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An Introduction To Squirrel Applications Example 4
// Refrigerator Monitor Application Agent Code
// ---------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Libraries must be required before all other code
// Initial State Library
#require "InitialState.class.nut:1.0.0"
// Library to manage agent/device communication
#require "MessageManager.lib.nut:2.2.0"
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Application code, listen for readings from device,
// when a reading is received send the data to Initial
// State
class SmartFridge {
// On Intial State website navigate to "my account"
// page find/create a "Streaming Access Key"
// Paste it into the variable below
// Class variables
iState = null;
agentID = null;
mm = null;
constructor() {
// Initialize Initial State
iState = InitialState(STREAMING_ACCESS_KEY);
// Configure message manager for device/agent communication
mm = MessageManager();
// The Initial State library will create a bucket
// using the agent ID
agentID = split(http.agenturl(), "/").top();
// Let's log the agent ID here
server.log("Agent ID: " + agentID);
mm.on("readings", readingsHandler.bindenv(this));
function readingsHandler(msg, reply) {
// Initial State requires the data in a specific structre
// Build an array with the data from our reading.
local events = [];
foreach (reading in {
// Log the reading from the device. The reading is a
// table, so use JSON encodeing method convert to a string
events.push({"key" : "temperature", "value" : reading.temperature, "epoch" : reading.time});
events.push({"key" : "humidity", "value" : reading.humidity, "epoch" : reading.time});
events.push({"key" : "door_open", "value" : reading.doorOpen, "epoch" : reading.time});
// Send reading to Initial State
iState.sendEvents(events, function(err, resp) {
if (err != null) {
// We had trouble sending to Initial State, log the error
server.error("Error sending to Initial State: " + err);
} else {
// A successful send. The response is an empty string, so
// just log a generic send message
server.log("Reading sent to Initial State.");
// ---------------------------------------------------
server.log("Agent running...");
// Run the Application
// Refrigerator Monitor Application Device Code
// ---------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Libraries must be required before all other code
// Temperature Humidity sensor Library
#require "HTS221.device.lib.nut:2.0.1"
// Library to manage agent/device communication
#require "MessageManager.lib.nut:2.2.0"
// ---------------------------------------------------
// HAL's are tables that map human readable names to
// the hardware objects used in the application.
// Copy and Paste Your HAL here
// YOUR_HAL <- {...}
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Application code, take readings from our temperature
// humidity and light sensors. Use the light level to
// determine if the door is open (true or false) and send
// the door status, temperature and humidity to the agent
class SmartFridge {
// Time in seconds to wait between readings
// Time in seconds to wait between connections
// Time to wait after boot before first disconection
// This allows time for blinkup recovery on cold boots
static BOOT_TIMER_SEC = 60;
// The lx level at which we know the door is open
static LX_THRESHOLD = 3000;
// Hardware variables
i2c = null; // Replace with your sensori2c
tempHumidAddr = null; // Replace with your tempHumid i2c addr
// Sensor variables
tempHumid = null;
// Message Manager variable
mm = null;
// An array to store readings between connections
readings = [];
// Track current door status so we know when there is a
// there is a change
currentDoorOpenStatus = false;
// Varaible to track when to connect
nextConnectTime = null;
// Flag to track first disconnection
_boot = true;
constructor() {
// Power save mode will reduce power consumption when the radio
// is idle, a good first step for saving power for battery
// powered devices.
// NOTE: Power save mode will add latency when sending data.
// Power save mode is not supported on impC001 and is not
// recommended for imp004m, so don't set for those types of imps.
local type =;
if (type != "imp004m" && type != "impC001") {
// Use the current time and the REPORTING_INTERVAL_SEC
// to set a timestamp, so we know when we should connect
// and send the stored readings
// Configure message manager for device/agent communication
mm = MessageManager();
// Message Manager allows us to call a function when a message
// has been delivered. We will use this to know when it is ok
// to delete locally stored readings and disconnect
// We want to make sure we can always blinkUp a device
// when it is first powered on, so we do not want to
// immediately disconnect after boot
// Set up first disconnect
imp.wakeup(BOOT_TIMER_SEC, function() {
_boot = false;
function run() {
// Take an async temp/humid reading {
// Set up the reading table with a timestamp
local reading = { "time" : time() };
// Add temperature and humidity readings
if ("temperature" in result) reading.temperature <- result.temperature;
if ("humidity" in result) reading.humidity <- result.humidity;
// Check door status using internal LX sensor to
// determine if the door is open
reading.doorOpen <- (hardware.lightlevel() > LX_THRESHOLD);
// Add table to the readings array for storage til next connection
// Only send readings if we have some and are either already
// connected, there is a change in the door status or if it
// is time to connect
if (readings.len() > 0 && (server.isconnected() || currentDoorOpenStatus != reading.doorOpen || timeToConnect())) {
// update current door status
currentDoorOpenStatus = reading.doorOpen;
// Schedule the next reading
imp.wakeup(READING_INTERVAL_SEC, run.bindenv(this));
function sendReadings() {
// Connect device
// Send readings to the agent
mm.send("readings", readings);
// Update the next connection time varaible
// When this message is acknowleged by the agent
// the readingsAckHandler will be triggered
function readingsAckHandler(msg) {
// The agent received the readings
// Clear readings we just sent
readings = [];
// Disconnect from server if we have not just booted up
if (!_boot) server.disconnect();
function timeToConnect() {
// return a boolean - if it is time to connect based on
// the current time
return (time() >= nextConnectTime);
function setNextConnectTime() {
// Update the local nextConnectTime variable
nextConnectTime = time() + REPORTING_INTERVAL_SEC;
function initializeSensors() {
// Configure i2c
// Initialize sensor
tempHumid = HTS221(i2c, tempHumidAddr);
// Configure sensor to take readings
// ---------------------------------------------------
server.log("Device running...");
// Initialize application
fridge <- SmartFridge();
// Start reading loop;// Refrigerator Monitor Application Device Code
// ---------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Libraries must be required before all other code
// Temperature Humidity sensor Library
#require "HTS221.device.lib.nut:2.0.1"
// Library to manage agent/device communication
#require "MessageManager.lib.nut:2.2.0"
// ---------------------------------------------------
// HAL's are tables that map human readable names to
// the hardware objects used in the application.
