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Last active February 15, 2024 14:50
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  • Save Eibwen/e8fec52e0f5927108d86 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Eibwen/e8fec52e0f5927108d86 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//#define STACKON
//The idea here is to use single byte array to store all the values needed in a logical fashion
// So making my own very vasic objects and pointers
void Main()
// (1 << 12).Dump();
// (1 << 10).Dump();
// (2916*2*5).Dump();
// (324*2*2).Dump();
// (2916*2*5 + 324*2*2).Dump();
//DancingLinksArray dla = new DancingLinksArray(@"C:\Documents and Settings\Netbook\My Documents\LINQPad Queries\Suduku\DancingLinksTable.Binary.bin",
// @"C:\Documents and Settings\Netbook\My Documents\LINQPad Queries\Suduku\DancingLinksTable.Columns.txt");
var dla = new DancingLinksArray();
//string board = "-5------1---934------------86-2-914-94---5-6-1-------2------7---1-6-2-84---38---9";
var board = "85...24..72......9..4.........1.7..23.5...9...4...........8..7..17..........36.4.";
// DancingLinksArray dla = new DancingLinksArray();
// dla.TEST_DataStore();
catch (Exception ex)
DEBUG.Dump("Debug Str");
static string DEBUG;
static Stack<string> DEBUG_STACK = new Stack<string>();
static int DEBUG_COUNT = 0;
public static void ADDMESSAGE(string message)
// if (DEBUG_COUNT % 10 == 0)
// {
// (DEBUG_COUNT + " -- " + DEBUG_STACK.Count).Dump();
// }
// if (DEBUG_COUNT % 50 == 0)
// {
// DEBUG_STACK.Dump();
// //throw new NoNullAllowedException();
// }
if (DEBUG_COUNT > 1000) throw new NoNullAllowedException();
public static void ENDMESSAGE(string message)
string msg = DEBUG_STACK.Pop();
if (msg != message) throw new DivideByZeroException("MISMATCH: " + msg + " == " + message);
public static void DUMPSTACK()
TODO For full project, to convertion to mirc script
--1. Output solution result
2. Generate full table so i don't need an attachment
3. Write converter to do most of the conversion for me
Also any have calc(int i) return i; function to ease conversion
I think most other things should be fairly straight forward...
public class DancingLinksArray
public DancingLinksArray()
//324 column headers needed, 729 rows...
//2916 nodes (Not sure if this includes heads or not)
// SO I think i need 12 bits per pointer... Does mirc support bitshifting?
//For ease, lets say 16 bits per pointer...
// Each node has: 5 pointers
// Headers add: 1 pointer + count (10 bits)
// --WAIT WHAT POINTER?? Just a Name and a Count
// Nodes need 5*2 bytes
// Headers need 7*2 bytes
//Approx 29,160 bytes (maybe plus 1,296)
DATA = new ArrayDataStore();
//So Ids 1 - 324 are columns
public DancingLinksArray(string binaryFilename, string columnsFilename)
DATA = new ArrayDataStore(binaryFilename, columnsFilename);
short HEAD = 1;
IDataStores DATA;
public void Search()
private void Search(int depth)
ADDMESSAGE("Search-" + depth);
if (DATA.GetNodePointer(HEAD, 'e') == HEAD)
("Depth: " + depth).Dump();
// if (SolutionFound != null)
// {
// //TODO if this returns false, stop the searching...
// SolutionFound(SolutionSet.AsEnumerable());
// }
short column = FindColumnToCover();
var southPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(column, 's');
while (southPointer != column)
ADDMESSAGE("Search-" + depth + "-#" + southPointer);
//Recurse this step
var eastPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(southPointer, 'e');
while (eastPointer != southPointer)
Cover(DATA.GetNodePointer(eastPointer, 'h'));
eastPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(eastPointer, 'e');
Search(depth + 1);
//Backtrack this step
//Remove node from it, redundant?
//column = node.Header; //Also redundant?
var westPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(southPointer, 'w');
while (westPointer != southPointer)
Uncover(DATA.GetNodePointer(westPointer, 'h'));
westPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(westPointer, 'w');
ENDMESSAGE("Search-" + depth + "-#" + southPointer);
southPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(southPointer, 's');
ENDMESSAGE("Search-" + depth);
public short FindColumnToCover()
short targetColumn = -1;
int lowestSize = 9000;
var eastPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(HEAD, 'e');
while (eastPointer != HEAD)
ADDMESSAGE("FindColumnToCover-#" + eastPointer);
var count = DATA.GetHeaderCount(eastPointer);
if (count < lowestSize)
ADDMESSAGE("FindColumnToCover-Set-" + count + "-#" + eastPointer);
lowestSize = count;
targetColumn = eastPointer;
ENDMESSAGE("FindColumnToCover-Set-" + count + "-#" + eastPointer);
ENDMESSAGE("FindColumnToCover-#" + eastPointer);
eastPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(eastPointer, 'e');
return targetColumn;
private void Cover(short column)
ADDMESSAGE("Cover-#" + column);
DEBUG = DATA.GetNodeString(column);
DATA.SetNodePointer(DATA.GetNodePointer(column, 'e'), 'w',
DATA.GetNodePointer(column, 'w'));
DATA.SetNodePointer(DATA.GetNodePointer(column, 'w'), 'e',
DATA.GetNodePointer(column, 'e'));
var southPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(column, 's');
while (southPointer != column)
var eastPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(southPointer, 'e');
while (eastPointer != southPointer)
DATA.SetNodePointer(DATA.GetNodePointer(eastPointer, 'n'), 's',
DATA.GetNodePointer(eastPointer, 's'));
DATA.SetNodePointer(DATA.GetNodePointer(eastPointer, 's'), 'n',
DATA.GetNodePointer(eastPointer, 'n'));
DATA.DecreaseHeaderCount(DATA.GetNodePointer(eastPointer, 'h'));
eastPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(eastPointer, 'e');
southPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(southPointer, 's');
ENDMESSAGE("Cover-#" + column);
public void Uncover(short column)
ADDMESSAGE("Uncover-#" + column);
var northPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(column, 'n');
while (northPointer != column)
var westPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(northPointer, 'w');
while (westPointer != northPointer)
DATA.IncreaseHeaderCount(DATA.GetNodePointer(westPointer, 'h'));
DATA.SetNodePointer(DATA.GetNodePointer(westPointer, 'n'), 's',
DATA.SetNodePointer(DATA.GetNodePointer(westPointer, 's'), 'n',
westPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(westPointer, 'w');
northPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(northPointer, 'n');
DATA.SetNodePointer(DATA.GetNodePointer(column, 'e'), 'w',
DATA.SetNodePointer(DATA.GetNodePointer(column, 'w'), 'e',
ENDMESSAGE("Uncover-#" + column);
//Id 1 is head...
private short NextNodeId = 2;
private void SetupColumns()
int offset = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < 81; ++i)
DATA.SetHeaderName(i + offset, "p" + i);
DATA.SetHeaderName(81 + i + offset, "r" + (i/9+1) + "v" + (i%9+1));
DATA.SetHeaderName(81*2 + i + offset, "c" + (i/9+1) + "v" + (i%9+1));
DATA.SetHeaderName(81*3 + i + offset, "b" + (i/9+1) + "v" + (i%9+1));
for (int i = 0; i < (81*4); ++i)
DATA.SetHeaderCount(NextNodeId, 0);
DATA.SetNodePointer(NextNodeId, 'w', (short)(NextNodeId-1));
DATA.SetNodePointer((short)(NextNodeId-1), 'e', NextNodeId);
NextNodeId += 1;
DATA.SetNodePointer(1, 'w', (short)(NextNodeId-1));
DATA.SetNodePointer((short)(NextNodeId-1), 'e', 1);
Debug.Assert(NextNodeId == 326, "ERROR AFTER COLUMNS NEXT NODE SHOULD BE 326, but is: " + NextNodeId);
public void BuildTableFull()
short offset = 2;
//Build the exact cover matrix
for (int index = 0; index < 81; ++index)
for (short CellValue = 1; CellValue <= 9; ++CellValue)
//AddRow(GetIndexes_SudokuConstraint(j, i));
int Row = index / 9;
int Col = index % 9;
int Block = (index / 27)*3 + (index % 9 / 3);
var columns = new [] { (index + offset),
(81*1 + (Row*9 + CellValue-1) + offset),
(81*2 + (Col*9 + CellValue-1) + offset),
(81*3 + (Block*9 + CellValue-1) + offset) };
public void AddRow(params int[] row)
//"Add row".Dump();
short start = -1;
short prev = -1;
foreach (short cell in row)
short node = NextNodeId;
NextNodeId += 1;
//Columns[i].Dump("Pre", 1);
DATA.InsertNode(cell, 'n', 's', node);
DATA.SetNodePointer(node, 'h', cell);
//Columns[i].Dump("Post", 1);
if (start == -1) start = node;
