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Created September 18, 2014 20:55
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
from sys import path, argv
from cogent.format.mage import MagePoint, MageList, MageGroup, SimplexHeader, \
Kinemage, MatchedColors, CartesianSimplexHeader, RainbowColors
from cogent.maths.stats.util import Numbers, Freqs
from cogent.maths.stats.test import multiple_comparisons
from cogent.maths.stats.test import combinations
from cogent.util.misc import flatten
from cogent.maths.geometry import center_of_mass
from Motif import Motif
from numpy import average, dot, array, matrix, transpose, cumsum
from numpy import cov as calc_cov
from numpy.linalg import inv, eig, svd
from math import sqrt
from functions import combinations, unique_combinations
from gmpy import mpf
from cogent.parse.fasta import MinimalFastaParser
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm
from probdata import composition
import random
import cPickle
WC = {('U','A'):1, ('A','U'):1, ('G','C'):1, ('C','G'):1}
GU = WC.copy()
GU.update({('G','U'):1, ('U','G'):1})
categories = {'Bourdeau_ATP_bindingB': 'Nucleotide',
'Bourdeau_FMNBinding_A_1999': 'Nucleotide',
'Bourdeau_FMNBinding_B_1999': 'Nucleotide',
'Bourdeau_Leadzyme_A': 'misc',
'Bourdeau_Leadzyme_B': 'misc',
'Bourdeau_Neomycin_Binding_1999': 'Antibiotic',
'Bourdeau_ParomomycinA_1999': 'Antibiotic',
'Bourdeau_ParomomycinB_1999': 'Antibiotic',
'Bourdeau_Theophylline_bindingA': 'Nucleotide',
'Bourdeau_Theophylline_bindingB': 'Nucleotide',
'Bourdeau_UV_Loop_A': 'misc',
'Bourdeau_UV_Loop_B': 'misc',
'Davis_Alignment_of_class5': 'Nucleotide',
'Famulok_Arginine_Revised': 'AminoAcid',
'HammerHead_Minimal': 'SelfCleaving',
'Huang_ATPAptamerA': 'Nucleotide',
'Huang_ATPAptamerB': 'Nucleotide',
'Illangasekare_Self_Aminoacylation': 'AminoAcid',
'Laserson_Chloramphenicol': 'Antibiotic',
'Laserson_NeomycinB': 'Antibiotic',
'Laserson_Streptomycin': 'Antibiotic',
'Lazarev_xmotif_ribozyme': 'SelfCleaving',
'Legiewicz_Isoleucine6B': 'AminoAcid',
'Legiewicz_Isoleucine_6A': 'AminoAcid',
'Majerfeld_Histidine_gap0': 'AminoAcid',
'Majorfield_L-tryptophan_605': 'AminoAcid',
'Majorfield_L-tryptophan_CYA': 'AminoAcid',
'Bourdeau_Valine_bindingB': 'AminoAcid',
'Sazani_ATP_1-1Min': 'Nucleotide',
'Tryptophan': 'AminoAcid',
'Yarus_FAD_Binding': 'Nucleotide',
'Yarus_Isoleucine_Strict': 'AminoAcid',
'Zn_Binding': 'misc'}
#transformations of the radius for different calculations
'Matches': lambda x: (x * 0.1),
'Probs': lambda x: ((x**0.33) * 30),
'Products': lambda x: ((x ** 0.33) * 20),
def four_sf(t):
return tuple("%0.4e"%v for v in t)
def spacer_partitions(s, m):
"""Returns number of ways of placing m modules in longer spacer s."""
return combinations(s+1, m)
def make_pairs(freqs):
"""takes freq distribution and makes pair distribution"""
result = {}
for i in freqs:
curr = freqs[i]
for j in freqs:
result[(i, j)] = curr * freqs[j]
return result
def item_sum(freqs, items):
"""returns sum of items from freqs"""
return sum([freqs[i] for i in items])
def TaskRecordParser(infile_fold, infile_seq):
"""Treats inputfile as sequence of TaskRecords. Returns a list for each sequence-length."""
