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Last active April 8, 2016 14:12
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  • Save ElectricImpSampleCode/af4c0f5140dc5ad6d6cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ElectricImpSampleCode/af4c0f5140dc5ad6d6cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Code for the Scrolling Twitter Display project
#require "Twitter.class.nut:1.2.1"
// Twitter keys
searchString <- "electricimp";
function onTweet(tweetData){
// log the tweet, and who tweeted it (there is a LOT more info in tweetData)
device.send("tweet", format("%s - %s", tweetData.user.screen_name, tweetData.text));
function requestHandler(request, response) {
try {
if ("search" in request.query) {
searchString =;, onTweet);
response.send(200, "Now searching for " + searchString);
} catch (error) {
response.send(500, "Server error - try again in a moment");
// Register HTTP request handler
// Start searching Twitter stream with default string, onTweet);
// Copyright (c) 2013-2104 Electric Imp
// This file is licensed under the MIT License
class HT16K33QUAD {
// Squirrel class for 0.54-inch four-digit, 14-segment LED displays driven by the HT16K33 controller
// For example:
// and:
// Communicates with any imp I2C bus
// Written by Tony Smith (@smittytone) August/September 2014
// Version 1.1
// HT16K33 registers and HT16K33-specific variables
HT16K33_I2C_ADDRESS = 0x70;
HT16K33_BLANK_CHAR = 62;
HT16K33_MINUS_CHAR = 17;
HT16K33_CHAR_COUNT = 77;
HT16K33_DP_VALUE = 0x4000;
// Class properties; null for those defined in the Constructor
_buffer = null;
_digits = null;
_led = null;
_ledAddress = 0;
constructor(impI2CBus, ht16k33Address = 0x70) {
// The parameter is whichever imp I2C bus is to be used for the HT16K33
_led = impI2CBus;
_ledAddress = ht16k33Address << 1;
// Buffer stores the character matrix values for each row of the display
// Quad LED has 16-bit values. There are four individual characters per display
_buffer = [0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000];
// digits store character matrices for 0-9, A-F, a-z, space and various symbols
_digits = [
0x003F, 0x1200, 0x00DB, 0x008F, 0x12E0, 0x00ED, 0x00FD, 0x0C01, 0x00FF, 0x00EF, // 0-9
0x00F7, 0x128F, 0x0039, 0x120F, 0x0079, 0x0071, // A-F
0x00BD, 0x00F6, 0x1200, 0x001E, 0x2470, 0x0038, 0x0536, 0x2136, 0x003F, 0x00F3, // G-P
0x203F, 0x20F3, 0x00ED, 0x1201, 0x003E, 0x0C30, 0x2836, 0x2D00, 0x1500, 0x0C09, // Q-Z
0x1058, 0x2078, 0x00D8, 0x088E, 0x0858, 0x0C80, 0x048E, 0x1070, 0x1000, 0x000E, // a-j
0x3600, 0x0030, 0x10D4, 0x1050, 0x00DC, 0x0170, 0x0486, 0x0050, 0x2088, 0x0078, // k-t
0x001C, 0x2004, 0x2814, 0x28C0, 0x200C, 0x0848, // u-z
0x0000, // blank
0x0006, 0x0220, 0x12CE, 0x12ED, 0x0C24, 0x235D, 0x0400, 0x2400, 0x0900, 0x3FC0,
0x12C0, 0x0800, 0x00C0, 0x0000, 0x0C00, 0x10BD
function init(clearChar = 62, brightness = 15) {
// Initialises the display
// Parameters:
// 1. Integer index for the _digits[] character matrix to zero the display to; default: space
// 2. Integer value for the display brightness, between 0 and 15; default: 15
// Configure the I2C bus
// Clear the character buffer
// Set the brightness (which also wipes and power cyles the display)
function clearBuffer(clearChar = 62)
// Fills the buffer with a blank character, or the digits[] character matrix whose index is provided
// Parameter:
// 1. Integer index for the _digits[] character matrix to zero the display to; default: space
if (clearChar < 0 || clearChar > HT16K33_CHAR_COUNT) clearChar = HT16K33_BLANK_CHAR;
_buffer[0] = _digits[clearChar];
_buffer[1] = _digits[clearChar];
_buffer[2] = _digits[clearChar];
_buffer[3] = _digits[clearChar];
function writeChar(rowNumber = 0, charValue = 0xFFFF, hasDot = false) {
// Puts the input character matrix (a 16-bit integer) into the specified row,
// adding a decimal point if required. Character matrix value is calculated by
// setting the bit(s) representing the segment(s) you want illuminated:
// 0 9
// _
// 5 | | 1 8 \ | / 10
// | | \|/
// 6 - - 7
// 4 | | 2 /|\
// | _ | 11 / | \ 13 . 14
// 3 12
// Bit 14 is the period, but this is set with parameter 3
// Nb. Bit 15 is not read by the display
// Parameters:
// 1. Integer index indicating the display character to write to; default: 0 (left-most)
// 2. '16-bit' integer value for the LED segments to illuminate; default: 0xFFFF (all on)
// 3. Boolean value specifying whether the decimal poing is lit; default: false
// Bail on incorrect row numbers or character values
if (rowNumber < 0 || rowNumber > 3) return;
if (charValue < 0 || charValue > 0xFFFF) return;
// Write the character to the _buffer[]
if (hasDot) char_value = charValue | HT16K33_DP_VALUE;
_buffer[rowNumber] = charValue;
function writeNumber(rowNumber = 0, integerValue = 0, hasDot = false) {
// Puts the number - ie. index of _digits[] - into the specified row,
// adding a decimal point if required
// Parameters:
// 1. Integer index indicating the display character to write to; default: 0 (left-most)
