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Created March 25, 2014 23:37
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  • Save Electroid/9773825 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Electroid/9773825 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<map proto="1.3.2">
<include src="tutorial.xml"/>
<objective>Destroy 75% of both of the enemy's battle ships! You only have 20 minutes!</objective>
<rule>Fall damage is disabled!</rule>
<team color="yellow" max="10" max-overfill="12">Yellow Team</team>
<team color="dark red" max="10" max-overfill="12">Red Team</team>
<spawn team="yellow" kit="yellow" yaw="-90">
<spawn team="red" kit="red" yaw="90">
<default kit="obs" yaw="0">
<kit name="obs">
<potion duration="oo" ambient="true">night vision</potion>
<potion duration="oo" ambient="true">fast digging</potion>
<kit name="teams" parents="obs">
<item slot="0" damage="-3000">stone sword</item>
<item slot="1" damage="-3000">bow</item>
<item slot="2" damage="-3000">stone pickaxe</item>
<item slot="3" amount="24">wood</item>
<item slot="4" amount="6">tnt</item>
<item slot="5" damage="-3000">flint and steel</item>
<item slot="6" damage="-3000" name="`6TNT Defuser" lore="`7Right click to defuse teammate's TNT|`7Does not work in `9water`7!">shears</item>
<item slot="8" amount="16">arrow</item>
<chestplate damage="-3000" enchantment="protection explosions:2">chainmail chestplate</chestplate>
<potion duration="3">heal</potion>
<potion duration="4">damage resistance</potion>
<kit name="yellow" parents="teams">
<helmet damage="4">stained clay</helmet>
<kit name="red" parents="teams">
<helmet damage="14">stained clay</helmet>
<filter name="only-yellow">
<filter name="only-red">
<filter name="deny-fire">
<rectangle name="all" min="-oo,-oo" max="oo,oo"/>
<cuboid name="above-35" min="-oo,36,-oo" max="oo,oo,oo"/>
<negative name="outside-55">
<circle name="inside-55" center="-28.5,10.5" radius="55"/>
<union name="spawns">
<cylinder name="yellow-spawn" base="-66.5,72,12.5" radius="5" height="oo"/>
<cylinder name="red-spawn" base="8.5,72,12.5" radius="5" height="oo"/>
<cylinder name="obs-spawn" base="-28.5,76,12.5" radius="7" height="oo"/>
<union name="ships">
<union name="red-ships">
<cuboid name="red-main-ship" min="-6,17,-6" max="6,44,28"/>
<cuboid name="red-sub-ship" min="9,13,4" max="21,34,28"/>
<union name="blue-ships">
<cuboid name="yellow-main-ship" min="-64,17,-7" max="-52,44,27"/>
<cuboid name="yellow-sub-ship" min="-80,13,-7" max="-67,34,17"/>
<union name="icari"> <!-- multiple icarus -->
<union name="yellow-icari">
<cuboid name="yellow-main-icarus" min="-52,16,17" max="-63,20,12"/>
<cuboid name="yellow-tnt-area" min="-60,17,14" max="-54,18,16"/>
<block name="yellow-button">-57.5,18,11.5</block>
<union name="red-icari">
<cuboid name="red-main-icarus" min="-6,16,4" max="5,20,9"/>
<cuboid name="red-tnt-area" min="2,17,5" max="-4,18,7"/>
<block name="red-button">-0.5,18,9.5</block>
<!-- Applied -->
<apply block-place="deny-fire" message="`eYou may not place down fire!">
<region name="all"/>
<apply block="deny-all" message="`eYou may not edit outside the main area! (`c55 Radius`e)">
<region name="outside-55"/>
<apply block="deny-all" message="`eYou may not edit above the height limit! (`c35 Blocks`e)">
<region name="above-35"/>
<region name="spawns"/>
<region name="ships"/>
<apply block="deny-all" message="`eYou may not edit the spawn area!">
<region name="spawns"/>
<apply enter="deny-all" message="`eYou may not enter the observers' spawn area!">
<region name="obs-spawn"/>
<apply enter="only-yellow" message="`eYou may not enter the enemy's spawn area!">
<region name="yellow-spawn"/>
<apply enter="only-red" message="`eYou may not enter the enemy's spawn area!">
<region name="red-spawn"/>
<destroyables show-progress="true" completion="75%" repair="true">
<destroyables materials="stained clay:4;stained clay:9;chest:2;chest:3;chest:4;chest:5;workbench;step:0;step:8;ladder:2;ladder:3" owner="yellow">
<destroyable name="Main Ship">
<region name="yellow-main-ship"/>
<destroyable name="Sub Ship">
<region name="yellow-sub-ship"/>
<destroyables materials="stained clay:14;stained clay:9;chest:2;chest:3;chest:4;chest:5;workbench;step:0;step:8;ladder:2;ladder:3" owner="red">
<destroyable name="Main Ship">
<region name="red-main-ship"/>
<destroyable name="Sub Ship">
<region name="red-sub-ship"/>
<item>stone sword</item>
<item>stone pickaxe</item>
<item>flint and steel</item>
<item>chainmail chestplate</item>
<item amount="16">wood</item>
<item amount="16">arrow</item>
<item amount="8">tnt</item>
<time result="objectives">20m</time>
<stage title="Destroy the Ships">
<line>This map is a `aDestroy the Ships `r(DTS) map.</line>
<line>The objective is to destroy `c75% `rof both of the enemy team's ships!</line>
<line>Each team has 2 ships that you must defend!</line>
<point yaw="-130" pitch="10">-80,25,32</point>
<stage title="Ships">
<line>Each team has 2 ships. A main ship and a sub ship.</line>
<line>The main ship contains an iron depot, an onboard icarus, and more chest supplies.</line>
<line>The sub ship contains mostly extra chest supplies.</line>
<point yaw="30" pitch="25">16,33,-11</point>
<stage title="Spawn">
<line>When you spawn, you will be secluded high in the air away from the map.</line>
<line>Jump down towards any of your two ships, you do not take any fall damage!</line>
<line>You only have `a20 minutes`r, so hurry up!</line>
<point yaw="50" pitch="60">22,85,2</point>
<stage title="Kill Rewards">
<line>When you kill an enemy, you will recieve:</line>
<line>16 `6Wood`r, 16 `7Arrows`r, and 8 `cTNT`r.</line>
<point yaw="50" pitch="60">22,85,2</point>
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