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recordIdentifier creator date title subject publisher language type Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Palmiter, Alan R.; Cotter, James F. 2012 Dodd-Frank's Say on Pay: Will It Lead to a Greater Role for Shareholders in Corporate Governance? Dodd-Frank; corporate governance; executive compensation Cornell Law Review; en_US Article Bressman, Lisa Schultz 2009 Chevron's Mistake Canons of construction; Statutory interpretation; Judicial Review; Delegation; Administrative law Duke Law Journal en_US Article Gervais, Daniel J., 1963- 2005 Intellectual Property, Trade & Development: The State of Play intellectual property rights; international trade; economic development; TRIPS agreement Fordham Law Review en_US Article Maroney, Terry A. 2011 Adolescent Brain Science After Graham v. Florida Eighth Amendment, developmental neuroscience, adolescent brain science Notre Dame Law Review en_US Article Maroney, Terry A. 2009 The False Promise of Adolescent Brain Science in Juvenile Justice teen brain; adolescent brain science; juvenile defendants; developmental neuroscience; immature brains Notre Dame Law Review en_US Article Bressman, Lisa Schultz 2002 Disciplining Delegation After "Whitman v. American Trucking Ass'ns" Cornell Law Review en_US Article Allensworth, Rebecca Haw 2012 Adversarial Economics in Antitrust Litigation: Losing Academic Consensus in The Battle of The Experts Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Allensworth, Rebecca Haw 2011 Amicus Briefs and the Sherman Act: Why Antitrust Needs a New Deal Texas Law Review en_US Article Bressman, Lisa Schultz; Thompson, Robert B., 1949- 2010 The Future of Agency Independence Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Gervais, Daniel J., 1963- 2007 The Protection of Databases Chicago-Kent Law Review en_US Article Bressman, Lisa Schultz 2005 How "Mead" Has Muddled Judicial Review of Agency Action United States v. Mead Corp. Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Gervais, Daniel J., 1963- 2005 Traditional Knowledge & Intellectual Property: A TRIPS-Compatible Approach Michigan State Law Review en_US Article Bressman, Lisa Schultz; Vandenbergh, Michael P. 2006 Inside the Administrative State: A Critical Look at the Practice of Presidential Control Michigan Law Review en_US Article Edelman, Paul H. 1998 Tour of Mistakes Lubet, Steven -- Criticism and interpretation; Berlinski, David, 1942- Tour of the calculus Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Bressman, Lisa Schultz; Vandenbergh, Michael P. 2007 Legitimacy, Selectivity, and the Disunitary Executive: A Reply to Sally Katzen Michigan Law Review en_US Article Mikos, Robert A. 2012 Can the States Keep Secrets from the Federal Government? University of Pennsylvania Law Review en_US Article Bressman, Lisa Schultz; Vandenbergh, Michael P.; Carrico, Amanda R. 2011 Regulation in the Behavioral Era Behavioral economics Minnesota Law Review en_US Article Mikos, Robert A. 2006 "Eggshell" Victims, Private Precautions, and the Societal Benefits of Shifting Crime Michigan Law Review en_US Article Mikos, Robert A. 2005 Enforcing State Law in Congress's Shadow Cornell Law Review en_US Article Mikos, Robert A. 2007 The Populist Safeguards of Federalism Ohio State Law Journal en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Hansen, Robert Gordon, 1957- 1993 Auctioning Class Action and Derivative Lawsuits: A Critical Analysis Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Wuerth, Ingrid Brunk 2010 The Alien Tort Statute and Federal Common Law: A New Approach Notre Dame Law Review en_US Article Wuerth, Ingrid Brunk 2005 Authorizations for the Use of Force, International Law, and the "Charming Betsy" Canon Hamdi v. Rumsfeld Boston College Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Martin, Kenneth J.; O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- 2012 Customizing Employment Arbitration Iowa Law Review en_US Article Wuerth, Ingrid Brunk 2007 International Law and Constitutional Interpretation: The Commander in Chief Clause Reconsidered Commander in Chief Clause Michigan Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Martin, Kenneth J. 1999 The Effect of Shareholder Proposals on Executive Compensation executive compensation University of Cincinnati Law Review en_US Article Wuerth, Ingrid Brunk 2004 The President's Power to Detain "Enemy Combatants": Modern Lessons from Mr. Madison's Forgotten War Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Wells, Harwell 2011 Executive Compensation in the Courts: Board Capture, Optimal Contracting, and Officers' Fiduciary Duties executive compensation Minnesota Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Core, John E., 1961-; Guay, Wayne R. 2005 Is U.S. CEO Compensation Inefficient Pay Without Performance? executive compensation Michigan Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Bai, Lynn; Cox, James D., 1943- 2010 Lying and Getting Caught: An Empirical Study of the Effect of Securities Class Action Settlements on Targeted Firms University of Pennsylvania Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Schwab, Stewart J.; Hansen, Robert Gordon, 1957- 2001 Megafirms North Carolina Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Cox, James D., 1943- 2005 Public and Private Enforcement of the Securities Laws: Have Things Changed Since Enron? Notre Dame Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Schwab, Stewart J. 1998 Realigning Corporate Governance: Shareholder Activism by Labor Unions Michigan Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Cox, James D., 1943- 2003 SEC Enforcement Heuristics: An Empirical Inquiry Duke Law Journal en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955- 1994 The Impact of Environmental Liabilities on Privatization in Central and Eastern Europe: A Case Study of Poland University of California at Davis Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Thompson, Robert B., 1949- 2012 A Theory of Representative Shareholder Suits and its Application to Multijurisdictional Litigation Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Rasmussen, Robert K. 2000 Timing Matters: Promoting Forum Shopping by Insolvent Corporations Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Martin, Kenneth J. 1997 Using State Inspection Statutes for Discovery in Federal Securities Fraud Actions Boston University Law Review en_US Article Fitzpatrick, Brian T. (Brian Timothy), 1975- 2009 The End of Objector Blackmail? Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Cheng, Edward K. 2006 Structural Laws and the Puzzle of Regulating Behavior Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article George, Tracey E., 1967-; Yoon, Albert 2008 Chief Judges: The Limits of Attitudinal Theory and Possible Paradox of Managerial Judging Grutter v. Bollinger Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; George, Tracey E., 1967- 2004 Induced Litigation Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; George, Tracey E., 1967- 2009 Remaking the United States Supreme Court in the Courts' of Appeals Image Duke Law Journal en_US Article George, Tracey E., 1967-; Gulati, Mitu; McGinley, Ann C. 2011 The New Old Legal Realism Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; George, Tracey E., 1967- 2008 "The Threes": Re-Imagining Supreme Court Decisionmaking Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Gervais, Daniel J., 1963- 2009 Of Clusters and Assumptions: Innovation as Part of a Full TRIPS Implementation Fordham Law Review en_US Article Gervais, Daniel J., 1963- 2009 The Tangled Web of UGC: Making Copyright Sense of User-Generated Content Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law en_US Article Gervais, Daniel J., 1963- 2001 Transmissions of Music on the Internet: An Analysis of the Copyright Laws of Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Rachlinski, Jeffrey John; Wistrich, Andrew J. 2007 Blinking on the Bench: How Judges Decide Cases Cornell Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Rachlinski, Jeffrey John; Wistrich, Andrew J. 2009 The "Hidden Judiciary": An Empirical Examination of Executive Branch Justice Administrative law judges Duke Law Journal en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Rachlinski, Jeffrey John; Wistrich, Andrew J. 2006 Inside the Bankruptcy Judge's Mind Judicial specialization; Bankruptcy judges Boston University Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Rachlinski, Jeffrey John; Wistrich, Andrew J. 2001 Inside the Judicial Mind Cornell Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Rachlinski, Jeffrey John 2006 Insurers, Illusions of Judgment & Litigation Litigation theory Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967- 2003 Panacea or Pandora's Box?: The Costs of Options in Negotiation Iowa Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967- 2003 Prospect Theory, Risk Preference, and the Law Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Hersch, Joni, 1956- 1998 Teen Smoking Behavior and the Regulatory Environment Duke Law Journal en_US Article Maroney, Terry A. 2009 Emotional Common Sense as Constitutional Law Gonzales v. Carhart Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Mikos, Robert A. 2009 On the Limits of Supremacy: Medical Marijuana and the States' Overlooked Power to Legalize Federal Crime Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Moran, Beverly I.; Wildman, Stephanie M., 1949- 2007 Race and Wealth Disparity: The Role of Law and the Legal "System Fordham Urban Law Journal en_US Article Moran, Beverly I. 2004 United States' Trade Policy and the Exportation of United States' Culture Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment Law & Practice en_US Article Padmanabhan, Vijay 2011 To Transfer or Not to Transfer: Identifying and Protecting Relevant Human Rights Interests in Non-Refoulement Fordham Law Review en_US Article Rose, Amanda M.; Squire, Richard 2011 Intraportfolio Litigation Intraportfolio litigation Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Rose, Amanda M.; LeBlanc, Larry J.; Rose 2013 Policing Public Companies: An Empirical Examination of the Enforcement Landscape and the Role Played by State Securities Regulators Florida Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 2007 Antitrust Process and Vertical Deference: Judicial Review of State Regulatory Inaction Iowa Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 2001 Bargaining in the Shadow of Administrative Procedure: The Public Interest in Rulemaking Settlement Duke Law Journal en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 1998 The Common Law "Duty To Serve" and Protection of Consumers in an Age of Competitive Retail Public Utility Restructuring Jurisprudence of network industries; Retail wheeling; Electric utilities Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965-; Seidenfeld, Mark 