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Kubernetes Image Usage Report Script

Kubernetes Image Usage Report Script

This script is designed to generate a comprehensive report of all images used in a Kubernetes cluster and to count how many times each image is used.


Ariel Lothlorien

Date Created


Last Updated



To retrieve and analyze a list of all images deployed in a Kubernetes cluster for usage frequency. The report is detailed, providing insights on image usage across different pods and CronJobs within namespaces and image usage frequency with and without version tags.




  • kubectl must be installed and configured to connect to the Kubernetes cluster you intend to report on.
  • The script requires a creds environment variable set to the path of the kubeconfig file used for cluster connection.


The script will output a JSON file, image_cache.json, which contains the following properties:

  • namespaces: An object where each key is a namespace name containing another object. This inner object uses pod/CronJob names as keys, and the values are arrays listing all images used by the containers within those pods/CronJobs.
  • imageCount: An object keyed with raw image names (without version tags) and the number of their occurrences as values.
  • imageWithTags: An object similar to imageCount, but includes version tags for each image with their occurrence counts as values.

Example image_cache.json snippet:

  "namespaces": {
    "default": {
      "pod1": [
  "imageCount": {
    "nginx": 1,
  "imageWithTags": {
    "nginx:1.17.1": 1,


  • The image_cache.json file is created in the directory where the script is executed.
  • If an image_cache.json file already exists, it will be overwritten.
  • It is recommended to rename the image_cache.json file post-execution to reflect the content or date of the report for better traceability.
# Script Written By: Ariel Lothlorien
# Date: 2021-08-26
# Updated: 2021-11-02
# Purpose: To get a list of all images used in a Kubernetes cluster and how many times they are used.
# The report is generated with details for each namespace, as well as counts for each image
# both with and without their respective tags.
# Usage: python3
# Notes: This script requires kubectl to be installed and configured to connect to the cluster you want to report on.
# This script will create a file called image_cache.json in the same directory as this script.
# This script will overwrite the image_cache.json file if it already exists.
# After use it is recommended to rename the image_cache.json file to something more descriptive.
# The report output is a JSON file with 'namespaces', 'imageCount', and 'imageWithTags' properties.
# 'namespaces' is an object with keys as namespace names, each containing objects with pod/CronJob names as keys
# and arrays of images as their values. 'imageCount' and 'imageWithTags' are objects keyed by the image names/tags
# with the count of their occurrences as values.
# This script will not work unless a creds variable is set to the path of a kubeconfig file to be used.
import json
import subprocess
# creds = '/home/username/.kube/'
# creds = '/home/username/.kube/config.stage'
# creds = '/home/username/.kube/'
# create cache for image counting
image_cache = {
"namespaces": {
# Example
# podname: [image1, image2, image3]
# Example
# image: 2
# Example
# "org/image:tag": 4
def get_pods_info():
# Execute kubectl command to get all pods in all namespaces in JSON format
result = subprocess.check_output(['kubectl', '--kubeconfig', creds, 'get', 'pods', '--all-namespaces', '-o', 'json'])
results2 = subprocess.check_output(['kubectl', '--kubeconfig', creds, 'get', 'CronJobs', '--all-namespaces', '-o', 'json'])
# Load JSON data from the result
data = json.loads(result)
data2 = json.loads(results2)
# append results2['items'] to results['items']
# Iterate over each pod and extract the required information
for item in data['items']:
namespace = item['metadata']['namespace']
pod_name = item['metadata']['name']
# if spec.containers is empty or does not exist, loop through them
containers = item['spec'].get('containers', [])
# if spec.jobTemplate.spec.template.spec.containers exists then use that
if 'jobTemplate' in item['spec']:
if 'spec' in item['spec']['jobTemplate']:
if 'template' in item['spec']['jobTemplate']['spec']:
if 'spec' in item['spec']['jobTemplate']['spec']['template']:
containers = item['spec']['jobTemplate']['spec']['template']['spec'].get('containers', [])
for container in containers:
image = container['image']
print(f"Namespace: {namespace}, Pod: {pod_name}, Image: {image}")
# Add image to cache
if namespace not in image_cache['namespaces']:
image_cache['namespaces'][namespace] = {}
if pod_name not in image_cache['namespaces'][namespace]:
image_cache['namespaces'][namespace][pod_name] = []
# Split image and tag
image_parts = image.split(':')
image_name = image_parts[0]
image_tag = image_parts[1] if len(image_parts) > 1 else 'latest'
image_with_tag = f"{image_name}:{image_tag}"
# Add image count to cache
if image_name not in image_cache['imageCount']:
image_cache['imageCount'][image_name] = 0
image_cache['imageCount'][image_name] += 1
# Add image with tag count to cache
if image_with_tag not in image_cache['imageWithTags']:
image_cache['imageWithTags'][image_with_tag] = 0
image_cache['imageWithTags'][image_with_tag] += 1
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(f"Error executing kubectl: {e}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Unexpected error: {e}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Write cache to file
with open('image_cache.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(image_cache, outfile, indent=4)
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