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Created July 16, 2023 05:58
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A simple learning algorithm for 20 questions
import random
data = {}
questions = [
"Is it alive?",
"Is it real?",
"Can it bend without breaking?",
"Does it move?",
"Does it roll?",
"Is it mechanical?",
"Does it have a memory?",
"Can you play games with it?",
"Is it a concept?",
"Does it weigh more than a duck?",
"Do you need batteries to use it?",
"Is it a mineral?",
"Is it bright?",
"Does it come in many varieties?",
"Can it float?",
"Does it have seeds?",
"Can you order it at a restaurant?",
"Would you give it as a gift?",
"Is it comforting?",
"Does it have writing on it?",
while data == {}:
thing = input("I don't have any data! Give me a thing>").lower()
if thing[:2] == "a ": thing = thing[2:]
if thing[:3] == "an ": thing = thing[3:]
currentdata = {}
questionnum = 0
for i in questions:
while True:
ask = input(questions[questionnum] + " (y/n/?)>").lower()
if ask == "y": currentdata[questionnum] = 1; break
elif ask == "n": currentdata[questionnum] = 0; break
elif ask == "?": print("Skipping"); break
else: print("Please input 'y', 'n', or '?' to skip")
questionnum += 1
if currentdata == {}: pass
else: data[thing] = [currentdata]
while True:
print("Lets play! Think of an object")
asked = 0
currentdata = {}
questionsasked = []
while asked < len(questions) and asked < 20:
while True:
questionnum = random.randint(0, len(questions) - 1)
if questionnum not in questionsasked:
while True:
ask = input(questions[questionnum] + " (y/n/?)>").lower()
if ask == "y": currentdata[questionnum] = 1; asked += 1; break
elif ask == "n": currentdata[questionnum] = 0; asked += 1; break
elif ask == "?": print("Skipping"); asked += 1; break
else: print("Please input 'y', 'n', or '?' to skip")
if currentdata == {}: print("I was unable to make a guess!")
index = {}
for thing, answers in data.items():
answerlists = {}
answeraverages = {}
for i in answers:
for x, y in i.items():
answerlists[x] = [y]
#for i in range(len(questions) - 1):
# try: answerlists[i]
# except: answerlists[i] = [1, 0]
for x, y in answerlists.items():
answeraverages[x] = sum(y)/len(y)
index[thing] = answeraverages
probabilities = {}
for thing, averages in index.items():
probability = []
for z, average in averages.items():
if round(average) == currentdata[z]: probability.append(1)
else: probability.append(0)
except: pass
probabilities[thing] = sum(probability)/len(probability)
guess = ["None", 0]
for thing, probability in probabilities.items():
if probability > guess[1]: guess = [thing, probability]
print("I am " + str(round(guess[1] * 100)) + "% sure that it is " + str(guess[0]))
while True:
correct = input("Was I correct? (y/n)>")
if correct == "y":
print("Thanks for playing!")
elif correct == "n":
thing = input("What was it? ").lower()
if thing[:2] == "a ": thing = thing[2:]
if thing[:3] == "an ": thing = thing[3:]
data[thing] = [currentdata]
print("Thanks for playing!")
else: print("Please input 'y' or 'n'")
again = None
while again != "y" and again != "n":
again = input("Play again? (y/n)>")
if again == "y": break
elif again == "n": break
else: print("Please input 'y' or 'n'")
if again == "n": break
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