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Created March 13, 2023 19:15
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extends Node3D
# FABRIK for Skeletons in Godot4 based on
# Usage:
# - add the script to a node
# call the activate function
# fabrik.activate(bone_ids, skeleton, left_hand_target, left_hand_pole)
# bone_ids is an Array with the bone ids of the chain
# skeleton is the skeleton
# left_hand_target is a Node3D
# left_hand_pole is another Node3D
var numberOfJoints := 2
var iterations := 10
var tolerance := 0.005
var jointTransforms := []
var jointPositions := []
var boneLength := []
var jointStartDirection := []
var startRotation := []
var bones := []
var bone_ids := []
var ikTarget:Transform3D
var distanceToTarget:float
var jointChainLength:float
var startPosition:Vector3
var poleTarget:Transform3D
var skeleton:Skeleton3D
var ikTargetNode:Node3D
var poleTargetNode:Node3D
var active := false
func _ready():
func activate(_bone_ids:Array, _skeleton:Skeleton3D, _ikTargetNode:Node3D, _poleTargetNode:Node3D):
bone_ids = _bone_ids
skeleton = _skeleton
ikTargetNode = _ikTargetNode
poleTargetNode = _poleTargetNode
active = true
for b in bone_ids:
jointChainLength = 0
for i in range(numberOfJoints):
var bl = bones[i].origin.distance_to(bones[i+1].origin)
jointChainLength += bl
jointStartDirection[i] = bones[i+1].origin - bones[i].origin
startRotation[i] = bones[i].basis.get_rotation_quaternion()
#startRotation[i] = skeleton.get_bone_pose_rotation(bone_ids[i])
func _physics_process(_delta):
if !active:
func fabrik_step():
for b in bone_ids:
for i in range(numberOfJoints+1):
jointTransforms[i] = bones[i]
ikTarget = ikTargetNode.global_transform
poleTarget = poleTargetNode.global_transform
func SolveIK():
for i in range(jointTransforms.size()):
jointPositions[i] = jointTransforms[i].origin
distanceToTarget = jointPositions[0].distance_to(ikTarget.origin)
if distanceToTarget > jointChainLength:
var direction = ikTarget.origin - jointPositions[0]
for i in range(1, jointPositions.size()):
jointPositions[i] = jointPositions[i - 1] + direction.normalized() * boneLength[i - 1]
var distToTarget:float = jointPositions[jointPositions.size() - 1].distance_to(ikTarget.origin)
var counter := 0
while distToTarget > tolerance:
startPosition = jointPositions[0]
counter += 1
if counter > iterations:
for i in range(jointPositions.size()-1):
jointTransforms[i].origin = jointPositions[i]
var direction = jointPositions[i + 1] - jointPositions[i]
var targetRotation = Quaternion(jointStartDirection[i].normalized(), direction.normalized())
jointTransforms[i].basis = Basis(targetRotation * startRotation[i])
skeleton.set_bone_global_pose_override(bone_ids[i], jointTransforms[i], 1, true)
func Backward():
# Iterate through every position in the list until we reach the start of the chain
for i in range(jointPositions.size()-1, -1, -1):
# The last bone position should have the same position as the ikTarget
if i == jointPositions.size() - 1:
jointPositions[i] = ikTarget.origin
jointPositions[i] = jointPositions[i + 1] + (jointPositions[i] - jointPositions[i + 1]).normalized() * boneLength[i]
func Forward():
# Iterate through every position in the list until we reach the end of the chain
for i in range(jointPositions.size()):
# The first bone position should have the same position as the startPosition
if i == 0:
jointPositions[i] = startPosition
jointPositions[i] = jointPositions[i - 1] + (jointPositions[i] - jointPositions[i - 1]).normalized() * boneLength[i - 1]
func PoleConstraint():
if poleTarget != null and numberOfJoints < 4:
# Get the limb axis direction
var limbAxis = (jointPositions[2] - jointPositions[0]).normalized()
# Get the direction from the root joint to the pole target and mid joint
var poleDirection:Vector3 = Vector3(poleTarget.origin - jointPositions[0]).normalized()
var boneDirection:Vector3 = Vector3(jointPositions[1] - jointPositions[0]).normalized()
# Ortho-normalize the vectors
# Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref limbAxis, ref poleDirection)
# Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref limbAxis, ref boneDirection)
var on_pole = OrthoNormalize(limbAxis, poleDirection)
limbAxis = on_pole[0]
poleDirection = on_pole[1]
var on_bone = OrthoNormalize(limbAxis, boneDirection)
limbAxis = on_bone[0]
boneDirection = on_bone[1]
# Calculate the angle between the boneDirection vector and poleDirection vector
# Quaternion angle = Quaternion.FromToRotation(boneDirection, poleDirection)
var angle = Quaternion(boneDirection, poleDirection).normalized()
# Rotate the middle bone using the angle
jointPositions[1] = angle * (jointPositions[1] - jointPositions[0]) + jointPositions[0]
func bone_set_position(bone_index:int, bone_global_position:Vector3, lerp_amount:float = 1.0):
var bone_transform = skeleton.get_bone_global_pose_no_override(bone_index)
bone_transform.origin = bone_global_position
skeleton.set_bone_global_pose_override(bone_index, bone_transform, lerp_amount, true)
func bone_look_at(bone_index:int, bone_global_position:Vector3, target_global_position:Vector3, lerp_amount:float = 1.0):
var bone_transform = skeleton.get_bone_global_pose_no_override(bone_index)
#var target_pos = to_local(target_global_position)
#var target_pos = target_global_position
#var bone_origin = bone_transform.origin
var bone_origin = bone_global_position
#bone_transform.basis = bone_transform.basis.looking_at( -(target_global_position - bone_transform.origin).normalized())
bone_transform.basis = bone_transform.basis.looking_at( -(target_global_position - bone_global_position).normalized())
# bone_transform.origin = bone_origin
bone_transform.origin = bone_global_position
skeleton.set_bone_global_pose_override(bone_index, bone_transform, lerp_amount, true)
# Generated with ChatGPT
func OrthoNormalize(normal:Vector3, tangent:Vector3):
normal = normal.normalized()
tangent = tangent - normal *
tangent = tangent.normalized()
return [normal, tangent]
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