2000 The False Promise of the "New" NonDelegation Doctrine American Trucking Association, Inc. v. EPA Notre Dame Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 1999 Institutional Design and the Lingering Legacy of Antifederalist Separation of Powers Ideals in the States Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 2010 The Limits of a National Renewable Portfolio Standard Connecticut Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 2003 Lowering the Filed Tariff Shield: Judicial Enforcement for a Deregulatory Era Filed tariff shield Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 1997 Participation Run Amok: The Costs of Mass Participation for Deliberative Agency Decisionmaking Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 1998 Public Choice Theory and the Fragmented Web of the Contemporary Administrative State Michigan Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 2006 State Executive Lawmaking in Crisis Duke Law Journal en_US Article Ruhl, J. B.; Fischman, Robert, 1962- 2010 Adaptive Management in the Courts Minnesota Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2008 Agriculture and Ecosystem Services: Strategies for State and Local Governments N.Y.U. Environmental Law Journal en_US Article Ruhl, J. B.; Markell, David L. 2012 An Empirical Assessment of Climate Change in the Courts: A New Jurisprudence or Business as Usual? Florida Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2008 Climate Change and the Endangered Species Act: Building Bridges to the No-Analog Future Boston University Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 1996 Complexity Theory as a Paradigm for the Dynamical Law-and-Society System: A Wake-up Call for Legal Reductionism and the Modern Administrative State Duke Law Journal en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 1996 The Fitness of Law: Using Complexity Theory to Describe the Evolution of Law and Society and Its Practical Meaning for Democracy Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2011 General Design Principles for Resilience and Adaptive Capacity in Legal Systems--With Applications to Climate Change Adaptation North Carolina Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2003 Is the Endangered Species Act Ecopragmatic? Minnesota Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2008 Making Nuisance Ecological Case Western Reserve Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2002 Manifesto for the Radical Middle Idaho Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 1999 The Metrics of Constitutional Amendments: And Why Proposed Environmental Quality Amendments Don't Measure Up Notre Dame Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 1997 Thinking of Mediation As a Complex Adaptive System Brigham Young University Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 1998 Who Needs Congress? An Agenda for Administrative Reform of the Endangered Species Act N.Y.U. Environmental Law Journal en_US Article Schlunk, Herwig J. 2009 Why Every State Should Have an Income Tax (and a Retail Sales Tax, Too) Mississippi Law Journal en_US Article Schoenblum, Jeffrey A. 1979 The Changing Meaning of "Gift": An Analysis of the Tax Court's Decision in "Carson v. Commissioner" Carson v. Commissioner Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Schoenblum, Jeffrey A. 1992 Multijurisdictional Estates and Article II of the Uniform Probate Code Albany Law Review en_US Article Schoenblum, Jeffrey A. 2005 Symposium: International Legal Dimensions of Art and Cultural Property Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law en_US Article Schoenblum, Jeffrey A. 1999 Symposium: The Rise of the International Trust International Trust (1999 : Vanderbilt University. Law School) Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law en_US Article Schoenblum, Jeffrey A. 1999 The Role of Legal Doctrine in the Decline of the Islamic Waqf: A Comparison with the Trust Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965-; Martin, Kenneth J. 2010 Arbitration Clauses in CEO( Employment Contracts: An Empirical and Theoretical Analysis Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Hill, Jennifer G. (Jennifer Gae); Masulis, Ronald W. 2011 Comparing CEO Employment Contract Provisions: Differences Between Australia and the United States Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Edelman, Paul H. 2005 Corporate Voting and the Takeover Debate Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955- 2008 The Evolving Role of Institutional Investors in Corporate Governance and Corporate Litigation Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955- 2004 Explaining The International CEO Pay Gap: Board Capture Or Market Driven? Executive compensation Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955- 1993 Judicial Review of Defensive Tactics in Proxy Contests: When is Using a Rights Plan Right? Rights Plans Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Thompson, Robert B., 1949- 2004 The New Look of Shareholder Litigation: Acquisition-Oriented Class Actions Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Thompson, Robert B., 1949- 2004 The Public and Private Faces of Derivative Lawsuits Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Cox, James D.; Bai, Lynn 2008 There are Plaintiffs and . . . There are Plaintiffs: An Empirical Analysis of Securities Class Action Settlements Private Securities Litigation Reform Act (PSLRA) Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Rasmussen, Robert K. 2001 Whither the Race? A Comment on the Effects of the Delawarization of Corporate Reorganizations Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1998 Constructive Cigarette Regulation Cigarette regulation Duke Law Journal en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Zeckhauser, Richard 2011 Deterring and Compensating Oil-Spill Catastrophes: The Need for Strict and Two-Tier Liability Virginia Law Review en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Rowland, Steven R.; Dorfman, Howard L.; Walsh, Charles J. 1994 Deterring Inefficient Pharmaceutical Litigation: An Economic Rationale for the FDA Regulatory Compliance Defense Seton Hall Law Review en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 2006 Monetizing the Benefits of Risk and Environmental Regulation Fordham Urban Law Journal en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Hersch, Joni, 1956- 2010 Saving Lives Through Punitive Damages Southern California Law Review en_US Article Williams, David, 1948- 1988 Back to the Future: A Time for Rethinking the Test for Resident Alien Status Under the Income Tax Laws Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law en_US Article Williams, David, 1948- 1989 Financing a College Education: A Taxing Dilemma Ohio State Law Journal en_US Article Williams, David, 1948- 1991 Is the Federal Government Suiting Up to Play in the Reform Game? Capital University Law Review en_US Article Wuerth, Ingrid Brunk 2011 Symposium Epilog: Foreign Sovereign Immunity at Home and Abroad Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law en_US Article Blair, Margaret M., 1950- 1998 A Contractarian Defense of Corporate Philanthropy Stetson Law Review en_US Article Blair, Margaret M., 1950-; Stout, Lynne A., 1957- 2001 Trust, Trustworthiness, and the Behavioral Foundations of Corporate Law University of Pennsylvania Law Review en_US Article Brandon, Mark E.; Ely, James W., 1938- 2009 Symposium on Neglected Justices Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Brandon, Mark E. 2003 War and American Constitutional Order Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Cheng, Edward K. 2003 Changing Scientific Evidence Minnesota Law Review en_US Article Cheng, Edward K. 2007 Independent Judicial Research Daubert trilogy; judicial research Duke Law Journal en_US Article Cheng, Edward K. 2006 Same Old, Same Old: Scientific Evidence Past and Present Michigan Law Review en_US Article Cheng, Edward K. 2009 Will Quants Rule the (Legal) World? Michigan Law Review en_US Article Fitzpatrick, Brian T. (Brian Timothy), 1975- 2010 Do Class Action Lawyers Make Too Little? University of Pennsylvania Law Review en_US Article Fitzpatrick, Brian T. (Brian Timothy), 1975- 2008 Errors, Omissions, and the Tennessee Plan The University of Memphis Law Review en_US Article Fitzpatrick, Brian T. (Brian Timothy), 1975- 2009 The Politics of Merit Selection Missouri Law Review en_US Article George, Tracey E., 1967- 2008 From Judge to Justice: Social Background Theory and the Supreme Court North Carolina Law Review en_US Article George, Tracey E., 1967-; Pushaw, Robert J., Jr. 2002 How is Constitutional Law Made? Michigan Law Review en_US Article George, Tracey E., 1967- 2004 Other Disciplines, Methodologies, and Countries: Studying Courts and Crisis Hamdi v. Rumsfeld Missouri Law Review en_US Article Moran, Beverly I. 2005 Constructing Reality: Social Science and Race Cases Grutter v. Bollinger Northern Illinois University Law Review en_US Article Moran, Beverly I. 1998 Exploring the Mysteries: Can We Ever Know Anything About Race and Tax? North Carolina Law Review en_US Article Moran, Beverly I. 1991 One Tax Piece of the Savings and Loan Crisis: Can the Federal Home Loan Bank Board Use the Internal Revenue Code to Bail Out the Ailing Savings and Loan Industry? Cottage Savings Association v. Commissioner Toledo Law Review en_US Article Moran, Beverly I. 1990 Quantum Leap: A Black Woman Uses Legal Education to Obtain Her Honorary White Pass Berkeley Women's Law Journal en_US Article O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- 2004 Apology and Thick Trust: What Spouse Abusers and Negligent Doctors Might Have in Common Chicago-Kent Law Review en_US Article O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- 2001 Brain Plasticity and Spanish Moss in Biolegal Analysis Florida Law Review en_US Article O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- 2005 Choice of Law for Internet Transactions: The Uneasy Case for Online Consumer Protection University of Pennsylvania Law Review en_US Article O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- 1990 Hedonic Damages for Wrongful Death: Are Tortfeasors Getting Away with Murder? Georgetown Law Journal en_US Article O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965-; Ribstein, Larry E. 1997 Interest Groups, Contracts and Interest Analysis Mercer Law Review en_US Article O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- 2000 Opting Out of Regulation: A Public Choice Analysis of Contractual Choice of Law Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965-; Kirchhoefer, Gregg; Blair, Margaret M., 1950- 2011 Outsourcing, Modularity, and the Theory of the Firm Brigham Young University Law Review en_US Article O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- 