// 2. Integer value for number to write; default: 0
// 3. Boolean value specifying whether the decimal poing is lit; default: false
// Bail on incorrect row numbers or character values
if (integerValue < 0 || integerValue > 15) return;
if (rowNumber < 0 || rowNumber > 3) return;
setBufferValue(rowNumber, integerValue, hasDot);
function writeLetter(rowNumber = 0, ascii = 65, hasDot = false) {
// Puts the number - ie. index of digits[] - into the specified row,
// adding a decimal point if required
// Parameters:
// 1. Integer index indicating the display character to write to; default: 0 (left-most)
// 2. Integer Ascii value for character to write; default: A
// 3. Boolean value specifying whether the decimal poing is lit; default: false
// Bail on incorrect row number
if (rowNumber < 0 || rowNumber > 3) return;
local integerValue = 0;
if (ascii > 31 && ascii < 48) integerValue = ascii + 30;
if (ascii > 47 && ascii < 58) integerValue = ascii - 48;
if (ascii > 64 && ascii < 91) integerValue = ascii - 55;
if (ascii > 96 && ascii < 123) integerValue = ascii - 61;
if (ascii == 64) integerValue = 78;
setBufferValue(rowNumber, integerValue, hasDot);
function setBufferValue(rowNumber, integerValue, hasDot) {
// Sets a _buffer[] entry to the character stored in _digits[]
if (hasDot) {
_buffer[rowNumber] = _digits[integerValue] | HT16K33_DP_VALUE;
} else {
_buffer[rowNumber] = _digits[integerValue];
function updateDisplay() {
// Converts the row-indexed buffer[] values into a single, combined
// string and writes it to the HT16K33 via I2C
local dataString = HT16K33_DISPLAY_ADDRESS;
for (local i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) {
// Convert 16-bit character data into two 8-bit values for transmission
local upperByte = _buffer[i];
upperByte = upperByte >> 8;
local lowerByte = _buffer[i];
lowerByte = lowerByte & 0x00FF;
dataString = dataString + lowerByte.tochar() + upperByte.tochar();
// Write the combined datastring to I2C
_led.write(_ledAddress, dataString);
function setBrightness(brightness = 15) {
// This function is called when the app changes the clock's brightness
// Default: 15
if (brightness > 15) brightness = 15;
if (brightness < 0) brightness = 0;
brightness = brightness + 224;
// Wipe the display completely first, but retain its current contents
local sbuffer = [0, 0, 0, 0];
foreach (index, value in _buffer) {
sbuffer[index] = _buffer[index];
// Clear the display
// Power cycle the display
// Write the new brightness value to the HT16K33
_led.write(_ledAddress, brightness.tochar() + "\x00");
// Restore the character buffer
foreach (index, value in sbuffer) {
_buffer[index] = sbuffer[index];
// And display the original contents
function powerDown() {
_led.write(_ledAddress, HT16K33_REGISTER_DISPLAY_OFF);
_led.write(_ledAddress, HT16K33_REGISTER_SYSTEM_OFF);
function powerUp() {
_led.write(_ledAddress, HT16K33_REGISTER_SYSTEM_ON);
_led.write(_ledAddress, HT16K33_REGISTER_DISPLAY_ON);
// Program Functions
function scroller() {
loopTimer = imp.wakeup(scrollSpeed, scroller);
local a = hardware.millis();
local staticFlag = false;
local displayString = "";
if (message.len() <= 8) {
displayString = message + " ".slice(8 - message.len());
staticFlag = true;
} else {
local end = scrollPos + 8;
if (end > message.len()) end = message.len();
displayString = message.slice(scrollPos, end)
if (displayString.len() < message.len()) displayString = displayString + message.slice(0, 8 - displayString.len());
if (scrollPos >= message.len()) scrollPos = 0;
// Set the first display’s four characters
display1.writeLetter(0, format("%d", displayString[0]).tointeger(), false);
display1.writeLetter(1, format("%d", displayString[1]).tointeger(), false);
display1.writeLetter(2, format("%d", displayString[2]).tointeger(), false);
display1.writeLetter(3, format("%d", displayString[3]).tointeger(), false);
// Set the second display’s four characters
display2.writeLetter(0, format("%d", displayString[4]).tointeger(), false);
display2.writeLetter(1, format("%d", displayString[5]).tointeger(), false);
display2.writeLetter(2, format("%d", displayString[6]).tointeger(), false);
display2.writeLetter(3, format("%d", displayString[7]).tointeger(), false);
// Update the displays
function setMessage(messageString) {
if (loopTimer) imp.cancelwakeup(loopTimer);
message = messageString + " - ";
scrollPos = 0;
// Global Variables
message <- "Waiting for Tweets";
scrollPos <- 0;
scrollCount <- 0;
scrollSpeed <- 0.2;
loopTimer <- null;
loopCount <- 0;
// Set up two display objects
// Not the different address values (second parameter) - solding the A0 pins
// sets the address to 0x71. To add extra display units, give them unique
// addresses by soldering A1 etc pins
display1 <- HT16K33QUAD(hardware.i2c89, 0x70);
display1.init(display1.HT16K33_BLANK_CHAR, 0);
display2 <- HT16K33QUAD(hardware.i2c89, 0x71);
display2.init(display2.HT16K33_BLANK_CHAR, 0);
// Register the function to call when the agent sends a new Tweet
agent.on("tweet", setMessage);
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