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Created May 12, 2023 02:29
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import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erf
def get_parameters(qeqfile):
eV = 3.67493245e-2
Angstrom = 1./0.529177249
parameters = {}
with open(qeqfile) as f:
for i in range(13):
for line in f:
data = line.rstrip().split()
element = data[0]
elecnegativity = float(data[1])*eV
hardness = float(data[2])*eV
sradius = float(data[3])*Angstrom
basis = 1.0/(sradius*sradius)
parameters[element] = [elecnegativity, hardness, basis]
return parameters
def read_total_charge(infile):
with open(infile) as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("TCHARGE"):
total_charge = float(line.rstrip().split()[1])
return total_charge
def get_elements(file):
atomElements = {}
for line in F:
data = line.rstrip().split()
atomElements[int(data[4])] = data[0]
return atomElements
def atom_info(file):
atoms = []
for line in F:
data = line.rstrip().split()
return atoms
def calculate_coulomb_intergral(a,b,R):
a,b are the basis of the two atoms
R is the distance between the two atoms
p = np.sqrt(a*b/(a+b))
return erf(p*R)/R
def fill_J(atoms, J, BasisSet, CoulombMaxDistance):
Angstrom = 1./0.529177249
nAtoms = len(atoms)
for k in range(0, nAtoms):
for l in range(0,nAtoms):
if k >l:
atom1 = atoms[k]
atom2 = atoms[l]
xyz_atom1 = np.array(atom1[0:3])
xyz_atom2 = np.array(atom2[0:3])
R = np.linalg.norm(xyz_atom1-xyz_atom2)*Angstrom
if R < CoulombMaxDistance:
coulomb = calculate_coulomb_intergral(BasisSet[k],BasisSet[l],R)
coulomb = 1.0/R
J[k][l] = coulomb
J[l][k] = coulomb
for i in range(nAtoms+1):
J[nAtoms][i] = 1.0
J[i][nAtoms] = 1.0
J[nAtoms][nAtoms] = 0.0
def compute_Qeq_charges(atoms,atomElments,total_charge,charge_past):
CoulombThreshold = 1e-9
nAtoms = len(atoms)
ElectroNegativity = np.zeros(nAtoms)
J = np.zeros((nAtoms+1,nAtoms+1)) # hardness
Voltage = charge_past
BasisSet = np.zeros(nAtoms)
parameters = get_parameters("qeq_reaxff2016.txt")
#atomElements = get_elements("./")
for i in range(nAtoms):
atomType = atoms[i][3]
atomElement = atomElements[atomType]
ElectroNegativity[i] = parameters[atomElement][0]
J[i][i] = parameters[atomElement][1]
BasisSet[i] = parameters[atomElement][2]
#total_charge = read_total_charge("./")
print("Total charge: ", total_charge)
SmallestGaussianExponent = min(BasisSet)
CoulombMaxDistance = 2*np.sqrt(-np.log(CoulombThreshold)/SmallestGaussianExponent)
fill_J(atoms, J, BasisSet, CoulombMaxDistance)
for j in J:
j=[str(round(i,6)) for i in j]
print(" ".join(j))
Voltage[:-1] = ElectroNegativity
Voltage[-1] = total_charge
for i in Voltage:
charges = np.linalg.solve(J,Voltage)
return charges
def Qeq_charge_equilibration(atoms,atomElements,total_charge):
nAtoms = len(atoms)
new_charges = np.zeros(nAtoms+1)
for i in range(1):
charge_past = new_charges
new_charges = compute_Qeq_charges(atoms,atomElements,total_charge,charge_past)
qeq_charges = new_charges
return qeq_charges
atomElements = get_elements("./")
total_charge = read_total_charge("./")
qeq_charges = Qeq_charge_equilibration(atoms,atomElements,total_charge)
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