if (prev != -1)
DATA.SetNodePointer(node, 'w', prev);
DATA.SetNodePointer(prev, 'e', node);
prev = node;
DATA.SetNodePointer(start, 'w', prev);
DATA.SetNodePointer(prev, 'e', start);
public void LoadSudoku(string board)
short offset = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < 81; ++i)
char c = board[i];
if ('1' <= c && c <= '9')
short CellValue = (short)(c - '0');
short index = (short)i;
Cover((short)(index + offset));
int Row = index / 9;
int Col = index % 9;
Cover((short)(81*1 + (Row*9 + CellValue-1) + offset));
Cover((short)(81*2 + (Col*9 + CellValue-1) + offset));
int Block = (index / 27)*3 + (index % 9 / 3);
Cover((short)(81*3 + (Block*9 + CellValue-1) + offset));
DATA.PushToSolutionSet(index, CellValue);
public void DumpNodeIds()
" ==== ALL NODES ==== ".Dump();
foreach (var node in AllNodes())
("NodeId:#" + node.ToString()).Dump();
" ==== ALL NODES ==== ".Dump();
public void DumpHeaderCounts()
" ==== HEADERS ==== ".Dump();
var column = DATA.GetNodePointer(HEAD, 'e');
while (column != HEAD)
("Count-#" + column
+ "-" + DATA.GetHeaderCount(column)
+ "-" + DATA.GetHeaderName(column)).Dump();
column = DATA.GetNodePointer(column, 'e');
" ==== HEADERS ==== ".Dump();
private IEnumerable<short> AllNodes()
var column = DATA.GetNodePointer(HEAD, 'e');
while (column != HEAD)
yield return column;
column = DATA.GetNodePointer(column, 'e');
column = DATA.GetNodePointer(HEAD, 'e');
while (column != HEAD)
var southPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(column, 's');
while (southPointer != column)
yield return southPointer;
southPointer = DATA.GetNodePointer(southPointer, 's');
column = DATA.GetNodePointer(column, 'e');
public void TEST_DataStore()
DATA.SetNodePointer(1, 'h', 2);
DATA.SetNodePointer(1, 'n', 3);
DATA.SetNodePointer(1, 's', 4);
DATA.SetNodePointer(1, 'e', 5);
DATA.SetNodePointer(1, 'w', 6);
//DATA.SetHeaderCount(1, 43);
Debug.Assert(DATA.GetNodePointer(1, 'h') == 2, "h pointer");
Debug.Assert(DATA.GetNodePointer(1, 'n') == 3, "n pointer");
Debug.Assert(DATA.GetNodePointer(1, 's') == 4, "s pointer");
Debug.Assert(DATA.GetNodePointer(1, 'e') == 5, "e pointer");
Debug.Assert(DATA.GetNodePointer(1, 'w') == 6, "w pointer");
Debug.Assert(DATA.GetHeaderCount(1) == 43, "count");
public void TEST_Output()
public interface IDataStores
short GetNodePointer(short nodeId, char direction);
void SetNodePointer(short nodeId, char direction, short pointer);
void InsertNode(short nodeId, char direction, char oppositeDir, short pointer);
short GetHeaderCount(int column);
void SetHeaderCount(int column, short count);
void IncreaseHeaderCount(int column);
void DecreaseHeaderCount(int column);
string GetHeaderName(int column);
void SetHeaderName(int column, string name);
void PushToSolutionSet(short nodeId);
void PushToSolutionSet(short index, short CellValue);
void PopFromSolutionSet();
string OutputSolutionSet();
void LoadFromFile(string filename);
void OutputStorageView();
string GetNodeString(short column);
public class ArrayDataStore : IDataStores
public ArrayDataStore()
{ }
public ArrayDataStore(string filename, string columnsFilename)
MircBvar bvar = new MircBvar();
MircHashTable hash = new MircHashTable();
string SolutionSet = "";
public short GetNodePointer(short nodeId, char direction)
int ptr = GetBinaryPos(nodeId, direction);
return new ShortUnion(bvar.bvar(ptr, ptr+1)).Short;
public void SetNodePointer(short nodeId, char direction, short pointer)
int ptr = GetBinaryPos(nodeId, direction);
bvar.bset(ptr, new ShortUnion(pointer).Array);
public void InsertNode(short nodeId, char direction, char oppositeDir, short node)
SetNodePointer(node, oppositeDir, nodeId);
short ptr = GetNodePointer(nodeId, direction);
if (ptr == 0) ptr = nodeId;
SetNodePointer(ptr, oppositeDir, node);
SetNodePointer(node, direction, ptr);
SetNodePointer(nodeId, direction, node);
// setOpposite(node, this);
// setOpposite(getPosition(this) ?? this, node);
// setPosition(node, getPosition(this) ?? this);
// setPosition(this, node);
private int GetBinaryPos(short nodeId, char direction)
int ptr = (nodeId - 1) * 2 * 5;
switch (direction)
case 'h':
return ptr;
case 'n':
return ptr + 2;
case 's':
return ptr + 4;
case 'e':
return ptr + 6;
case 'w':
return ptr + 8;
return -1;
//Using a hash table for the column properties
public short GetHeaderCount(int column)
return short.Parse(hash.hget(column + "count"));
public void SetHeaderCount(int column, short count)