// Copy and Paste Your HAL here
// YOUR_HAL <- {...}
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Application code, take readings from our temperature
// humidity and light sensors. Use the light level to
// determine if the door is open (true or false) and send
// the door status, temperature and humidity to the agent
class SmartFridge {
// Time in seconds to wait between readings
// Time in seconds to wait between connections
// Time to wait after boot before first disconection
// This allows time for blinkup recovery on cold boots
static BOOT_TIMER_SEC = 60;
// The lx level at which we know the door is open
static LX_THRESHOLD = 3000;
// Hardware variables
i2c = null; // Replace with your sensori2c
tempHumidAddr = null; // Replace with your tempHumid i2c addr
// Sensor variables
tempHumid = null;
// Message Manager variable
mm = null;
// An array to store readings between connections
readings = [];
// Track current door status so we know when there is a
// there is a change
currentDoorOpenStatus = false;
// Varaible to track when to connect
nextConnectTime = null;
// Flag to track first disconnection
_boot = true;
constructor() {
// Power save mode will reduce power consumption when the radio
// is idle, a good first step for saving power for battery
// powered devices.
// NOTE: Power save mode will add latency when sending data.
// Power save mode is not supported on impC001 and is not
// recommended for imp004m, so don't set for those types of imps.
local type =;
if (type != "imp004m" && type != "impC001") {
// Use the current time and the REPORTING_INTERVAL_SEC
// to set a timestamp, so we know when we should connect
// and send the stored readings
// Configure message manager for device/agent communication
mm = MessageManager();
// Message Manager allows us to call a function when a message
// has been delivered. We will use this to know when it is ok
// to delete locally stored readings and disconnect
// We want to make sure we can always blinkUp a device
// when it is first powered on, so we do not want to
// immediately disconnect after boot
// Set up first disconnect
imp.wakeup(BOOT_TIMER_SEC, function() {
_boot = false;
function run() {
// Take an async temp/humid reading {
// Set up the reading table with a timestamp
local reading = { "time" : time() };
// Add temperature and humidity readings
if ("temperature" in result) reading.temperature <- result.temperature;
if ("humidity" in result) reading.humidity <- result.humidity;
// Check door status using internal LX sensor to
// determine if the door is open
reading.doorOpen <- (hardware.lightlevel() > LX_THRESHOLD);
// Add table to the readings array for storage til next connection
// Only send readings if we have some and are either already
// connected, there is a change in the door status or if it
// is time to connect
if (readings.len() > 0 && (server.isconnected() || currentDoorOpenStatus != reading.doorOpen || timeToConnect())) {
// update current door status
currentDoorOpenStatus = reading.doorOpen;
// Schedule the next reading
imp.wakeup(READING_INTERVAL_SEC, run.bindenv(this));
function sendReadings() {
// Connect device
// Send readings to the agent
mm.send("readings", readings);
// Update the next connection time varaible
// When this message is acknowleged by the agent
// the readingsAckHandler will be triggered
function readingsAckHandler(msg) {
// The agent received the readings
// Clear readings we just sent
readings = [];
// Disconnect from server if we have not just booted up
if (!_boot) server.disconnect();
function timeToConnect() {
// return a boolean - if it is time to connect based on
// the current time
return (time() >= nextConnectTime);
function setNextConnectTime() {
// Update the local nextConnectTime variable
nextConnectTime = time() + REPORTING_INTERVAL_SEC;
function initializeSensors() {
// Configure i2c
// Initialize sensor
tempHumid = HTS221(i2c, tempHumidAddr);
// Configure sensor to take readings
// ---------------------------------------------------
server.log("Device running...");
// Initialize application
fridge <- SmartFridge();
// Start reading loop;
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