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Created December 20, 2020 19:43
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// include Example;
// include DCPS;
module DCPS = {
type instr('b, 'a) =
| Add(instr((int, 'rest), 'a)): instr((int, (int, 'rest)), 'a)
| Sub(instr((int, 'rest), 'a)): instr((int, (int, 'rest)), 'a)
| Gt(instr((bool, 'rest), 'a)): instr((int, (int, 'rest)), 'a)
| If(instr('bef, 'aft), instr('bef, 'aft)): instr((bool, 'bef), 'aft)
| Halt: instr('b, 'b);
let rec eval: type b a. (instr(b, a), b) => a =
(instr, stack) =>
switch (instr, stack) {
| (Add(k), (x, (y, rest))) => eval(k, (x + y, rest))
| (Sub(k), (x, (y, rest))) => eval(k, (x - y, rest))
| (Gt(k), (x, (y, rest))) => eval(k, (x > y, rest))
| (If(left, _), (true, rest)) => eval(left, rest)
| (If(_, right), (false, rest)) => eval(right, rest)
| (Halt, stack) => stack
let example = Add(Gt(If(Sub(Halt), Add(Halt))));
module DCPS' = {
type instr('b, 'a) =
| Add: instr((int, (int, 'rest)), (int, 'rest))
| Sub: instr((int, (int, 'rest)), (int, 'rest))
| Gt: instr((int, (int, 'rest)), (bool, 'rest))
and cont('b, 'a) =
| Next(instr('b, 't), cont('t, 'a)): cont('b, 'a)
| If(cont('bef, 'aft), cont('bef, 'aft)): cont((bool, 'bef), 'aft)
| Halt: cont('a, 'a);
let rec eval: type b a. (cont(b, a), b) => a =
(cont, before) => {
let eval_instr: type b t a. (instr(b, t), cont(t, a), b) => a =
(instr, cont, stack) =>
switch (instr, stack) {
| (Add, (x, (y, rest))) => eval(cont, (x + y, rest))
| (Sub, (x, (y, rest))) => eval(cont, (x - y, rest))
| (Gt, (x, (y, rest))) => eval(cont, (x > y, rest))
switch (cont, before) {
| (Next(current, cont), before) =>
([@inlined] eval_instr)(current, cont, before)
| (If(left, _), (true, rest)) => eval(left, rest)
| (If(_, right), (false, rest)) => eval(right, rest)
| (Halt, before) => before
let example = Next(Add, Next(Gt, If(Next(Sub, Halt), Next(Add, Halt))));
open Core;
open Core_bench;
let main = () => {
let a =;
let b =;
let c =;
let d =;
let e =;
let input_a = (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, ())))));
let input_b = (e, (d, (c, (b, (a, ())))));
Bench.Test.create(~name="dcps_a", () =>
DCPS.eval(DCPS.example, input_a)
Bench.Test.create(~name="dcps_b", () =>
DCPS.eval(DCPS.example, input_b)
Bench.Test.create(~name="dcps'_a", () =>
DCPS'.eval(DCPS'.example, input_a)
Bench.Test.create(~name="dcps'_a", () =>
DCPS'.eval(DCPS'.example, input_b)
let () = main();
│ Name │ Time/Run │ mWd/Run │ Percentage │
│ dcps_a │ 9.18ns │ 9.00w │ 100.00% │
│ dcps_b │ 9.05ns │ 9.00w │ 98.62% │
│ dcps'_a │ 7.42ns │ 9.00w │ 80.82% │
│ dcps'_a │ 7.64ns │ 9.00w │ 83.23% │
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