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Created February 11, 2019 03:13
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Git pre-commit hook to check PHP & JS syntax.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copy me to the .git/hooks directory and rename file to "pre-commit"
# This script is invoked by "git commit" and runs some PHP and JS syntax checks
# on the files staged for commit. It exits with a non-zero status if any check
# fails.
use strict;
use warnings;
exit run_hooks(\&check_php_syntax, \&check_js_syntax);
sub run_hooks {
my @hooks = @_;
# Get a list of files staged for commit
my @staged_files = staged_files();
# Stash unstaged changes. That is, set the working copy
# to the same state as HEAD, but keep any changes that have been
# staged for commit.
run_command('git', 'stash', 'save', '--quiet', '--keep-index');
# Execute each hook on the changes
my $failed = 0;
foreach my $hook (@hooks) {
$failed = $hook->(@staged_files) || $failed;
# Restore the stashed changes to the working copy
run_command('git', 'stash', 'pop', '--quiet');
print "\nAborting commit due to pre-commit hook errors...\n" if $failed;
return $failed;
sub run_command {
system(@_) == 0 or die "system @_ failed: $?";
sub staged_files {
my $output = qx{git diff --cached --name-status};
my @lines = split("\n", $output);
my @staged_files;
# parse diff to extract status and file name
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my ($status, $name) = split /\s+/, $line, 2;
$name =~ s/(?:^")|(?:"$)//g; # extract name from quotes
next if $status eq 'D'; # skip deleted items
push @staged_files, $name;
return @staged_files;
sub check_php_syntax {
my @files = grep /(?:\.php)|(?:\.ctp)$/, @_;
my $failed = 0;
local $/ = undef; # enable slurp mode
foreach my $file (@files) {
my $output = qx{php -l $file};
my $error = ($output =~ /Parse error/);
$failed = $failed || $error;
print $output if $error;
print "\n" if $failed;
return $failed;
sub check_js_syntax {
my @files = grep /\.js/, @_;
my $failed = 0;
local $/ = undef; # enable slurp mode
foreach my $file (@files) {
my $output = qx{jsl -nologo -nofilelisting -nosummary -nocontext -process $file};
my $code = ($? >> 8);
my $error = ($code >= 3);
$failed = $failed || $error;
print $output if $error;
return $failed;
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