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Created March 23, 2016 15:19
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from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.recurrent import Recurrent, GRU, LSTM
from keras import backend as K
# from seya.utils import rnn_states
tol = 1e-4
def _wta(X):
M = K.max(X, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
R = K.switch(K.equal(X, M), X, 0.)
return R
def _update_controller(self, inp, h_tm1, M):
"""We have to update the inner RNN inside the NTM, this
is the function to do it. Pretty much copy+pasta from Keras
x = K.concatenate([inp, M], axis=-1)
if isinstance(self.controller, Sequential):
h = self.controller(x)
h = [h, ]
# update state
_, h = self.controller.step(x, h_tm1)
return h
def _circulant(leng, n_shifts):
I confess, I'm actually proud of this hack. I hope you enjoy!
This will generate a tensor with `n_shifts` of rotated versions the
identity matrix. When this tensor is multiplied by a vector
the result are `n_shifts` shifted versions of that vector. Since
everything is done with inner products, everything is differentiable.
leng: int > 0, number of memory locations
n_shifts: int > 0, number of allowed shifts (if 1, no shift)
shift operation, a tensor with dimensions (n_shifts, leng, leng)
eye = np.eye(leng)
shifts = range(n_shifts//2, -n_shifts//2, -1)
C = np.asarray([np.roll(eye, s, axis=1) for s in shifts])
return theano.shared(C.astype(theano.config.floatX))
def _renorm(x):
return x / (x.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True))
def _softmax(x):
wt = x.flatten(ndim=2)
w = T.nnet.softmax(wt)
return w.reshape(x.shape) # T.clip(s, 0, 1)
def _cosine_distance(M, k):
dot = (M * k[:, None, :]).sum(axis=-1)
nM = T.sqrt((M**2).sum(axis=-1))
nk = T.sqrt((k**2).sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True))
return dot / (nM * nk)
class NeuralTuringMachine(Recurrent):
""" Neural Turing Machines
Non obvious parameter:
shift_range: int, number of available shifts, ex. if 3, avilable shifts are
(-1, 0, 1)
n_slots: number of memory locations
m_length: memory length at each location
Known issues:
Theano may complain when n_slots == 1.
def __init__(self, output_dim, n_slots, m_length, shift_range=3,
init='glorot_uniform', inner_init='orthogonal',
input_dim=None, input_length=None, **kwargs):
self.output_dim = output_dim
self.n_slots = n_slots
self.m_length = m_length
self.shift_range = shift_range
self.init = init
self.inner_init = inner_init
self.controller_type = controller_type
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.input_length = input_length
if self.input_dim:
kwargs['input_shape'] = (self.input_length, self.input_dim)
super(NeuralTuringMachine, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def build(self):
input_leng, input_dim = self.input_shape[1:]
self.input = T.tensor3()
if self.controller_type == 'gru':
self.controller = GRU(
output_dim=self.output_dim, init=self.init,
elif self.controller_type == 'lstm':
self.controller = LSTM(
output_dim=self.output_dim, init=self.init,
elif isinstance(self.controller_type, Sequential):
self.controller = self.controller_type
self.controller.init = self.controller.layers[0].init
raise ValueError('this controller_type is not implemented.')
# initial memory, state, read and write vecotrs
self.M = theano.shared((.001*np.ones((1,)).astype(floatX)))
self.init_h = K.zeros((self.output_dim))
self.init_wr = self.controller.init((self.n_slots,))
self.init_ww = self.controller.init((self.n_slots,))
# write
self.W_e = self.controller.init((self.output_dim, self.m_length)) # erase
self.b_e = K.zeros((self.m_length))
self.W_a = self.controller.init((self.output_dim, self.m_length)) # add
self.b_a = K.zeros((self.m_length))
# get_w parameters for reading operation
self.W_k_read = self.controller.init((self.output_dim, self.m_length))
self.b_k_read = self.controller.init((self.m_length, ))
self.W_c_read = self.controller.init((self.output_dim, 3)) # 3 = beta, g, gamma see eq. 5, 7, 9
self.b_c_read = K.zeros((3))
self.W_s_read = self.controller.init((self.output_dim, self.shift_range))
self.b_s_read = K.zeros((self.shift_range)) # b_s lol! not intentional
# get_w parameters for writing operation
self.W_k_write = self.controller.init((self.output_dim, self.m_length))
self.b_k_write = self.controller.init((self.m_length, ))
self.W_c_write = self.controller.init((self.output_dim, 3)) # 3 = beta, g, gamma see eq. 5, 7, 9
self.b_c_write = K.zeros((3))
self.W_s_write = self.controller.init((self.output_dim, self.shift_range))
