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Created February 8, 2017 19:12
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Upload-Factorio-Mods to a SFTP Server from Windows
# Save Factorio-Mod-Pack and probably upload it to a http server via sftp
# Assume "normal" installation
$SftpServer = ''
$UserName = 'username'
$KeyFile = '$env:userprofile\key.pem' # Make sure the keyfile has no password, because posh-ssh is not ready yet
$SftpPath = '/var/www/'
$FilePath = "$env:appdata\factorio\"
# Create an empty Credential-Object because reasons. (to be honest: posh-ssh is not ready yet)
$nopasswd = New-Object System.Security.SecureString
$Crendtial = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($UserName, $nopasswd)
Set-Location "$env:APPDATA\factorio"
# delete
Get-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Item -Force
# repack
Compress-Archive -Path .\mods -DestinationPath .\ -CompressionLevel NoCompression
# Get Connection to http server using posh-ssh
# Establish the SFTP connection
New-SFTPSession -ComputerName $SftpServer -KeyFile $KeyFile -Credential $Crendtial -Verbose -AcceptKey
# Upload the file to the SFTP path
Set-SFTPFile -SessionId 0 -LocalFile $FilePath -RemotePath $SftpPath -Overwrite
# Disconnect SFTP session
(Get-SFTPSession -SessionId 0).Disconnect()
Get-SFTPSession | Remove-SFTPSession
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