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leetcode algorithms 1320 - minimum_distance_to_type_a_word_using_two_fingers
import unittest
import string
import collections
from pprint import pprint
# def print(*args, **kwargs):
# pass
def make_table(letters, width):
table = {}
i = 0
l = 0
while True:
for j in range(width):
ch = letters[i]
table[ch] = (l, j)
i += 1
if i == len(letters):
return table
l += 1
def distance(table, word, l1, l2):
if l1 < 0 or l2 < 0:
return 0
ch1_pos = table[word[l1]]
ch2_pos = table[word[l2]]
dis = abs(ch1_pos[0]-ch2_pos[0]) + abs(ch1_pos[1]-ch2_pos[1])
return dis
class Solution:
def __init__(self):
self.counter = collections.defaultdict(int)
self.cache = {}
def minimumDistance(self, word: str) -> int:
self.word = word
self.table = make_table(string.ascii_uppercase, 6)
l = len(word)
return min([self.dp(i, l-1) for i in range(-1, l-1)]+ [self.dp(l-1, i) for i in range(-1, l-1)])
def dp(self, l, r):
if (l,r) in self.cache:
return self.cache[(l,r)]
self.counter[(l,r)] += 1
if l == -1 and r >= 0:
return sum(distance(self.table, self.word, i, j) for i, j in zip(range(r), range(1,r+1)))
if l >= 0 and r == -1:
return sum(distance(self.table, self.word, i, j) for i, j in zip(range(l), range(1,l+1)))
if l == r:
return self.dp(l-1, r)
if l > r:
move_left = self.dp(l-1, r) + distance(self.table, self.word, l-1, l)
print(f"l > r, l:{l}, r:{r}, finger l on {self.word[l-1]}, finger r on {self.word[r]}, move finger 1 to {self.word[l]}, get cost {move_left}")
if r == l-1:
move_right = min((self.dp(pl, l-1) + distance(self.table, self.word, pl, l)) for pl in range(-1, l-1))
dp_l_r = move_right
print(f"l > r, l:{l}, r:{r}, iterate through finger l on -1 to {l-2}, finger r on {self.word[l-1]}, move finger 1 to {self.word[l]}, get cost {move_right}")
dp_l_r = move_left
print(f"dp[{l}][{r}]: {dp_l_r}")
self.cache[(l,r)] = dp_l_r
return dp_l_r
if r > l:
move_right = self.dp(l, r-1) + distance(self.table, self.word, r-1, r)
print(f"r > l, l:{l}, r:{r}, finger r on {self.word[r-1]}, finger l on {self.word[l]}, if move finger r to {self.word[r]}, get cost {move_right}")
if l == r - 1:
move_left = min((self.dp(r-1, pr) + distance(self.table, self.word, pr, r)) for pr in range(-1, r-1))
dp_l_r = move_left
print(f"r > l, l:{l}, r:{r}, iterate through finger r on -1 to {r-2}, finger l on {self.word[r-1]}, if move finger r to {self.word[r]}, get cost {move_left}")
dp_l_r = move_right
print(f"dp[{l}][{r}]: {dp_l_r}")
self.cache[(l,r)] = dp_l_r
return dp_l_r
class T(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
table_width = 6
self.table = make_table(string.ascii_uppercase, table_width)
def test_minumum_distance_case1(self):
self.s = Solution()
word = "CAKE"
self.assertEqual(3, self.s.minimumDistance(word))
def test_minumum_distance_case2(self):
self.s = Solution()
word = "HAPPY"
self.assertEqual(6, self.s.minimumDistance(word))
def test_minumum_distance_case3(self):
self.s = Solution()
word = "NEW"
self.assertEqual(3, self.s.minimumDistance(word))
def test_minumum_distance_case4(self):
self.s = Solution()
word = "YEAR"
# pprint(self.s.counter)
self.assertEqual(7, self.s.minimumDistance(word))
def test_minumum_distance_case5(self):
self.s = Solution()
word = "QIBZR"
# pprint(self.s.counter)
self.assertEqual(7, self.s.minimumDistance(word))
def test_minumum_distance_case6(self):
self.s = Solution()
# pprint(self.s.counter)
self.assertEqual(295, self.s.minimumDistance(word))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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