motifs = []
fold_lines = infile_fold.readlines()
seq_lines = infile_seq.readlines()
for i in reversed(range(len(fold_lines))):
if len(fold_lines[i].strip()) == 0:
del fold_lines[i]
for i in reversed(range(len(seq_lines))):
if len(seq_lines[i].strip()) == 0:
del seq_lines[i]
for line1, line2 in zip(fold_lines, seq_lines):
line_split1 = line1.split('\t')
line_split2 = line2.split('\t')
line_split1 = line_split1[:-1] #get rid of the time at the end
line_split2 = line_split2[:-1]
while line_split1.count('') > 0: #get rid of empty strings cause by repeated tabs
while line_split2.count('') > 0:
#make sure they refer to the same motif/composition/GU
comp1 = Freqs(dict(zip('ACGU', map(float, line_split1[2].split(',')))))
comp2 = Freqs(dict(zip('ACGU', map(float, line_split2[2].split(',')))))
if line_split1[0] != line_split2[0] or \
line_split1[3] != line_split2[3] or \
abs(comp1['A']-comp2['A']) > 0.0001 or \
abs(comp1['C']-comp2['C']) > 0.0001 or \
abs(comp1['G']-comp2['G']) > 0.0001 or \
abs(comp1['U']-comp2['U']) > 0.0001:
print 'ERROR: folding and sequence probability files do not match line-by-line.:\n'+\
'line from folding:\n'+'\t'.join(line_split1)+'\nline from sequence:\n'+'\t'.join(line_split2)
for i in range(int(len(line_split1)/6)): #base it on number of lengths of folding probs
if len(motifs) < i+1:
name = line_split1[6*i]
comp = Freqs(dict(zip('ACGU', map(float, line_split1[6*i+2].split(',')))))
gu = 1 if line_split1[3].lower()=='yes' else 0
length = int(line_split1[6*i+4])
count, numtodo = map(int, line_split1[6*i+5].strip().split('/'))
if length == 50:
seq = float(line_split2[6*0+5])
elif length == 100:
seq = float(line_split2[6*1+5])
elif length == 150:
seq = float(line_split2[6*2+5])
motifs[i].append(TaskRecord(name, comp, gu, length, count, numtodo, seq))
len1 = len(motifs[0])
for m in motifs:
if len(m) != len1:
print "ERROR: not same number of points for each length\n"
return motifs
class TaskRecord(object):
"""Holds motif name, composition, GU, length, match freq"""
def __init__(self, Name, Composition, GU, Length, Count, NumToDo, Sequence):
self.Name = Name
self.Composition = Composition
self.GU = GU
self.Length = Length
self.Count = Count
self.NumToDo = NumToDo
self.Sequence = Sequence
def __str__(self):
"""Writes data back out in same format"""
pieces = []
composition = []
for base in 'ACGU':
pieces.append('/'.join([str(self.Count), str(self.NumToDo)]))
return '\t'.join(pieces)
def test_parser(infile):
"""Verify that parsed records are same as original."""
for line in infile:
print 'ORIG:', line.strip()
curr = TaskRecord(line)
print 'NEW: ', str(curr)
class MotifStats(object):
"""Holds statistics for a particular motif"""
def __init__(self):
"""Returns a new motif with specified BaseCounts and Length"""
self.Sequence = None
self.Matches = Numbers()
self.Probs = Numbers()
self.Products = Numbers()
self.Coordinates = []
def __str__(self):
"""Prints summary statistics"""
lines = []
for attr in ['Matches', 'Probs', 'Products']:
curr = ['%s:' % attr]
nums = getattr(self, attr)
lines.append(' '.join(map(str, curr)))
return '\n'.join(lines)
def poisson_single(self, allow_gu, composition):
"""returns Poisson match probability in single trial."""
