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Created May 22, 2021 22:44
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String converter between Windows ANSI and UTF-8 encodings
-- Converter between win-125x and UTF-8 strings
-- Written in pure Lua, compatible with Lua 5.1-5.4
-- Usage example:
-- require("win-125x")
-- str_win = utf8_to_win(str_utf8)
-- str_utf8 = win_to_utf8(str_win)
local codepage = 1251 -- Set your codepage here
-- The following codepages are supported:
-- 874 Thai
-- 1250 Central European
-- 1251 Cyrillic
-- 1252 Western
-- 1253 Greek
-- 1254 Turkish
-- 1255 Hebrew
-- 1256 Arabic
-- 1257 Baltic
-- 1258 Vietnamese
local compressed_mappings = {
-- Unicode to win-125x mappings are taken from, compressed and protected by a checksum
[874] = -- Thai, 97 codepoints above U+007F
[1250] = -- Central European, 123 codepoints above U+007F
[1251] = -- Cyrillic, 127 codepoints above U+007F
[1252] = -- Western, 123 codepoints above U+007F
[1253] = -- Greek, 111 codepoints above U+007F
[1254] = -- Turkish, 121 codepoints above U+007F
[1255] = -- Hebrew, 105 codepoints above U+007F
[1256] = -- Arabic, 128 codepoints above U+007F
[1257] = -- Baltic, 116 codepoints above U+007F
[1258] = -- Vietnamese, 119 codepoints above U+007F
local char, byte, gmatch, floor, string_reverse = string.char, string.byte, string.gmatch, math.floor, string.reverse
local table_insert, table_concat = table.insert, table.concat
local function decompress_mapping()
local width, offset, base, CS1, CS2, get_next_char = 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 7^18, 5^22, gmatch(compressed_mappings[codepage], "%S")
local mapping, rev_mapping, trees, unicode, ansi, prev_delta_unicode, prev_delta_ansi = {}, {}, {}, 0x7F, 0x7F
local function decompress_selection(qty, tree)
while width <= 94^7 do
width, offset, base = width * 94.0, offset * 94.0 + byte(get_next_char()) - 33.0, (base - floor((base + width - 1) / 94^7) * 94^7) * 94.0
if qty then
local big_qty = width % qty
local small_unit = (width - big_qty) / qty
local big_unit = small_unit + 1.0
local offset_small = big_qty * big_unit
local from, offset_from, left, right
if offset < offset_small then
width = big_unit
offset_from = offset - offset % big_unit
from = offset_from / big_unit
width = small_unit
offset_from = offset - (offset - offset_small) % small_unit
from = big_qty + (offset_from - offset_small) / small_unit
local len, leaf = 1.0, from
if tree then
leaf, left, right = 4, 0, qty
local middle = tree[leaf]
if from < middle then
right = middle
left, leaf = middle, leaf + 1
leaf = tree[leaf + 1]
until leaf < 0
from, len = left, right - left
offset_from = left < big_qty and left * big_unit or offset_small + (left - big_qty) * small_unit
width = (right < big_qty and right * big_unit or offset_small + (right - big_qty) * small_unit) - offset_from
base, offset = base + offset_from, offset - offset_from
CS1, CS2 = (CS1 % 93471801.0) * (CS2 % 93471811.0) + qty, (CS1 % 93471821.0) * (CS2 % 93471831.0) - from * 773.0 - len * 7789.0
return leaf
assert((CS1 - CS2) % width == offset)
local function get_delta(tree_idx)
local tree = trees[tree_idx]
local val = tree[3]
if val == 0.0 then
local leaf = decompress_selection(tree[1], tree)
local max_exp_cnt = tree[2]
val = leaf % max_exp_cnt
leaf = (leaf - val) / max_exp_cnt + 2.0
val = 2.0^val
val = val + decompress_selection(val)
if leaf ~= 0.0 then
return leaf * val
tree[3] = val - 1.0
for tree_idx = 1, 2 do
local total_freq = decompress_selection(2^15)
local max_exp_cnt = decompress_selection(17)
local tree, qty_for_leaf_info = {total_freq, max_exp_cnt, 0.0}, 3 * max_exp_cnt
local function build_subtree(left, right, idx)
local middle, subtree = left + 1
middle = decompress_selection(right - middle) + middle
tree[idx], idx = middle, idx + 3
for next_idx = idx - 2, idx - 1 do
if decompress_selection(2) == 1 then
subtree, idx = idx, build_subtree(left, middle, idx)
subtree = decompress_selection(qty_for_leaf_info) - qty_for_leaf_info
tree[next_idx], left, middle = subtree, middle, right
return idx
build_subtree(0, total_freq, 4)
trees[tree_idx] = tree
while true do
local delta = get_delta(1)
if not delta then
delta = prev_delta_unicode
elseif delta == prev_delta_unicode then
return mapping, rev_mapping
unicode, prev_delta_unicode, delta = unicode + delta, delta, get_delta(2) or prev_delta_ansi
ansi, prev_delta_ansi = ansi + delta, delta
mapping[unicode] = ansi
rev_mapping[ansi] = unicode
local map_unicode_to_ansi, map_ansi_to_unicode = decompress_mapping()
function utf8_to_win(str)
local result_ansi = {}
for u in gmatch(str, ".[\128-\191]*") do
local code = byte(u)%2^(8-#u)
for j = 2, #u do
code = (code-2)*64+byte(u,j)
table_insert(result_ansi, char(code < 128 and code or map_unicode_to_ansi[code] or byte"?"))
return table_concat(result_ansi)
function win_to_utf8(str)
local result_utf8 = {}
for pos = #str, 1, -1 do
local code, h = byte(str, pos), 127
code = code < 128 and code or map_ansi_to_unicode[code] or byte"?"
while code > h do
table_insert(result_utf8, char(128 + code%64))
code, h = floor(code/64), 288067%h
table_insert(result_utf8, char((127-h)*2+code))
return string_reverse(table_concat(result_utf8))
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For the string "Météo" it correctly replaces UTF8 "\195\131" with win1252 "\195"
For the string "Téléachat" it correctly replaces UTF8 "\195\169" with win1252 "\233"

local str_utf8 = "Téléachat"
assert(str_utf8 == "\84\195\169\108\195\169\97\99\104\97\116")
local str_win = utf8_to_win(str_utf8)
assert(str_win == "\84\233\108\233\97\99\104\97\116")

Probably, the problem is how the string is displayed on your side.
For example, to view correct win-1252 symbols in Windows command line (cmd.exe) you need to invoke chcp 1252 before running your program.
Please show a screenshot.

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Shot from my Grid where 'é' is shown as 'i' (the words I mentioned above are also extracted from the same grid).
I tried all languages and they perfectly work. Only french is making these troubles for me.

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'Probably, the problem is how the string is displayed on your side.'
Yes Sir! I tried it on two other pc and the module is just perfect. All characters are showing right ! I don't know what is goin' on with the one I've got these troubles on.
I really do appreciate your help and the good advise.
Congrats again.
Thank you very much and good weekend Sir.

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movalex commented Feb 26, 2023

So the tool would only work with the characters that correspond with the local machine's codepage, right?

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e-skri commented Aug 17, 2023

@movalex - Yes, characters must be from your 1-byte Windows ANSI codepage.

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Thank you!

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