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Created July 13, 2022 12:31
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module GADT = struct
type 'a option = Some : 'a -> 'a option | None : 'a option
let x = Some 1
let y = None
module Ty = struct
type _ ty = Int : int ty | String : string ty
let int = Int
let string = String
let f (type a) (ty : a ty) (x : a) =
match ty with
| Int ->
let x : int = x in
string_of_int x
| String ->
let x : string = x in
let _x = f int 1
let _x = f string "a"
module Explicit_ty = struct
module Eq = struct
type (_, _) eq = Refl : ('a, 'a) eq
let cast (type a b) (eq : (a, b) eq) (x : a) : b =
match eq with Refl -> x
let symm (type a b) (eq : (a, b) eq) : (b, a) eq =
match eq with Refl -> eq
open Eq
type 'a ty =
| Int : ('a, int) eq -> 'a ty
| String : ('a, string) eq -> 'a ty
let int = Int Refl
let string = String Refl
let f (type a) (ty : a ty) (x : a) =
match ty with
| Int a_is_int ->
let x : int = cast a_is_int x in
string_of_int x
| String a_is_string ->
let x : string = cast a_is_string x in
let _x = f int 1
let _x = f string "a"
module Univ = struct
type _ ty = Int : int ty | String : string ty
type dyn = Dyn : 'a. ('a * 'a ty) -> dyn
(* forall a. a *)
(* exists a. a *)
let x = Dyn (1, Int)
let x = Dyn ("a", String)
let y =
match x with
| Dyn (type a) (content : a * a ty) -> (
let x, ty = content in
match ty with
| Int ->
let x : int = x in
string_of_int x
| String ->
let x : string = x in
let f (None : _ option) = ()
let f (x : _ option) =
let None = x in
let f (x : _ option) = match x with None -> ()
(* let <pat> = <expr> in <expr>
match <expr> with | <pat> -> <expr>
fun <pat> -> <expr>
<expr> <expr> *)
let y =
let (Dyn (type a) (content : a * a ty)) = x in
let x, ty = content in
match ty with
| Int ->
let x : int = x in
string_of_int x
| String ->
let x : string = x in
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