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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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  • Save ElectricCoffee/4db9857430ebad578d77 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ElectricCoffee/4db9857430ebad578d77 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(ql:quickload "iterate")
(use-package :iterate)
(defmacro defparameters (exprs)
`(progn ,@(iter (for (name exp) in exprs)
(collect `(defparameter ,name ,exp)))))
(load "convenience-macros") ; also loads :iterate
;; define all the parameters
(defparameters ((*congestion-city-nodes* nil)
(*congestion-city-edges* nil)
(*visited-nodes* nil)
(*node-num* 30)
(*edge-num* 45)
(*worm-num* 3)
(*cop-odds* 15)))
(defun random-node ()
"returns a random natural number between 1 and *node-num*"
(1+ (random *node-num*)))
(defun edge-pair (a b)
"returns a list of edge-pairs, (edge-pair 1 2) becomes ((1 . 2) (2 . 1))"
(unless (eql a b)
(list (cons a b) (cons b a))))
(defun make-edge-list ()
"makes *edge-num* random edge pairs, and puts them into a list"
(apply #'append (iter (repeat *edge-num*)
(collect (edge-pair (random-node) (random-node))))))
(defun direct-edges (node edge-list)
(remove-if-not (lambda (x)
(eql (car x) node))
(defun get-connected (node edge-list)
"returns a list of nodes that are all interconnected"
(let ((visited nil))
(labels ((traverse (node)
(unless (member node visited)
(push node visited)
(mapc (lambda (edge)
(traverse (cdr edge)))
(direct-edges node edge-list)))))
(traverse node))
(defun find-islands (nodes edge-list)
"returns a list of nodes that aren't interconnected"
(let ((islands nil))
(labels ((find-island (nodes)
(let* ((connected (get-connected (car nodes) edge-list))
(unconnected (set-difference nodes connected)))
(push connected islands)
(when connected
(find-island unconnected)))))
(find-island nodes))
(defun connect-with-bridges (islands)
"conntects all unconnected nodes (islands) with edges (bridges)"
(when (cdr islands)
(append (edge-pair (caar islands) (caadr islands))
(connect-with-bridges (cdr islands)))))
(defun connect-all-islands (nodes edge-list)
"connects all the islands to the mainland nodes"
(append (connect-with-bridges (find-islands nodes edge-list)) edge-list))
(defun edges-to-alist (edge-list)
"turns a list of edges into an association list"
(mapcar (lambda (node1)
(cons node1
(mapcar (lambda (edge)
(list (cdr edge)))
(remove-duplicates (direct-edges node1 edge-list)
:test #'equal))))
(remove-duplicates (mapcar #'car edge-list))))
(defun add-cops (edge-alist edges-with-cops)
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(let ((node1 (car x))
(node1-edges (cdr x)))
(cons node1
(mapcar (lambda (edge)
(let ((node2 (car edge)))
(if (intersection (edge-pair node1 node2)
:test #'equal)
(list node2 'cops)
(defun make-city-edges ()
"creates a fully graph of nodes and edges to represent the city
Then creates cops to fill the city"
(let* ((nodes (iter (for i from 1 to *node-num*)
(collect i)))
(edge-list (connect-all-islands nodes (make-edge-list)))
(cops (remove-if-not (lambda (x)
(zerop (random *cop-odds*)))
(add-cops (edges-to-alist edge-list) cops)))
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