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Created May 22, 2020 00:14
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Working development.ini for the uber plugin from my dev environment
cherrypy_mount_path = "/reggie"
url_root = "https://%(hostname)s"
organization_name = "MAGFest INC"
event_year = 2020
event_name = "MAGFest"
event_timezone = "US/Eastern"
event_venue = "The Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center"
event_venue_address = "201 Waterfront St, National Harbor, MD 20745"
send_emails = True
send_sms = False
enable_pending_emails_report = True
use_checkin_barcode = True
badge_promo_codes_enabled = True
prereg_confirm_email_enabled = True
collect_exact_birthdate = True
groups_enabled = True
kiosk_cc_enabled = True
only_prepay_at_door = False
numbered_badges = True
donations_enabled = True
collect_full_address = False
collect_extra_donation = True
collect_interests = True
volunteer_form_visible = False
show_custom_badge_input = True
shirt_sales_enabled = True
show_affiliates = True
student_discount = 0
api_enabled = True
hotels_enabled = True
mits_enabled = True
mivs_enabled = True
panels_enabled = True
attractions_enabled = True
prereg_request_hotel_info_duration = 0
prereg_hotel_info_email_sender = "Do Not Reply <>"
prereg_hotel_info_email_signature = "- MAGFest"
hotel_req_hours = 30
hours_for_refund = 24
code_of_conduct_url = ""
consent_form_url = ""
contact_url = ""
prereg_faq_url = ""
at_the_con = True
post_con = False
uber_shut_down = False
admin_email = "MAGFest Sys Admin <>"
developer_email = "MAGFest Software <>"
security_email = "MAGFest Security <>"
regdesk_email = "MAGFest Registration <>"
regdesk_email_signature = '''MAGFest Registration Department
MAGFest Inc.
staff_email = "MAGFest Staffing <>"
stops_email_signature = '''Thank You,
Staff Operations: MAGFest Inc.
marketplace_email = "MAGFest Marketplace <>"
marketplace_email_signature = '''- Danielle Pomfrey,
MAGFest Marketplace Coordinator
panels_email = "MAGFest Panels <>"
peglegs_email_signature = '''- Tom Hyre,
MAGFest Director of Panel Operations
guest_email = "MAGFest Guests <>"
guest_email_signature = '''- Steph Prader,
MAGFest Guest Coordinator
band_email = "MAGFest Music Department <>"
band_email_signature = "- MAGFest Music Department"
out_of_shirts = False
shirts_per_staffer = 2
separate_staff_merch = True
max_badge_sales = 22999
max_dealers = 20
max_dealer_apps = 515
preassigned_badge_types = "staff_badge","contractor_badge"
shiftless_depts = "dorsai","marketplace","simulations","merch_contractor","con_ops","arcade_crew"
shift_custom_badges = True
hide_prereg_open_date = True
mivs_confirm_deadline = 14
mivs_submission_grace_period = 10
mivs_start_year = 2013
treasury_dept_checklist_form_url = ""
techops_dept_checklist_form_url = ""
expected_response = "December 2019"
panel_rooms = "panels_1","panels_2","panels_3","panels_4","panels_5","tabletop_panels","the_forge"
tabletop_locations = "tabletop_tournaments","tabletop_tournaments_2","tabletop_indie"
music_rooms = "concerts","chiptunes","pose_lounge","lobby_bar","jamspace","jam_clinic","jam_shop"
alt_schedule_url = ""
require_dedicated_guest_table_presence = True
rock_island_groups = "band","guest"
default_loadin_minutes = 20
default_performance_minutes = 40
accessibility_services_enabled = True
dealer_term = "seller"
sqlalchemy_max_overflow = 15
dealer_app_term = "marketplace application"
panels_twilio_number = "+12405415595"
tabletop_twilio_number = "+15713646627"
discountable_badge_types = "attendee_badge","child_badge"
dealer_helper_term = "Marketplace Assistant"
dealer_reg_term = "marketplace registration"
mivs_training_password = "WHATISARUG"
dev_box = True
dealer_loc_term = "marketplace"
path = ""
event_qr_id = "sm19"
social_media = "Social Media Info",
sqlalchemy_pool_size = 10
year = 2020
hostname = ""
beat_schedule_filename = "/tmp/celerybeat-schedule.db"
stripe_public_key = "pk_test_q4kSJVwk6LXKv2ahxuVn7VOK"
barcode_event_id = 255
barcode_salt = 255
barcode_key = "TEST ONLY!"
