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macklinb /
Created February 25, 2021 11:26
C# implementation of UnityEngine.Random with (almost) 1-to-1 parity

This is a partial C# implementation of UnityEngine.Random with (almost) 1-to-1 parity.

Unity uses Xorshift for psuedorandom number generation. In particular Xorshift128, which uses a state consisting of four unsigned 32-bit integer values. The state is initialized in UnityEngine.Random.InitState using a signed 32-bit integer seed, which is shuffled around with a technique similar to the way a Mersenne Twister is initialized.

This has been tested as far back as Unity 4.7.0f1, and as recent as Unity 2020.1.17f1.


  • Huge thanks to MoatShrimp for figuring out how Unity initializes the Xorshift state parameters in InitState, and floating point generation.
  • C# - As below. Values may differ in .NET 5.0, but thankfully Unity doesn't yet support that.
  • JavaScript - Check out MoatShrimp's JS implemention (and neat Undermine loot lookup tool) here: