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Created June 1, 2022 19:13
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[@@@ocaml.warning "-32"]
module Location = struct
include Location
let pp = print_loc
module Longident = struct
include Longident
type t = [%import: Longident.t] [@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
module Asttypes = struct
type 'a loc = [%import: 'a Asttypes.loc]
and label = [%import: Asttypes.label]
and closed_flag = [%import: Asttypes.closed_flag]
and arg_label = [%import: Asttypes.arg_label]
and direction_flag = [%import: Asttypes.direction_flag]
and rec_flag = [%import: Asttypes.rec_flag]
and private_flag = [%import: Asttypes.private_flag]
and injectivity = [%import: Asttypes.injectivity]
and variance = [%import: Asttypes.variance]
and mutable_flag = [%import: Asttypes.mutable_flag]
and virtual_flag = [%import: Asttypes.virtual_flag]
and override_flag = [%import: Asttypes.override_flag]
[@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
module Parsetree = struct
type attributes = [%import: Parsetree.attributes]
and attribute = [%import: Parsetree.attribute]
and extension = [%import: Parsetree.extension]
and payload = [%import: Parsetree.payload]
and core_type = [%import: Parsetree.core_type]
and core_type_desc = [%import: Parsetree.core_type_desc]
and package_type = [%import: Parsetree.package_type]
and row_field = [%import: Parsetree.row_field]
and row_field_desc = [%import: Parsetree.row_field_desc]
and object_field = [%import: Parsetree.object_field]
and object_field_desc = [%import: Parsetree.object_field_desc]
and pattern = [%import: Parsetree.pattern]
and pattern_desc = [%import: Parsetree.pattern_desc]
and expression = [%import: Parsetree.expression]
and expression_desc = [%import: Parsetree.expression_desc]
and case = [%import:]
and letop = [%import: Parsetree.letop]
and binding_op = [%import: Parsetree.binding_op]
and value_description = [%import: Parsetree.value_description]
and type_declaration = [%import: Parsetree.type_declaration]
and type_kind = [%import: Parsetree.type_kind]
and label_declaration = [%import: Parsetree.label_declaration]
and constructor_declaration = [%import: Parsetree.constructor_declaration]
and constructor_arguments = [%import: Parsetree.constructor_arguments]
and type_extension = [%import: Parsetree.type_extension]
and extension_constructor = [%import: Parsetree.extension_constructor]
and type_exception = [%import: Parsetree.type_exception]
and constant = [%import: Parsetree.constant]
and extension_constructor_kind =
[%import: Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind]
and class_type = [%import: Parsetree.class_type]
and class_type_desc = [%import: Parsetree.class_type_desc]
and class_signature = [%import: Parsetree.class_signature]
and class_type_field = [%import: Parsetree.class_type_field]
and class_type_field_desc = [%import: Parsetree.class_type_field_desc]
and class_description = [%import: Parsetree.class_description]
and class_type_declaration = [%import: Parsetree.class_type_declaration]
and class_expr = [%import: Parsetree.class_expr]
and class_expr_desc = [%import: Parsetree.class_expr_desc]
and class_structure = [%import: Parsetree.class_structure]
and class_field = [%import: Parsetree.class_field]
and class_field_desc = [%import: Parsetree.class_field_desc]
and class_field_kind = [%import: Parsetree.class_field_kind]
and class_declaration = [%import: Parsetree.class_declaration]
and module_type = [%import: Parsetree.module_type]
and module_type_desc = [%import: Parsetree.module_type_desc]
and functor_parameter = [%import: Parsetree.functor_parameter]
and signature = [%import: Parsetree.signature]
and signature_item = [%import: Parsetree.signature_item]
and signature_item_desc = [%import: Parsetree.signature_item_desc]
and module_declaration = [%import: Parsetree.module_declaration]
and module_substitution = [%import: Parsetree.module_substitution]
and module_type_declaration = [%import: Parsetree.module_type_declaration]
and open_description = [%import: Parsetree.open_description]
and open_declaration = [%import: Parsetree.open_declaration]
and include_description = [%import: Parsetree.include_description]
and include_declaration = [%import: Parsetree.include_declaration]
and with_constraint = [%import: Parsetree.with_constraint]
and module_expr = [%import: Parsetree.module_expr]
and module_expr_desc = [%import: Parsetree.module_expr_desc]
and structure = [%import: Parsetree.structure]
and structure_item = [%import: Parsetree.structure_item]
and structure_item_desc = [%import: Parsetree.structure_item_desc]
and value_binding = [%import: Parsetree.value_binding]
and module_binding = [%import: Parsetree.module_binding]
and toplevel_directive = [%import: Parsetree.toplevel_directive]
and directive_argument = [%import: Parsetree.directive_argument]