stripe_secret_key = "sk_test_QHnlImUs68dQFxgTfVauz5Ue"
sqlalchemy_url = "postgres://reggie:reggie@"
broker_url = "amqp://reggie:reggie@"
uploaded_files_dir = "/srv/mnt/reggie/uploaded_files"
prereg_open = "2019-08-28 12"
shifts_created = "2019-11-02"
room_deadline = "2019-11-14"
shirt_deadline = "2019-11-25"
supporter_deadline = "2019-11-18"
placeholder_deadline = "2019-12-26"
uber_takedown = "2020-01-07"
epoch = "2020-01-02 08"
eschaton = "2020-01-06 20"
prereg_takedown = "2020-01-02"
group_prereg_takedown = "2020-01-02"
printed_badge_deadline = "2019-11-15"
dealer_reg_start = "2019-08-16 20"
dealer_reg_deadline = ""
dealer_reg_shutdown = "2019-08-27 20"
dealer_payment_due = "2019-11-04"
badge_price_waived = "2020-01-05 16"
mivs_start = "2019-09-01"
mivs_deadline = "2019-09-22"
mivs_judging_deadline = "2019-10-20"
mivs_results_reveal = "2019-10-28"
panels_deadline = "2019-10-31"
rock_island_deadline = "2019-11-17"
auction_start = "2020-01-08 11"
band_panel_deadline = "2019-09-30"
band_bio_deadline = "2019-09-07"
band_info_deadline = "2019-09-07"
band_taxes_deadline = "2019-08-31"
band_merch_deadline = "2019-09-16"
band_charity_deadline = "2019-12-15"
band_badges_deadline = "2019-12-15"
band_stage_plot_deadline = "2019-09-24"
guest_panel_deadline = "2019-10-21"
guest_bio_deadline = "2019-10-21"
guest_info_deadline = "2019-11-01"
guest_taxes_deadline = "2019-10-21"
guest_merch_deadline = "2019-10-21"
guest_charity_deadline = "2019-10-21"
guest_badges_deadline = "2019-12-01"
guest_autograph_deadline = "2019-10-21"
guest_interview_deadline = "2019-10-21"
guest_travel_plans_deadline = "2019-10-21"
prereg_hotel_eligibility_cutoff = "2019-09-03"
refund_start = "2019-09-19 8"
mits_submission_deadline = "2019-11-14"
mits_editing_deadline = "2019-12-28"
dealer_waitlist_closed = ""
band_mc_deadline = "2019-09-30"
staff_badge = 25,2999
guest_badge = 3000,3600
attendee_badge = 3601,39999
one_day_badge = 40000,49999
child_badge = 50000,59999
one_days_enabled = False
initial_attendee = 79
dealer_badge_price = 50
group_discount = 10
presell_one_days = False
2020-01-03 = 85
2020-01-06 = 20
2020-01-05 = 60
2020-01-04 = 80
attendee_badge = 12388
default_price = 350
1 = 150
2 = 250
3 = 400
4 = 550
shirt_level = 25
supporter_level = 75
season_level = 200
no shirt = 0
S Unisex = 1
M Unisex = 2
L Unisex = 3
XL Unisex = 4
2XL Unisex = 5
3XL Unisex = 6
4XL Unisex = 11
5XL Unisex = 12
S Unisex slim fit = 14
M Unisex slim fit = 15
L Unisex slim fit = 16
XL Unisex slim fit = 17
2XL Unisex slim fit = 18
S Women's = 7
M Women's = 8
L Women's = 9
XL Women's = 10
2XL Women's = 13
S Women's slim fit = 19
M Women's slim fit = 20
L Women's slim fit = 21
XL Women's slim fit = 22
2XL Women's slim fit = 23
No thanks = 0
T-Shirt Bundle = "SHIRT_LEVEL"
Barrel Roller = 200
One Event Shirt and One Staff Shirt = 1
Two Staff Shirts = 0
name = "No thanks"
icon = ""
description = "No thanks"
link = ""
merch_items = "Sun Cats",
link = "../static_views/barrel_roller.html|../static_views/secret.html"
description = "Sun Cats Figure Set|Secret Invitation"
name = "Barrel Roller"
icon = "../static/icons/barrel_roller.png"
link = "../static_views/supporter.html|../static_views/swadge.html"
description = "Super Swag Bag|Swadge"
name = "Supporter"
icon = "../static/icons/supporter.png"
link = "../static_views/ribbon.html|../static_views/tshirt.html|../static_views/tshirt.html"
