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Created November 12, 2014 23:49
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A proposal for tracking if code is EVER hit or not
void Main()
//Usage is simply, anywhere in the solution:
//Result is:
Database.Dump("Result 1");
//Will only update the database once per server, per reset.
//Result is:
Database.Dump("Result after many calls");
//This is in-memory on each server
public class CodeCalledRepository
static Lazy<CodeCalledRepository> lazyInstance = new Lazy<CodeCalledRepository>(() => new CodeCalledRepository());
public static CodeCalledRepository Instance
return lazyInstance.Value;
private CodeCalledRepository()
Dictionary<CodeCalled, bool> _repository = new Dictionary<CodeCalled, bool>();
public void OnLoad()
//Load from the Database
// Note: ToList here is to not modify the enumeration
foreach (var row in Database.ToList())
CodeCalled value;
if (Enum.TryParse(row.Name, out value))
//Exists in the enum in code, add to cache
_repository.Add(value, row.HitCount > 0);
//Not in the enum in code, remove from database
Database.RemoveAll(x => x.Name == row.Name);
//Make sure all values exist in the Database
foreach (CodeCalled code in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CodeCalled)))
if (!_repository.ContainsKey(code))
Database.Add(new CodeCalled_Table { Name = code.ToString(), HitCount = 0, DateCreated = DateTime.Now });
_repository.Add(code, false);
public void CodeHit(CodeCalled value)
if (_repository.ContainsKey(value))
if (!_repository[value])
//Has not been hit before, on this server
//Update cache and increment database
_repository[value] = true;
Database.Find(x => x.Name == value.ToString()).HitCount++;
throw new Exception("Unknown CodeCalled value, this should be impossible");
public void DEBUGDUMP()
//Enum so we can keep track... able to remove values from this and will be removed from database
public enum CodeCalled
//## Section for Emails
//## Section for Email fields
//## Section for Business code
//## Section for idk... sections could help reduce merge conflicts, similar to the TicketToggle file
//This is the database table
public static List<CodeCalled_Table> Database = new List<CodeCalled_Table>
new CodeCalled_Table { Name = "SomeOldValue", DateCreated = new DateTime(2014, 11, 12) },
new CodeCalled_Table { Name = "AnotherOldValue", HitCount = 10, DateCreated = new DateTime(2014, 11, 11) },
public class CodeCalled_Table
public string Name { get; set; }
public int HitCount { get; set; }
public DateTime DateCreated { get; set; }
//Could have a DateUpdated too, but I'm invisioning this to be short-term checks
// So nothing should last in the enum for more than 3 months or something...
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