basecounts = self.BaseCounts
if allow_gu:
pairs = GU
pairs = WC
pair_prob = item_sum(make_pairs(composition), pairs)
prob = 1
for base in 'UCAG':
prob *= composition[base]**basecounts[base]
prob *= pair_prob**basecounts['P']
return prob
def poisson(self, allow_gu, composition, length):
"""returns Poisson match probability for single sequence."""
single = self.poisson_single(allow_gu, composition)
num_trials = spacer_partitions(length - self.Length, self.Pieces)
assert single != 0
return multiple_comparisons(single, num_trials)
def get_statistics(records):
"""Get summary statistics. Returns a list with one motif dict per sequence length."""
motifs = [dict() for r in records]
for m in range(len(records)):
allow_gu_string = "_GU" if records[m][0].GU == 1 else "_noGU"
motifs[m][records[m][0].Name+allow_gu_string+"_"+str(records[m][0].Length)] = MotifStats()
#sort records by coordinates first so we can compare between runs
coords = 'ACG'
temp_recs = [([r.Composition[i] for i in coords], r) for r in records[m]]
records[m] = [r[1] for r in temp_recs]
for r in records[m]:
curr = motifs[m][r.Name+allow_gu_string+"_"+str(r.Length)]
allow_gu = True if r.GU == 1 else False
curr.Products.append(curr.Matches[-1] * curr.Probs[-1])
#print r.Name+allow_gu_string+"_"+str(r.Length), curr.Coordinates[-1], curr.Matches[-1], curr.Probs[-1], curr.Products[-1]
return motifs
def stats2magelist(x, attr):
return [MagePoint(coord, Radius=prod) \
#for coord, prod in zip(x.Coordinates, x.Products)]
for coord, prod in zip(x.Coordinates, getattr(x, attr))], zip(x.Coordinates, getattr(x, attr))
def subdivide(x,y,z):
#look at x-y edge
xy = [(x[0]*2/3.0+y[0]/3.0, x[1]*2/3.0+y[1]/3.0, x[2]*2/3.0+y[2]/3.0), (x[0]/3.0+y[0]*2/3.0, x[1]/3.0+y[1]*2/3.0, x[2]/3.0+y[2]*2/3.0)]
#pull them to the surface of the sphere
xy = [(i[0]/sqrt(i[0]**2+i[1]**2+i[2]**2), i[1]/sqrt(i[0]**2+i[1]**2+i[2]**2), i[2]/sqrt(i[0]**2+i[1]**2+i[2]**2)) for i in xy]
#do the same for the other edges
xz = [(x[0]*2/3.0+z[0]/3.0, x[1]*2/3.0+z[1]/3.0, x[2]*2/3.0+z[2]/3.0), (x[0]/3.0+z[0]*2/3.0, x[1]/3.0+z[1]*2/3.0, x[2]/3.0+z[2]*2/3.0)]
xz = [(i[0]/sqrt(i[0]**2+i[1]**2+i[2]**2), i[1]/sqrt(i[0]**2+i[1]**2+i[2]**2), i[2]/sqrt(i[0]**2+i[1]**2+i[2]**2)) for i in xz]
zy = [(z[0]*2/3.0+y[0]/3.0, z[1]*2/3.0+y[1]/3.0, z[2]*2/3.0+y[2]/3.0), (z[0]/3.0+y[0]*2/3.0, z[1]/3.0+y[1]*2/3.0, z[2]/3.0+y[2]*2/3.0)]
zy = [(i[0]/sqrt(i[0]**2+i[1]**2+i[2]**2), i[1]/sqrt(i[0]**2+i[1]**2+i[2]**2), i[2]/sqrt(i[0]**2+i[1]**2+i[2]**2)) for i in zy]
center = ((x[0]+y[0]+z[0])/3.0, (x[1]+y[1]+z[1])/3.0, (x[2]+y[2]+z[2])/3.0)
center_len = sqrt(center[0]**2+center[1]**2+center[2]**2)
center = (center[0]/center_len, center[1]/center_len, center[2]/center_len)
#generate the new list of faces