description = "Ribbon|T-Shirt|Event Pin"
name = "T-Shirt Bundle"
icon = "../static/icons/iconshirt.png"
attendee_badge = "Attendee"
child_badge = "Minor"
staff_badge = "Staff"
guest_badge = "Guest"
one_day_badge = "One Day"
band = "RockStar"
mivs = "Indie Dev"
under_13 = "12 & Under"
marketplace = "Marketplace"
regdesk = "Registration"
loadin = "Logistics"
film_fest = "Games on Film"
signage = "Signage"
lan = "LAN"
dispatch = "Dispatch"
challenges = "Challenges"
attendee_service = "Attendee Services"
vrzone = "VRZone"
tabletop = "Tabletop"
simulations = "Simulations"
tech_ops = "Tech Ops"
con_ops = "Fest Ops"
loudr = "Rock Island"
larp = "LARP"
console = "Consoles"
concert_tech = "Main Theater Tech"
arcade = "Arcade"
reg_managers = "Reg Managers"
museum = "Museum"
concert_ops = "Main Theater Operations"
shedspace = "Jam Clinic"
stops = "Staffing Ops"
mops = "MEDIATRON!"
indie_arcade = "Indie Arcade"
zombie_tag = "Zombie Tag"
treasury = "Treasury"
music = "Music"
jamspace = "Jam Space"
indie_tabletop = "Indie Tabletop"
autographs = "Autographs"
events = "Events"
tabletop_rpg = "Tabletop (Pathfinder)"
indie_games = "Indie Games"
rescuers = "Rescuers"
hotel = "Hotel"
public_safety = "Public Safety"
chipspace = "Chipspace"
dorsai = "Dorsai"
food_prep = "Staff Suite"
tabletop_ccg = "Tabletop (CCG)"
charity = "Charity"
staff_support = "Staff Support"
arcade_crew = "Arcade_Crew"
tabletop_ddal = "Tabletop (DDAL)"
merch = "Merchandise"
tea_room = "Staff Tea Room"
merch_contractor = "Yetee Staff"
mages = "MAGES"
security = "Security"
panels = "Panels"
escape_room = "Escape Room"
anything = "Anything"
lan = "LAN"
security = "Security"
console = "Consoles"
arcade = "Arcade"
regdesk = "Registration"
film_fest = "Film Festival"
panels = "Panels"
indie_games = "Indie Showcase"
challenges = "Challenges Booth"
charity = "Charity"
other = "Other"
tea_room = "Staff Tea Room"
chipspace = "Chipspace"
staff_support = "Staff Support"
tabletop = "Tabletop"
tech_ops = "Tech Ops"
jamspace = "Jam Space"
food_prep = "Staff Suite"
museum = "Museum"
loudr = "Rock Island (Merch)"
lan = "LAN"
tournaments = "Tournaments"
console = "Consoles"
dealers = "Marketplace"
arcade = "Arcade"
Jams = "Jam Space"
music = "Concerts"
tabletop = "Tabletop games"
panels = "Guests/Panels"
prints = "Prints"
vgames = "Video Games"
tshirts = "T-shirts"
handmade = "General Handmade"
general = "General Merchandise"
lanyards = "Lanyards/Keychains"
plushes = "Plushes"
figures = "Figures"
perler = "Perler Beads"
bath = "Bath Products"
jewelry = "Jewelry"
concerts = "Concerts (Potomac Ballrooms)"
panels_1 = "Panels 1 (Cherry Blossom Ballroom)"
panels_2 = "Panels 2 (Woodrow Wilson Ballroom)"
panels_3 = "Panels 3 (Woodrow Wilson Ballroom)"
panels_4 = "Panels 4 (Annapolis 1-3)"
panels_5 = "Panels 5 (National Harbor 14-15)"
lobby_bar = "Belvedere Lobby Bar"
Museum = "Museum (Chesapeake D,E,F)"
mages_2 = "MAGES 2 (Chesapeake 10,11,12)"
mages_1 = "MAGES 1 (Chesapeake 7,8,9)"
ddal = "D&D Adventurers League, 5th edition (National Harbor 4,5,8)"
vrzone = "VRZone (Baltimore 1,2)"
simulations = "Artemis (National Harbor 10,11)"
tabletop_tournaments = "Tabletop Tournaments 1 (Riverview Ballroom)"
console_tournament = "Console (Gameroom Tournaments 1)"
starship_horizons = "Starship Horizons (National Harbor 10,11)"
