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Last active November 25, 2019 13:33
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  • Save ElectricImpSampleCode/bc279208cbbfb09be025babf37a8a16f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ElectricImpSampleCode/bc279208cbbfb09be025babf37a8a16f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example Code: development device status monitoring using the impCentral™ API
// impMonitor AGENT CODE
// Copyright (c) 2018, Electric Imp, Inc.
// Writer: Tony Smith
// Licence: MIT
// Version: 1.1.1
#require "Rocky.class.nut:2.0.2"
// If you are not using Squinter or an equivalent tool to combine multiple Squirrel files,
// you need to paste the contents of the accompanying files over the following four lines
#import "online.png.nut"
#import "offline.png.nut"
#import "warn.png.nut"
#import "spacer.png.nut"
const HTML_HEADER = @"<!DOCTYPE html><html lang='en-US'><meta charset='UTF-8'>
<title>Device Status Monitor 1.1.0</title>
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet'>
<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href=''>
<link rel='shortcut icon' href=''>
<meta http-equiv='Cache-Control' content='no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'>
<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>
.center { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: auto; margin-top: auto; }
body {background-color: #21abd4;}
p {color: white; font-family: Comfortaa}
h3 {color: white; font-family: Comfortaa; font-weight:bold}
h4 {color: white; font-family: Comfortaa}
td {color: white; font-family: Comfortaa; vertical-align: center;}
.tabborder {width: 20px; text-align: center}
.tabcontent {width: 300px; text-align: left}
.uicontent {border: 2px solid white; padding: 5px}
.container {padding: 20px}
<div class='container'>
<div class='uicontent' align='center'>
<h3>Electric Imp</h3>
<h3>Device Status Monitor</h3>
<p>Updated at %s<br>&nbsp;</p>
<table width='100%%'>
const HTML_FOOTER = @" </table>
setTimeout(function() {
}, 30000);
const ENTRY_START = @"<tr><td class='tabborder'><img src='%s' width='16' height='16'></td>";
const ENTRY_END = @"<td class='tabborder'><img src='%s' width='16' height='16'></td>
<td class='tabcontent'><h4>%s</h4></td></tr>";
const API_BASE_URL = "";
const USER_AGENT = "impAgent-impMonitor-1.1.0";
const LOOP_TIME = 60;
const PAGE_SIZE = 100;
const EXPIRY_DELTA = 5;
local api = null;
local token = null;
local isLoggedIn = false;
local htmlBody = "";
local devices = [];
#line 1000
function getDeviceData() {
server.log("Updating device information");
// Ask the impCentral API for a list of devices, calling up multiple pages
// as needed and then combining them into a single list 'uDevices'
local headers = { "User-Agent": "impAgent Monitor 1.1.0",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + token.accessToken };
local url = API_BASE_URL + "devices" + "?page[size]=" + format("%i", PAGE_SIZE);
local nextURL = "";
local uDevices = [];
do {
// Check the access token is still valid - it may expire mid-run
// If it is not valid, abandon the update
if (!(isAccessTokenValid())) return;
local request = http.get(url, headers);
local data = request.sendsync();
try {
data = http.jsondecode(data.body);
if ("links" in data) {
nextURL = getNextPageLink(getNextURL(data.links));
foreach (device in uDevices.append(device);
url = nextURL;
} catch (err) {
server.error(err + " (data: " + data.body + ")");
} while (nextURL.len() != 0);
// Build the UI from the list of devices gathered above
if (uDevices.len() > 0) {
htmlBody = "";
foreach (device in uDevices) {
// 'device' is a table - use it to get the device's name (or ID if it has no name),
// and its online status, then build the device's entry in the HTML table
local isOnline = device.attributes.device_online;
local deviceName =;
if (deviceName == null) deviceName =;
local statusImageURL = http.agenturl() + "/images/o" + (isOnline ? "n" : "ff") + ".png";
local tableEntry = format(ENTRY_END, statusImageURL, deviceName);
local warnImageCode = "/images/spacer.png";
// Find the current device's record in the saved list to see
// if its online status has changed since we last checked
foreach (aDevice in devices) {
if ( == {
if (aDevice.attributes.device_online != device.attributes.device_online) {
// The device's status has changed, so add a warning triangle to the web UI
warnImageCode = "/images/warn.png";
// Assemble the table entry: add a space, or a warning triangle if the device's status has changed
tableEntry = format(ENTRY_START, http.agenturl() + warnImageCode) + tableEntry;
// Add the table entry to the HTML body
htmlBody = htmlBody + tableEntry;
// Having processed the updated device list, store it for next time
devices = uDevices;
} else {
// Create a simple HTML body indicating the user has no devices
htmlBody = @"<tr><td class='tabcontent'><h4 align='center'>No Devices</h4></td></tr>";
function sorter(first, second) {
// Sort devices by name
local a =;
local b =;
if (a == null || a > b) return 1;
if (b == null || a < b) return -1;
return 0;
function isFirstPage(links) {
// Check the 'links' dictionary returned by the impCentral API.
