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Last active April 8, 2016 13:37
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  • Save ElectricImpSampleCode/30eae73113de6fbc0335 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ElectricImpSampleCode/30eae73113de6fbc0335 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Code for the Wireless Weather Station project
class WeatherUpdate {
// Simple Squirrel class for interaction with
url = "";
apikey = "YOUR API KEY HERE";
function forecastRequest(longitude = 52.205082, latitude = 0.130209) {
// Parameters: longitude and latitude of location for which a forecast is required
// Return: configured HTTP request
return http.get(url + apikey + "/" + longitude.tostring() + "," + latitude.tostring());
function sendForecast(unusedValue) {
request = weather.forecastRequest(myLongitude, myLatitude);
function forecastHandler(response) {
// Decode the JSON-format data from (error thrown if invalid)
local forecast = http.jsondecode(response.body);
if ("hourly" in forecast) {
if ("data" in forecast.hourly) {
// Get second item in array: this is the weather one hour from now
local item =[1];
// Adjust icon names
if (item.icon == "clear-day") item.icon = "clearday";
if (item.icon == "clear-night") item.icon = "clearnight";
if (item.icon == "partly-cloudy-day") item.icon = "partlycloudyday";
if (item.icon == "partly-cloudy-night") item.icon = "partlycloudynight";
// Send the icon name to the device
device.send("", item.icon);
// Tell the agent get the next forecast in an 15 mins' time
if (weatherTimer) imp.cancelwakeup(weatherTimer);
weatherTimer = imp.wakeup(900.0, function(){ sendForecast(true); });
request <- null;
weather <- WeatherUpdate();
weatherTimer <- null;
myLongitude <- YOUR DATA HERE;
myLatitude <- YOUR DATA HERE;
// Register the function to call when the device asks for a forecast
device.on("weather.get.forecast", sendForecast);
class MAX7219 {
MAX7219_REGISTER_BCD = 0x09;
// Set the number of characters in your character set
alphaCount = 107;
charset = [
[0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0], // Space - Ascii 32
[0x0,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x0,0x10,0x0], // !
[0x0,0x24,0x24,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0], // ”
[0x0,0x24,0x7E,0x24,0x24,0x7E,0x24,0x0], // #
[0x0,0x8,0x3E,0x28,0x3E,0xA,0x3E,0x8], // $
[0x0,0x62,0x64,0x8,0x10,0x26,0x46,0x0], // %
[0x0,0x10,0x28,0x10,0x2A,0x44,0x3A,0x0], // &
[0x0,0x8,0x10,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0], // ‘
[0x0,0x4,0x8,0x8,0x8,0x8,0x4,0x0], // (
[0x0,0x20,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x20,0x0], // )
[0x0,0x0,0x14,0x8,0x3E,0x8,0x14,0x0], // *
[0x0,0x0,0x8,0x8,0x3E,0x8,0x8,0x0], // +
[0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x8,0x8,0x10], // ,
[0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x3E,0x0,0x0,0x0], // -
[0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x18,0x18,0x0], // .
[0x0,0x2,0x4,0x8,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x0], // /
[0x0,0x3C,0x46,0x4A,0x52,0x62,0x3C,0x0], // 0 - Ascii 48
[0x0,0x30,0x50,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x7C,0x0], // 1
[0x0,0x3C,0x42,0x2,0x3C,0x40,0x7E,0x0], // 2
[0x0,0x3C,0x42,0xC,0x2,0x42,0x3C,0x0], // 3
[0x0,0x8,0x18,0x28,0x48,0x7E,0x8,0x0], // 4
[0x0,0x7E,0x40,0x7C,0x2,0x42,0x3C,0x0], // 5
[0x0,0x3C,0x40,0x7C,0x42,0x42,0x3C,0x0], // 6
[0x0,0x7E,0x2,0x4,0x8,0x10,0x10,0x0], // 7
[0x0,0x3C,0x42,0x3C,0x42,0x42,0x3C,0x0], // 8
[0x0,0x3C,0x42,0x42,0x3E,0x2,0x3C,0x0], // 9
[0x0,0x0,0x10,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x10,0x0], // : - Ascii 58
[0x0,0x0,0x10,0x0,0x0,0x10,0x10,0x20], //
[0x0,0x0,0x4,0x8,0x10,0x8,0x4,0x0], // <
[0x0,0x0,0x0,0x3E,0x0,0x3E,0x0,0x0], // =
[0x0,0x0,0x10,0x8,0x4,0x8,0x10,0x0], // >
[0x0,0x3C,0x42,0x4,0x8,0x0,0x8,0x0], // ?
