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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Save EduardoLopes/7ea83e51b52b8062e9b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
package ;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.FlxObject;
import flixel.util.FlxPoint;
import flixel.util.FlxColor;
import flixel.util.FlxArrayUtil;
import flixel.plugin.PathManager;
import flixel.interfaces.IFlxDestroyable;
import flixel.util.FlxPath;
import flixel.util.FlxAngle;
import flixel.addons.nape.FlxNapeSprite;
import nape.geom.Vec2;
* This is a simple path data container. Basically a list of points that
* a Flx_object can follow. Also has code for drawing debug visuals.
* FlxTilemap.findPath() returns a path _object, but you can
* also just make your own, using the add() functions below
* or by creating your own array of points.
class FlxNapePath extends FlxPath
public static var manager:PathManager;
* Path behavior controls: move from the start of the path to the end then stop.
public static inline var FORWARD:Int = 0x000000;
* Path behavior controls: move from the end of the path to the start then stop.
public static inline var BACKWARD:Int= 0x000001;
* Path behavior controls: move from the start of the path to the end then directly back to the start, and start over.
public static inline var LOOP_FORWARD:Int = 0x000010;
* Path behavior controls: move from the end of the path to the start then directly back to the end, and start over.
public static inline var LOOP_BACKWARD:Int = 0x000100;
* Path behavior controls: move from the start of the path to the end then turn around and go back to the start, over and over.
public static inline var YOYO:Int = 0x001000;
* Path behavior controls: ignores any vertical component to the path data, only follows side to side.
public static inline var HORIZONTAL_ONLY:Int = 0x010000;
* Path behavior controls: ignores any horizontal component to the path data, only follows up and down.
public static inline var VERTICAL_ONLY:Int = 0x100000;
* Internal helper for keeping new variable instantiations under control.
private static var _point:FlxPoint = FlxPoint.get();
public var _object:FlxNapeSprite;
* Creates a new FlxPath (and calls start() right away if _object != null).
public function new(?Object:FlxNapeSprite, ?Nodes:Array<FlxPoint>, Speed:Float = 100, Mode:Int = FlxPath.FORWARD, AutoRotate:Bool = false)
// if (_object != null)
// {
// start(_object, Nodes, Speed, Mode, AutoRotate);
// }
public function start2(Object:FlxNapeSprite, Nodes:Array<FlxPoint>, Speed:Float = 100, Mode:Int = FlxPath.FORWARD, AutoRotate:Bool = false):FlxPath
_object = Object;
nodes = Nodes;
speed = Math.abs(Speed);
_mode = Mode;
_autoRotate = AutoRotate;
return this;
override public function restart():FlxPath
if (manager != null && !_inManager)
_inManager = true;
finished = false;
active = true;
if (nodes.length <= 0)
active = false;
//get starting node
if ((_mode == FlxPath.BACKWARD) || (_mode == FlxPath.LOOP_BACKWARD))
_nodeIndex = nodes.length - 1;
_inc = -1;
_nodeIndex = 0;
_inc = 1;
_object.immovable = true;
return this;
* Internal function for moving the _object along the path.
* Generally this function is called automatically by preUpdate().
* The first half of the function decides if the _object can advance to the next node in the path,
* while the second half handles actually picking a velocity toward the next node.
