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Created February 2, 2023 17:08
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From Coq Require Import Strings.String.
From Coq Require Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Inductive ty : Type :=
| T_Bool : ty
| T_Arrow : ty -> ty -> ty.
Inductive expr : Type :=
| E_var : string -> expr
| E_app : expr -> expr -> expr
| E_abs : string -> ty -> expr -> expr
| E_true : expr
| E_false : expr
| E_if : expr -> expr -> expr -> expr.
Inductive value : expr -> Type :=
| V_abs : forall x T e, value (E_abs x T e)
| V_true : value E_true
| V_false : value E_false.
Fixpoint subst (e : expr) (x : string) (to : expr) : expr :=
match e with
| E_var y => if String.eqb x y then to else e
| E_abs y T e =>
let e := if String.eqb x y then e else (subst e x to) in
E_abs y T e
| E_app e1 e2 => E_app (subst e1 x to) (subst e2 x to)
| E_true => E_true
| E_false => E_false
| E_if e1 e2 e3 => E_if (subst e1 x to) (subst e2 x to) (subst e3 x to)
Definition context := string -> option ty.
Definition empty : context := fun _x => None.
Definition add (ctx : context) x t : context :=
fun y => if String.eqb x y then Some t else ctx y.
Lemma add_comm_when_diff ctx {x y} A B (x_neq_y : x <> y) :
add (add ctx x A) y B = add (add ctx y B) x A.
(* TODO: funext *)
apply (FunctionalExtensionality.functional_extensionality).
intros z.
unfold add.
destruct (String.eqb_spec x z).
destruct (String.eqb_spec y z).
- rewrite <- e0 in e.
induction (x_neq_y e).
- reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
Lemma shadowing ctx x A B : (add ctx x B) = (add (add ctx x A) x B).
(* TODO: funext *)
apply (FunctionalExtensionality.functional_extensionality).
intros z.
unfold add.
destruct (x =? z)%string.
Inductive step : expr -> expr -> Type :=
| ST_AppAbs : forall x T e1 e2, value e2 ->
step (E_app (E_abs x T e1) e2) (subst e1 x e2)
| ST_App1 : forall e1 e1' e2, step e1 e1' ->
step (E_app e1 e2) (E_app e1' e2)
| ST_App2 : forall e1 e2 e2', value e1 -> step e2 e2' ->
step (E_app e1 e2) (E_app e1 e2')
| ST_IfTrue : forall e1 e2,
step (E_if E_true e1 e2) e1
| ST_IfFalse : forall e1 e2,
step (E_if E_false e1 e2) e2
| ST_If : forall e1 e1' e2 e3, step e1 e1' ->
step (E_if e1 e2 e3) (E_if e1' e2 e3).
Inductive has_type : context -> expr -> ty -> Type :=
| T_Var : forall ctx x T, ctx x = Some T ->
has_type ctx (E_var x) T
| T_Abs : forall ctx x Tx Tb b, has_type (add ctx x Tx) b Tb ->
has_type ctx (E_abs x Tx b) (T_Arrow Tx Tb)
| T_App : forall ctx Tx Tb e1 e2,
has_type ctx e1 (T_Arrow Tx Tb) -> has_type ctx e2 Tx ->
has_type ctx (E_app e1 e2) Tb
| T_True : forall ctx, has_type ctx E_true T_Bool
| T_False : forall ctx, has_type ctx E_false T_Bool
| T_If : forall ctx e1 e2 e3 T,
has_type ctx e1 T_Bool -> has_type ctx e2 T -> has_type ctx e3 T ->
has_type ctx (E_if e1 e2 e3) T.
Hint Constructors has_type : core.
Lemma weakening {ctx e A} (e_has_type_A : has_type ctx e A) :
forall ctx', (forall x A, ctx x = Some A -> ctx' x = Some A) ->
has_type ctx' e A.
induction e_has_type_A.
2: {
intros ctx' ctx_eq_ctx'; apply T_Abs.
apply IHe_has_type_A; clear IHe_has_type_A.
unfold add; intros y A e.
destruct (String.eqb_spec x y).
(* TODO: figure out how to avoid this *)
Lemma weakening_add {ctx e T} (e_has_type_A : has_type ctx e T) :
forall x A, ctx x = None -> has_type (add ctx x A) e T.
intros x A x_not_in_ctx.
apply (weakening e_has_type_A _).
intros y B y_is_in_ctx.
destruct (String.eqb_spec x y).
now destruct e0; destruct (eq_sym x_not_in_ctx).
now unfold add; destruct (eq_sym (proj2 (String.eqb_neq x y) n)).
Lemma weakening_empty ctx {e A} : has_type empty e A -> has_type ctx e A.
intros e_has_type_A.
apply (weakening e_has_type_A).
Lemma substitution_preserves_typing ctx x A e v B :
has_type (add ctx x A) e B -> has_type empty v A ->
has_type ctx (subst e x v) B.
intros e_has_type_B v_has_type_A.
remember (add ctx x A) as add_ctx.
generalize dependent ctx.
induction e_has_type_B.
- intros add_ctx Heqadd_ctx.
unfold add in *; destruct (eq_sym Heqadd_ctx); clear Heqadd_ctx.
unfold subst; destruct (String.eqb_spec x x0).
destruct e0; inversion e; destruct H0; clear e.
exact (weakening_empty _ v_has_type_A).
- intros add_ctx Heqadd_ctx.
destruct (eq_sym Heqadd_ctx); clear Heqadd_ctx.
apply T_Abs; fold subst.
destruct (String.eqb_spec x x0).
now destruct e; destruct (shadowing add_ctx x A Tx).
apply IHe_has_type_B.
now apply (add_comm_when_diff).
- intros add_ctx Heqadd_ctx.
destruct (eq_sym Heqadd_ctx); clear Heqadd_ctx.
apply (T_App _ Tx Tb); fold subst.
- eauto.
- eauto.
- intros add_ctx Heqadd_ctx.
destruct (eq_sym Heqadd_ctx); clear Heqadd_ctx.
apply T_If.
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