1993 Social Constraint or Implicit Collusion?: Toward a Game Theoretic Analysis of Stare Decisis Seton Hall Law Review en_US Article Rose, Amanda M. 2010 The Multienforcer Approach to Securities Fraud Deterrence: A Critical Analysis University of Pennsylvania Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965-; Brown, Ashley C., 1946- 2010 Siting Transmission Lines in a Changed Milieu: Evolving Notions of the "Public Interest" In Balancing State and Regional Considerations University of Colorado Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 2002 The Electric Deregulation Fiasco: Looking to Regulatory Federalism to Promote a Balance Between Markets and the Provision of Public Goods Michigan Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B.; Ruhl, Harold J., Jr. 1997 The Arrow of the Law in Modern Administrative States: Using Complexity Theory to Reveal the Diminishing Returns and Increasing Risks the Burgeoning of Law Poses to Society Complex adaptive systems University of California at Davis Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B.; Blumm, Michael C. 2010 Background Principles, Takings, and Libertarian Property: A Reply to Professor Huffman Lucas v. South Carolina Ecology Law Quarterly en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 1995 Biodiversity Conservation and the Ever-Expanding Web of Federal Laws Regulating Nonfederal Lands: Time for Something Completely Different University of Colorado Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B.; Salzman, James 2010 Climate Change, Dead Zones, and Massive Problems in the Administrative State: A Guide for Whittling Away inter-agency cooperation California Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2000 Farms, Their Environmental Harms, and Environmental Laws Ecology Law Quarterly en_US Article Ruhl, J. B.; Salzman, James 2011 Gaming the Past: The Theory and Practice of Historic Baselines in the Administrative State Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B.; Salzman, James; Goodman, Iris 2009 Implementing the New Ecosystem Services Mandate of the Section 404 Compensatory Mitigation Program--A Catalyst for Advancing Science and Policy Stetson Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B.; Salzman, James 2003 Mozart and the Red Queen: The Problem of Regulatory Accretion in the Administrative State Georgetown Law Journal en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2004 Past, Present, and Future Trends of the Endangered Species Act Public Land and Resources Law Review en_US Article Schlunk, Herwig J. 2003 How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Double Taxation Notre Dame Law Review en_US Article Schlunk, Herwig J. 2006 A Minimalist Approach to Corporate Income Taxation SMU Law Review en_US Article Seymore, Sean B., 1971- 2011 Atypical Inventions Notre Dame Law Review en_US Article Seymore, Sean B., 1971- 2011 Patently Impossible Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Seymore, Sean B., 1971- 2007 The "Printed Publication" Bar After Klopfenstein: Has the Federal Circuit Changed the Way Professors Should Talk About Science? Akron Law Review en_US Article Seymore, Sean B., 1971- 2011 Rethinking Novelty in Patent Law Duke Law Journal en_US Article Seymore, Sean B., 1971- 2009 Serendipity North Carolina Law Review en_US Article Seymore, Sean B., 1971- 2010 The Teaching Function of Patents Notre Dame Law Review en_US Article Sharfstein, Daniel J. 2007 Crossing the Color Line: Racial Migration and the One-Drop Rule, 1600-1860 Minnesota Law Review en_US Article Sharfstein, Daniel J. 2002 Human Rights Beyond the War on Terrorism: Extradition Defenses Based on Prison Conditions in the United States Soering v. United Kingdom Santa Clara Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2004 Is Atkins the Antithesis or Apotheosis of Anti-Discrimination Principles? Sorting Out the Groupwide Effects of Exempting People with Mental Retardation from the Death Penalty Atkins v. Virginia Alabama Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2005 The Civilization of the Criminal Law Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951-; Mashburn, Amy 2000 The Criminal Defense Lawyer's Fiduciary Duty to Clients With Mental Disability Fordham Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 1984 Dangerousness and Expertise University of Pennsylvania Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2009 A Defense of the Integrationist Test as a Replacement for the Special Defense of Insanity Texas Tech Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2008 Experts, Mental States, and Acts Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Seton Hall Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 1996 Having it Both Ways: Proof That the U.S. Supreme Court is "Unfairly" Prosecution-Oriented Florida Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2009 Introduction to the Symposium on the Model Penal Code's Sentencing Proposals Florida Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951-; Fondacaro, Mark R., 1957- 2009 Juvenile Justice: The Fourth Option Iowa Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2007 Lying and Confessing Texas Tech Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2002 Peeping Techno-Toms and the Fourth Amendment: Seeing Through Kyllo's Rules Governing Technological Surveillance Kyllo v. United States Minnesota Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2003 The Poverty Exception to the Fourth Amendment Florida Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2002 Public Privacy: Camera Surveillance of Public Places and the Right to Anonymity Mississippi Law Journal en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2010 The Right to Voice Reprised Seton Hall Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2003 The Structure of Expertise in Criminal Cases Seton Hall Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2005 Transaction Surveillance by the Government Mississippi Law Journal en_US Article Stack, Kevin M. 2009 The Reviewability of the President's Statutory Powers United States. Administrative procedure act Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Stack, Kevin M. 2005 The Statutory President Iowa Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955- 1996 Improving Shareholder Monitoring of Corporate Management by Expanding Statutory Access to Information Arizona Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955- 2004 The Increasing Role of Empirical Research in Corporate Law Scholarship The Georgetown Law Journal en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Cotter, James; Palmiter, Alan R. 2010 ISS Recommendations and Mutual Fund Voting on Proxy Proposals Villanova Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955- 2003 Should Directors Reduce Executive Pay? Hastings Law Journal en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955- 2005 What is Corporate Law's Place in Promoting Societal Welfare?: An Essay in Honor of Professor William Klein Berkeley Business Law Journal en_US Article Wuerth, Ingrid Brunk 1998 Private Religious Choice in German and American Constitutional Law: Government Funding and Government Religious Speech Establishment Clause Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law en_US Article Blair, Margaret M., 1950- 2004 Reforming Corporate Governance: What History Can Teach Us Berkeley Business Law Journal en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Wistrich, Andrew J.; Rachlinski, Jeffrey John 2005 Can Judges Ignore Inadmissible Information? The Difficulty of Deliberately Disregarding University of Pennsylvania Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967- 2008 Carhart, Constitutional Rights, and the Psychology of Regret Gonzales v. Carhart Southern California Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Rachlinski, Jeffrey John; Johnson, Sheri Lynn; Wistrich, Andrew J. 2009 Does Unconscious Racial Bias Affect Trial Judges Notre Dame Law Review en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958-; O'Neill, Michael E. 2005 Appeal Waivers and the Future of Sentencing Policy Duke Law Journal en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958-; Klein, Susan Riva, 1962- 2001 Essential Elements Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958-; Sherry, Suzanna 2008 Habeas Corpus and State Sentencing Reform: A Story of Unintended Consequences Duke Law Journal en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958-; Noble, Rosevelt L. 2004 Felony Jury Sentencing in Practice: A Three-State Study Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Maroney, Terry A. 2011 Emotional Regulation and Judicial Behavior California Law Review en_US Article Maroney, Terry A. 2011 The Persistent Cultural Script of Judicial Dispassion California Law Review en_US Article Moran, Beverly I. 2008 Capitalism and the Tax System: A Search for Social Justice SMU Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2003 A Jurisprudence of Dangerousness Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951-; Fondacaro, Mark R., 1957-; Cross, Tricia 2006 Reconceptualizing Due Process in Juvenile Justice: Contributions from Law and Social Science Hastings Law Journal en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1998 Why There is No Defense of Punitive Damages The Georgetown Law Journal en_US Article Blair, Margaret M., 1950- 2003 The Economics of Post-September 11 Financial Aid to Airlines Indiana Law Review en_US Article Blair, Margaret M., 1950- 2003 Locking in Capital: What Corporate Law Achieved for Business Organizers in the Nineteenth Century UCLA Law Review en_US Article Brandon, Mark E. 2004 States, Courts, and Founders: Remarks on Killenbeck Arkansas Law Review en_US Article Fitzpatrick, Brian T. (Brian Timothy), 1975- 2010 Originalism and Summary Judgment Originalism Ohio State Law Journal en_US Article George, Tracey E., 1967- 2006 An Empirical Study of Empirical Legal Scholarship: The Top Law Schools Indiana Law Journal en_US Article George, Tracey E., 1967- 1998 Developing a Positive Theory of Decisionmaking on U.S. Courts of Appeals Ohio State Law Journal en_US Article George, Tracey E., 1967- 2003 Judicial Independence and the Ambiguity of Article III Protections Ohio State Law Journal en_US Article Gervais, Daniel J., 1963- 2010 The 1909 Copyright Act in International Context Santa Clara Computer & High Technology Law Journal en_US Article Gervais, Daniel J., 1963-; Judge, Elizabeth F. (Elizabeth Frances), 1966- 2009 Of Silos and Constellations: Comparing Notions of Originality in Copyright Law Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal en_US Article Gervais, Daniel J., 1963- 2005 Traditional Knowledge & Intellectual Property: A TRIPS-Compatible Approach Traditional knowledge Michigan State Law Review en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958- 