self.b_s_write = K.zeros((self.shift_range))
self.C = _circulant(self.n_slots, self.shift_range)
self.trainable_weights = self.controller.trainable_weights + [
self.W_e, self.b_e,
self.W_a, self.b_a,
self.W_k_read, self.b_k_read,
self.W_c_read, self.b_c_read,
self.W_s_read, self.b_s_read,
self.W_k_write, self.b_k_write,
self.W_s_write, self.b_s_write,
self.W_c_write, self.b_c_write,
self.init_h, self.init_wr, self.init_ww]
if self.controller_type == 'lstm':
self.init_c = K.zeros((self.output_dim))
self.trainable_weights = self.trainable_weights + [self.init_c, ]
def _read(self, w, M):
return (w[:, :, None]*M).sum(axis=1)
def _write(self, w, e, a, M):
Mtilda = M * (1 - w[:, :, None]*e[:, None, :])
Mout = Mtilda + w[:, :, None]*a[:, None, :]
return Mout
def _get_content_w(self, beta, k, M):
num = beta[:, None] * _cosine_distance(M, k)
return _softmax(num)
def _get_location_w(self, g, s, C, gamma, wc, w_tm1):
wg = g[:, None] * wc + (1-g[:, None])*w_tm1
Cs = (C[None, :, :, :] * wg[:, None, None, :]).sum(axis=3)
wtilda = (Cs * s[:, :, None]).sum(axis=1)
wout = _renorm(wtilda ** gamma[:, None])
return wout
def _get_controller_output(self, h, W_k, b_k, W_c, b_c, W_s, b_s):
k = T.tanh(, W_k) + b_k) # + 1e-6
c =, W_c) + b_c
beta = T.nnet.relu(c[:, 0]) + 1e-4
g = T.nnet.sigmoid(c[:, 1])
gamma = T.nnet.relu(c[:, 2]) + 1.0001
s = T.nnet.softmax(, W_s) + b_s)
return k, beta, g, gamma, s
def get_initial_states(self, X):
batch_size = X.shape[0]
init_M = self.M.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x').repeat(
batch_size, axis=0).repeat(self.n_slots, axis=1).repeat(
self.m_length, axis=2)
init_M = init_M.flatten(ndim=2)
init_h = self.init_h.dimshuffle(('x', 0)).repeat(batch_size, axis=0)
init_wr = self.init_wr.dimshuffle(('x', 0)).repeat(batch_size, axis=0)
init_ww = self.init_ww.dimshuffle(('x', 0)).repeat(batch_size, axis=0)
if self.controller_type == 'lstm':
init_c = self.init_c.dimshuffle(('x', 0)).repeat(batch_size, axis=0)
return [init_M, T.nnet.softmax(init_wr), T.nnet.softmax(init_ww),
init_h, init_c]
return [init_M, T.nnet.softmax(init_wr), T.nnet.softmax(init_ww),
def output_shape(self):
input_shape = self.input_shape
if self.return_sequences:
return input_shape[0], input_shape[1], self.output_dim
return input_shape[0], self.output_dim
def get_full_output(self, train=False):
This method is for research and visualization purposes. Use it as
X = model.get_input() # full model
Y = ntm.get_output() # this layer
F = theano.function([X], Y, allow_input_downcast=True)
[memory, read_address, write_address, rnn_state] = F(x)
if controller_type == "lstm" use it as
[memory, read_address, write_address, rnn_cell, rnn_state] = F(x)
# input shape: (nb_samples, time (padded with zeros), input_dim)
X = self.get_input(train)
assert K.ndim(X) == 3
if K._BACKEND == 'tensorflow':
if not self.input_shape[1]:
raise Exception('When using TensorFlow, you should define ' +
'explicitely the number of timesteps of ' +
'your sequences. Make sure the first layer ' +
'has a "batch_input_shape" argument ' +
'including the samples axis.')
# mask = self.get_output_mask(train)
# if mask:
# # apply mask
# X *= K.cast(K.expand_dims(mask), X.dtype)
# masking = True
# else:
# masking = False
if self.stateful:
initial_states = self.states
initial_states = self.get_initial_states(X)
states = K.rnn(self.step, X, initial_states,
return states
def step(self, x, states):
M_tm1, wr_tm1, ww_tm1 = states[:3]
# reshape
M_tm1 = M_tm1.reshape((x.shape[0], self.n_slots, self.m_length))
# read
h_tm1 = states[3:]
k_read, beta_read, g_read, gamma_read, s_read = self._get_controller_output(
h_tm1[0], self.W_k_read, self.b_k_read, self.W_c_read, self.b_c_read,
self.W_s_read, self.b_s_read)
wc_read = self._get_content_w(beta_read, k_read, M_tm1)
wr_t = self._get_location_w(g_read, s_read, self.C, gamma_read,
wc_read, wr_tm1)
M_read = self._read(wr_t, M_tm1)
# update controller
h_t = _update_controller(self, x, h_tm1, M_read)
# write
k_write, beta_write, g_write, gamma_write, s_write = self._get_controller_output(
h_t[0], self.W_k_write, self.b_k_write, self.W_c_write,
self.b_c_write, self.W_s_write, self.b_s_write)
wc_write = self._get_content_w(beta_write, k_write, M_tm1)
ww_t = self._get_location_w(g_write, s_write, self.C, gamma_write,
wc_write, ww_tm1)
e = T.nnet.sigmoid([0], self.W_e) + self.b_e)
a = T.tanh([0], self.W_a) + self.b_a)
M_t = self._write(ww_t, e, a, M_tm1)
M_t = M_t.flatten(ndim=2)
return h_t[0], [M_t, wr_t, ww_t] + h_t
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