console_tournament_2 = "Console (Gameroom Tournaments 3)"
lan_2 = "LAN 2"
magfest_vs = "Indie Arcade Tournaments (Expo Hall B)"
tabletop_panels = "Tabletop Discussions (Riverview Ballroom)"
the_forge = "Makerspace (Baltimore 3,4)"
tabletop_tournaments_2 = "Tabletop Tournaments 2 (Riverview Ballroom)"
zombie_tag = "Zombie Tag (Magnolia 1)"
console_tournament_4 = "Console (Gameroom Tournaments 4)"
console_tournament_5 = "Console (Smash Bros Tournaments)"
demoparty = "Demoparty (Magnolia 3)"
autographs = "Autographs Red (Expo Hall E)"
autographs_1 = "Autographs Blue (Expo Hall E)"
lan_1 = "LAN 1"
rock_island = "Rock Island - Band Merch (Potomac 1)"
arcade_tournaments_1 = "Arcade (Tournaments 1)"
arcade_tournaments_2 = "Arcade (Tournaments 2)"
arcade_tournaments_3 = "Arcade (Tournaments 3)"
arcade_tournaments_4 = "Arcade (Pinball)"
arcade_tournaments_5 = "Arcade (Tournaments 4)"
laser_tag = "Laser Tag (Chesapeake A,B,C)"
pathfinder = "Pathfinder (National Harbor 6,7)"
larp = "LARP (National Harbor 14,15)"
film_fest = "MAGES Workshop (Chesapeake 1,2)"
tabletop_indie = "Tabletop Indie Showcase (Riverview Ballroom)"
tabletop_ccg = "Tabletop CCG (National Harbor 1,2,3)"
chiptunes = "Chipspace (Potomac Hallway)"
soapbox = "The Soapbox (Magnolia 2)"
forum = "Forum (Chesapeake H,I)"
jamspace = "Jamspace + Community Curated Stage (Eastern Shore 1,2,3)"
pose_lounge = "POSE Lounge"
console_stage = "Arena (Maryland C)"
lan_theater = "LAN Theater"
jam_shop = "Jam Shop (Chesapeake 3)"
console_attendee = "Console (Gameroom Tournaments 2)"
jam_clinic = "Jam Clinic (Chesapeake 4,5,6)"
MegaManathon = "Mega Man-athon/MAGFast (Maryland Hallway)"
escape_room = "Robotics (Expo Hall E)"
turkey = "Turkey"
cheese = "Cheese"
ham = "Ham"
salad = "Prefer salad instead of sandwich"
jelly = "Jelly"
peanut_butter = "Peanut Butter"
pork = "No pork"
nuts = "No nuts"
gluten = "No gluten"
vegan = "Vegetarian/Vegan"
physical_activity = "Physical Activity (either group participation or performance)"
mivs = "Indie Developer Showcase"
gameshow = "Gameshow"
movie = "Movie Screening"
karaoke = "Karaoke/Sing a Long"
qa = "Question & Answer"
workshop = "Workshop"
music = "Music Performance (Jam Clinic)"
learn_to_play = "Learn to Play"
basic = "Lecture"
performance = "Comedy Performance"
group_discussion = "Group Discussion with Moderator"
other = "Other"
participation = "Audience Participation"
advanced_av = "Podcast/Vodcast Recording"
no_merch = "Not selling merch"
own_table = "Dedicated table"
rock_island = "Rock Island"
2xl = "2XL"
xl = "XL"
m = "M"
l = "L"
s = "S"
no_sweatpants = "Select a sweatpants size"
deadline = "2019-10-24"
description = '''We have the ability to import shifts from MAGFest 2017 to MAGFest 2019, if you are only making minor changes and want assistance with this step, please let us know.
path = "/shifts_admin/index?department_id={department_id}"
path = "/dept_checklist/hotel_eligible?department_id={department_id}"
deadline = "2019-11-07"
name = "Staffers Requesting Hotel Space"
description = "Double check that everyone in your department who you know needs hotel space has requested it."
path = "/dept_checklist/tech_requirements?department_id={department_id}"
deadline = "2019-11-10"
name = "Tech Requirements"
description = "What do you need in terms of laptops, projectors, cables, internet access, etc?"
