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Created August 28, 2015 15:34
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AWS upload implementation
Functionality related to AWS file uploads. Separate module was created to
avoid circular imports and for better project structure
import os
import random
import string
import urlparse
from django.conf import settings
import boto
from boto.s3.key import Key
def upload_file_to_aws(user_id, file_to_upload=None, previous_image_url=None):
A function to upload images to our Amazon S3 server.
If file_to_upload keyword will not be provided, an existing image will
be deleted. If preiovus_image_url and file_to_upload will be provided, an
existing image will be deleted and a new one will be uploaded. If there's
a file_to_upload, but no previous_image_url, an image will simply be
# try/except is for debugging purposes, because for some reason errors
# fail silently in boto:
# connect to the bucket
bucket_name = settings.BUCKET_NAME
conn = boto.connect_s3(
bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_name)
# remove old image:
if previous_image_url:
path = urlparse.urlparse(previous_image_url).path
previous_key = bucket.get_key(path)
if file_to_upload:
key = 'property_images/{0}/{1}'.format(
key_exists = bucket.get_key(key)
# create a key to keep track of our file in the storage
k = Key(bucket)
# file name already exists:
if key_exists:
file_name = os.path.splitext([0]
file_extension = os.path.splitext([1]
random_hash = ''.join(
random.choice(string.lowercase) for i in range(10)
key = 'property_images/{0}/{1}'.format(
file_name + '-' + random_hash + file_extension
k.key = key
temp_file = file_to_upload.temporary_file_path()
url = k.generate_url(expires_in=0, query_auth=False)
# we need to make it public so it can be accessed publicly
# using a URL like
return url
except Exception as e:
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