faces = [(x,xz[0],xy[0]), (xz[0],xy[0],center), (xz[0],xz[1],center), (xz[1],zy[0],center), (xz[1],z,zy[0]), (xy[0],center,xy[1]),
(xy[1],y,zy[1]), (xy[1],zy[1],center), (zy[1],zy[0],center)]
return faces
def stats2magelistgaussbound(x, attr, dist, ellipsoid_count = None, sums = None, maxes = None):
std_devs = 1
total = sum(getattr(x,attr))
prods = getattr(x,attr)
mu = [sum(x.Coordinates[i][j]*prods[i] for i in range(len(x.Coordinates)))/float(total) for j in range(3)]
cov = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
cov[i][j] = sum((x.Coordinates[n][i]-mu[i])*(x.Coordinates[n][j]-mu[j])*prods[n] for n in range(len(x.Coordinates)))/float(total)
cov2 = cov #used for output
#determine which points are inside of this ellipsoid and update appropriate 3D matrix
if ellipsoid_count:
if attr == "Matches":
which_mat = 0
elif attr == "Probs":
which_mat = 1
which_mat = 2
for comp in composition():
#is this point in the ellipsoid? Compute the mahalanobis distance from mu
#print matrix([comp[3]+comp[1], comp[3]+comp[2], comp[3]+comp[0]), matrix(mu)
x_minus_mu = matrix(comp[:3]) - matrix(mu)
dist = sqrt(x_minus_mu*inv(matrix(cov))*x_minus_mu.transpose())
if dist <= std_devs:
#it's in the ellipsoid
ellipsoid_count[which_mat][four_sf(tuple(comp[:3]))] += 1
if sums:
if attr == "Matches":
which_mat = 0
elif attr == "Probs":
which_mat = 1
which_mat = 2
for i in range(len(x.Coordinates)):
key = four_sf(tuple(x.Coordinates[i]))
sums[which_mat][key] += prods[i]
if maxes:
if attr == "Matches":
which_mat = 0
elif attr == "Probs":
which_mat = 1
which_mat = 2
for i in range(len(x.Coordinates)):
key = four_sf(tuple(x.Coordinates[i]))
maxes[which_mat][key] = max(maxes[which_mat][key], prods[i])
cov = list(list(float(std_devs*j) for j in i) for i in sqrtm(cov)) #for the linear transformation to be correct visually
#begin with a regular icosahedron
t = (1+sqrt(5))/2.0
s = sqrt(1+t**2)
vertices = [(t/s,1/s,0), (-t/s,1/s,0), (t/s,-1/s,0), (-t/s,-1/s,0), (1/s,0,t/s), (1/s,0,-t/s), (-1/s,0,t/s),(-1/s,0,-t/s),
(0,t/s,1/s), (0,-t/s,1/s), (0,t/s,-1/s), (0,-t/s,-1/s)]
v = vertices
faces = [(v[0],v[8],v[4]),(v[1],v[10],v[7]),(v[2],v[9],v[11]),(v[7],v[3],v[1]),(v[0],v[5],v[10]),(v[3],v[9],v[6]),
#subdivide each of the faces into 9 faces
new_faces = []
for face in faces:
new_faces.extend(subdivide(face[0], face[1], face[2]))
faces = new_faces
#apply linear transformation
#faces = [(tuple(dot(array(cov),array(v[0]))), tuple(dot(array(cov),array(v[1]))), tuple(dot(array(cov),array(v[2])))) for v in faces]
#do it manually to avoid numerical errors
faces = [(tuple(multmat(cov,v[0])), tuple(multmat(cov,v[1])), tuple(multmat(cov,v[2]))) for v in faces]
#change from variance to std dev by making length of vector the square root of what it currently is
