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Last active January 3, 2016 06:55
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  • Save ElectricImpSampleCode/14fd27211a138e7426bd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ElectricImpSampleCode/14fd27211a138e7426bd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Micro Light Show project code
// Agent Code
function requestHandler(request, response) {
try {
if ("glow" in request.query) {
device.send("seteffect", 0);
response.send(200, "Glow effect on");
if ("random" in request.query) {
device.send("seteffect", 1);
response.send(200, "Random effect on");
if ("looper" in request.query) {
device.send("seteffect", 2);
response.send(200, "Looper effect on");
if ("larson" in request.query) {
device.send("seteffect", 3);
response.send(200, "Larson effect on");
if ("setcolor" in request.query) {
device.send("setcolor", request.query.setcolor);
response.send(200, "Color set");
response.send(200, "Waiting for a command");
} catch (error) {
server.log("Error: " + error);
// Reqister the handler to deal with incoming requests
// Device Code
#require "WS2812.class.nut:2.0.1"
const NUMPIXELS = 5;
const DELAY = 0.1;
const COLORDELTA = 8;
// Instantiate the WS2812s
spi <- hardware.spi257;
spi.configure(MSB_FIRST, 7500);
pixels <- WS2812(spi, NUMPIXELS);
// Light/color data
local redVal = 0;
local greenVal = 0;
local blueVal = 0;
local redDelta = 1;
local greenDelta = 1;
local blueDelta = 1;
local redOn = true;
local greenOn = false;
local blueOn = false;
local timer = null;
local pixel = 0;
local pDelta = 1;
function glowinit(dummy) {
// All the pixels run through the range colors
if (timer != null) imp.cancelwakeup(timer);
redVal = 0; greenVal = 0; blueVal = 0;
redDelta = COLORDELTA; greenDelta = COLORDELTA; blueDelta = COLORDELTA;
redOn = true; greenOn = false; blueOn = false;
// Call the glow effect
function glow() {
// Set the color values of the RGB LEDS
pixels.fill([redVal, greenVal, blueVal]);
// Write the color data to the WS2812s
// Adjust the color values for the next frame of the animation
// Queue up the presentation of the next frame
timer = imp.wakeup(DELAY, glow);
function randominit(dummy) {
// A random pixel glows a random color
if (timer != null) imp.cancelwakeup(timer);
function random() {
// Clear the current color data and write it to the
// WS2812s to turn them all off
// Set random color values
redVal = ran(255); greenVal = ran(255); blueVal = ran(255);
// Pick one of the WS2812s
pixel = ran(NUMPIXELS);
// Write the color data out
pixels.set(pixel, [redVal, greenVal, blueVal]);
// Queue up the presentation of the next frame
timer = imp.wakeup(DELAY * 2, random);
function looperinit(dummy) {
// The pixels run through all the colors.
// Only one pixel is illuminated at once, in order
if (timer != null) imp.cancelwakeup(timer);
redVal = 0; greenVal = 0; blueVal = 0;
redDelta = COLORDELTA; greenDelta = COLORDELTA; blueDelta = COLORDELTA;
redOn = true; greenOn = false; blueOn = false;
pixel = 0;
function looper() {
// Clear all the WS2812s’ colors then write the current
// color value to the current LED and write it to the hardware
pixels.set(pixel, [redVal, greenVal, blueVal]);
// Move on to the next LED, looping round to the first if necessary
if (pixel >= NUMPIXELS) pixel = 0;
// Adjust the color value
// Queue up the presentation of the next frame
timer = imp.wakeup(DELAY, looper);
function larsoninit(dummy) {
if (timer != null) imp.cancelwakeup(timer);
redVal = 64; greenVal = 0; blueVal = 0;
redDelta = COLORDELTA; redOn = true; pixel = 0; pDelta = 1;
function larson() {
// Clear all the WS2812s’ color values to turn them off
pixels.set(pixel, [redVal, 0, 0]);
// Get the address of the next LED to color,
// bouncing back from the ends and the center
pixel = pixel + pDelta;
if (pixel == NUMPIXELS) {
pDelta = -1;
pixel = NUMPIXELS - 2;
if (pixel < 0) {
pDelta = 1;
pixel = 1;
// Adjust the color value
redVal = redVal + redDelta;
if (redVal > 160) {
redVal = 160 - COLORDELTA;
redDelta = COLORDELTA * -1;
} else if (redVal < 64) {
redVal = 64 + COLORDELTA;
redDelta = COLORDELTA;
// Queue up the presentation of the next frame
timer = imp.wakeup(DELAY, larson);
function ran(max) {
// Generate a pseudorandom number between 0 and (max - 1)
local roll = 1.0 * math.rand() / RAND_MAX;
roll = roll * max;
return roll.tointeger();
function adjustColors() {
// Calculate new color values, running from red to green to blue,
// and fading from one into the next
if (redOn) {
redVal = redVal + redDelta;
if (redVal > 254) {
redVal = 256 - COLORDELTA;
redDelta = COLORDELTA * -1;
greenOn = true;
if (redVal < 1) {
redDelta = COLORDELTA;
redOn = false;
redVal = 0;
if (greenOn) {
greenVal = greenVal + greenDelta;
if (greenVal > 254) {
greenDelta = COLORDELTA * -1;
blueOn = true;
greenVal = 256 - COLORDELTA;
if (greenVal < 1) {
greenDelta = COLORDELTA;
greenOn = false;
greenVal = 0;
if (blueOn) {
blueVal = blueVal + blueDelta;
if (blueVal > 254) {
blueDelta = COLORDELTA * -1;
redOn = true;
blueVal = 256 - COLORDELTA;
if (blueVal < 1) {
blueDelta = COLORDELTA;
blueOn = false;
blueVal = 0;
function setColor(color) {
if (timer!= null) imp.cancelwakeup(timer);
local colors = split(color, ".");
local red = colors[0].tointeger();
if (red < 0) red = 0;
if (red > 255) red = 255;
local green = colors[1].tointeger();
if (green < 0) green = 0;
if (green > 255) green = 255;
local blue = colors[2].tointeger();
if (blue < 0) blue = 0;
if (blue > 255) blue = 255;
for (local i = 0 ; i < NUMPIXELS ; i++) {
pixels.set(i, [red, green, blue]);
function setEffect(effect) {
switch (effect) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
// Register handlers for messages from the agent
agent.on("seteffect", setEffect);
agent.on("setcolor", setColor);
// Pick a random effect to begin with
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The setcolor function didn't work for me until I changed line 237 from "pixels.writePixel" to "pixels.set".

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I'm sure there's better ways to tackle the code, but my first attempt at squirrel by modifying this code makes changing the effects a little easier. You can check it out here.

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