packet_t));
void read_sensors() {
int i = 0;
while (BRAKE.sensors[i]) {
void update_states() {
if (BRAKE.mode == kModeStandard) {
if (BRAKE.last_message - millis() > MESSAGE_TIMEOUT) {
BRAKE.mode = kModeEmergency;
} else if (BRAKE.mode == kModeReset) {
if (BRAKE.piston_press.val < PISTON_EMPTY_THRESH) {
delay(101); // hit watchdog timer
void output_actuators() {
if (BRAKE.mode == kModeStandard) {
if (millis() - BRAKE.valve.last_update < BRAKE_FLUTTER_TIME) {
// Skip, valve was recently changed, do not change yet
int32_t current_force = calculate_current_force();
int32_t desired_force = BRAKE.force_setpoint;
int32_t err = desired_force - current_force;
// TODO: Deal with situations when tank pressure is getting low
// (disallow release until controller sets force_setpoint <= 0)
// TODO: Deal with overtemp situations?
// (actually we probably don't want to actively control based on temp)
// TODO: Deal with position of pad.
// (Ensure that position front and back indicated pad is extended)
brake_valve_state_t new_state = BRAKE.valve.state;
if (abs(err) <= FORCE_SETPOINT_THRESH) {
// Within Acceptable Range
new_state = kBrakeValveClosed;
} else if (err > 0) {
// Underpressed
new_state = kBrakeValveReleased;
} else if (err < 0) {
// Overpressed
new_state = kBrakeValveEngaged;
if (BRAKE.valve.state != new_state) {
set_brake_valve(&BRAKE.valve, new_state);
} else if (BRAKE.mode == kModeManual) {
set_brake_valve(&BRAKE.valve, BRAKE.valve.state);
} else if (BRAKE.mode == kModeEmergency) {
set_brake_valve(&BRAKE.valve, kBrakeValveEngaged);
// NOTE: if packet arrives from controller, the emergency is lifted.
/////////////////////// SETUP & LOOP /////////////////////
void setup() {
// 1 second startup watchdog
// Initial Mode
BRAKE.mode = kModeInit;
// Setup Sensors
sensor_init(&BRAKE.dist_front, (char *)"dist_front", 0, _dist_sensor);
sensor_init(&BRAKE.dist_rear, (char *)"dist_rear", 0, _dist_sensor);
sensor_init(&BRAKE.temp_front, (char *)"temp_front", 0, _temp_sensor);
sensor_init(&BRAKE.temp_rear, (char *)"temp_rear", 0, _temp_sensor);
sensor_init(&BRAKE.tank_press, (char *)"tank_press", 0, _press_sensor);
sensor_init(&BRAKE.piston_press, (char *)"piston_press", 0, _press_sensor);
// Set the UDP message timeout
BRAKE.last_message = millis();
// Configure the brake valve
BRAKE.valve.engage_pin = 1;
BRAKE.valve.release_pin = 2;
BRAKE.valve.state = kBrakeValveClosed;
BRAKE.valve.last_update = millis();
// start the Ethernet and UDP:
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);
// 100ms watchdog. Auto Reset on hang
void loop() {
// if there's data available, read a packet
// Read in and update sensors
// Change controller mode if needed (network timeout, controller reset)
// Outputs
/////////////////////// DEBUG /////////////////////
// handle diagnostic informations given by assertion and abort program
// execution:
void __assert(const char *__func, const char *__file, int __lineno,
const char *__sexp) {
// transmit diagnostic informations through serial link.
Serial.println(__lineno, DEC);
// abort program execution.
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