1999 Priceless Process: NonNegotiable Features of Criminal Litigation UCLA Law Review en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958- 1998 "Batson" for the Bench? Regulating the Peremptory Challenge of Judges Chicago-Kent Law Review en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958- 1994 The Effects of Race-Conscious Jury Selection on Public Confidence in the Fairness of Jury Proceedings: An Empirical Puzzle Powers v. Ohio American Criminal Law Review en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958- 1996 Juror Delinquency in Criminal Trials in America, 1796-1996 Michigan Law Review en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958- 1996 Nameless Justice: The Case for the Routine Use of Anonymous Juries in Criminal Trials Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958- 2003 The Origins of Felony Jury Sentencing in the United States Chicago-Kent Law Review en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958- 1995 Portioning Punishment: Constitutional Limits on Successive and Excessive Penalties University of Pennsylvania Law Review en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958- 1993 Postconviction Review of Jury Discrimination: Measuring the Effects of Juror Race on Jury Decisions Michigan Law Review en_US Article Maroney, Terry A. 2006 Emotional Competence,"Rational Understanding," and the Criminal Defendant American Criminal Law Review en_US Article Moran, Beverly I. 1989 Welcome to the Funhouse: The Incredible Maze of Modern Divorce Taxation Harvard Journal on Legislation en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965-; Freeman, Jody 2012 Agency Coordination in Shared Regulatory Space Shared regulatory space Harvard Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2002 Agriculture and the Environment: Three Myths, Three Themes, Three Directions Environs Environmental Law & Policy Journal en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2009 Cities, Green Construction, and the Endangered Species Act Virginia Environmental Law Journal en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2008 Law's Complexity: A Primer Georgia State University Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2004 Prescribing the Right Dose of Peer Review for the Endangered Species Act Nebraska Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B.; Salzman, James; Song, Kai-Sheng 2002 Regulatory Traffic Jams Wyoming Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2004 Taking Adaptive Management Seriously: A Case Study of the Endangered Species Act Kansas Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 1998 Taming the Suburban Amoeba in the Ecosystem Age: Some Do's and Don'ts Widener Law Symposium Journal en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 1986 Toxic Tort Remedies: The Case Against the "Superduper Fund" and Other Reform Prososals Baylor Law Review en_US Article Seymore, Sean B., 1971- 2008 Heightened Enablement in the Unpredictable Arts UCLA Law Review en_US Article Sitaraman, Ganesh; Warren, Elizabeth; Baum, Sandy (Sandra R.) 2007 Service Pays: Creating Opportunities by Linking College with Public Service Harvard Law & Policy Review en_US Article Sitaraman, Ganesh 2009 The Use and Abuse of Foreign Law in Constitutional Interpretation Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 1981 Capacity to Contest a Search and Seizure: the Passing of Old Rules and Some Suggestions for New Ones American Criminal Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2006 Dangerousness and Expertise Redux Emory Law Journal; en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2010 Government Dragnets Law and Contemporary Problems en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2009 Justice Ginsburg's Gradualism in Criminal Procedure Ohio State Law Journal en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 1998 Let's Not Bury TERRY: A Call for Rejuvenation of the Proportionality Principle Fourth Amendment search and seizure; Terry versus Ohio (1968) St. John's Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2011 Prevention as the Primary Goal of Sentencing: The Modern Case for Indeterminate Dispositions in Criminal Cases San Diego Law Review en_US Article Seigel, Michael L.; Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2005 Prosecuting Martha: Federal Prosecutorial Power and the Need for a Law of Counts Penn State Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951-; Schumacher, Joseph E. 1993 Reasonable Expectations of Privacy and Autonomy in Fourth Amendment Cases: An Empirical Look at "Understandings Recognized and Permitted by Society" Duke Law Journal en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2003 What Atkins Could Mean for People with Mental Illness Atkins v. Virginia New Mexico Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 1996 Testilying: Police Perjury and What to Do About It University of Colorado Law Review en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 2004 The Blockbuster Punitive Damages Awards Emory Law Journal; en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Moore, Michael J., 1953-; Albright, James 1994 A Statistical Profile of Pharmaceutical Industry Liability, 1976-1989 Seton Hall Law Review en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1990 Wading Through the Muddle of Risk-Utility Analysis Risk-utility analysis; Risk-utility judgments American University Law Review en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1999 Using Warnings to Extend the Boundaries of Consumer Sovereignty Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 2002 Punitive Damages: How Jurors Fail to Promote Efficiency Harvard Journal on Legislation en_US Article Viscusi, W. 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B. 2004 The Myth of What is Inevitable Under Ecosystem Management: A Response to Pardy Pace Environmental Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2007 The Pardy-Ruhl Dialogue on Ecosystem Management, Part IV: Narrowing and Sharpening the Questions Pace Environmental Law Review en_US Article Cheng, Edward K.; Yoon, Albert 2005 Does Frye or Daubert Matter? A Study of Scientific Admissibility Standards Virginia Law Review en_US Article Blair, Margaret M., 1950- 2013 Corporate Personhood and the Corporate Persona University of Illinois Law Review en_US Article Blair, Margaret M., 1950-; Stout, Lynn A., 1957- 2001 Director Accountability and the Mediating Role of the Corporate Board Washington University Law Quarterly en_US Article Blair, Margaret M., 1950- 2003 Directors' Duties in a Post-Enron World: Why Language Matters Wake Forest Law Review en_US Article Blair, Margaret M., 1950- 2013 Making Money: Leverage and Private Sector Money Creation Seattle University Law Review en_US Article Brandon, Mark E. 1999 Family at the Birth of American Constitutional Order Texas Law Review en_US Article Bressman, Lisa Schultz; Gluck, Abbe R 2013 Statutory Interpretation from the Inside--An Empirical Study of Congressional Drafting, Delegation, and the Canons: Part I Stanford Law Review en_US Article Cheng, Edward K.; Farmer, Scott J. 2013 A Normalized Scoring Model for Law School Competitions Green Bag 2D en_US Article Cheng, Edward K. 2013 Reconceptualizing the Burden of Proof Yale Law Journal en_US Article Edelman, Paul H. 2009 A Derivatives Market in Legal Academia Green Bag 2D en_US Article Edelman, Paul H. 1998 A Tour of Mistakes Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Edelman, Paul H.; Sherry, Suzanna 2000 All or Nothing: Explaining the Size of Supreme Court Majorities North Carolina Law Review en_US Article Edelman, Paul H.; Chen, Jim, 1966- 1996 Duel Diligence: Second Thoughts About the Supremes as the Sultans of Swing Southern California Law Review en_US Article Edelman, Paul H.; Thomas, Randall S., 1955- 2012 Selectica Resets the Trigger on the Poison Pill: Where Should the Delaware Courts Go Next? Indiana Law Journal en_US Article Edelman, Paul H. 2004 The Dimension of the Supreme Court Constitutional Commentary en_US Article Edelman, Paul H. 2002 The Law and Large Numbers Constitutional Commentary en_US Article Edelman, Paul H.; Chen, Jim, 1966- 2001 The Most Dangerous Justice Rides Again: Revisiting the Power Pageant of the Justices Baker, Lynn A., 1957- Minnesota Law Review en_US Article Edelman, Paul H.; Chen, Jim, 1966- 2007 The Most Dangerous Justice Rides into the Sunset Constitutional Commentary en_US Article Edelman, Paul H.; Chen, Jim, 1966- 1996 The Most Dangerous Justice: The Supreme Court at the Bar of Mathematics Southern California Law Review en_US Article Fitzpatrick, Brian T. (Brian Timothy), 1975- 2012 Twombly and Iqbal Reconsidered Notre Dame Law Review en_US Article George, Tracey E., 1967- 1999 The Dynamics and Determinants of the Decision to Grant En Banc Review En banc review Washington Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Korobkin, Russell 2004 Heuristics and Biases at the Bargaining Table Marquette Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Sally, David 2004 The Impact of the Impact Bias on Negotiation Marquette Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967- 2007 Misjudging Nevada Law Journal en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967- 2004 Principles of Influence in Negotiation Marquette Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Korobkin, Russell 1997 Psychology, Economics, and Settlement: A New Look at the Role of the Lawyer Texas Law Review en_US Article Haley, John Owen 2011 Constitutional Adjudication in Japan: Context, Structures, and Values Washington University Law Review en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958- 2013 Enforcing Effective Assistance After Martinez Yale Law Journal en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958- 2007 Regulating Settlement: What is Left of the Rule of Law in the Criminal Process? DePaul Law Review en_US Article Moran, Beverly I. 1990 Stargazing: The Alternative Minimum Tax for Individuals and Future Tax Reform Oregon Law Review en_US Article Newbern, Alistair E. 2000 Good Cop, Bad Cop: Federal Prosecution of State-Legalized Medical Marijuana Use After United States v. Lopez United States v. Lopez; United States v. Morrison California Law Review en_US Article O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965-; Hill, Claire A. 2006 A Cognitive Theory of Trust Washington University Law Review en_US Article Martin, Kenneth J.; O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965-; Thomas, Randall S., 1955- 2012 Customizing Employment Arbitration Iowa Law Review en_US Article O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965-; Yarn, Douglas H. 2002 On Apology and Consilience Washington Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 2007 Constitutional Isolationism and the Limits of State Separation of Powers as a Barrier to Interstate