path = "/shifts_admin/shifts?department_id={department_id}"
email_post_con = True
deadline = "2020-01-23"
name = "(After the Event) Marking + Rating Shifts"
description = '''After the weekend is over, we'll want all department heads to ensure that their volunteers had their shifts marked and rated.
deadline = "2019-12-05"
description = "Do you need any paper, pens, sharpies, tripods, whiteboards, scissors, staplers, etc?"
deadline = "2019-12-05"
description = "Other than a sign for your area, what printed signs/banners/forms do you need?"
path = "/dept_checklist/logistics?department_id={department_id}"
deadline = "2019-11-21"
name = "Logistics Needs"
description = "What do you need brought from the warehouse?"
path = "/dept_checklist/hotel_setup?department_id={department_id}"
deadline = "2019-11-14"
name = "Hotel Setup Information"
description = "Do you need tables, chairs, trash cans, water dispensers, etc?"
path = "/dept_checklist/allotments?department_id={department_id}"
deadline = "2019-10-31"
name = "Treasury Information"
description = "If you need cash and/or mpoints, tell us your department schedule and your specific cash needs."
path = "/shifts_admin/staffers?department_id={department_id}"
deadline = "2019-10-24"
name = "Volunteers Assigned to Your Department"
description = '''Check all of the volunteers currently assigned to your department to make sure no one is missing AND that no one is there who shouldn't be.
path = "/dept_checklist/treasury?department_id={department_id}"
deadline = "2019-10-31"
name = "MPoint Needs"
description = "Tell us whether you need any mpoints for your department."
deadline = "2019-12-05"
description = '''Besides the ribbons given out at registration, you may need your own ribbon type to help manage access to certain restricted areas. If so, please let us know what they should say, how many you'll need, and what color you'd like them to be. These ribbons will be given to you at the beginning of MAGFest to distribute to whoever needs them. (Note: Small orders of ribbons are very expensive - please request a ribbon type only if you need it, and tell us why you need it so we can make sure there's no duplication between departments.)
path = "/registration/placeholders?department_id={department_id}"
deadline = "2019-11-07"
name = "Checking Placeholder Registrations"
description = '''We create placeholder registrations for volunteers and ask them to fill out the rest of their information and also confirm that they'll be coming. We need our department heads to review the unclaimed badges for their departments to check for any essential volunteers who haven't claimed their badges.
path = "/dept_checklist/hotel_requests?department_id={department_id}"
deadline = "2019-11-07"
name = "Approve/Decline Additional Hotel Nights"
description = '''An overwhelming majority of staffers want to work setup and teardown shifts rather than work during the event itself, so we have far more offers than we have need for. Since this affects what hotel nights staffers get, please approve and decline requests for this for people in your department. Please only approve staffers who will sign up for a setup or teardown shift in your department.
99 = "staffing/shifts_item.html"
2 = "staffing/food_item.html"
3 = "staffing/hotel_item.html"
4 = "staffing/shirt_item.html"
social_media_info = ""
start = "2019-12-15"
editable = True
name = "MIVS Training"
deadline = "2019-12-30"
description = "MIVS Training is a google form to help you learn about being an Indie at MAGFest."
editable = True
deadline = "2019-12-01"
name = "Selling at MAGFest"
description = '''We are allowing Indies to sell items directly related to your game or studio in MIVS. Studios will need to sign a waiver and provide some information for tax purposes.
editable = True
deadline = "2019-11-27"
name = "MIVS Discussion Group"
description = '''The primary contact for your game will be added to a MIVS Google Discussion group. You may enter emails for any team members associated with your game who you think should also be added to the group.
deadline = "2019-11-27"
name = "Accept Core Hours"
description = '''In exchange for your space and two free badges, MIVS expects your studio to have your booth area up-and-running during core hours. You also must have at least one representative from your studio present, in your booth, during core hours.
editable = True
deadline = "2019-11-27"
name = "Hotel Signups"
description = '''As a part of MIVS, you may purchase one hotel room for the Gaylord. This room is for your use and you are not allowed to transfer your reservation to someone else unless authorized by MAGFest. Dropping out of MIVS may cause your room to be canceled.
start = "2019-12-15"
deadline = "2019-12-30"
name = "Indie Handbook"
description = "The MIVS Indie Handbook is here to give you information about being a MIVS Participant."
social_media_info = "List social media sites you use and include a link to your page, or your username."
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