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Created January 15, 2014 23:15
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Brand colours as SASS variables
$network-facebook-blue: #3b5998
$network-behance-blue: #005cff
$network-blogger-red: #fc4f08
$network-delicious-blue: #205cc0
$network-dribbble-blue: #ea4c89
$network-etsy-blue: #eb6d20
$network-flickr-blue: #0063dc
$network-flickr-pink: #ff0084
$network-github-black: #171515
$network-google-blue: #0140ca
$network-google-red: #dd1812
$network-google-yellow: #fcca03
$network-google-plus-red: #dd4b39
$network-instagram-blue: #3f729b
$network-kickstarter-green: #76cc1e
$network-linkedin-blue: #0e76a8
$network-paypal-dark-blue: #1e477a
$network-paypal-light-blue: #3b7bbf
$network-pinterest-red: #c8232c
$network-rss-orange: #ee802f
$network-skype-blue: #00aff0
$network-soundcloud-orange: #ff7700
$network-tumblr-blue: #34526f
$network-twitter-blue: #00acee
$network-vimeo-blue: #44bbff
$network-vine-green: #00a478
$network-wordpress-blue: #21759b
$network-wordpress-orange: #d54e21
$network-yahoo-purple: #720e9e
$network-youtube-red: #c4302b
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