Compacts Supremacy clause Marquette Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 1998 The Irony of Deregulatory Takings Texas Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 2005 Moving Public Law Out of the Deference Trap in Regulated Industries Deference trap Wake Forest Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 2005 Political Bargaining and Judicial Intervention in Constitutional and Antitrust Federalism Judicial deference Washington University Law Quarterly en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 1999 "Statutory NonDelegation": Learning from Florida's Recent Experience in Administrative Procedure Reform Widener Journal of Public Law en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2003 Equitable Apportionment of Ecosystem Services: New Water Law for a New Water Age Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law en_US Article Ruhl, J. B.; Salzman, James 2006 In Defense of Regulatory Peer Review Washington University Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B.; Salzman, James 2007 The Law and Policy Beginnings of Ecosystem Services Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law en_US Article Ruhl, J. B.; Jewell, Michael J. 1991 Oil Pollution Act of 1990: Opening a New Era in Federal and Texas Regulation of Oil Spill Prevention, Containment and Cleanup, and Liability South Texas Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 1987 The Third-Party Defense to Hazardous Waste Liability: Narrowing the Contractual Relationship Exception South Texas Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2002 Three Questions for Agriculture About the Environment Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law en_US Article Schlunk, Herwig J. 2002 Little Boxes: Can Optimal Commodity Tax Methodology Save the Debt-Equity Distinction? Texas Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 1997 Deceit, Pretext, and Trickery: Investigative Lies by the Police Oregon Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2005 Subpoenas and Privacy DePaul Law Review en_US Article Martin, Kenneth J.; Thomas, Randall S., 1955- 2000 The Determinants of Shareholder Voting on Stock Option Plans Executive compensation Wake Forest Law Review en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Martin, Kenneth J. 2001 Litigating Challenges to Executive Pay: An Exercise in Futility? Washington University Law Quarterly en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Martin, Kenneth J. 1998 Should Labor be Allowed to Make Shareholder Proposals? Washington Law Review en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Aldy, Joseph E. 2008 Adjusting the Value of a Statistical Life for Age and Cohort Effects The Review of Economics and Statistics en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1993 Cigarette Warnings: The Perils of the Cipollone Decision Cipollone v Liggett Group, Inc., Supreme Court Economic Review en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1994 Equivalent Frames of Reference for Judging Risk Regulation Policies N.Y.U. Environmental Law Journal en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Hastie, Reid 2002 Juries, Hindsight, and Punitive Damages Awards: Reply to Richard Lempert Lempert, Richard. Juries, hindsight, and punitive damage awards. DePaul Law Review en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1998 The Social Costs of Punitive Damages Against Corporations in Environmental and Safety Torts Georgetown Law Journal en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Kniesner, Thomas J.; Woock, Christopher, 1979-; Ziliak, James Patrick 2012 The Value of a Statistical Life: Evidence from Panel Data Value of statistical life Review of Economics and Statistics en_US Article George, Tracey E., 1967- 1992 Book Review: U.S. Energy and Environmental Interest Groups by Lettie Wenner Stanford Environmental Law Journal en_US Review Sherry, Suzanna; Farber, Daniel A., 1950- 1994 The 200,000 Cards of Dimitri Yurasov: Further Reflections on Scholarship and Truth Stanford Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1997 All the Supreme Court Really Needs to Know It Learned from the Warren Court Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1987 An Essay Concerning Toleration Minnesota Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1993 An Originalist Understanding of Minimalism Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1996 The Barking Dog Case Western Reserve Law Review en_US Article Farber, Daniel A., 1950-; Sherry, Suzanna 1999 Beyond All Criticism? Minnesota Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1986 Civic Virtue and the Feminine Voice in Constitutional Adjudication Virginia Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2007 Democracy and the Death of Knowledge University of Cincinnati Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2011 Democracy's Distrust: Contested Values and the Decline of Expertise Harvard Law Review Forum en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1989 The Early Virginia Tradition of Extra-Textual Interpretation Albany Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1990 The Eleventh Amendment and Stare Decisis: Overruling Hans v. Louisiana Hans v. Louisiana The University of Chicago Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1992 The Forgotten Victims University of Colorado Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2011 Foundational Facts and Doctrinal Change Legal analysis; Foundational facts; Doctrine University of Illinois Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2011 The Four Pillars of Constitutional Doctrine Hein v. Freedom from Religion Foundation Cardozo Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2004 Hard Cases Make Good Judges Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2002 Haste Makes Waste: Congress and the Common Law in Cyberspace Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna; Heald, Paul J., 1959- 2000 Implied Limits on the Legislative Power: The Intellectual Property Clause as an Absolute Constraint on Congress University of Illinois Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1995 The Indeterminacy of Historical Evidence Harvard Law & Policy Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2003 Integrity and Reflection Fordham Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1988 The Intellectual Origins of the Constitution: A Lawyers' Guide to Contemporary Historical Scholarship Constitutional Commentary en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna; Farber, Daniel A., 1950- 1995 Is the Radical Critique of Merit Anti-Semitic? California Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1986 Issue Manipulation by the Burger Court Minnesota Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2003 Judges of Character Wake Forest L. Rev. en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1999 Judicial Federalism in the Trenches: The Rooker-Feldman Doctrine in Action Rooker-Feldman doctrine Notre Dame Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1998 Judicial Independence: Playing Politics with the Constitution Georgia State University Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2006 Logic Without Experience: The Problem of Federal Appellate Courts Notre Dame Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1992 Natural Law in the States Cincinnati Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1988 The Ninth Amendment: Righting an Unwritten Constitution Chicago-Kent Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1995 Our Unconstitutional Senate Constitutional Commentary en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2008 Overruling Erie: Nationwide Class Actions and National Common Law Erie Doctrine University of Pennsylvania Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna; Farber, Daniel A., 1950- 1996 The Pariah Principle Constitutional Commentary en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1985 Perspectives: Law in the Grand Manner Constitutional Commentary en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna; Edelman, Paul H. 2002 Pick a Number, Any Number: State Representation in Congress After the 2000 Census California Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2005 Politics and Judgment Missouri Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1999 Plus Ça Change . . . or If Hard Cases Make Bad Law, What Do Bad Cases Make? Constitutional Commentary en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1994 Public Values and Private Virtue Hastings Law Journal en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2009 Putting the Law Back in Constitutional Law Constitutional Commentary en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1998 Religion and the Public Square: Making Democracy Safe for Religious Minorities en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1995 Responsible Republicanism: Educating for Citizenship Republicanism; Citizenship; Lack of education The University of Chicago Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1984 Selective Judicial Activism in the Equal Protection Context: Democracy, Distrust, and Deconstruction Koremalsu v. United States Georgetown Law Journal en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1996 The Sleep of Reason Georgetown Law Journal en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1991 Speaking of Virtue: A Republican Approach to University Regulation of Hate Speech hate speech Minnesota Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1994 State Constitutional Law: Doing the Right Thing Rutgers Law Journal en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2000 States Are People Too Notre Dame Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna; Farber, Daniel A., 1950- 1993 Telling Stories Out of School: An Essay on Legal Narratives Stanford Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1998 Textualism and Judgment Textualism George Washington Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2001 Too Clever By Half: The Problem with Novelty in Constitutional Law Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2004 Warning: Labeling Constitutions May Be Hazardous to Your Regime Law and Contemporary Problems en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1993 Without Virtue There Can Be No Liberty Minnesota Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1989 Women's Virtue Roe v. Wade; Perry, Michael J. Morality, politics and law Tulane Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2011 Wrong, Out of Step, and Pernicious: Erie as the Worst Decision of All Time Erie Railroad v. Tompkins Pepperdine Law Review en_US Article Bressman, Lisa Schultz 2001 Accommodation and Equal Liberty William and Mary Law Review en_US Article George, Tracey E., 1967- 2001 Court Fixing Arizona Law Review en_US Article