[0x0,0x3C,0x4A,0x56,0x5E,0x40,0x3C,0x0], // @
[0x0,0x3C,0x42,0x42,0x7E,0x42,0x42,0x0], // A - Ascii 65
[0x0,0x7C,0x42,0x7C,0x42,0x42,0x7C,0x0], // B
[0x0,0x3C,0x42,0x40,0x40,0x42,0x3C,0x0], // C
[0x0,0x78,0x44,0x42,0x42,0x44,0x78,0x0], // D
[0x0,0x7E,0x40,0x7C,0x40,0x40,0x7E,0x0], // E
[0x0,0x7E,0x40,0x7C,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x0], // F
[0x0,0x3C,0x42,0x40,0x4E,0x42,0x3C,0x0], // G
[0x0,0x42,0x42,0x7E,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x0], // H
[0x0,0x7C,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x7C,0x0], // I
[0x0,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x2,0x42,0x3C,0x0], // J
[0x0,0x44,0x48,0x70,0x48,0x44,0x42,0x0], // K
[0x0,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x7E,0x0], // L
[0x0,0x42,0x66,0x5A,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x0], // M
[0x0,0x42,0x62,0x52,0x4A,0x46,0x42,0x0], // N
[0x0,0x3C,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x3C,0x0], // O
[0x0,0x7C,0x42,0x42,0x7C,0x40,0x40,0x0], // P
[0x0,0x3C,0x42,0x42,0x52,0x4A,0x3C,0x0], // Q
[0x0,0x7C,0x42,0x42,0x7C,0x44,0x42,0x0], // R
[0x0,0x3C,0x40,0x3C,0x2,0x42,0x3C,0x0], // S
[0x0,0x7C,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x0], // T
[0x0,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x3C,0x0], // U
[0x0,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x24,0x18,0x0], // V
[0x0,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x5A,0x24,0x0], // W
[0x0,0x42,0x24,0x18,0x18,0x24,0x42,0x0], // X
[0x0,0x44,0x28,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x0], // Y
[0x0,0x7E,0x4,0x8,0x10,0x20,0x7E,0x0], // Z - Ascii 90
[0x0,0xE,0x8,0x8,0x8,0x8,0xE,0x0], // [
[0x0,0x0,0x40,0x20,0x10,0x8,0x4,0x0], // \
[0x0,0x70,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x70,0x0], // ]
[0x0,0x10,0x38,0x54,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x0], // ^
[0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xFF], // _
[0x0,0x1C,0x22,0x78,0x20,0x20,0x7E,0x0], // £
[0x0,0x0,0x38,0x4,0x3C,0x44,0x3C,0x0], // a - Ascii 97
[0x0,0x40,0x40,0x78,0x44,0x44,0x78,0x0], // b
[0x0,0x0,0x38,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x38,0x0], // c
[0x0,0x4,0x4,0x3C,0x44,0x44,0x3C,0x0], // d
[0x0,0x0,0x38,0x44,0x78,0x40,0x3C,0x0], // e
[0x0,0x30,0x40,0x60,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x0], // f
[0x0,0x3C,0x44,0x44,0x3C,0x4,0x38,0x0], // g
[0x0,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x78,0x44,0x44,0x0], // h
[0x0,0x20,0x0,0x60,0x20,0x20,0x70,0x0], // i
[0x0,0x8,0x0,0x8,0x8,0x48,0x30,0x0], // j
[0x0,0x40,0x50,0x60,0x60,0x50,0x48,0x0], // k
[0x0,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x30,0x0], // l
[0x0,0x0,0x68,0x54,0x54,0x54,0x54,0x0], // m
[0x0,0x0,0x78,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x0], // n
[0x0,0x0,0x38,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x38,0x0], // o
[0x0,0x78,0x44,0x44,0x78,0x40,0x40,0x0], // p
[0x0,0x3C,0x44,0x44,0x3C,0x4,0x6,0x0], // q
[0x0,0x0,0x1C,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x0], // r
[0x0,0x0,0x38,0x40,0x38,0x4,0x78,0x0], // s
[0x0,0x20,0x70,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x18,0x0], // t
[0x0,0x0,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x38,0x0], // u
[0x0,0x0,0x44,0x44,0x28,0x28,0x10,0x0], // v
[0x0,0x0,0x44,0x54,0x54,0x54,0x28,0x0], // w
[0x0,0x0,0x44,0x28,0x10,0x28,0x44,0x0], // x
[0x0,0x0,0x44,0x44,0x3C,0x4,0x38,0x0], // y
[0x0,0x0,0x7C,0x8,0x10,0x20,0x7C,0x0], // z - Ascii 122
[0x0,0xE,0x8,0x30,0x8,0x8,0xE,0x0], // {
[0x0,0x8,0x8,0x8,0x8,0x8,0x8,0x0], // |
