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Last active March 21, 2024 03:21
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Gruvbox theme for dear imgui
void gruvboxDark()
auto &style = ImGui::GetStyle();
style.ChildRounding = 0;
style.GrabRounding = 0;
style.FrameRounding = 0;
style.PopupRounding = 0;
style.ScrollbarRounding = 0;
style.TabRounding = 0;
style.WindowRounding = 0;
style.FramePadding = {4, 4};
style.WindowTitleAlign = {0.5, 0.5};
ImVec4 *colors = ImGui::GetStyle().Colors;
// Updated to use IM_COL32 for more precise colors and to add table colors (1.80 feature)
colors[ImGuiCol_Text] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xeb, 0xdb, 0xb2, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x92, 0x83, 0x74, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x1d, 0x20, 0x21, 0xF0)};
colors[ImGuiCol_ChildBg] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x1d, 0x20, 0x21, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_PopupBg] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x1d, 0x20, 0x21, 0xF0)};
colors[ImGuiCol_Border] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x1d, 0x20, 0x21, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_BorderShadow] = ImColor{0};
colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBg] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x3c, 0x38, 0x36, 0x90)};
colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgHovered] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x50, 0x49, 0x45, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x66, 0x5c, 0x54, 0xA8)};
colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBg] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xd6, 0x5d, 0x0e, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xfe, 0x80, 0x19, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xd6, 0x5d, 0x0e, 0x9C)};
colors[ImGuiCol_MenuBarBg] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x28, 0x28, 0x28, 0xF0)};
colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarBg] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x28)};
colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrab] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x3c, 0x38, 0x36, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabHovered] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x50, 0x49, 0x45, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabActive] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x66, 0x5c, 0x54, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_CheckMark] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xd6, 0x5d, 0x0e, 0x9E)};
colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrab] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xd6, 0x5d, 0x0e, 0x70)};
colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrabActive] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xfe, 0x80, 0x19, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_Button] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xd6, 0x5d, 0x0e, 0x66)};
colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xfe, 0x80, 0x19, 0x9E)};
colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xfe, 0x80, 0x19, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_Header] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xd6, 0x5d, 0x0e, 0.4F)};
colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xfe, 0x80, 0x19, 0xCC)};
colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderActive] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xfe, 0x80, 0x19, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_Separator] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x66, 0x5c, 0x54, 0.50f)};
colors[ImGuiCol_SeparatorHovered] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x50, 0x49, 0x45, 0.78f)};
colors[ImGuiCol_SeparatorActive] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x66, 0x5c, 0x54, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGrip] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xd6, 0x5d, 0x0e, 0x40)};
colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripHovered] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xfe, 0x80, 0x19, 0xAA)};
colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripActive] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xfe, 0x80, 0x19, 0xF2)};
colors[ImGuiCol_Tab] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xd6, 0x5d, 0x0e, 0xD8)};
colors[ImGuiCol_TabHovered] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xfe, 0x80, 0x19, 0xCC)};
colors[ImGuiCol_TabActive] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xfe, 0x80, 0x19, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_TabUnfocused] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x1d, 0x20, 0x21, 0.97f)};
colors[ImGuiCol_TabUnfocusedActive] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x1d, 0x20, 0x21, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLines] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xd6, 0x5d, 0x0e, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLinesHovered] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xfe, 0x80, 0x19, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x98, 0x97, 0x1a, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogramHovered] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xb8, 0xbb, 0x26, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x45, 0x85, 0x88, 0x59)};
colors[ImGuiCol_DragDropTarget] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x98, 0x97, 0x1a, 0.90f)};
colors[ImGuiCol_TableHeaderBg] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x38, 0x3c, 0x36, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_TableBorderStrong] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x28, 0x28, 0x28, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_TableBorderLight] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x38, 0x3c, 0x36, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_TableRowBg] = ImColor {IM_COL32(0x1d, 0x20, 0x21, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_TableRowBgAlt] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x28, 0x28, 0x28, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg] = ImColor { IM_COL32(0x45, 0x85, 0x88, 0xF0) };
colors[ImGuiCol_NavHighlight] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x83, 0xa5, 0x98, 0xFF)};
colors[ImGuiCol_NavWindowingHighlight] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0xfb, 0xf1, 0xc7, 0xB2)};
colors[ImGuiCol_NavWindowingDimBg] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x7c, 0x6f, 0x64, 0x33)};
colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg] = ImColor{IM_COL32(0x1d, 0x20, 0x21, 0x59)};
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