hash.hset(column + "count", count.ToString());
public void IncreaseHeaderCount(int column)
short count = (short)(GetHeaderCount(column) + 1);
hash.hset(column + "count", count.ToString());
public void DecreaseHeaderCount(int column)
short count = (short)(GetHeaderCount(column) - 1);
hash.hset(column + "count", count.ToString());
public string GetHeaderName(int column)
return hash.hget(column + "header");
public void SetHeaderName(int column, string name)
hash.hset(column + "header", name);
public void PushToSolutionSet(short nodeId)
SolutionSet += " " + nodeId;
public void PopFromSolutionSet()
SolutionSet = SolutionSet.Substring(0, SolutionSet.LastIndexOf(' '));
Dictionary<string, string> outputCache = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public void PushToSolutionSet(short index, short CellValue)
outputCache.Add(index.ToString(), CellValue.ToString());
public string OutputSolutionSet()
//foreach token in SolutionSet
//get header, get name, check if "^p"
//If does, parse number out of that, that is the cell index
// then go west from cell, and get the name of that, and parse out 'v(\d)$'
//If it doesn't, go west from the cell, and repeat options
//Construct this into a string somehow
//maybe throw everything in a hash table, then read out of that by cell number
//Or could use a small bvar, since i can set those values by position!!
foreach (string s in SolutionSet.Split(new [] {' '}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
bool notFound = true;
short atPointer = short.Parse(s);
string position = null;
string value = null;
while (notFound)
var header = GetNodePointer(atPointer, 'h');
string name = GetHeaderName(header);
var m = Regex.Match(name, @"^[prcb](\d+)(v(\d)|)$");
if (m.Groups[2].Value == "")
position = m.Groups[1].Value;
value = m.Groups[3].Value;
notFound = position == null || value == null;
atPointer = GetNodePointer(atPointer, 'w');
outputCache.Add(position, value);
string output = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 81; ++i)
output += outputCache[i.ToString()];
return output;
public void LoadFromFile(string filename)
public void LoadHeadersFromFile(string filename)
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(filename);
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; ++i)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[i])) continue;
string[] sa = lines[i].Split('\t');
SetHeaderName(i+2, sa[0]);
SetHeaderCount(i+2, short.Parse(sa[1]));
public void OutputStorageView()
public string GetNodeString(short column)
return "Id: " + column + " "
+ "h" + GetNodePointer(column, 'h').ToString("0000 ")
+ "n" + GetNodePointer(column, 'n').ToString("0000 ")
+ "s" + GetNodePointer(column, 's').ToString("0000 ")
+ "e" + GetNodePointer(column, 'e').ToString("0000 ")
+ "w" + GetNodePointer(column, 'w').ToString("0000 ");
struct ShortUnion
public ShortUnion(short value)
byte0 = 0;
byte1 = 0;
Short = value;
public ShortUnion(byte[] array)
Short = 0;
byte0 = array[0];
byte1 = array[1];
public byte byte0;
public byte byte1;
public short Short;
public byte[] Array
return new byte[] { byte0, byte1 };
byte0 = value[0];
byte1 = value[1];
public class MircBvar
byte[] Storage = new byte[1024*32];
public void bset(int address, byte[] values)
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i)
Storage[address+i] = values[i];
public byte[] bvar(string range)
if (!range.Contains('-'))
return bvar(Int32.Parse(range));
if (range.EndsWith("-"))
return bvar(Int32.Parse(range.Substring(0, range.Length-1)));
var m = Regex.Match(range, @"^(\d)-(\d)$");
return bvar(Int32.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value), Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value));
public byte[] bvar(int pos)
return bvar(pos, pos);
public byte[] bvar(int start, int end)
//start = start-1;
int len = end-start+1;
var output = new byte[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
output[i] = Storage[start + i];
return output;
public void SetByteArray(byte[] array)
Storage = array;
public void OutputStorageView()
BitConverter.ToString(Storage).Replace("-", "").Dump();
//public class HashTableDataStore : IDataStores
public class MircHashTable
Dictionary<string, string> Storage = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public void hset(string key, string value)
Storage[key] = value;
public string hget(string key)
return Storage[key];
public void OutputStorageView()
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