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Last active August 21, 2019 20:00
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  • Save EklipZgit/ef267692c1752ff76cae9b3ea0684d75 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$json = @'
"Server": "LAX-WEB01",
"Software": ["Adobe","Java","Flash","Chrome","IE","Norton"]
"Server": "LAX-WEB02",
"Software": ["Java","Norton","Flash"]
"Server": "LAX-WEB03",
"Software": ["Flash","IE","Chrome","Norton","Adobe"]
"Server": "LAX-WEB04",
"Software": ["Java","Adobe","Flash","IE","Chrome"]
"Server": "LAX-WEB05",
"Software": ["Flash","Norton","Jira"]
$serverDataList = $json | ConvertFrom-Json
# Task 1: Output the server objects or names that have 'Java' installed
# Task 2: Find sofware that is installed on all servers
# Task 3.A: Find sofware that is installed on only one server
# Task 3.B: Find sofware that is installed on only one server, and list those servers
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