#faces = [((float(((mpf(i[0][0])**2+mpf(i[0][1])**2+mpf(i[0][2])**2).sqrt()).sqrt()*mpf(i[0][0])/(mpf(i[0][0])**2+mpf(i[0][1])**2+mpf(i[0][2])**2).sqrt()),
# float(((mpf(i[0][0])**2+mpf(i[0][1])**2+mpf(i[0][2])**2).sqrt()).sqrt()*mpf(i[0][1])/(mpf(i[0][0])**2+mpf(i[0][1])**2+mpf(i[0][2])**2).sqrt()),
# float(((mpf(i[0][0])**2+mpf(i[0][1])**2+mpf(i[0][2])**2).sqrt()).sqrt()*mpf(i[0][2])/(mpf(i[0][0])**2+mpf(i[0][1])**2+mpf(i[0][2])**2).sqrt())),
# (float(((mpf(i[1][0])**2+mpf(i[1][1])**2+mpf(i[1][2])**2).sqrt()).sqrt()*mpf(i[1][0])/(mpf(i[1][0])**2+mpf(i[1][1])**2+mpf(i[1][2])**2).sqrt()),
# float(((mpf(i[1][0])**2+mpf(i[1][1])**2+mpf(i[1][2])**2).sqrt()).sqrt()*mpf(i[1][1])/(mpf(i[1][0])**2+mpf(i[1][1])**2+mpf(i[1][2])**2).sqrt()),
# float(((mpf(i[1][0])**2+mpf(i[1][1])**2+mpf(i[1][2])**2).sqrt()).sqrt()*mpf(i[1][2])/(mpf(i[1][0])**2+mpf(i[1][1])**2+mpf(i[1][2])**2).sqrt())),
# (float(((mpf(i[2][0])**2+mpf(i[2][1])**2+mpf(i[2][2])**2).sqrt()).sqrt()*mpf(i[2][0])/(mpf(i[2][0])**2+mpf(i[2][1])**2+mpf(i[2][2])**2).sqrt()),
# float(((mpf(i[2][0])**2+mpf(i[2][1])**2+mpf(i[2][2])**2).sqrt()).sqrt()*mpf(i[2][1])/(mpf(i[2][0])**2+mpf(i[2][1])**2+mpf(i[2][2])**2).sqrt()),
# float(((mpf(i[2][0])**2+mpf(i[2][1])**2+mpf(i[2][2])**2).sqrt()).sqrt()*mpf(i[2][2])/(mpf(i[2][0])**2+mpf(i[2][1])**2+mpf(i[2][2])**2).sqrt()))) for i in faces]
#center at mu
faces = [((v[0][0]+mu[0], v[0][1]+mu[1], v[0][2]+mu[2]),(v[1][0]+mu[0], v[1][1]+mu[1], v[1][2]+mu[2]),
(v[2][0]+mu[0], v[2][1]+mu[1], v[2][2]+mu[2])) for v in faces]
faces = [(MagePoint(v[0], Radius=0.0, State='X'),MagePoint(v[1], Radius=0.0),MagePoint(v[2], Radius=0.0)) for v in faces]
return faces, mu, cov2
def multmat(m,v):
m = [[mpf(m[i][j]) for j in range(len(m[i]))] for i in range(len(m))]
v = [mpf(v[i]) for i in range(len(v))]
result = [m[0][0]*v[0]+m[0][1]*v[1]+m[0][2]*v[2],
return [float(i) for i in result]
def get_summary_stats(motifs):
"""Will produce list keyed by composition, with entries for each motif."""
results = {}
motif_names = [] #will only store names of motifs that exist
for name, motif in motifs.items():
#skip the motif if there wasn't any data; otherwise, assume it's
#complete (will raise KeyError otherwise)
if not motif.Matches:
for c, p in zip(motif.Coordinates, motif.Products):
curr = tuple([int(round(i*100, 0)) for i in c])
if curr not in results:
results[curr] = {}
results[curr][name] = p
comps = results.keys()
lines = []
lines.append("A\tC\tG\tU\t" + '\t'.join(motif_names))
for c in comps:
line = ["%d\t%d\t%d\t%d" % (c[0], c[1], c[2], 100-(c[0]+c[1]+c[2]))]
for n in motif_names:
line.append("%0.3e" % results[c][n])
return lines
def find_n_best_probs(motifs, n=5, sort_by='Products'):
"""Returns the coordinates for the n best probabilities for each motif."""