[0x0,0x70,0x10,0xC,0x10,0x10,0x70,0x0], // }
[0x0,0x14,0x28,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0], // ~
[0x3C,0x42,0x99,0xA1,0xA1,0x99,0x42,0x3C], // © - Ascii 127
[0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF], // Block Graphic 1
[0xAA,0x55,0xAA,0x55,0xAA,0x55,0xAA,0x55], // Block Graphic 11
// Display Properties
clk = null;
din = null;
cs = null;
inverseVideoFlag = false;
rotateMatrixFlag = false;
constructor(clockPin, dataPin, selectPin, shouldRotate = false) {
clk = clockPin;
din = dataPin;
cs = selectPin;
// Set these pins as digital outputs
clk.configure(DIGITAL_OUT, 1);
cs.configure(DIGITAL_OUT, 1);
din.configure(DIGITAL_OUT, 0);
// Set screen rotation flag
rotateMatrixFlag = shouldRotate;
function init() {
// Initialise the MAX7219’s parameter registers by writing
// the register’s address followed by its 8-bit value
// Address and data values from the Maxim Integrated MAX7219 Datasheet:
write(MAX7219_REGISTER_BCD, 0x00); // Set MAX7219’s BCD decode mode to ‘none’
write(MAX7219_REGISTER_BRIGHT, 0x01); // Set MAX7219’s LED intensity to a 2/32 duty cycle
write(MAX7219_REGISTER_SCAN, 0x07); // Set MAX7219’s scan limit to all eight LED columns
write(MAX7219_REGISTER_PWR_MODE, 0x01); // Set MAX7219’s power mode. 0 = power down, 1 = normal
write(MAX7219_REGISTER_TEST_MODE, 0x00);// Set MAX7219’s display test mode off
function writeByte(byteValue) {
// Writes a single byte of data to the MAX7219 display controller one bit at a time.
// Writes data to the LED in the MAX7219’s 16-bit serial format, which puts the
// register address in the first eight bits then the data in the second set of eight bits.
for (local i = 8 ; i > 0 ; i--) {
din.write(byteValue & 0x80); // Extract bit 8 and write it to the LED
byteValue = byteValue << 1; // Shift the data bits left by one bit
function write(RegisterAddress, value) {
// Writes a single value to the MAX7219, preceded by the register
// it is being written to
function clearDisplay() {
displayLine(" ");
function displayIcon(inputMatrix =[0xFF, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0xFF]) {
inputMatrix = rotateMatrix(inputMatrix);
for (local k = 0 ; k < 8 ; k++) {
if (inverseVideoFlag) {
writeD(k + 1, ~inputMatrix[k]);
} else {
write(k + 1, inputMatrix[k]);
function displayChar(asciiValue = 32) {
asciiValue = asciiValue - 32;
if (asciiValue < 0 || asciiValue > alphaCount) asciiValue = 0;
local inputMatrix = clone(charset[asciiValue]);
inputMatrix = rotateMatrix(inputMatrix);
for (local k = 0 ; k < 8 ; k++) {
if (inverseVideoFlag == 1) {
write(k + 1, ~inputMatrix[k]);
} else {
write(k + 1, inputMatrix[k]);
function displayLine(line = "No text entered") {
// Bit-scroll through the characters in the variable ‘line’
local a = 0;
local b = 0;
local outputMatrix = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
local matrixOne = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
local matrixTwo = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
local count = line.len();
if (count == 1) {
count = 2;
line = " " + line;
for (local k = 0 ; k < (count - 1) ; k++) {
// Run through the line character by character up to the penultimate character
// Get the current character to be displayed and the next character along by
// copying them from the character set array
a = line[k];
b = line[k + 1];
matrixOne = clone(charset[a - 32]);
matrixTwo = clone(charset[b - 32]);
for (local j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++) {
// We use two character matrices, one on the left and one on the right.
