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Created June 11, 2017 23:16
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-- This code snippet implements pseudo-random number generator
-- Output: 32-bit integers 0..4294967295
-- Internal state (seed): 53 bits, can be read or write at any time
-- Good statistical properties of PRN sequence:
-- uniformity,
-- long period of 255 * 2^45 (approximately 2^53),
-- unpredictability
-- Compatible with Lua 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, LuaJIT
local set_seed, get_seed, get_random_32
-- all parameters in PRNG formula are derived from these 57 secret bits:
local secret_key_6 = 58 -- 6-bit arbitrary integer (0..63)
local secret_key_7 = 110 -- 7-bit arbitrary integer (0..127)
local secret_key_44 = 3580861008710 -- 44-bit arbitrary integer (0..17592186044415)
local floor = math.floor
local function primitive_root_257(idx)
-- returns primitive root modulo 257 (one of 128 existing roots, idx = 0..127)
local g, m, d = 1, 128, 2 * idx + 1
g, m, d = g * g * (d >= m and 3 or 1) % 257, m / 2, d % m
until m < 1
return g
local param_mul_8 = primitive_root_257(secret_key_7)
local param_mul_45 = secret_key_6 * 4 + 1
local param_add_45 = secret_key_44 * 2 + 1
-- state of PRNG (53 bits in total)
local state_45 = 0 -- from 0 to (2^45-1)
local state_8 = 2 -- from 2 to 256
function set_seed(seed_53)
-- set 53-bit integer as current seed (seed is initially set to 0 when program starts)
state_45 = seed_53 % 35184372088832
state_8 = floor(seed_53 / 35184372088832) % 255 + 2
function get_seed()
-- returns current seed as single 53-bit integer
return (state_8 - 2) * 35184372088832 + state_45
function get_random_32()
-- returns pseudorandom 32-bit integer (0..4294967295)
-- A linear congruential generator having full period of 2^45
state_45 = (state_45 * param_mul_45 + param_add_45) % 35184372088832
-- Lehmer RNG having period of 256
state_8 = state_8 * param_mul_8 % 257
until state_8 ~= 1 -- skip one value to reduce period from 256 to 255 (we need it to be coprime with 2^45)
-- Idea taken from PCG: shift and rotate "state_45" by varying number of bits to get 32-bit result
local r = state_8 % 32
local n = floor(state_45 / 2^(13 - (state_8 - r) / 32)) % 2^32 / 2^r
return floor(n % 1 * 2^32) + floor(n)
-- Example of Usage:
set_seed(0x123456789ABCDE) -- any 53-bit integer for starting seed
for k = 1, 100 do
local rnd = get_random_32() -- value 0..4294967295
-- if you need just one byte: get_random_32() % 256
local saved_seed = get_seed() -- save the current seed to be able to continue later
-- ...
-- we need 50 more pseudo-random values from the same sequence
set_seed(saved_seed) -- continue the sequence from the moment where we stop
for k = 1, 50 do
local rnd = get_random_32()
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