// Responds 'true' or 'false' if the received data is the first page of several
local isFirst = false;
foreach (link in links) {
if (link == "first") {
local currentPageLink = links.self;
local firstPageLink = links.first;
if (currentPageLink == firstPageLink) {
// The current page is the first one
isFirst = true;
return isFirst;
function getNextURL(links) {
// Check the 'links' dictionary returned by the the impCentral API.
// Returns the URL of the next page of data
local nextURLString = "";
foreach (link in links) {
if (link == "next") {
// We have at least one more page to recover before we have the full list
nextURLString =;
return nextURLString;
function getNextPageLink(url = null) {
// Strips the non-query content out of the supplied URL, or
// returns an empty string if 'url' is nil or empty - what's
// returned is added to a full URL by the calling method
if (url = null || url.len() == 0) return "";
return url.slice(31);
function login(key = null) {
// Login is the process of sending the user's login key to the impCentral API
// in order to retrieve a new access token
if (key == null || key.len() == 0) {
server.error("Could not log in to the Electric Imp impCloud — no login key");
// Retain the credential for future use
token = { "loginkey": key };
// Get a new token using the credentials provided
function getNewAccessToken() {
// Request a new access token using the stored credentials,
// Set up a POST request to the /auth URL to get an access token
local body = { "key": token.loginkey };
local headers = { "User-Agent": USER_AGENT,
"Content-Type": "application/json" };
local url = API_BASE_URL + "auth/token";
local request =, headers, http.jsonencode(body));
server.log("Getting acccess token");
function gotAccessToken(respData) {
// We have retrieved a new access token, so add it and other
// useful data to the 'token' structure
if (respData.statuscode != 200) {
isLoggedIn = false;
server.error("Function: gotAccessToken()");
server.error("Code: " + respData.statuscode);
server.error("Data: " + respData.body);
try {
// Attempt to decode the response from impCentral
local data = http.jsondecode(respData.body);
if ("access_token" in data) {
if ("accessToken" in token) {
token.accessToken = data.access_token;
} else {
token.accessToken <- data.access_token;
server.log("Acquired Access Token: " + token.accessToken.slice(0, 40) + "...");
isLoggedIn = true;
} else {
server.error("Could not get access token. JSON: " + respData.body);
isLoggedIn = false;
if ("expires_in" in data) {
if ("expiryTime" in token) {
token.expiryTime = time() + data.expires_in.tointeger();
} else {
token.expiryTime <- time() + data.expires_in.tointeger();
server.log("Expires in " + data.expires_in + " seconds");
} else {
server.error("No access token expiry time");
} catch (err) {
server.error("gotAccessToken() " + err);
function isAccessTokenValid() {
// Check if the currently held access token has expired.
// Return 'true' if it is good, or 'false' if we need a new one
// No token available? Return false
local rv = true;
if (token == null || !("expiryTime" in token)) {
// We don't have a token (or it lacks an expiry time)
// so just mark it as expired
rv = false;
} else {
local now = time();
// Expire the token even it it hasn't expired, but is nonetheless
// within EXPIRY_DELTA of expiry. This is to prevent the token
// expiring while the request is being made, ie. after the request
// is sent but before the server has checked it
if (now >= token.expiryTime - EXPIRY_DELTA) rv = false;
if (!rv) server.log("Access Token has expired");
return rv;
function timestamp() {
// Return the current date and time in a printable form
local now = date();
local timeString = format("%02i", now.hour) + ":" + format("%02i", now.min) + ":" + format("%02i", now.sec);
local dateString = format("%04i", now.year) + "-" + format("%02i", now.month + 1) + "-" + format("%02i",;
return dateString + " " + timeString;
function updateDevices() {
if (isLoggedIn) {
// Check the current access token is valid
if (!(isAccessTokenValid())) {
// The access token has expired - refresh it
} else {
// The access token is good - update the devices' status
} else {
// Initialize (or re-initialize after a disconnect)
// our access to the impCentral API
// Schedule the next check in LOOP_TIME seconds
updateTimer = imp.wakeup(LOOP_TIME, updateDevices);
// Define the API to serve the web UI
api = Rocky();
// Any call to the endpoint / is sent the current web page
api.get("/", function(context) {
context.send(200, format(HTML_HEADER, timestamp()) + htmlBody + HTML_FOOTER);
// Any call to the endpoint /images is sent the correct PNG data
api.get("/images/([^/]*)", function(context) {
// Determine which image has been requested and send the appropriate
// stored data back to the requesting web browser
context.setHeader("Content-Type", "image/png");
local path = context.matches[1];
local imageData = ONLINE_PNG;
if (path == "off.png") imageData = OFFLINE_PNG;
if (path == "warn.png") imageData = WARN_PNG;
if (path == "spacer.png") imageData = SPACER_PNG;
context.send(200, imageData);
// Set default text to display in the web UI
htmlBody = @"<tr><td class='tabcontent'><h4 align='center'>Getting Device Info...</h4></td></tr>";
// Start the device check loop
// impMonitor DEVICE CODE
// Copyright (c) 2018, Electric Imp, Inc.
// Writer: Tony Smith
// Licence: MIT
const SLEEP_TIME = 43200;
server.log("Monitor device awake");
imp.onidle(function() {
server.log("Monitor device sleeping for " + SLEEP_TIME + " seconds");
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