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Created November 25, 2020 16:33
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hands on from csdn
#pip install opencv-python (cv2) matplotlib numpy
based = range(0,16)
based_palette = [
"%02x" %l #转为16进制
for l in based
colored = [0] + [0x5f + 40 * n for n in range(0, 5)] #array combined [0, 95, 135, 175, 215, 255]
colored_palette = [
"%02x%02x%02x" % (r, g, b) #转为16进制
for r in colored
for g in colored
for b in colored
grayscale = [0x08 + 10 * n for n in range(0, 24)]
grayscale_palette = [
"%02x%02x%02x" % (a, a, a)
for a in grayscale
color_256 = based_palette + colored_palette + grayscale_palette
color_dict={color:i for (i,color) in enumerate(color_256)}
#for index,name in enumerate(color_256):
# color_dict[name]=index
def cvtrgb(rgb,color_dict):
for i in range(3):
if rgb[i]<95:
xx+= '00'
elif rgb[i]<135:
xx+= '5f'
elif rgb[i]<175:
xx+= '87'
elif rgb[i]<215:
xx+= 'af'
elif rgb[i]<225:
xx+= 'd7'
xx+= 'ff'
name = ''.join(xx)
value = color_dict[name]
return value
def cvtimg(img,color_dict):
ascii_img = np.array(img[:,:,0],dtype=np.string_)
for h in range(img.shape[0]):
for w in range(img.shape[1]):
ascii_img[h,w] = cvtrgb(img[h,w,:],color_dict) #调用换色函数
return ascii_img #返回值中每一个像素已经是真彩值
def img_color_ascii(img,r=3):
#img: input img
#r: raito params #由于不同控制台的字符长宽比不同,所以比例需要适当调整。
#window cmd:r=3/linux console r=
grays = "@%#*+=-:. " #由于控制台是白色背景,所以先密后疏/黑色背景要转置一下
gs = 10 #10级灰度
#grays2 = "$@B%8&WM#*oahkbdpqwmZO0QLCJUYXzcvunxrjft/\|()1{}[]?-_+~i!lI;:,\"^.` "
#gs2 = 67 #67级灰度
w = img.shape[1]
h = img.shape[0]
ratio = r*float(w)/h #调整长宽比-根据终端改变r
scale = w // 100 #缩放尺度/取值步长,向下取整,每100/50个像素取一个 值越小图越小(scale 越大)
for y in range(0, h, int(scale*ratio)): #根据缩放长度 遍历高度 y对于h,x对应w
for x in range(0, w, scale): #根据缩放长度 遍历宽度
idx=img[y][x] * gs // 255 #获取每个点的灰度 根据不同的灰度填写相应的 替换字符
if idx==gs:
idx=gs-1 #防止溢出
color_id = "\033[38;5;%sm%s"%(img[y][x],grays[2]) #输出!
strline+= color_id #按行写入控制台
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
img0 = cv2.imread('Nymphs_and_Satyr.jpg')
img =cv2.cvtColor(img0,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
ass = cvtimg(img,color_dict)
ass = np.array(ass, #将array转化为int类型
img_color_ascii(ass,2.5) #彩色绘图函数,r=2.5调整比例,由于命令行行距存在需要微调r因子
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