George, Tracey E., 1967- 1992 U.S. Energy and Environmental Interest Groups: Institutional Profiles Stanford Environmental Law Journal en_US Review Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Rachlinski, Jeffrey John; Wistrich, Andrew J. 2013 Contrition in the Courtroom: Do Apologies Affect Adjudication? Cornell Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Daily, Melody Richardson; Riskin, Leonard L., 1942- 2004 Damages: Using a Case Study to Teach Law, Lawyering, and Dispute Resolution Journal of Dispute Resolution en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967- 2002 Procedural Justice Research and the Paucity of Trials Journal of Dispute Resolution en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967- 2004 Understanding Settlement in Damages (and Beyond) Journal of Dispute Resolution en_US Article Hersch, Joni, 1956-; Reagan, Patricia B. 1994 Job Matching and Women's Wage-Tenure Profile Applied Economics en_US Article Hurder, Alex J. 1996 Negotiating the Lawyer-Client Relationship: A Search for Equality and Collaboration Buffalo Law Review en_US Article Hurder, Alex J. 1999 Nonlawyer Legal Assistance and Access to Justice Fordham Law Review en_US Article Hurder, Alex J. 2002 The Pursuit of Justice: New Directions in Scholarship About the Practice of Law Journal of Legal Education en_US Article O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- 2009 Group-Conflict Resolution: Sources of Resistance to Reconciliation Law and Contemporary Problems en_US Article Ribstein, Larry E.; O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- 2013 Preemption and Choice-of-Law Coordination Horizontal coordination Michigan Law Review en_US Article Rose, Amanda M. 2013 State Enforcement of National Policy: A Contextual Approach (with Evidence from the Securities Realm) Minnesota Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 2011 Assessing the State of State Constitutionalism Michigan Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 2005 Dual Constitutions and Constitutional Duels: Separation of Powers and State Implementation of Federally Inspired Regulatory Programs and Standards William and Mary Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965-; Gey, Steven G. (Steven Gene), 1956- 2005 Empirical Measures of Judicial Performance: An Introduction to the Symposium Florida State University Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 1995 Lessons from the Procedural Politics of the "Comprehensive" National Energy Policy Act of 1992 Harvard Environmental Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965-; Gardner, James A., 1959- 2005 The New Frontier of State Constitutional Law William and Mary Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 2001 Respecting Deference: Conceptualizing Skidmore Within the Architecture of Chevron Christensen v. Harris County; Skidmore v. Swift & Co William and Mary Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B.; Salzman, James 2013 Climate Change Meets the Law of the Horse Duke Law Journal en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 1999 The Co-Evolution of Sustainable Development and Environmental Justice: Cooperation, then Competition, then Conflict Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2012 The Endangered Species Act's Fall from Grace in the Supreme Court Harvard Environmental Law Review en_US Article Ruhl, J. B. 2012 The Political Economy of Climate Change Winners Minnesota Law Review en_US Article Schlunk, Herwig J. 2000 The Zen of Corporate Capital Structure Neutrality Michigan Law Review en_US Article Serkin, Christopher; Tebbe, Nelson 2009 Condemning Religion: RLUIPA and the Politics of Eminent Domain Notre Dame Law Review en_US Article Serkin, Christopher 2005 The Meaning of Value: Assessing Just Compensation for Regulatory Takings Northwestern University Law Review en_US Article Seymore, Sean B., 1971- 2012 The Null Patent Null patent William and Mary Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2002 Irresponsibility Breeds Contempt Green Bag 2D en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2000 The Law Professor as Schizophrenic Green Bag 2D en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2013 Community Control Over Camera Surveillance: A Response to Bennett Capers's "Crime, Surveillance, and Communities" Fordham Urban Law Journal en_US Article Stack, Kevin M. 2010 Obama's Equivocal Defense of Agency Independence Constitutional Commentary en_US Article Kay, Susan L.; Maranville, Deborah; Lynch, Mary A.; Goldfarb, Phyllis; Engler, Russell 2011 Re-vision Quest: A Law School Guide to Designing Experiential Courses Involving Real Lawyering New York Law School Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967- 2000 Framing Frivolous Litigation: A Psychological Theory University of Chicago Law Review en_US Article Bressman, Lisa Schultz 2003 Beyond Accountability: Arbitrariness and Legitimacy in the Administrative State New York University Law Review en_US Article Bressman, Lisa Schultz 2004 Judicial Review of Agency Inaction: An Arbitrariness Approach New York University Law Review en_US Article Bressman, Lisa Schultz 2011 Reclaiming the Legal Fiction of Congressional Delegation Virginia Law Review en_US Article Cheng, Edward K. 2010 Scientific Evidence as Foreign Law Brooklyn Law Review en_US Article Fitzpatrick, Brian T. (Brian Timothy), 1975- 2012 The Constitutionality of Federal Jurisdiction-Stripping Legislation and the History of State Judicial Selection and Tenure Virginia Law Review en_US Article Gervais, Daniel J., 1963- 2010 Reinventing Lisbon: The Case for a Protocol to the Lisbon Agreement (Geographical Indications) Chicago Journal of International Law en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Grossman, Joanna L. 1999 Adoption in the Progressive Era: Preserving, Creating, and Re-Creating Families The American Journal of Legal History en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Rachlinski, Jeffrey John; Wistrich, Andrew J. 2013 Altering Attention in Adjudication UCLA Law Review en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Friedman, Lawrence M., 1963-; Grossman, Joanna L. 1996 Guardians: A Research Note The American Journal of Legal History en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Grossman, Joanna L. 1996 The Road Less Taken: Annulment at the Turn of the Century American Journal of Legal History en_US Article Hersch, Joni, 1956- 2006 Demand for a Jury Trial and the Selection of Cases for Trial Journal of Legal Studies en_US Article Hersch, Joni, 1956-; Viscusi, W. Kip; O'Connell, Jeffrey 2007 An Empirical Assessment of Early Offer Reform for Medical Malpractice Journal of Legal Studies en_US Article Hersch, Joni, 1956-; Stone, Joe A. (Joe Allan), 1948- 1985 "New and Improved" Estimates of Qualification Discrimination Southern Economic Journal en_US Article Hersch, Joni, 1956-; Viscusi, W. Kip. 2004 Punitive Damages: How Judges and Juries Perform Journal of Legal Studies en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958-; Klein, Susan Riva, 1962- 2000 Apres Apprendi Apprendi v. New Jersey Federal Sentencing Reporter en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958-; Klein, Susan Riva, 1962- 2004 Beyond Blakely Blakely v. Washington Federal Sentencing Reporter en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958- 2012 Non-Capital Habeas Cases After Appellate Review: An Empirical Analysis Appeals; Non-capital habeas cases; Habeas relief Federal Sentencing Reporter en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958-; Proctor, Gray 2011 Post Padilla: Padilla's Puzzles for Review in State and Federal Courts Padilla v. Kentucky Federal Sentencing Reporter en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958- 1993 Racial Jurymandering: Cancer or Cure? A Contemporary Review of Affirmative Action in Jury Selection New York University Law Review en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958-; Hoffman, Joseph L., 1957- 2009 Rethinking the Federal Role in State Criminal Justice New York University Law Review en_US Article Maroney, Terry A. 1998 The Struggle Against Hate Crime: Movement at a Crossroads New York University Law Review en_US Article Moran, Beverly I. 2002 Bibliography of Tax Articles in High Prestige Non-Specialized Law Journals: A Comparison of Australia, Britain, Canada and the United States 1954-2001 Ohio Norhtern University Law Review en_US Article O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- 2002 The Jurisprudence and Politics of Forum-Selection Clauses Chicago Journal of International Law en_US Article O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- 2006 Victims and Prison Release: A Modest Proposal Victims' rights; Crime victims; Criminal prosecution; Victim participation in the criminal process; Victim involvement Federal Sentencing Reporter en_US Article Padmanabhan, Vijay 2002 Democracy's Baby Blocks: South Africa's Electoral Commissions New York University Law Review en_US Article Serkin, Christopher; Bloom, Frederic 2012 Suing Courts Judicial accountability; Appeals; Judicial takings; Transition relief; Suing courts University of Chicago Law Review en_US Article Sharfstein, Daniel J. 2012 Atrocity, Entitlement, and Personhood in Property Virginia Law Review en_US Article Sharfstein, Daniel J. 2002 European Courts, American Rights: Extradition and Prison Conditions Soering v. United Kingdom; Denial of extradition; Prison conditions; Söring v. United Kingdom Brooklyn Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2012 What is the Essential Fourth Amendment? Texas Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2000 Foreword: Is Justice Just Us? Hofstra Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2003 Rethinking Legally Relevant Mental Disorder Ohio Northern University Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2013 The Exclusionary Rule: Is It on Its Way Out? Should It Be? Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Hamilton, James, 1961- 1999 Are Risk Regulators Rational? Evidence from Hazardous Waste Cleanup Decisions The American Economic Review en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Hakes, Jahn K. 2007 Automobile Seatbelt Usage and the Value of Statistical Life Southern Economic Journal en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 2001 The Challenge of Punitive Damages Mathematics The Journal of Legal Studies en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1991 The Dimensions of the Product Liability Crisis The Journal of Legal Studies en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 2001 Jurors, Judges, and the Mistreatment of Risk by the Courts Journal of Legal Studies en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Gayer, Ted, 1970-; Hamilton, James T., 1961- 2002 The Market Value of Reducing Cancer Risk: Hedonic Housing Prices with Changing Information Southern Economic Journal en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Born, Patricia, 1964- 1995 Medical Malpractice Insurance in the Wake of Liability Reform The Journal of Legal Studies en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1986 Moral Hazard and Merit Rating Over Time: An Analysis of Optimal Intertemporal Wage Structures Southern Economic Journal en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1990 The Performance of Liability Insurance in States with Different Products-Liability Statutes The Journal of Legal Studies en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1988 Product Liability Litigation With Risk Averson The Journal of Legal Studies en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Zeckhauser, Richard J. 2005 Recollection Bias and the Combat of Terrorism The Journal of Legal Studies en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 2000 Risk Equity The Journal of Legal Studies en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Magat, Wesley A.; Hubert, Joel 1999 Smoking Status and Public Responses to Ambiguous Scientific Risk Evidence Southern Economic Journal en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Viscusi, W. Kip 2010 Policy Challenges of the Heterogeneity of the Value of Statistical Life Value of statistical life; Regulation; Hedonic damages; Income elasticity; Heterogeneity; Immigrant status Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics en_US Article Serkin, Christopher; Wellington, Leslie 2013 Putting Exclusionary Zoning in Its Place: Affordable Housing and Geographical Scale Property values; Lower-income households; Exclusion; Affordable housing Fordhan Urban Law Journal en_US Article Hersch, Joni, 1956- 2006 Sex Discrimination in the Labor Market Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics en_US Article Clayton, Ellen Wright 2006 Patients and Biobanks Privacy of medical information Villanova Law Review en_US Article Clayton, Ellen Wright; Burke, Wylie; Trinidad, Susan Brown 2013 Seeking Genomic Knowledge: The Case for Clinical Restraint Human genetics -- Testing Hastings Law Journal en_US Article Gervais, Daniel J., 1963- 2005 Towards a New Core International Copyright Norm: The Reverse Three-Step Test Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review en_US Article Hersch, Joni, 1956- 2008 Profiling the New Immigrant Worker: The Effects of Skin Color and Height Journal of Labor Economics en_US Article Mikos, Robert A. 2011 A Critical Appraisal of the Department of Justice's New Approach to Medical Marijuana Stanford Law & Policy Review en_US Article Moran, Beverly I.; Schneider, Daniel M. 1996 The Elephant and the Four Blind Men: The Burger Court and Its Federal Tax Decisions Federal tax decisions of the Burger Court Howard Law Journal en_US Article Moran, Beverly I. 1991 Minority Law Teachers Conference Saint Louis University Public Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 2012 Clean Energy and the Price Preemption Ceiling price preemption San Diego Journal of Climate & Energy Law en_US Article Schoenblum, Jeffrey A. 1991 Choice of Law and Succession to Wealth: A Critical Analysis of the Ramifications of the Hague Convention on Succession to Decedents' Estates Virginia Journal of International Law en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1992 Lee v. Weisman: Paradox Redux Supreme Court Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2003 The Unmaking of a Precedent Precedent Supreme Court Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2012 "Sell's" Conundrums: The Right of Incompetent Defendants to Refuse Anti-Psychotic Medication Involuntary treatment; Sell v. United States Washington University Law Review en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; O'Keeffe, Mary; Zeckhauser, Richard 1984 Economic Contests: Comparative Reward Schemes Journal of Labor Economics en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1986 The Impact of Occupational Safety and Health Regulation, 1973-1983 OSHA Rand Journal of Economics en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Magat, Wesley A.; Huber, Joel 1986 Informational Regulation of Consumer Health Risks: An Empirical Evaluation of Hazard Warnings Precautionary behavior; Use of product-hazard information The RAND Journal of Economics en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Magat, Wesley A.; Huber, Joel 2012 An Investigation of the Rationality of Consumer Valuations of Multiple Health Risks Certainty premiums; Consumer valuation of multiple risks; Risk-dollar tradeoffs; Risk reduction; Risk elimination The RAND Journal of Economics en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1994 Mortality Effects of Regulatory Costs and Policy Evaluation Criteria Risk regulations; Policy analysis; Risk reduction; Risk-averting actions The RAND of Economics en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Moore, Michael J., 1953- 1989 Promoting Safety Through Workers' Compensation: The Efficacy and Net Wage Costs of Injury Insurance Effects of workers' compensation on fatality rates and wages The RAND Journal of Economics en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1986 The Risks and Rewards of Criminal Activity: A Comprehensive Test of Criminal Deterrence Criminal deterrence; Compensating differentials Journal of Labor Economics en_US Article Wuerth, Ingrid Brunk 2011 Foreign Official Immunity Determinations in U.S. Courts: The Case Against the State Department Virginia Journal of International Law en_US Article Allensworth, Rebecca Haw 2007 Cunningham v. California - CASE COMMENT Cunningham v. California Harvard Law Review en_US Article Allensworth, Rebecca Haw 2014 Delay and Its Benefits for Judicial Rulemaking Under Scientific Uncertainty Boston College Law Review en_US Article Allensworth, Rebecca Haw 2009 Prediction Markets and Law: A Skeptical Account Harvard Law Review en_US Article Blair, Margaret M., 1950- 1995 Ownership and control : rethinking corporate governance for the twenty-first century Brookings Institution en_US Book Cheng, Edward K. 2013 Being Pragmatic About Forensic Linguistics Journal of Law and Policy en_US Article Cheng, Edward K. 2005 Mitochondrial DNA: Emerging Legal Issues Journal of Law and Policy en_US Article Clayton, Ellen Wright; Hickson, Gerald B.; Pichert, James W.; Federspiel, Charles F. 1997 Development of an Early Identification and Response Model of Malpractice Prevention Law and Contemporary Problems en_US Article Edelman, Paul H. 2002 On Legal Interpretations of the Condorcet Jury Theorem Journal of Legal Studies en_US Article Edelman, Paul H.; Brams, Steven J.; Fishburn, Peter C. 2001 Paradoxes of Fair Division The Journal of Philosophy en_US Article George, Tracey E., 1967-; Sheehan, Reginald S., 1959- 2000 Deciphering Courts of Appeals Decisions Using the U.S. Courts of Appeals Data Base United States Courts of Appeals Data Base; Courts of appeals decisions; Legal databases Judicature en_US Article George, Tracey E., 1967-; Williams, Margaret S. (Margaret Susan) 2014 Venue Shopping: The Judges of the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation Judicature en_US Article George, Tracey E., 1967-; Epstein, Lee, 1958- 1991 Women's Rights Litigation in the 1980s: More of the Same? Judicature en_US Article Guthrie, Chris, 1967-; Rachlinski, Jeffrey John; Wistrich, Andrew J. 2002 Judging by Heuristic: Cognitive Illusions in Judicial Decision Making Cognitive illusions; Cognitive bias; Heuristics; Judicial decision making Judicature en_US Article Hersch, Joni, 1956-; Moran, Beverly I. 2013 He Said, She Said, Let's Hear What the Data Say: Sexual Harassment in the Media, Courts , EEOC, and Social Science Kentucky Law Journal en_US Article Stratton, Leslie S.; Hersch, Joni, 1956- 2000 Household Specialization and the Male Marriage Wage Premium Industrial and Labor Relations Review en_US Article Hersch, Joni, 1956- 1991 Male-Female Differences in Hourly Wages: The Role of Human Capital, Working Conditions, and Housework Industrial and Labor Relations Review en_US Article Hersch, Joni, 1956- 2003 The New Labor Market for Lawyers: Will Female Lawyers Still Earn Less? Cardozo Women's Law Journal en_US Article Hurder, Alex J.; Kay, Susan L.; Bloch, Frank S.; Brooks, Susan L. 2003 Filling in the 'Larger Puzzle': Clinical Scholarship in the Wake of the Lawyering Process Lawyering process; Legal education; Clinical scholarship; Public role of lawyers; Professionalism Clinical Law Review en_US Article Hurder, Alex J. 2014 Left Behind With No "Idea": Children With Disabilities Without Means Boston College Journal of Law & Social Justice en_US Article Hurder, Alex J. 2007 The Lawyer's Dilemma: To Be or Not to Be a Problem-Solving Negotiator Clinical Law Review en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958-; Applebaum, Brynne 2014 Alleyne on the Ground: Factfinding that Limits Eligibility for Probation or Parole Release Alleyne v. United States Federal Sentencing Reporter en_US Article King, Nancy J., 1958- 2014 Sentencing and Prior Convictions: The Past, the Future, and the End of the Prior-Conviction Exception to Apprendi Marquette Law Review en_US Article Munsterman, G. Thomas; King, Nancy J., 1958- 1996 Stratified Juror Selection: Cross-Section by Design Judicature en_US Article Newbern, Alistair E.; Suski, Emily F. 2013 Translating the Values of Clinical Pedagogy Across Generations Clinical pedagogy; Generation gap Clinical Law Review en_US Article O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965-; Robbins, Maria Mayo 2009 Using Criminal Punishment to Serve Both Victim and Social Needs Law and Contemporary Problems en_US Article O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- 2005 Victim Participation in the Criminal Process Victim participation in the criminal process; Victim involvement Journal of Law and Policy en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 1997 The 1996 Revised Florida Administrative Procedure Act: A Survey of Major Provisions Affecting Florida Agencies APA reform; Agency governance; Regulatory reform; Administrative Procedure Act (1996) Florida State University Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 2003 Beyond Goldwasser: Ex Post Judicial Enforcement in Deregulated Markets Market access; Regulatory agencies; Goldwasser v. Ameritech Corp.; Filed rate doctrine; Verizon Communications Inc. v. Law Offices of Curtis V. Trinko, LLP Michigan State DCL Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 2000 Does the Solicitor General Advantage Thwart the Rule of Law in the Administrative State? Florida State University Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 2012 Of Dialogue--And Democracy--In Administrative Law Government litigant advantage; Positive political theory; Litigation behavior Columbia Law Review Sidebar