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Last active August 13, 2019 23:33
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open import Data.Nat as Nat
module Irrelevance-Issue (someMax₁ : ℕ) where
open import Level using () renaming ( _⊔_ to _⊔ₗ_)
open import Function
open import Data.Fin as Fin renaming (_≟_ to _≟f_)
hiding (_<_; _≤_; _+_)
open import Data.Product as Product
open import Data.Vec as Vec
open import Data.List as List
open import Data.List.Any as LAny hiding (index)
open import Data.List.All as LAll hiding (toList)
open import Data.List.All.Properties as LAllP
open import Data.Empty as Empty
open import Data.Bool as Bool hiding (_≟_; _≤_; _<_)
open import Data.Unit as Unit using (⊤; tt)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
m≤m : (m : ℕ) → m ≤ m
m≤m zero = z≤n
m≤m (suc m) = s≤s (m≤m m)
≡⇒≤ : {n m : ℕ} → n ≡ m → n ≤ m
≡⇒≤ refl = m≤m _
_∈_ : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → A → List A → Set a
a ∈ as = LAny.Any (a ≡_) as
data AllTails {a} {A : Set a} {p} (P : A → List A → Set p) : List A → Set (a Level.⊔ p) where
empty : AllTails P []
cons : {x : A} → {xs : List A} → P x xs → AllTails P xs → AllTails P (x ∷ xs)
Unique : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → (xs : List A) → Set a
Unique = AllTails (λ x ys → LAll.All (x ≢_) ys)
SomeFin : Set
SomeFin = Fin someMax₁
data SomeData : Set where
thing : SomeFin → SomeData
notThing : SomeData
IndexedSizedData : Set
IndexedSizedData = Σ[ i ∈ SomeFin ] Σ[ s ∈ ℕ ] Vec SomeData s
ISDList : Set
ISDList = List IndexedSizedData
indices : ISDList → List SomeFin
indices = proj₁
isThing : SomeData → Set
isThing (thing x) = ⊤
isThing notThing = ⊥
getFin[isThing] : (d : SomeData) → isThing d → SomeFin
getFin[isThing] (thing x) tt = x
getFin[isThing] notThing ()
lookupById : {i : SomeFin} → {os : ISDList} → i ∈ (indices os) → IndexedSizedData
lookupById {_} {[]} ()
lookupById {_} {x ∷ _} (here refl) = x
lookupById {_} {_ ∷ _} (there l) = lookupById l
sizeEqualIfDataEqual : {o o' : IndexedSizedData} → o ≡ o' → (proj₁ $ proj₂ o) ≡ (proj₁ $ proj₂ o')
sizeEqualIfDataEqual refl = refl
idsUnique⇒membershipUnique : {i : SomeFin}
→ {os : ISDList}
→ (mem : i ∈ indices os)
→ (mem' : i ∈ indices os)
→ Unique (indices os)
→ mem ≡ mem'
idsUnique⇒membershipUnique {os = []} () mem' nubP
idsUnique⇒membershipUnique {os = x ∷ os} (here refl) (here refl) nubP = refl
idsUnique⇒membershipUnique {os = x ∷ os} (here refl) (there mem') (cons r _)
= ⊥-elim $ LAllP.All¬⇒¬Any r mem'
idsUnique⇒membershipUnique {os = x ∷ os} (there mem) (here refl) (cons r _)
= ⊥-elim $ LAllP.All¬⇒¬Any r mem
idsUnique⇒membershipUnique {os = x ∷ os} (there mem) (there mem') (cons _ nubP)
= cong there $ idsUnique⇒membershipUnique mem mem' nubP
sizesEqual⇒ProofsEqual : {sz : ℕ}
→ {v : ℕ}
→ (p₁ : sz ≡ v)
→ (p₂ : sz ≡ v)
→ p₁ ≡ p₂
sizesEqual⇒ProofsEqual refl refl = refl
inv : {mIdx mIdx' : Maybe SomeFin}
→ {datas datas' : ISDList}
→ (someStates : Vec Bool someMax₁)
→ ℕ
→ (size : ℕ)
→ (cIdx≡ : mIdx ≡ mIdx')
→ (cIdx : Is-just mIdx)
→ (membership : to-witness cIdx ∈ indices datas)
→ (membership' : to-witness (subst Is-just cIdx≡ cIdx) ∈ indices datas')
→ (lookupById membership ≡ lookupById membership')
→ (sizeRange : size ≤ (proj₁ $ proj₂ $ lookupById membership))
→ Set
inv someStates idx size cIdx≡ cIdx membership membership' lookupData≡lookupData' sizeRange =
(i : ℕ) → i < idx → (ip : i < size)
→ (p' : isThing $ Vec.lookup (subst (Vec SomeData)
(sym $ sizeEqualIfDataEqual lookupData≡lookupData')
(proj₂ $ proj₂ $ lookupById $ membership'))
(fromℕ≤ $ ≤-trans ip sizeRange))
→ T (Vec.lookup someStates
(getFin[isThing] (Vec.lookup (subst (Vec SomeData)
(sym $ sizeEqualIfDataEqual lookupData≡lookupData')
(proj₂ $ proj₂ $ lookupById $ membership'))
(fromℕ≤ $ ≤-trans ip sizeRange))
om5-lemma11 : {mIdx mIdx' : Maybe SomeFin}
→ {datas datas' : ISDList}
→ {size : ℕ}
→ {someStates : Vec Bool someMax₁}
→ (cIdx≡ : mIdx ≡ mIdx')
→ datas ≡ datas'
→ Unique (indices datas)
→ (cIdx : Is-just mIdx)
→ (membership : to-witness cIdx ∈ indices datas)
→ (membership' : to-witness (subst Is-just cIdx≡ cIdx) ∈ indices datas')
→ (sizeRange : size ≤ (proj₁ $ proj₂ $ lookupById membership))
→ (sizeRange' : size ≤ (proj₁ $ proj₂ $ lookupById membership'))
→ (lookupData≡lookupData' : lookupById membership ≡ lookupById membership')
→ {idx : ℕ}
-- → inv someStates idx size cIdx≡ cIdx membership membership' lookupData≡lookupData' sizeRange
→ (i : ℕ)
→ (i<idx' : i < suc idx)
→ (i≢idx : i ≢ idx)
→ (i<sz : i < size)
-- → (p¬nil : isThing (Vec.lookup (proj₂ $ proj₂ $ lookupById $ membership')
-- (fromℕ≤ $ ≤-trans i<sz sizeRange')))
→ T $ Vec.lookup someStates {!!} {- (getFin[isThing] (Vec.lookup (proj₂ $ proj₂ $ lookupById $ membership')
(fromℕ≤ $ ≤-trans i<sz sizeRange'))
p¬nil) -}
om5-lemma11 refl refl uniqueP cIdx membership membership' sizeRange sizeRange' lookupData≡lookupData' {- invariant -} i (s≤s i<idx') i≢idx i<sz -- p¬nil
with {!!}
... | x = {!!}
-- rewrite sym $ idsUnique⇒membershipUnique membership membership' uniqueP
-- | sym $ sizesEqual⇒ProofsEqual sizeRange sizeRange'
-- | lookupData≡lookupData'
-- = {!!} -- inv i (≤∧≢⇒< i<idx' i≢idx) i<sz p¬nil
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