results = {}
for name, motif in motifs.items():
if not motif.Matches:
by_prob = zip(getattr(motif, sort_by), motif.Products, \
motif.Coordinates, motif.Matches, motif.Probs)
results[name] = [p[1:] for p in by_prob[0:n]]
return results
class MageColorList(object):
Colors = flatten(MatchedColors)
def __init__(self):
self._index = 0
def next(self):
"""Returns the next color."""
color = self.Colors[self._index]
except IndexError:
self._index = 0
color = self.Colors[self._index]
self._index += 1
return color
def make_simplex_old(motifs, attr, rad_transform=None):
if rad_transform is None:
rad_transform = RAD_TRANSFORMS[attr]
#make the simplex
header = SimplexHeader()
lists = []
color = MageColorList()
for name, data in motifs.items():
if data.Matches:
l, m = stats2magelist(data, attr)
lists.append(MageList(l, name, \
#correct the probs by applying arbitrary rad_transform function
for curr_list in lists:
for point in curr_list:
point.Radius = rad_transform(point.Radius)
group = MageGroup(lists, Style='ball')
simplex = Kinemage(Count=1, Header=header, Groups=[group])
return simplex
def make_simplex(motifs, attr, max_radius=0.01, style = 'points', maxes = None, sums = None):
#make the simplex
header = CartesianSimplexHeader()
lists = {'Nucleotide': [], 'misc': [], 'Antibiotic':[], 'AminoAcid': [], 'SelfCleaving': []} #one for each category
color = MageColorList()
o = open('means.txt', 'a')
if attr == 'Products':
for name, data in sorted(motifs.items()):
p = open('./combineddata/'+name+'.txt', 'w')
cPickle.dump([(c, d) for c,d in zip(data.Coordinates, data.Products)], p)
if style == 'points':
#o.write('\n\n' + attr + '\n-----------------------\n\n')
for name, data in sorted(motifs.items()):
#print "Points: ", name
if data.Matches:
name2 = name[:name[:name.rindex('_')].rindex('_')]
if categories[name2] == 'Nucleotide':
thecolor = 'red'
elif categories[name2] == 'misc':
thecolor = 'green'
elif categories[name2] == 'Antibiotic':
thecolor = 'blue'
elif categories[name2] == 'AminoAcid':
thecolor = 'yellow'
elif categories[name2] == 'SelfCleaving':
thecolor = 'magenta'
raise ValueError, "ERROR: Not a valid category for "+name2
l,m = stats2magelist(data,attr)
lists[categories[name2]].append(MageList(l, name+'_points', \
Color=thecolor+', alpha=0.7', Off=False, Style='ball'))
#set the radius in each list independently
for cg in ['Nucleotide', 'misc', 'Antibiotic', 'AminoAcid', 'SelfCleaving']:
for l in lists[cg]:
biggest = max([p.Radius for p in l.iterPoints()])**0.33
for p in reversed(range(len(l))):#l.iterPoints():
if biggest <= 0 or l[p].Radius <= 0:
del l[p]
l[p].Radius = (l[p].Radius**0.33) * max_radius/biggest
else: #shape
#initialize in_elliposoids and sums
t = dict()
for c in composition():
t[four_sf(tuple(c[:3]))] = 0
ellipsoid_count = {'Nucleotide': [dict(t), dict(t), dict(t)],
'misc': [dict(t), dict(t), dict(t)], 'Antibiotic':[dict(t), dict(t), dict(t)],
'AminoAcid': [dict(t), dict(t), dict(t)], 'SelfCleaving': [dict(t), dict(t), dict(t)]}
o.write('\n\n' + attr + '\n-----------------------\n\n')
for name, data in sorted(motifs.items()):
#create a new list
if data.Matches and max(data.Products) > 0:
#print "Shape: ", name
name2 = name[:name[:name.rindex('_')].rindex('_')]