override public function update():Void
//first check if we need to be pointing at the next node yet
_point.x = _object.x;
_point.y = _object.y;
if (autoCenter)
_point.x += _object.width * 0.5;
_point.y += _object.height * 0.5;
var node:FlxPoint = nodes[_nodeIndex];
var deltaX:Float = node.x - _point.x;
var deltaY:Float = node.y - _point.y;
var horizontalOnly:Bool = (_mode & FlxPath.HORIZONTAL_ONLY) > 0;
var verticalOnly:Bool = (_mode & FlxPath.VERTICAL_ONLY) > 0;
if (horizontalOnly)
if (((deltaX > 0) ? deltaX : -deltaX) < speed * FlxG.elapsed)
node = advancePath();
else if (verticalOnly)
if (((deltaY > 0) ? deltaY : -deltaY) < speed * FlxG.elapsed)
node = advancePath();
if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) < speed * FlxG.elapsed)
node = advancePath();
//then just move toward the current node at the requested speed
if (speed != 0)
//set velocity based on path mode
_point.x = _object.x;
_point.y = _object.y;
if (autoCenter)
_point.x += _object.width * 0.5;
_point.y += _object.height * 0.5;
if (horizontalOnly || (_point.y == node.y))
_object.body.velocity.x = (_point.x < node.x) ? speed : -speed;
if (_object.body.velocity.x < 0)
angle = -90;
angle = 90;
if (!horizontalOnly)
_object.body.velocity.y = 0;
else if (verticalOnly || (_point.x == node.x))
_object.body.velocity.y = (_point.y < node.y) ? speed : -speed;
if (_object.body.velocity.y < 0)
angle = 0;
angle = 180;
if (!verticalOnly)
_object.body.velocity.x = 0;
_object.body.velocity.x = (_point.x < node.x) ? speed : -speed;
_object.body.velocity.y = (_point.y < node.y) ? speed : -speed;
angle = FlxAngle.getAngle(_point, node);
var v = FlxAngle.rotatePoint(0, speed, 0, 0, angle, FlxPoint.get( _object.body.velocity.x, _object.body.velocity.y) );
_object.body.velocity.x = v.x;
_object.body.velocity.y = v.y;
//then set _object rotation if necessary
if (_autoRotate)
_object.angularVelocity = 0;
_object.body.angularVel = 0;
_object.body.kinAngVel = 0;
_object.angularAcceleration = 0;
_object.angle = angle;
_object.body.rotation = angle * FlxAngle.TO_RAD;
if (finished)
* Internal function that decides what node in the path to aim for next based on the behavior flags.
* @return The node (a FlxPoint _object) we are aiming for next.
override private function advancePath(Snap:Bool = true):FlxPoint
if (Snap)
var oldNode:FlxPoint = nodes[_nodeIndex];
if (oldNode != null)
if ((_mode & FlxPath.VERTICAL_ONLY) == 0)
_object.x = oldNode.x;
_object.body.position.x = _object.x;
if (autoCenter)
_object.x -= _object.width * 0.5;
if ((_mode & FlxPath.HORIZONTAL_ONLY) == 0)
_object.y = oldNode.y;
_object.body.position.y = _object.y;
if (autoCenter)
_object.y -= _object.height * 0.5;
var callComplete:Bool = false;
_nodeIndex += _inc;
if ((_mode & FlxPath.BACKWARD) > 0)
if (_nodeIndex < 0)
_nodeIndex = 0;
finished = callComplete = true;
else if ((_mode & FlxPath.LOOP_FORWARD) > 0)
if (_nodeIndex >= nodes.length)
callComplete = true;
_nodeIndex = 0;
else if ((_mode & FlxPath.LOOP_BACKWARD) > 0)
if (_nodeIndex < 0)
_nodeIndex = nodes.length - 1;
callComplete = true;
if (_nodeIndex < 0)
_nodeIndex = 0;
else if ((_mode & FlxPath.YOYO) > 0)
if (_inc > 0)
if (_nodeIndex >= nodes.length)
_nodeIndex = nodes.length - 2;
callComplete = true;
if (_nodeIndex < 0)
_nodeIndex = 0;
_inc = -_inc;
else if (_nodeIndex < 0)
_nodeIndex = 1;
callComplete = true;
if (_nodeIndex >= nodes.length)
_nodeIndex = nodes.length - 1;
if (_nodeIndex < 0)
_nodeIndex = 0;
_inc = -_inc;
if (_nodeIndex >= nodes.length)
_nodeIndex = nodes.length - 1;
finished = callComplete = true;
if (callComplete && onComplete != null)
return nodes[_nodeIndex];
* Stops path movement and removes this path it from the path manager.
override public function cancel():Void
finished = true;
if (_object != null)
_object.body.velocity.setxy(0, 0);
if (manager != null && _inManager)
_inManager = false;
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