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Last active September 30, 2015 20:17
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A simple snake game
# snake
from collections import deque
import functools
import operator
import time
import tkinter
from tkinter.constants import *
import random
class point(tuple):
def __new__(cls, x, y):
return tuple.__new__(cls, (x, y))
def _delegate_s(op):
def f(self, other):
return point(op(self[0], other[0]), op(self[1], other[1]))
return f
for op in ('__add__', '__sub__',
'__lt__', '__le__',
'__gt__', '__ge__',
'__eq__', '__ne__'):
f = _delegate_s(getattr(operator, op))
f.__name__ = op
vars()[op] = f
def __neg__(self):
return point(-self[0], -self[1])
def __mul__(self, other):
return point(self[0] * other, self[1] * other)
def __truediv__(self, other):
return point(self[0] / other, self[1] / other)
def all(self):
return all(self)
def any(self):
return any(self)
class Snake(object):
def __init__(self, app, startpos, direction, growth = 0):
self.points = deque((startpos,))
self.direction = direction
self.growth = growth
self.render_id = None
self.eye_id = None
def ahead(self):
return self.points[-1] + self.direction
def move(self):
head = self.ahead()
if self.growth:
self.growth -= 1
def grow(self, x):
self.growth += x
def check_collide(self, position):
return any((x == position).all() for x in self.points)
def render(self, canvas, subtick):
i = 0
L = len(self.points) - 1
result = deque()
for i in range(L + 1):
from_, to = self.points[i], self.points[i+1] if i < L else self.points[i] + self.direction
direction = (to - from_) / 2
halfway = (to + from_) / 2
backangle1 = point(-direction[0] - direction[1], direction[0] - direction[1])
backangle2 = point(-direction[0] + direction[1], -direction[0] - direction[1])
if i == 0:
shift = direction * (1 - 2*subtick) if self.growth == 0 else direction
result.append(halfway + backangle1 - shift)
result.appendleft(halfway + backangle2 - shift)
result.append(halfway + backangle1)
result.appendleft(halfway + backangle2)
if i == L:
result.append(halfway - backangle2 - direction * (1 - 2 * subtick))
result.appendleft(halfway - backangle1 - direction * (1 - 2 * subtick))
eyecoord1 = halfway - backangle2 * 0.5 - direction * (1 - 2 * subtick)
eyecoord2 = halfway - backangle1 * 0.5 - direction * (1 - 2 * subtick)
result.append(halfway - backangle2)
result.appendleft(halfway - backangle1)
res2 = [result[0]]
line1s, line1e = result[0], result[1]
for i in range(2, len(result), 2):
line2s, line2e = result[i], result[i + 1]
a, b, e = line1e[0] - line1s[0], line2s[0] - line2e[0], line2s[0] - line1s[0]
c, d, f = line1e[1] - line1s[1], line2s[1] - line2e[1], line2s[1] - line1s[1]
if a*d - b*c:
t = (e * d - b * f) / (a * d - b * c)
intersect = point(line1s[0] + a * t, line1s[1] + c * t)
res2.extend((line1e, line2s))
line1s, line1e = line2s, line2e
points = [coord * 10 + 5 for point in res2 for coord in point]
eye = lambda x: (x[0] * 10 + 5 - 1, x[1] * 10 + 5 - 1, x[0] * 10 + 5 + 1, x[1] * 10 + 5 + 1)
if self.render_id:
canvas.coords(self.render_id, *points)
canvas.coords(self.eye_id[0], *eye(eyecoord1))
canvas.coords(self.eye_id[1], *eye(eyecoord2))
self.render_id = canvas.create_polygon(points, fill="#eeffee", outline="#00ff00")
self.eye_id = (canvas.create_oval(*eye(eyecoord1), fill='black'),
canvas.create_oval(*eye(eyecoord2), fill='black'))
def collide(self, app):
if self.check_collide(self.ahead()):
self.points = deque([self.points[-1]])
self.growth = 1
return True
elif app.bounds.check_collide(self.ahead()):
self.direction = -self.direction
self.points = deque([self.points[-1]])
self.growth = 1
return True
class Bounds(object):
def __init__(self, app, canvas):
w, h = int(canvas['width']), int(canvas['height'])
self.upleft = point(1,1)
self.downright = point(w//10-1, h//10-1)
self.render_id = None
def render(self, canvas, subtick):
w, h = int(canvas['width']), int(canvas['height'])
self.upleft = point(1,1)
self.downright = point(w//10-1, h//10-1)
x1, y1, x2, y2 = 9, 9, w - w%10 + 1, h - h%10 + 1
if self.render_id:
canvas.coords(self.render_id, x1, y1, x2, y2)
self.render_id = canvas.create_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, width=2, outline="#4444ff")
def check_collide(self, position):
return (position < self.upleft).any() or (position > self.downright).any()
def collide(self, app):
class Boon(object):
def __init__(self, app):
self.render_id = None
self.position = point(-1, -1)
def check_collide(self, position):
return (self.position == position).all()
def pick(self, app):
xmin, ymin = map(int, app.bounds.upleft)
xmax, ymax = map(int, app.bounds.downright)
oldpos = self.position
snake = app.snake
while True:
pos = point(random.randint(xmin, xmax), random.randint(ymin, ymax))
if not snake.check_collide(pos) and not (oldpos == pos).all():
self.position = pos
def render(self, canvas, subtick):
x, y = self.position
coords = (x * 10 + 2, y * 10 + 2,
x * 10 + 8, y * 10 + 8)
if not self.render_id:
self.render_id = canvas.create_oval(*coords,
fill = "#ffeeee", outline = "#ff0000")
canvas.coords(self.render_id, *coords)
def collide(self, app):
if self.check_collide(app.snake.ahead()):
return True
class App(tkinter.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.canvas = cv = tkinter.Canvas(self)
cv.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH)
self.time_rate = 0.3
self.subtick = 0
self.direction = point(1, 0)
self.snake = Snake(self, point(5, 5), self.direction, 3)
self.bounds = Bounds(self, cv)
self.boon = Boon(self)
self.bind_all("<Up>", lambda e: self.chdir(point(0, -1)))
self.bind_all("<Down>", lambda e: self.chdir(point(0, 1)))
self.bind_all("<Left>", lambda e: self.chdir(point(-1, 0)))
self.bind_all("<Right>", lambda e: self.chdir(point(1, 0)))
self.last_time = None
self.snakeid = None
self.after(0, self.loop)
def chdir(self, new_dir):
if (-self.snake.direction == new_dir).all():
self.direction = new_dir
def loop(self):
t = time.monotonic()
if self.last_time is None:
self.last_time = t
self.subtick += (t - self.last_time) / self.time_rate
self.last_time = t
while self.subtick >= 1:
self.snake.direction = self.direction
self.subtick -= 1
if self.snake.collide(self):
self.time_rate = 0.3
if self.boon.collide(self):
self.time_rate /= 1.1
self.direction = self.snake.direction
self.snake.render(self.canvas, self.subtick)
self.bounds.render(self.canvas, self.subtick)
self.boon.render(self.canvas, self.subtick)
self.after(50, self.loop)
root = tkinter.Tk()
app = App(root)
app.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
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