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Created November 18, 2020 02:50
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Installing Manjaro

Installing Manjaro (alone, no dual-booting)

Using the Manjaro Architect

  • Login and do setup.
  • Select the language.
  • Select Prepare Installation.
  • Select Set Virtual Console.
  • Select the appropriate keymap.
  • Select List Devices to check the names of the drives available.
  • Select Partition Disk, selecting the appropriate disk.
  • Use gdisk to wipe the GPT, then use cgdisk to partition the disk.
  • ESP: 256M, SWAP: depends, Root: the rest.
  • Select Mount Partitions.
  • Mount the Root partition, formatting it as ext4. Select noatime, and if it is an SSD, select discard as well.
  • Mount the SWAP partition, formatting it.
  • Select Done.
  • Mount the ESP, reformatting it if possible, in /boot/efi.
  • Select Configure Installer Mirrorlist.
  • Select Edit Pacman Configuration.
  • Enable the options Color and ILoveCandy.
  • Select Yes to copy the configuration to the installation.
  • Select Edit Pacman Mirror Configuration.
  • Set the Branch as stable.
  • Set the Method as rank.
  • Set the Protocols to ftp,https,http.
  • Set the SSLVerify to True.
  • Select Rank Mirrors by Speed, selecting the stable branch.
  • Check the first 50 mirrors.
  • Select Back, then Refresh Pacman Keys.
  • Select Choose pacman cache, using the running system's cache.
  • Select Enable fsck hook.
  • Select Back, and then Install Desktop System.
  • Select Install Manjaro Desktop.
  • Select yay + base-devel and the most recent non-realtime longterm kernel.
  • Select your preferred desktop environment.
  • Install extra packages:
    • zsh.
    • zsh-completions.
    • zsh-autosuggestions.
    • zsh-syntax-highlighting.
    • zsh-history-substring-search.
    • git.
    • code.
    • xclip.
    • neovim.
    • rustup.
    • otf-fira-code.
    • phonon-qt5-vlc.
    • noto-fonts.
    • noto-fonts-cjk.
    • noto-fonts-emoji.
    • noto-fonts-extra.
    • firefox-developer-edition.
  • Select the minimal version, and remove falkon, konversation, and yakuake from the list of packages to install.
  • Select Auto-install proprietarty drivers.
  • Select Install Bootloader, and then grub.
  • Set the bootloader as the default one.
  • Select Configure Base, and the Generate FSTAB.
  • Choose fstabgen -U -p.
  • Select Set Hostname and change it.
  • Select Set System Locale and choose en_US.UTF-8.
  • For time and date formats, choose pt_PT.UTF-8.
  • Select Set Desktop Keyboard Layout and choose the appropriate one.
  • Select Set Timezone and Clock.
  • Choose your timezone and set the clock to use utc.
  • Select Set Root Password and set it.
  • Select Add New User(s).
  • Create your user, using zsh for the shell.
  • Select Back, and then System Tweaks.
  • Select Enable Hibernation.
  • Select Security and systemd Tweaks.
  • Select Amend journald Logging, and set it to 200M.
  • Select Disable Coredump Logging, and choose Disable.
  • Select Restrict Access to Kernel Logs, and choose Disable.
  • Select Back, then Back, and then Back again.
  • Select Done.
  • Select No when asked to copy the log into the installation.
  • Reboot into the installed system.

  • Setup the panel and open a terminal.
  • Do rm .b* .p* .z*, and set your dotfiles.
  • Close the terminal and open a new one, and do rm .zhistory.
  • Edit /etc/sddm.conf and set the MinimumVT to 7.
  • Do yay --nodiffmenu --editmenu --save
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