en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965- 1997 Waivers, Flexibility, and Reviewability Reviewability; Regulation; Flexibility; Flexible regulation; Heckler v. Chaney; Reviewing agency action for inconsistency with prior rules and regulations Chicago -Kent Law Review en_US Article Serkin, Christopher 2007 Local Property Law: Adjusting the Scale of Property Protection Columbia Law Review en_US Article Seymore, Sean B., 1971- 2013 The Presumption of Patentability Patentability; Entitlement; Patent examination Minnesota Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1998 Independent Judges and Independent Justice Separating judicial power Law and Contemporary Problems en_US Article Sitaraman, Ganesh 2008 Counterinsurgency and Constitutional Design Constitutional design; Ratification Harvard Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2000 An End to Insanity: Recasting the Role of Mental Disability in Criminal Cases Virginia Law Review en_US Article Stack, Kevin M. 2004 The Divergence of Constitutional and Statutory Interpretation Originalism; Dynamic interpretation; Textualism Colorado Law Review en_US Article Stack, Kevin M. 2012 Interpreting Regulations Regulatory interpretation; Purposivism; Regulation; Legal interpretation Michigan Law Review en_US Article Swain, Carol M. (Carol Miller); Rodgers, Robert R.; Silverman, Bernard W. 2000 Life After Bakke Where Whites and Blacks Agree: Public Support for Fairness in Educational Opportunities Harvard Blackletter Law Journal en_US Article Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Cotter, James F. 2000 Measuring Securities Market Efficiency in the Regulatory Setting Law and Contemporary Problems en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 2013 The Benefits of Mortality Risk Reduction: Happiness Surveys vs. The Value of a Statistical Life Mortality Risk Reduction Duke Law Journal en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1986 The Determinants of the Disposition of Product Liability Claims and Compensation for Bodily Injury The Journal of Legal Studies en_US Article Allensworth, Rebecca Haw; Edlin, Aaron S. 2014 Cartels by Another Name: Should Licensed Occupations Face Antitrust Scrutiny? Occupational licensing; Antitrust suits; State licensing boards University of Pennsylvania Law Review en_US Article Bressman, Michael 1991 Equal Protection and Affirmative Action in Broadcast Licensing: Metro Broadcasting, Inc. v. Federal Communications Commission City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co.; Metro Broadcasting, Inc. v. Federal Communications Commission; Minority reference policies; Broadcast diversity; Racial reference programs; Equal protection; Minority ownership in broadcasting Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy en_US Article Bressman, Michael; Laguarda, Fernando R. 1997 Jaffee v. Redmond: Towards Recognition of a Federal Counselor-Battered Woman Privilege Jaffee v. Redmond; Psychotherapist-patient privilege; Counselor-battered woman privilege Creighton Law Review en_US Article Cheng, Edward K. 2012 Erie and the Rules of Evidence Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins; Rules of evidence; Tidmarsh test; Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Toxic tort cases; Substantive law; Procedural law; Procedure and substance Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Cheng, Edward K. 2009 Law, Statistics, and the Reference Class Problem Statistical evidence; Reference class problem; Probability; Model selection Columbia Law Review en_US Article Cheng, Edward K. 2008 Opinion Specialization Opinion specialization; Generalist judges; Efficiency; Specialized courts Judicature en_US Article Cheng, Edward K. 2006 Should Judges Do Independent Research on Scientific Issues? Independent research; Scientific evidence Judicature en_US Article Cheng, Edward K. 2007 The Perils of Evidentiary Manipulation Evidentiary manipulation; Rules of evidence; Bierschbach, Richard A.; Specialized evidentiary rules; Substantive law Virginia Law Review en_US Article Clayton, Ellen Wright 1992 Screening and Treatment of Newborns Houston Law Review en_US Article Clayton, Ellen Wright; Clayton, Jay, 1951- 1990 Afterword: Voices and Violence-- A Dialogue Law, Literature and Social Change (Symposium); Symposia Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Edelman, Paul H.; Edelman, Paul H. 2013 Burden of Proof: A Review of Math on Trial Math on trial; Mathematical errors American Mathematical Society en_US Article Edelman, Paul H.; Thomas, Randall S., 1955- 2005 Corporate Voting and the Takeover Debate Hostile takeovers; Shareholder voting; Corporate elections; Effective classified boards; Proxy contests; Corporate voting; Defensive tactics Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Edelman, Paul H.; Thompson, Robert B., 1949- 2009 Corporate Voting Shareholder voting; Corporate voting; Shareholders; Empty voting; Error correction Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Edelman, Paul H. 2006 Getting the Math Right: Why California Has Too Many Seats in the House of Representatives Equal representation; One person, one vote jurisprudence; Mathematical error Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Fitzpatrick, Brian T. (Brian Timothy), 1975- 2009 The End of Objector Blackmail? Objector blackmail; Settlements; Class action settlement provisions; Quick-pay provisions; Inalienability; Holdout problems Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Edelman, Paul H.; George, Tracey E., 1967- 2009 Mr. Sunstein's Neighborhood: Won't You Be Our Co-Author? Collaboration networks in legal scholarship; Co-authors The Green Bag Almanac & Reader en_US Article Gervais, Daniel J., 1963- 2013 The Derivative Right, or Why Copyright Law Protects Foxes Better than Hedgehogs Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law en_US Article Haley, John O.; Haley, John Owen 2008 Rethinking Contract Practice and Law in Japan Contract practice; Convergence; Ex ante contract commitments Journal of East Asia & International Law en_US Article Kay, Susan L.; Kay, Susan L. 1987 The Implications of Prison Privatization on the Conduct of Prisoner Litigation Under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983 Prisoner litigation; Prison privatization; United States Code Section 1983 Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Maroney, Terry A. 2012 Angry Judges Aristotelian virtue; Righteous anger Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Newton, Michael A., 1962- 2003 International Criminal Law Aspects of the War Against Terrorism en_US Article O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965-; Dougan, William R. 1998 Redistribution Through Discriminatory Taxes: A Contractarian Explanation of the Role of the Courts Wealth redistribution; Discriminatory taxes; Discrimination George Mason Law Review en_US Article Ricks, Morgan 2012 A Regulatory Design for Monetary Stability Money claims; Monetary stability; Financial regulatory policy; Risk-constraint regulation; Conditional liquidity support (lender of last resort) facilities; Orderly Liquidation Authority Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article Rossi, Jim, 1965-; Weighner, Mollie 1991 An Empirical Examination of the Iowa Bar's Approach to Regulating Lawyer Advertising Iowa Law Review en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 2013 Why We Need More Judicial Activism Judicial activism Green Bag en_US Article Sherry, Suzanna 1998 Justice O'Connor's Dilemma: The Baseline Question City of Boerne v. Flores; Majority opinions; Baseline; Employment Division v. Smith William and Mary Law Review en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2012 Making the Most of United States v. Jones in a Surveillance Society: A Statutory Implementation of Mosaic Theory United States v. Jones; Mosaic theory; Proportionality reasoning; Political process theory Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy en_US Article Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- 2013 Rehnquist and Panvasive Searches Panvasive surveillance Mississippi Law Journal en_US Article Swain, Carol M. (Carol Miller) 1996 Supreme Court's Rulings on Congressional Districts Could Benefit Minority Voters Redistricting; Minority voters; Super-minority districts The Chronicle of Higher Education en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Viscusi, W. Kip 1985 Are Individuals Bayesian Decision Makers? Risk regulation; Risks American Economic Review en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Hamilton, James, 1961- 1996 Cleaning Up Superfund Hazardous waste cleanup; Regulatory reform; Environmental risks The Public Interest en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 2012 Does Product Liability Make Us Safer? Product liability law; Tort liability Regulation en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1997 From Cash Crop to Cash Cow Antismoking; Anti-smoking; Settlements Regulation en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1982 Health and Safety Risk regulation policies Regulation en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1985 Market Incentives for Safety Market incentives; Product liability; Risk regulation Harvard Business Review en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 2002 The New Cigarette Paternalism Regulation Regulation en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1984 Phosphates and the Environmental Free Lunch Regulation en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 2012 Product Liability and Regulation: Establishing the Appropriate Institutional Division of Labor Social insurance; Merit rating; Regulation; Product liability; Tort liability American Economic Association en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1987 Regulatory Economics in the Courts: An Analysis of Judge Scalia's NHTSA Bumper Decision Regulatory economics Law & Contemporary Problems en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip; Aldy, Joseph E. 2013 Risk Regulation Lessons from Mad Cows Mad cow disease; Risk regulation; Public policy Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics en_US Article Viscusi, W. Kip 1986 The Structure and Enforcement of Job Safety Regulation Workplace safety Law & Contemporary Problems en_US Article Williams, David, 1948- 1994 Foreign Students and Scholars and the United States Tax System Journal of Law & Education en_US Article Yadav, Yesha 2010 The Specter of Sisyphus: Re-Making International Financial Regulation After the Global Financial Crisis International regulatory architecture; Regulation; International financial market; Oversight; Regulatory risks; Markets Emory International Law Review en_US Article Yadav, Yesha 2014 The Case for a Market in Debt Governance Vanderbilt Law Review en_US Article
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