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Created June 21, 2022 20:11
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Separating Axis Theorem C#
using System;
using UnityEngine;
public static class SeparatingAxisTheorem
static Plane[] _cameraPlanesTemp = new Plane[6];
/// <summary> Check whether a bounding box intersects with this camera frustum </summary>
/// <param name="cam">The camera whose frustum we'll use for the test</param>
/// <param name="box">The bounding box</param>
/// <param name="tightFrustum">Whether to do a full frustum collision or just the box encompassing the frustum</param>
/// <returns>True when the frustum intersects, falls otherwise</returns>
public static bool ExampleCheckIntersect( Camera cam, Bounds box, bool tightFrustum )
GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(cam, _cameraPlanesTemp);
Span<Vector3> axesBox = stackalloc Vector3[]
Span<Vector3> vertsBox = stackalloc Vector3[]
new Vector3(box.min.x, box.min.y, box.max.z),
new Vector3(box.min.x, box.max.y, box.min.z),
new Vector3(box.min.x, box.max.y, box.max.z),
new Vector3(box.max.x, box.min.y, box.max.z),
new Vector3(box.max.x, box.max.y, box.min.z),
new Vector3(box.max.x, box.min.y, box.min.z),
Span<Vector3> axesFrustum = stackalloc Vector3[tightFrustum ? 5 : 3];
if( tightFrustum )
axesFrustum[0] = _cameraPlanesTemp[0].normal;
axesFrustum[1] = _cameraPlanesTemp[1].normal;
axesFrustum[2] = _cameraPlanesTemp[2].normal;
axesFrustum[3] = _cameraPlanesTemp[3].normal;
axesFrustum[4] = _cameraPlanesTemp[4].normal;
// Backface normals is front face but flipped, doesn't matter for SAT
//axesFrustum[5] = _cameraPlanesTemp[5].normal;
var rot = cam.transform.rotation;
axesFrustum[0] = rot * Vector3.right;
axesFrustum[1] = rot * Vector3.up;
axesFrustum[2] = rot * Vector3.forward;
Span<Vector3> vertsFrustum = stackalloc Vector3[]
cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0f, 0f, cam.farClipPlane)),
cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0f, 1f, cam.farClipPlane)),
cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1f, 0f, cam.farClipPlane)),
cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1f, 1f, cam.farClipPlane))
if( tightFrustum )
vertsFrustum[0] = cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0f, 0f, cam.nearClipPlane));
vertsFrustum[1] = cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0f, 1f, cam.nearClipPlane));
vertsFrustum[2] = cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1f, 0f, cam.nearClipPlane));
vertsFrustum[3] = cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1f, 1f, cam.nearClipPlane));
// OBB of frustum
var fwd = cam.transform.forward;
var pos = cam.transform.position;
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
vertsFrustum[i] = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(vertsFrustum[i+4] - pos, fwd) + pos;
return Intersects( axesBox, axesFrustum, vertsFrustum, vertsBox, out _ );
/// <summary>
/// Tests two shapes for intersections using 'Separating Axis Theorem'.
/// For optimisation purposes you should only send unique axes/normals, a normal which is the flipped version of another is not unique in this context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="axesA">Axis/normals of shape A</param>
/// <param name="axesB">Axis/normals of shape B</param>
/// <param name="aVerts">vertices of shape A</param>
/// <param name="bVerts">vertices of shape B</param>
/// <param name="minTranslVec">Translation required for those shapes to not intersect anymore</param>
/// <returns>Whether the shapes intersects</returns>
public static bool Intersects( Span<Vector3> axesA, Span<Vector3> axesB, Span<Vector3> aVerts, Span<Vector3> bVerts, out Vector3 minTranslVec )
Span<Vector3> allAxes = stackalloc Vector3[axesA.Length + axesB.Length + axesA.Length * axesB.Length];
int a = 0;
foreach( Vector3 v in axesA )
allAxes[a++] = v;
foreach( Vector3 v in axesB )
allAxes[a++] = v;
foreach( Vector3 vA in axesA )
foreach( Vector3 vB in axesB )
allAxes[a++] = Vector3.Cross(vA, vB).normalized;
return Intersects( allAxes, aVerts, bVerts, out minTranslVec );
/// <summary>
/// Tests two shapes for intersections using 'Separating Axis Theorem'
/// </summary>
/// <param name="axes">{ normalsA, normalsB, normalsA cross normalsB }</param>
/// <param name="aVerts">vertices of shape A</param>
/// <param name="bVerts">vertices of shape B</param>
/// <param name="minTranslVec">Translation required for those shapes to not intersect anymore</param>
/// <returns>Whether the shapes intersects</returns>
public static bool Intersects( Span<Vector3> axes, Span<Vector3> aVerts, Span<Vector3> bVerts, out Vector3 minTranslVec )
var minOverlap = float.PositiveInfinity;
var minOverlapAxis = default(Vector3);
foreach( var axis in axes )
if (axis == )
continue; // Invalid projection axis
var aProj = Project( aVerts, axis );
var bProj = Project( bVerts, axis );
float overlap;
if (aProj.min < bProj.min)
overlap = aProj.max < bProj.min ? 0f : aProj.max - bProj.min;
overlap = bProj.max < aProj.min ? 0f : bProj.max - aProj.min;
if ( overlap < minOverlap )
minOverlap = overlap;
minOverlapAxis = axis;
if (overlap <= 0)
// No overlap on one of the projection axis -> those two convex shapes do not intersect
minTranslVec = default;
return false;
minTranslVec = minOverlap * minOverlapAxis;
return true; // A penetration has been found
static (float min, float max) Project(Span<Vector3> verts, Vector3 axis)
float min = float.MaxValue, max = float.MinValue;
foreach( Vector3 vert in verts )
float val = Vector3.Dot(vert, axis);
min = Mathf.Min( val, min );
max = Mathf.Max( val, max );
return ( min, max );
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