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Created March 7, 2018 13:44
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ClojureScript Simplex Noise Implementation
(ns perlin.noise)
; Usage:
; (def my-generator (perlin.noise/generator "My Favorite Seed"))
; (my-generator 1.1 2.2 3.3) ; input coordinates as float, output single float (-1 to 1 gaussian distribution)
(defn generator
([] (generator (rand)))
(let [T [0x15 0x38 0x32 0x2c 0x0d 0x13 0x07 0x2a]
b (fn b
([N B] (bit-and (bit-shift-right N B) 1))
([i j k B]
(T (bit-or
(bit-shift-left (b i B) 2)
(bit-shift-left (b i B) 1)
(b k B)))))
shuffle (fn [i j k]
(+ (b i j k 0)
(b j k i 1)
(b k i j 2)
(b i j k 3)
(b j k i 4)
(b k i j 5)
(b i j k 6)
(b j k i 7)))
cpa (fn [c] (.codePointAt (js/String c)))
bit-red (fn adler
([n] (mod (adler n 1 0) 0xFF))
([n a b]
(if-not (empty? (rest n))
(rest n)
(mod (+ a (cpa (first n))) 0xFFF1)
(mod (+ a b) 0xFFF1))
(int (bit-or (bit-shift-left b 0xF) a)))))
seeded-int (bit-red seed)
noise (fn noise
([] (noise 0 0 0))
([x] (noise x 0 0))
([x y] (noise x y 0))
([x y z]
(let [[x y z] (map #(+ seeded-int %) [x y z])
s (/ (+ x y z) 3)
i (int (Math/floor (+ x s)))
j (int (Math/floor (+ y s)))
k (int (Math/floor (+ z s)))
s (/ (+ i j k) 6.0)
u (+ x (- i) s)
v (+ y (- j) s)
w (+ z (- k) s)
A (atom [0 0 0])
hi (if (>= u w)
(if (>= u v)
0 1)
(if (>= v w)
1 2))
lo (if (< u w)
(if (< u v)
0 1)
(if (< v w)
1 2))
K (fn [a]
(let [s (/ (+ (@A 0) (@A 1) (@A 2)) 6.0)
x (+ u (- (@A 0)) s)
y (+ v (- (@A 1)) s)
z (+ w (- (@A 2)) s)
t (- 0.6
(* x x)
(* y y)
(* z z))
h (shuffle (+ i (@A 0))
(+ j (@A 1))
(+ k (@A 2)))
b5 (bit-and (bit-shift-right h 5) 1)
b4 (bit-and (bit-shift-right h 4) 1)
b3 (bit-and (bit-shift-right h 3) 1)
b2 (bit-and (bit-shift-right h 2) 1)
b1 (bit-and h 3)
p (if (= b1 1) x
(if (= b1 2) y z))
q (if (= b1 1) y
(if (= b1 2) z x))
r (if (= b1 1) z
(if (= b1 2) x y))
p (if (= b5 b3) (- p) p)
q (if (= b5 b4) (- q) q)
r (if (= b5 (bit-xor b4 b3)) r (- r))]
(reset! A (vec (map #(if (= a (first %))
(inc (second %))
(second %))
(map-indexed vector @A))))
(if (< t 0) 0
(* 8 t t t t
(+ p (if (= b1 0)
(+ q r)
(if (= b2 0) q r)))))))]
(+ (K hi)
(K (- 3 hi lo))
(K lo)
(K 0)))))]
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