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Created March 18, 2021 16:13
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* @notice This script contains private keys, mnemonics, and API keys that serve as default values so that it executes
* even if the user has not set up their environment variables properly. Typically, these are sensitive secrets that
* should never be shared publicly and ideally should not be stored in plain text.
const path = require("path");
const HDWalletProvider = require("@truffle/hdwallet-provider");
const LedgerWalletProvider = require("@umaprotocol/truffle-ledger-provider");
const { GckmsConfig } = require("./gckms/GckmsConfig.js");
const { ManagedSecretProvider } = require("./gckms/ManagedSecretProvider.js");
const { PublicNetworks } = require("./PublicNetworks.js");
const { MetaMaskTruffleProvider } = require("./MetaMaskTruffleProvider.js");
const { isPublicNetwork } = require("./MigrationUtils");
const Web3 = require("web3");
const argv = require("minimist")(process.argv.slice(), {
string: ["gasPrice"]
// Fallback to a public mnemonic to prevent exceptions.
const mnemonic = process.env.MNEMONIC
? process.env.MNEMONIC
: "candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat";
// Fallback to a public private key to prevent exceptions.
const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY
? process.env.PRIVATE_KEY
: "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111";
// Fallback to a backup non-prod API key.
const keyOffset = process.env.KEY_OFFSET ? parseInt(process.env.KEY_OFFSET) : 0; // Start at account 0 by default.
const numKeys = process.env.NUM_KEYS ? parseInt(process.env.NUM_KEYS) : 2; // Generate two wallets by default.
let singletonProvider;
// Default options
const gasPx = argv.gasPrice ? Web3.utils.toWei(argv.gasPrice, "gwei") : 20000000000; // 20 gwei
const gas = undefined; // Defining this as undefined (rather than leaving undefined) forces truffle estimate gas usage.
// If a custom node URL is provided, use that. Otherwise use an infura websocket connection.
function getNodeUrl(networkName) {
if (isPublicNetwork(networkName) && !networkName.includes("fork")) {
const infuraApiKey = process.env.INFURA_API_KEY || "e34138b2db5b496ab5cc52319d2f0299";
const name = networkName.split("_")[0];
return process.env.CUSTOM_NODE_URL || `wss://${name}${infuraApiKey}`;
const port = process.env.CUSTOM_LOCAL_NODE_PORT || "9545";
return `${port}`;
// Adds a public network.
// Note: All public networks can be accessed using keys from GCS using the ManagedSecretProvider or using a mnemonic in the
// shell environment.
function addPublicNetwork(networks, name, networkId) {
const options = {
networkCheckTimeout: 10000,
network_id: networkId,
gas: gas,
gasPrice: gasPx
const nodeUrl = getNodeUrl(name);
// GCS ManagedSecretProvider network.
networks[name + "_gckms"] = {
provider: function (provider = nodeUrl) {
if (!singletonProvider) {
singletonProvider = new ManagedSecretProvider(GckmsConfig, provider, 0, GckmsConfig.length);
return singletonProvider;
// Private key network.
networks[name + "_privatekey"] = {
provider: function (provider = nodeUrl) {
if (!singletonProvider) {
singletonProvider = new HDWalletProvider([privateKey], provider);
return singletonProvider;
// Mnemonic network.
networks[name + "_mnemonic"] = {
provider: function (provider = nodeUrl) {
if (!singletonProvider) {
singletonProvider = new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, provider, keyOffset, numKeys);
return singletonProvider;
const legacyLedgerOptions = {
networkId: networkId,
accountsLength: numKeys,
accountsOffset: keyOffset
// Ledger has changed their standard derivation path since this library was created, so we must override the default one.
const ledgerOptions = {
path: "44'/60'/0'/0/0"
// Normal ledger wallet network.
networks[name + "_ledger"] = {
provider: function (provider = nodeUrl) {
if (!singletonProvider) {
singletonProvider = new LedgerWalletProvider(ledgerOptions, provider);
return singletonProvider;
// Legacy ledger wallet network.
// Note: the default derivation path matches the "legacy" ledger account in Ledger Live.
networks[name + "_ledger_legacy"] = {
provider: function (provider = nodeUrl) {
if (!singletonProvider) {
singletonProvider = new LedgerWalletProvider(legacyLedgerOptions, provider);
return singletonProvider;
const privKey = '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111';
// Adds a local network.
// Note: local networks generally have more varied parameters, so the user can override any network option by passing
// a customOptions object.
function addLocalNetwork(networks, name, customOptions) {
const nodeUrl = getNodeUrl(name);
const defaultOptions = {
network_id: 2021,
gas: gas,
gasPrice: gasPx,
provider: () => new HDWalletProvider({
privateKeys: [privKey],
providerOrUrl: "http://localhost:9933/",
networks[name] = {
let networks = {};
// Public networks that need both a mnemonic and GCS ManagedSecretProvider network.
for (const [id, { name }] of Object.entries(PublicNetworks)) {
addPublicNetwork(networks, name, id);
// Add test network.
addLocalNetwork(networks, "test");
// Mainnet fork is just a local network with id 1 and a hardcoded gas limit because ganache has difficulty estimating gas on forks.
// Note: this gas limit is the default ganache block gas limit.
addLocalNetwork(networks, "mainnet-fork", { network_id: 1, gas: 6721975 });
// MetaMask truffle provider requires a longer timeout so that user has time to point web browser with metamask to localhost:3333
addLocalNetwork(networks, "metamask", {
networkCheckTimeout: 500000,
provider: function () {
if (!singletonProvider) {
singletonProvider = new MetaMaskTruffleProvider();
return singletonProvider;
function getTruffleConfig(truffleContextDir = "./") {
const result = {
// See <>
// for more about customizing your Truffle configuration!
networks: networks,
plugins: ["solidity-coverage"],
mocha: {
enableTimeouts: false,
before_timeout: 1800000
compilers: {
solc: {
version: "0.6.12",
settings: {
optimizer: {
enabled: true,
runs: 199
migrations_directory: path.join(truffleContextDir, "migrations"),
contracts_directory: path.join(truffleContextDir, "contracts"),
contracts_build_directory: path.join(truffleContextDir, "build/contracts")
return result
module.exports = { getTruffleConfig, getNodeUrl };
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