// Line by line, we shift the left matrix's bit pattern one bit at a time.
// If the seventh bit of a line in the right-hand matrix is set,
// we then set bit 0 of the left-hand matrix.
// We then shift the right-hand matrix leftward one bit.
outputMatrix = matrixOne;
outputMatrix = rotateMatrix(outputMatrix);
for (local i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) {
// Write the current character’s matrix
if (inverseVideoFlag) {
write(i + 1, ~outputMatrix[i]);
} else {
write(i + 1, outputMatrix[i]);
// Use the Logical Shift Left operator to move the line one pixel
matrixOne[i] = matrixOne[i] << 1;
// Move over second matrix by one pixel
if ((matrixTwo[i] & 128) > 0) {
// If bit 7 of the right-hand character’s line is set,
// carry it over to bit 0 of the left-hand character
matrixOne[i] = matrixOne[i] | (1 << 0);
// Shift right-hand character line left one pixel
matrixTwo[i] = (matrixTwo[i] << 1);
// For the final character, we need to perform a last pixel shift to leave
// the character completely on the display
outputMatrix = matrixOne;
outputMatrix = rotateMatrix(outputMatrix);
for (local i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) {
if (inverseVideoFlag) {
write(i + 1, ~outputMatrix[i]);
} else {
write(i + 1, outputMatrix[i]);
matrixOne[i] = matrixOne[i] << 1;
if ((matrixTwo[i] & 128) > 0) matrixOne[i] = matrixOne[i] | (1 << 0);
matrixTwo[i] = (matrixTwo[i] << 1);
function rotateMatrix(inputMatrix) {
// Only rotate the matrix if rotate_matrix_flag has not been set
if (rotateMatrixFlag == false) return inputMatrix;
// Rotate the character matrix through 90 degrees anti-clockwise
// Used if the LED matrix pins are connected directly to a breadboard
local a = 0;
local lineValue = 0;
local outputMatrix = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
for (local i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) {
lineValue = inputMatrix[i];
for (local j = 7 ; j > -1 ; j--) {
a = (lineValue & math.pow(2, j).tointeger());
if (a > 0) outputMatrix[7 - j] = outputMatrix[7 - j] + math.pow(2, i).tointeger();
return outputMatrix;
// Set up the weather icons
iconset <- {};
iconset.clearday <- [0x81,0x5A,0x3C,0x7E,0x7E,0x3C,0x5A,0x81];
iconset.clearnight <- [0x30,0x18,0xC,0xE,0xE,0xC,0x18,0x30];
iconset.rain <- [0x1C,0x7E,0xFF,0xFF,0x7E,0x8,0x52,0x84];
iconset.snow <- [0x42,0x24,0x99,0x7E,0x99,0x24,0x42,0x00];
iconset.sleet <- [0x1C,0x7E,0xFF,0xFF,0x7E,0x89,0x20,0x85];
iconset.wind <- [0x0,0x6,0x1,0xFE,0x0,0xFE,0x1,0x6];
iconset.fog <- [0x55,0xAA,0x55,0xAA,0x55,0xAA,0x55,0xAA];
iconset.cloudy <- [0x1C,0x7E,0xFF,0xFF,0x7E,0x0,0x0,0x0];
iconset.partlycloudyday <- [0x0,0x1C,0x62,0x81,0x81,0x7E,0x0,0x0];
iconset.partlycloudynight <- [0xFF,0xF3,0x9D,0x7E,0x7E,0x81,0xFF,0xFF];
function displayIcon(iconName) {
// Display the weather by name
// Sleep for a second
// Now display the weather icon
local icon = clone(iconset.rawget(iconName));
// Set up the LED Matrix
led <- MAX7219(hardware.pin9, hardware.pin7, hardware.pin8, true);
// Set up agent interaction
agent.on("", displayIcon);
// Request a weather forecast from the agent
agent.send("weather.get.forecast", true);
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To whom it may concern,
I was working on this project, and was puzzled as to why it was not working: turns out that the API processes calls in the format,LONGITUDE. However, your code (in the agent) calls the API in the format,LATITUDE.

Also on line 187 of the device code, there is a typo. writeD should be write.

Perhaps you could change these?

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