faces, mu, cov = stats2magelistgaussbound(data, attr,0.3, ellipsoid_count = ellipsoid_count[categories[name2]], sums = sums[categories[name2]],
maxes = maxes[categories[name2]])
o.write(name + '\t' + str(mu) +'\t' + str(cov) + '\n')
new_faces = []
for face in faces:
name2 = name[:name[:name.rindex('_')].rindex('_')]
if categories[name2] == 'Nucleotide':
thecolor = 'red'
elif categories[name2] == 'misc':
thecolor = 'green'
elif categories[name2] == 'Antibiotic':
thecolor = 'blue'
elif categories[name2] == 'AminoAcid':
thecolor = 'yellow'
elif categories[name2] == 'SelfCleaving':
thecolor = 'white'
raise ValueError, "ERROR: Not a valid category for "+name2
name2 = name[:name[:name.rindex('_')].rindex('_')]
lists[categories[name2]].append(MageList(new_faces, name+"_shape", Color = thecolor +', alpha=0.1 ', Off=False, Style='Triangle'))
#append the in_ellipsoids list
for i in ['Nucleotide', 'misc', 'Antibiotic', 'AminoAcid', 'SelfCleaving']:
if i == 'Nucleotide':
thecolor = 'red'
elif i == 'misc':
thecolor = 'green'
elif i == 'Antibiotic':
thecolor = 'blue'
elif i == 'AminoAcid':
thecolor = 'yellow'
elif i == 'SelfCleaving':
thecolor = 'magenta'
if attr == "Matches":
which_mat = 0
elif attr == "Probs":
which_mat = 1
which_mat = 2
mage_list = [[],[]]
max_value = max([j[1] for j in ellipsoid_count[i][which_mat].iteritems()])
for coord, value in ellipsoid_count[i][which_mat].iteritems():
coord = tuple(float(i) for i in coord)
if value > 0:
point = MagePoint(coord, Radius=value/float(50*7), Color=thecolor)
point = MagePoint(coord, Radius=value/float(50*max_value), Color=thecolor)
ellipsoid_list = MageList(mage_list[0], "in_ellipsoids_absolute", Off=False, Style='ball'+', alpha=0.7 ')
ellipsoid_list = MageList(mage_list[1], "in_ellipsoids_relative", Off=True, Style='ball'+', alpha=0.7 ')
mage_list = []
biggest = max([j[1] for j in sums[i][which_mat].iteritems()])**0.88
for coord, value in sums[i][which_mat].iteritems():
coord = tuple(float(i) for i in coord)
if value > 0:
point = MagePoint(coord, Radius=(value**0.88) * 2*max_radius/biggest, Color='peach')
sums_list = MageList(mage_list, "sum", Off=True, Style='ball'+', alpha=0.7 ')
#create a grand-total ellipsoid count
ellipsoid_count_total = [dict(t), dict(t), dict(t)]
for y in range(3): #Matches, Probs and Prods
for c in composition():
#get the total
total = 0
for func in ['Nucleotide', 'misc', 'Antibiotic', 'AminoAcid', 'SelfCleaving']:
total += ellipsoid_count[func][y][four_sf(tuple(c[:3]))]
ellipsoid_count_total[y][tuple(c[:3])] = total
ellipsoid_list1 = None
ellipsoid_list2 = None
if attr == "Matches":
which_mat = 0
elif attr == "Probs":
which_mat = 1
which_mat = 2
num_ellipsoids = len(motifs.items())
print num_ellipsoids
mage_list = [[],[]]
max_value = max([i[1] for i in ellipsoid_count_total[which_mat].iteritems()])
for coord, value in ellipsoid_count_total[which_mat].iteritems():
coord = tuple(float(i) for i in coord)
if value > 0:
point = MagePoint(coord, Radius=value/float(50*7), Color="hsv"+str(value))
point = MagePoint(coord, Radius=value/float(50*max_value), Color="hsv"+str(int(value*(20/float(max_value)))))
ellipsoid_list1 = MageList(mage_list[0], "in_ellipsoids_absolute", Off=False, Style='ball'+', alpha=0.7 ')
