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Last active October 20, 2016 11:54
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Phonotactic Probability Calculator (core)
class Calculator(object):
A basic class for calculating grapheme/phonotactic probabilities for any language.
Instance needs to be initialized with corpus (essentialy a list of words/phonetic transcriptions
of a given language) and segment size (1, 2 or 3) used to calculate grapheme/phonotactic probabilities.
When initialized, get_probs method of the calculator instance can be called with the following parameters:
word: a word we need the probability calculated for;
prob_type: an integer which defines probability type
(1 - Regular probability; 2 - Inverted probability; 3 - Combined probability)
averaged - determines whether we want the probability to be averaged by number of segments;
useful when comparing words of different lengths;
defaults to False
def __init__(self, corpus, segment_size):
self.corpus = corpus
self.segment_size = segment_size
def calc_proportion(matches, total):
Simple float division placed into a static method to prevent Zero division error.
if matches and total:
return float(matches) / float(total)
return 0.0
def get_relevant_words(self, position, inverse=False):
Filter relevant words. I.e. checking if one letter word matches biphoneme
segment doesn't make sense nor does matching phoneme in the fifth position
with the words shorter than five characters.
if inverse:
return [x[::-1] for x in self.corpus if len(x) >= position + self.segment_size]
return [x for x in self.corpus if len(x) >= position + self.segment_size]
def split_into_segments(self, word):
If segment size is equal to one, return list of characters. Otherwise, return
appropriate segments.
if self.segment_size == 1:
return list(word)
return (word[x:x+self.segment_size] for x in range(len(word)-self.segment_size+1))
def get_number_of_matches(self, segment, position, relevant_words):
Find out number of matching segments in the set of relevant words.
return len(filter(
lambda x: x[position:position+self.segment_size] == segment, relevant_words)
def get_probability_for_segments(self, word, inverse=False):
Calculate probabilities for each segment.
proportions = []
for position, segment in enumerate(self.split_into_segments(word)):
relevant_words = self.get_relevant_words(position, inverse=inverse)
matches = self.get_number_of_matches(segment, position, relevant_words)
if inverse:
segment = segment[::-1]
if inverse:
return proportions
def get_word_probability_by_segments(self, word, prob_type):
Call the above method to calculate different probability types depending on
parameters passed. If 'combined probability' is asked for, this method calls
itself recursively to calculate 'regular probability' and 'inverse probability'
for each segment, and then returns the average of the two results.
if prob_type == 1:
return self.get_probability_for_segments(word)
if prob_type == 2:
return self.get_probability_for_segments(word[::-1], inverse=True)
return [
[i[0],(i[1]+j[1])/2] for i,j in zip(
self.get_word_probability_by_segments(word, 1),
self.get_word_probability_by_segments(word, 2)
def get_probs(self, word, prob_type, averaged=False):
Get probabilities for all segments of the word, sum them and average (if asked for).
Return list of two elements, where the first one is summed/averaged probability and
the second one is a list of probabilities by segments.
by_segments = self.get_word_probability_by_segments(word, prob_type)
summed = sum(x[1] for x in by_segments)
if averaged and summed > 0:
return [summed / (len(word)-self.segment_size+1), by_segments]
return [summed, by_segments]
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