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Created June 6, 2014 19:24
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DATAcenter kits
<kit name="obs">
<potion duration="oo" ambient="true">night vision</potion>
<kit name="teams">
<item slot="0" damage="-3000">stone sword</item>
<item slot="1" damage="-3000" enchantment="arrow infinite">bow</item>
<item slot="2" damage="-3000">iron pickaxe</item>
<item slot="3" damage="-3000">iron axe</item>
<item slot="4" amount="64">wood</item>
<item slot="31" amount="64">wood</item>
<item slot="22" amount="64">wood</item>
<item slot="5" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="6">bucket</item>
<item slot="33">bucket</item>
<item slot="24" amount="8">fence gate</item>
<item slot="15" amount="8">trap door</item>
<item slot="7" amount="16">wood step</item>
<item slot="8" amount="8">redstone</item>
<item slot="34" amount="8">fence</item>
<item slot="35" amount="8">ladder</item>
<item slot="25" amount="4">diode</item>
<item slot="26" amount="16">stone button</item>
<item slot="16" amount="16">lever</item>
<item slot="17" amount="16">stone plate</item>
<item slot="29" damage="-3000" name="`6TNT Defuser" lore="`7Right click to defuse team griefer's TNT|`7Does not work in `9water`7.|`7Use `a/report `7to alert the staff!">shears</item>
<item slot="28">arrow</item>
<item slot="9" amount="8" damage="9" name="`aHull Repair Block" lore="`7Place this over your ship to repair it!">stained clay</item>
<chestplate damage="-3000" enchantment="protection explosions:4;water worker:3">chainmail chestplate</chestplate>
<potion duration="oo" ambient="true">night vision</potion>
<potion duration="oo" ambient="true">fast digging</potion>
<potion duration="oo" ambient="true">water breathing</potion>
<potion duration="oo" ambient="true">heal</potion>
<potion duration="oo" ambient="true">damage resistance</potion>
<kit name="yellow" parents="teams">
<helmet damage="4">stained clay</helmet>
<kit name="red" parents="teams">
<helmet damage="14">stained clay</helmet>
<kit name="velocity" force="true">
<potion duration="5" amplifier="100">heal</potion>
<potion duration="5" amplifier="100">damage resistance</potion>
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