ellipsoid_list2 = MageList(mage_list[1], "in_ellipsoids_relative", Off=False, Style='ball'+', alpha=0.7 ')
#create a grand-total sum
sums_total = [dict(t), dict(t), dict(t)]
for y in range(3): #Matches, Probs and Prods
for c in composition():
#get the total
total = 0
for func in ['Nucleotide', 'misc', 'Antibiotic', 'AminoAcid', 'SelfCleaving']:
total += sums[func][y][four_sf(tuple(c[:3]))]
sums_total[y][four_sf(tuple(c[:3]))] = total
ofile = open('./sumsdata/'+attr+motifs.items()[0][0]+'.txt','w')
cPickle.dump(sums_total, ofile)
sums_list = None
if attr == "Matches":
which_mat = 0
elif attr == "Probs":
which_mat = 1
which_mat = 2
mage_list = []
biggest = max([j[1] for j in sums_total[which_mat].iteritems()])**0.88
for coord, value in sums_total[which_mat].iteritems():
coord = tuple(float(i) for i in coord)
if value > 0:
point = MagePoint(coord, Radius=(value**0.88) * 2*max_radius/biggest, Color='peach')
sums_list = MageList(mage_list, "sum", Off=False, Style='ball'+', alpha=0.7 ')
groups = []
for i in ['Nucleotide', 'misc', 'Antibiotic', 'AminoAcid', 'SelfCleaving']:
groups.append(MageGroup(lists[i], i, Off=True))
if style=='shape':
groups.append(MageGroup([ellipsoid_list1], 'in_ellipsoids_absolute', Off=True))
groups.append(MageGroup([ellipsoid_list2], 'in_ellipsoids_relative', Off=True))
groups.append(MageGroup([sums_list], 'sum', Off=True))
group = MageGroup(groups, Off=True)
simplex = Kinemage(Count=1, Header=header, Groups=[group])
return simplex.toCartesian()
if __name__ == '__main__':
"""Run script: read lines from file, find maximum, colorize, -> MAGE"""
from sys import exit
#print usage if no argument
if len(argv) == 1:
print """Usage: tasks2simplex filename task
task should be one of "simplex", "summary", or "best" (the default).
If task is simplex, specify output as "Matches", "Probs", or "Products".
Products it the default.
If task is summary, there are no additional options.
If task is best, specify the number of points to return (default 10).
default_task = 'best'
infilename = argv[1]
xmlfile = argv[2]
task = argv[2] or default_task
except IndexError:
task = default_task
records = TaskRecordParser(open(infilename))
motifs = get_statistics(records, xmlfile)
if task == 'simplex':
default_output = "Products"
output = argv[3] or default_output
except IndexError:
output = default_output
print str(make_simplex(motifs, output))
elif task == 'summary':
print '\n'.join(get_summary_stats(motifs))
elif task == 'best':
default_count = 10
default_sort = 'All'
sort_options = ['Probs', 'Matches', 'Products']
count = int(argv[3]) or default_count
except (IndexError, TypeError):
count = default_count
sort_by = argv[4] or default_sort
assert sort_by in sort_options + ['All']
sort_by = default_sort
if sort_by == 'All':
sort_by = sort_options
sort_by = [sort_by]
for s in sort_by:
print s + ':'
best = find_n_best_probs(motifs, count, s)
for name, data in best.items():
print name, ':'
print 'A\tC\tG\tU\tProduct\tMatch\tProb'
for d in data:
print "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%0.3e\t%0.3e\t%0.3e" % \
(100*d[1][0], 100*d[1][1], \
100*d[1][2], 100 - round(100 * sum(d[1]), 0), \
d[0], d[2], d[3])
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