and directive_argument_desc = [%import: Parsetree.directive_argument_desc]
and location_stack = [%import: Parsetree.location_stack]
and 'a class_infos = [%import: 'a Parsetree.class_infos]
and 'a open_infos = [%import: 'a Parsetree.open_infos]
and 'a include_infos = [%import: 'a Parsetree.include_infos]
[@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
module Primitive = struct
include Primitive
type description = [%import: Primitive.description]
and native_repr = [%import: Primitive.native_repr]
and boxed_integer = [%import: Primitive.boxed_integer]
[@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
module Types = struct
module Types = struct
include Types
module Variance = struct
include Variance
let pp fmt _t = Format.fprintf fmt "<variance>"
module Path = struct
include Path
let pp = print
module Ident = struct
include Ident
let pp = print_with_scope
module Uid = struct
include Uid
let pp = print
module Meths = struct
include Meths
type 'v print_t = (string * 'v) list [@@deriving show]
let pp pp_v fmt t = Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_print_t pp_v) (bindings t)
module Vars = struct
include Vars
type 'v print_t = (string * 'v) list [@@deriving show]
let pp pp_v fmt t = Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_print_t pp_v) (bindings t)
module Type_immediacy = struct
include Type_immediacy
type t = [%import: Type_immediacy.t]
[@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
module Separability = struct
include Separability
type t = [%import: Types.Separability.t]
[@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
type field_kind_view = [%import: Types.field_kind_view]
[@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
let pp_field_kind fmt t = pp_field_kind_view fmt (field_kind_repr t)
let pp_row_desc fmt _t = Format.fprintf fmt "<row_desc>"
let pp_commutable fmt _t = Format.fprintf fmt "<commutable>"
include Types
let pp_type_expr_ref = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
let pp_type_expr fmt t = !pp_type_expr_ref fmt t
type signature_item = [%import: Types.signature_item]
and signature = [%import: Types.signature]
and visibility = [%import: Types.visibility]
and rec_status = [%import: Types.rec_status]
and class_type_declaration = [%import: Types.class_type_declaration]
and class_declaration = [%import: Types.class_declaration]
and fixed_explanation = [%import: Types.fixed_explanation]
and abbrev_memo = [%import: Types.abbrev_memo]
and field_kind = [%import: Types.field_kind]
and ('a, 'b) type_kind = [%import: ('a, 'b) Types.type_kind]
and value_kind = [%import: Types.value_kind]
and class_signature = [%import: Types.class_signature]
and self_meths = [%import: Types.self_meths]
and module_type = [%import: Types.module_type]
and method_privacy = [%import: Types.method_privacy]
and type_decl_kind = [%import: Types.type_decl_kind]
and record_representation = [%import: Types.record_representation]
and variant_representation = [%import: Types.variant_representation]
and label_declaration = [%import: Types.label_declaration]
and constructor_declaration = [%import: Types.constructor_declaration]
and constructor_arguments = [%import: Types.constructor_arguments]
and type_transparence = [%import: Types.type_transparence]
and functor_parameter = [%import: Types.functor_parameter]
and module_presence = [%import: Types.module_presence]
and module_declaration = [%import: Types.module_declaration]
and modtype_declaration = [%import: Types.modtype_declaration]
and ext_status = [%import: Types.ext_status]
and constructor_tag = [%import: Types.constructor_tag]
and extension_constructor = [%import: Types.extension_constructor]
and type_declaration = [%import: Types.type_declaration]
and value_description = [%import: Types.value_description]
and class_type = [%import: Types.class_type]
and transient_expr = [%import: Types.transient_expr]
and type_desc = [%import: Types.type_desc]
[@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
let () =
pp_type_expr_ref :=
fun fmt t -> pp_transient_expr fmt (Types.Transient_expr.repr t)
module Misc = struct
include Misc
module Digest = struct
include Digest
type t = string [@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
let pp_alerts fmt _ = Format.fprintf fmt "<Misc.alerts>"
type modname = string [@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
type crcs = (modname * Digest.t option) list
[@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
module Cmi_format = struct
include Cmi_format
type cmi_infos = [%import: Cmi_format.cmi_infos]
and pers_flags = [%import: Cmi_format.pers_flags]
[@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
let file = Sys.argv.(1)
let cmi = Cmi_format.read_cmi file
let () = Format.printf "%a\n%!" Cmi_format.pp_cmi_infos cmi
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