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Created January 27, 2016 00:08
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docs <- "C:/path/R Data Files"
a <- list.files(docs)[grepl(pattern = ".Rdata$", x = list.files(docs))]
n <- length(archivos)
loadRData <- function(fileName){
#loads an RData file, and returns it
get(ls()[ls() != "fileName"])
full_debate <- NULL
for (i in 1:n){
t_debate <- loadRData((paste0(docs,"/",a[i])))
ln <- length(names(t_debate))
print(paste0("Debate #",a[i], " imported. ", ln, " columns"))
if(ln == 6){
message <- t_debate$message
# clean some inconsistencies in debate message
# the "-" at the start...
message <- gsub(pattern = "^-", replacement = "", x = message)
# change the first person
full_debate <- rbind(full_debate, t_debate)
print(paste0(a[i], " binded."))
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